Lando Calrissian - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

^^^^ THIS.

no spoilers: tros review

I saw the rise of skywalker a few hours ago. 

I’m so heartbroken.

not because of the movie.

I’m heartbroken for the “fans” who didn’t allow themselves to enjoy it because it was so beautiful and exciting and stunning and bittersweet and yeah, flawed but overall just so amazing.

and you’ll never get to experience all of that. there’s no second first viewing. this rotten experience is all you have.

the last, I don’t know, and hour of the movie my heart raced none stop. I was an emotional ball of gasps, sobs, laughs, cheers and tears. after the movie was over, my friend and I just sat there, as people filed out, just gasping for air. 

you call yourselves star wars fans and yet forget what it’s truly about and what it stands for: exciting space action, flawed plot, sometimes sloppy execution, fairytales, love and amazing score. that’s it. that’s star wars. and that’s what the movie delivered. 

I was going to say I loved every second of it, but that’s not true. there were things I fundamentally disagreed with. some things just didn’t make sense.

but that’s star wars for you. 

this movie had an extra level of difficulty since they had to write the story around unused footage of a deceased actress.

they did the best they could.

I’m sure at some point my brain will tell me to address the flaws but right now they’re nothing compared to all the emotions movie hit me with. I’m still processing. 

every few minutes a scene from the movie pops into my head and corresponding emotion hits me like a train. 

they delivered a film I’ll never forget.

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2 years ago

One of the things that will always warm my heart is the genuine emotion that occurs between a sailor and a ship. I love it when it is depicted in any form of media.

Things like:

- The song Eight Bells by the Jolly Rogers

- the Millennium Falcon and all her pilots and captains

- the Black Pearl and both Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa. They always return to her in the series

- the crew of the Rocinante from the Expanse among others.

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1 year ago
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals
Medieval Star Wars By Jake Bartok - Originals

medieval star wars by jake bartok - originals

prequels (part 1)

prequels (part 2)



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6 months ago
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight And Least Observant Person In The Galaxy

luke skywalker, jedi knight and least observant person in the galaxy

(commission info // tip jar!)

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2 years ago

Loved these two Especially the actor for Lando, perfection!!

Han Solo And Lando Calrissian Solo - A Star Wars Story

Han Solo And Lando Calrissian “Solo - A Star Wars Story”

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1 year ago

The “A Star Wars Story” concept is the best thing that got stiffed in Disney Star Wars. Everyone collectively agrees that Rogue One is a phenomenal movie but I think that Solo deserves the same kind of love.

Solo is not nearly as good as Rogue One but really I didn’t expect it to be and I think it is an incredibly entertaining and enjoyable movie that adds to the Han Solo character without vastly changing things about him.

People point to Alden Erenreich as not the best choice to play Han Solo but when I’m 10 minutes into his performance and he’s being exactly the stuck up, over confident, douche he is in the beginning of A New Hope I had no question on the casting choice

Solo ranked fairly low at the box office and that seems to be the reason Disney hasn’t made a Star Wars Story movie again. I think exploring these smaller stories that don’t really have to impact the whole galaxy like the main ones do is such an interesting and exciting concept that just got canned.

I wish they’d bring it back but I can sit and enjoy my two Star Wars Story movies without a need for more.

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2 years ago

theres so many time travel fics where luke, rey, hell, even revan or some other Wise Jedi Pupil time travels to the clone wars. but i wanna see everyone in the original trilogy crew EXCEPT luke (or any jedi) show up on coruscant in the middle of TCW like “what in the back to the future is this shit”

think leia, han, chewie, and lando just fucking around trying to keep the world from going to shit

and theres SO MUCH CHAOS.

leia’s trying to bullshit her way through why she looks so much like padme, with anakins temper, but is also weirdly, intimately familiar with alderaan and its customs

even though bail organa has no idea who this spicy feral politician child is or why she started crying when she first saw him

leia also probably has to be physically restrained the first time she sees anakin

han somehow gets tangled up with Young Boba Fett and that’s a whole issue- theres lot of explosions

(he probably stops that whole deal with the child trafficking and gets a reward from the republic or smth, which he wont stop talking about)

chewie finds ahsoka, somehow, and she recognizes him and is like “YOOO WHAT UP ITS MY HUNGER GAMES BUDDY”

and chewie is now hanging out with a teenager who thinks they met last week when really for him it was like 20 years ago.

this is how they meet up with the jedi and co.

and its awkward

leia is standing there seething, things floating in the air around her and she wont stop giving anakin the stink eye

while han (who is currently trying to mingle with the young version of that old dude luke was super attached to, so please dont ruin it, leia) just fake laughs and wraps his arm around her and whispers sweet nothings in her ear

chewie is having a blast freaking out the clones by just randomly roaring in their ears as they walk by

rex is ready to curl up in a ball because now his ship is even more chaotic

lando flirts with every jedi he meets Just Because

they tagged along to fight w the clones and jedi in a battle because what else do they have to do

and everyone is expecting them to all get killed because, i mean, have you met them?

and this little ragtag group ends up CARRYING the battle and its over very quickly

they decided to use Espionage and Sneaking to break into the separatist base and destroy it

chewie probably vaulted leia over a wall and she just fucked shit up

later, anakin offhandedly mentions palpatine and leia blurts out “if i see that old raisin, its on sight” and everyone is like o.O

luke is in the future wondering how THE FUCK hes supposed to fix this

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6 years ago

Things I don’t really see people talking about from Solo:

-They had Lando pronounce Han “Hān”

-and made it REALLY SUPER clear that parsecs were a unit of distance (but made doing the Kessel run in 12 parsecs still really impressive)

-just to cover some relatively minor plot holes from the original trilogy

-and I absolutely loved it.

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