Litchi Faye Ling - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I'd like to request some litchi relationship hcs possibly with a reader that gets hurt a lot and ends up at her clinic.


Holy fuck I ended up making this a long ass post for just one character, Jesus Christ. Blazblue just does that to me I guess lmao, especially since it's my first post for it. Hope you enjoy, this was a ton of fun to do.

Obviously for the sake of this ask, Litchi didn't have any romantic attraction to Roy. She's trying to save a friend from a horrific fate.

Litchi Faye-Ling

I'd Like To Request Some Litchi Relationship Hcs Possibly With A Reader That Gets Hurt A Lot And Ends

-The two of you first met when Litchi joined Sector Seven, you were working under Kokonoe just like her and Roy, but instead of a scientist working in the lab like them you were one of the professor's field agents.

-Just like everyone else you quickly started picking up on Roy going insane. Then the whole ordeal happened when he fell into the Boundary, came out as...whatever the fuck that thing was, and Litchi soon left. She really didn't want to leave you, but she felt as if she needed to go save Roy.

-As much as it hurt, you respected her wishes, and the two of you promised to see each other again someday.

-Fast forward to after the Ikaruga Civil War ended, and you're out doing field work for Kokonoe in Kagutsuchi. You're confronted by some NOL officers that tell you a level D alert has been enacted in the city due to rumors of the criminal known as the Grim Reaper being here and that you're to leave immediately.

-Naturally you stand your ground. You're on a mission for Kokonoe and frankly you don't wanna find out the consequences of failing. A battle inevitably breaks out, you barely manage to get out of that shitshow, though not without a healthy dose of wounds.

-You honestly have no idea where you are at this point, however you see a building nearby that looks like a clinic. Seeing nowhere else to go, you take the liberty of inviting yourself in, holding your side in an attempt to hold back the bleeding.

-Imagine the surprise on both yours and Litchi's faces when you come through the door. Once the shock subsides it quickly turns into confusion and then worry once she sees the state you're in.

-You're probably out of commission for at least a couple weeks, and once Litchi makes sure you're not going to die, the anxiety calms down. It's been quite a while since you two last saw each other, so you have a good time catching up. What has Litchi been doing since she left? How'd she end up here starting a clinic while following Roy? How are Tager and Kokonoe doing?

-Soon you're deemed healed enough to leave, however being a field agent for someone like Kokonoe of all people it's only a matter of time before you find yourself trudging back to the small clinic out in Orient Town.

-With each passing visit Litchi only worries more and more for you. Eventually old feelings start to resurface and she realizes exactly where this worry stems from.

-One day you get a bit too brash and come back with particularly bad injuries, ones that could've potentially been fatal. you barely make through the door of clinic before passing out. Upon finally waking up you receive a pretty good scolding from the doctor about you needing to be more careful. Is it just you or does there seem to be a small hint of color on her face...?

-Once she finally calms down you confront her about it. It was really a simple question of her seeming more worried than usual, yet it's enough to make her freeze up. Eventually she knows she can't hide the truth anymore, and finally reveals what she's been feeling ever since your days at Sector Seven together.

-Being taken aback that such a kind, smart, and drop-dead gorgeous woman felt that way about you, you are more than happy to return her affections.

-Being a doctor, Litchi naturally feels the urge to take care of you. There may or may not be some naughty thoughts going through both your heads about a "thorough examination" lmao.

-This is the kind of woman you should wish to have. Being as stubborn as she is in saving Roy, that kind of loyalty will naturally be extended to her partner. She will risk it all for you if it means keeping you safe. You will not find a more dedicated and loyal partner than her.

-A relationship with her would be...a work in progress. There's a fair bit of emotional baggage on her part especially due to her mission in saving Roy. Though having known Roy yourself you're more than willing to help out in anyway you can. Whether that's through your field expertise, helping her test out some new method you might find of pulling someone out of the Boundary, trying to squeeze whatever info you can from Kokonoe without revealing your intentions, or just in general acting as emotional support You're there for her just as much as she is for you when it matters.

-Overall, a relationship with Litchi is extremely fulfilling in every possible way as long as both of you put in the work, and I mean every possible way. I'll leave that part up to your imagination...

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11 months ago

On you write for Blazeblue, neat.

do you have any basic relationship headcanons for Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto?

Well I technically did HCs for Litchi already but that was a lot more story driven. Fuck it, we ball.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-Bullet is a very naive, brash lover. That's by no means negative, but that's just how she is.

-As show in the Spectacles of Eros reel, she sorta just follows whatever advice she's told, calling you whatever pet names she comes across and tries to show affection in some rather...odd ways.

-If you have a bad day, she'll try doing the "hot pants" thing she read in the Ikaruga Walker. As tempting as the idea is, you'll have to stop her from doing that in public.

-Conventional dates aren't exactly her forte, a safe way to ease her into it is with training/sparring dates. If you're not the most adept fighter out there she can get you at least up to a level where you can confidently defend yourself in an emergency.

-If you weren't part of the squad she was in, you'll have to come to know about it eventually, it's her entire motivation for why she's doing what she is.

-You're probably already travelling with her to help her find her Captain if you end up dating her. She really appreciates the company. It helps her feel less lonely when things get tough.

-If you want to sleep in the same tent at night it's probably gonna have to be initiated by you. Bullet's too nervous to do so, she thinks that would be too forward of her.

-If you're the more physically affectionate type, you're basically a godsend to the poor woman, she is so unbelievably touch starved.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-There's a good chance you're a fair bit younger than Litchi. She's not old obviously by any means but she's probably going to take a more dominant role in the relationship though you probably don't have any qualms with that.

-She tends to default to being a caretaker due to her background as a doctor. She makes sure that you're eating well, getting enough exercise, etc. She can be a bit nagging at times, but she does have your best interest at heart.

-You help Litchi out in her clinic often whenever Linhua isn't available. She appreciates the extra pair of hands when things get particularly busy or when Tao gets up to her shenanigans again.

-She knows she can't always be there to help you as much as you both wish she could, so she's sure to drive how to at the very least do first-aid into you.

-If the way she's so hellbent on saving Roy is any indication, Litchi is the most dedicated partner you could ever hope to have. She will go 200 percent of the way to help you, no matter what it takes. Her heart is huge as a lover, she'll make any sacrifice necessary to make sure you're safe and sound.

-You very quickly become one of the most important things to her. Call and she'll be there in an instant for anything you need. She'll make sure you're as fulfilled as she can make you.

-As mentioned in the last Litchi ask, a relationship with her is fulfilling in every possible way. Yes, that obviously includes the bedroom. You're down for a "physical exam" anytime with a doctor that hot.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-Makoto's feelings towards you probably start off in your days at Torifune together, after you defend her from racially motivated bullying.

-The only other person to stand up like that for her was Tsubaki, it wasn't an everyday occurrence for her. Such continued kindness even after that meant she fell relatively quickly.

-Makoto tries not to fire back at the bullies, it never ended well for her, but if you're a human yourself you don't have to worry about that, always coming to her defense at the first sight of discrimination.

-A very outgoing, wear her heart on her sleeves type of person overall. She's quite physically affectionate, and PDA is no problem for her, but she'll at least refrain from that if you're not comfortable with it.

-When you're alone though, expect to see no mercy from the onslaught on hugs and cuddles. You welcome it though, especially when she wraps her tail around you to make sure you're extra comfy.

-Makoto absolutely shows you off to her friends, namely the rest of the Remix Heart team, who immediately take to you. If you were able to earn Makoto's heart, they know they can trust you.

-It's honestly only a matter of time before you inevitably find out she was acting as a mole for Kokonoe, whether she likes it or not. It's a long conversation to sit down for as she explains all the business about the Imperator, the corruption of the NOL, and whatnot. Thankfully you're pretty inclined to believe her as she's your girlfriend, and especially as you see Tsubaki being taken by the Mind Eater.

-Even without that, you wanna return some of the loyalty Makoto has so gladly shown you for all the time you've known each other. You'll stick by her no matter the consequences.

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9 months ago

hospital bill

Hospital Bill

The one hospital bill I'd be okay with paying

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9 months ago

Ok so what if Litchi had an s/o that was just cool with Arakune? Like she sees them chiling and they're like "yeah that's a pretty fucked up looking dog"

Family pet Arakune is funny to think about lmao

Ok So What If Litchi Had An S/o That Was Just Cool With Arakune? Like She Sees Them Chiling And They're

-Your first interaction with Arakune was quite the experience, to say the least. Something you obviously couldn't have seen coming, either.

-When dating Litchi, she takes you over to visit the Kaka village very so often, quickly earning a positive reputation as "boobie lady's mate." Their words, not yours. They don't really understand human terminology for relationships that well so that was their primitive understanding of it.

-One of the older ones, Tao, warned you of a squiggly, whatever the fuck that was. It apparently snuck up on the kittens and tried to eat them. It didn't sound like good news.

-You were exploring a more isolated part of the village in your tour around to get to know the place when you noticed a strange looking blob pulsating and moving around. Said blob quickly seemed to...stand up(?) and attack you. Naturally you ran as far as you could out of primal instinct.

-You found Litchi who seemed to be looking for you and an odd expression came onto her face as she caught sight of your chaser, but with her Boundary powers was able to fight and scare it away.

-As soon as she makes sure you're not injured, she takes you back to the clinic, having finished her business there with the elder and explains what the hell it was.

-It's a long, weird, explanation you don't fully grasp, but you understand the basics. It's an old coworker of hers that fell into the Boundary, which was apparently another realm where all seithr comes from, came back as that creature somehow, and she's trying to find a way to turn him back to normal.

-It was very clear that this was a goal that was extremely important to her, and from what she said, falling into the Boundary was not a fun experience. You couldn't really do anything to help directly, so the best thing you could do was offer your support.

-If and when you ever meet Arakune, or Roy, again, you do your best to make sure no one hurts him and let Litchi know you spotted him right away. You figured you could at least do that much if nothing else. You wanna meet him too if your girlfriend really cared about him this much. The real him, at least.

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