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11 years ago
My Collection Of #Starwars #twistheads So Far #jarjarbings #jangofett #c3po #obiwan #padmamidala #clonetrooper

My collection of #Starwars #twistheads so far #jarjarbings #jangofett #c3po #obiwan #padméamidala #clonetrooper

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11 years ago
Sadly Missing R2-D2 :( #starwars #darthvader #padmamidala #c3po #yoda #obiwan #stormtrooper #jangofett

Sadly missing R2-D2 :( #starwars #darthvader #padméamidala #c3po #yoda #obiwan #stormtrooper #jangofett #countdooku #jarjarbings

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2 years ago

Missed Alot - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan x reader daughter

Warnings: none

Word count: 746

Summary: A long time ago when the order was still intact, Obi-Wan had a fling with that resulted in a baby. He was never there but now that the Orders gone and he’s free in a sense, why not go find her?

Authors Note: I swear I had someone in messages that wanted to be tagged in all Obi-Wan stuff when I did post some but I went through every single conversation I have and I could not find you so I’m sorry! I believe this is my first Obi-Wan Imagines so I hope you all enjoy it!

Happy New Years Eve!

(Thought this was a good one that goes with new beginngs. Start of something new like a new year)


STARWARS Masterlist


Missed Alot - Obi-Wan Kenobi

(He's not necessarily as old as he is in the gif for this fiction cause this fiction is kinda like months after Revenge of the sith)

“What are you doing here?” Y/n grumbled not even turning to look at the man who’s presence she felt. She couldn’t believe he was showing up here. After everything, it was a bold move.

“I came to see you.” Obi-Wan stated but he still felt unsure about what he was doing here. After all, he had a lot to make up for.

Y/n shook her head and scoffed, turning to face him. “Why? Why now?”


“No. You haven’t been in my life before. So why now?” Y/n crossed her arms staring at him. Obi-Wan couldn’t get an exact read on her or her emotions. He decided to do it. But knowing it and actually having to face it are very different.

“I couldn’t before, not with the order and its rules.” It was a pathetic reason, he knew that. But it was true.

“So what? Now that Anakin turned against you and the Jedi are gone you want to be here? Or cause you can?” Y/n asked even though she could feel her heart clench at her own words. Afraid of knowing how true and right she might be.

“You know about Anakin’s turn?” Obi-Wan asked with a very deep confusion. How’d she know about Anakin's turn to the dark side?

“He’s visited me before.” Y/n was vague, giving a lift of her shoulders. Her father's padawan had visited her before, multiple times over the years. They met once, Anakin was in trouble and Y/n had happened to be there and saved him. Using the force to save him. “So? Tell me.”

Y/n still wanted an answer to why he was suddenly here and wanted to talk.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to be there but the order has rules. Rules not easily broken.” Obi-Wan explained with a sad sense of dasavue, having said the same thing to Anakin once.

Y/n shook her head in disbelief even though she wasn’t shocked that that was his answer. “You broke them easy enough to sleep with my mother and help create me.”

She had him there. No denying that. “Your right.”

“I know.” Y/n stated shifting on her feet not liking the situation that kinda felt like a stand off. But she wasn’t going to just back down and let him walk into her life he’d been there for all of it.

“I can’t take back never being there. But I did check up on your mother and you over the years.” He told her knowing it didn’t make up for never being there but hopped it gave her some idea that he really did care. That he wanted to be there for her but couldn’t.

“I know that to.” Y/n gave him a small smile which he returned but with questioning eyes. He never came up to them or talked to them. How could she of known? “I could sense you.”

“Sense me? You mean.” And then it dawned on Obi-Wan. She inherited the force from him.

“Yeah. I’m force sensitive.” Y/n finished for him. Completing his thought.

This intrigued the older Jedi, he had many questions. “Can you do things?”

Y/n nodded confidently before answering. “Yes. I taught myself how to use and control it.”

Y/n had taught herself all the ways to use the force. She had to do it all on her own, with no help. Y/n felt proud of herself for that. But Obi-Wan yeah he felt proud of her but he also felt bad that she had to go through all that alone.

“That's wonderful.” Obi-Wan smiled proudly at her. Even though he felt horrible that she went through all that alone but she did it on her own. That made him more proud than anything.

“Look if you want to try and make a relationship between us then we can try. But no promises, and no judging.” Y/n offered but also had to add the condition of ‘no judging’. She didn’t learn to use the force through Jedi ways and Y/n knew even if he wouldn’t say it, it might bother him that she doesn’t use the force ‘in a Jedi way’. She doesn’t use it for bad either but the Jedi were strict on that kind of stuff.

“I’d like that very much.” Obi-Wan smiled he could do that if it meant finally getting to have a relationship with his daughter.


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1 year ago

let's face it, Obi-Wan is only a stickler for the rules in comparison to Anakin. this guy thought lightsaber nunchucks were cool as a teenager and jumping out of politicians windows was cool as an adult. he regularly sasses the chancellor of the republic. he saw Anakin and Padmé being super obvious and decided it was none of his business. he sits pussy facing the world in important meetings. hes's a lonely single in your area. he won one (1) fight against a sith lord and decided they were his speciality despite getting his ass handed to him by Dooku multiple times. he's annoying on purpose as a battle strategy. every man he meets desires him carnally and he doesn't notice. he puts one foot on Han Solos ship and is like "damn bitch you live like this" despite having spent 20 years in a desert hole. he gets himself killed to one-up Vader one last time. he's winning the idgaf war

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1 year ago
Obi-wan Did Not Fear Dying, But He Resented Dying Unimpressively

“obi-wan did not fear dying, but he resented dying unimpressively”

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1 year ago


wikipedia article for self denial / return of the jedi (1983) / kathy acker / obi wan kenobi (2022) / wiki, cont. / kenobi (2022) / star wars: labyrinth of evil by james luceno / kenobi (2022) / camille rankine

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4 years ago

What happened to the Younglings?

Obi wan: Anakin? Do you know what happened to the younglings?

Anakin: Well, I took them on a fieldtrip to Tatooine and Jaba the Hutt ate them.

Obi wan: You do realize could have stopped him

Anakin: ….

Anakin: He was moving very fast



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11 months ago
Had Not Posted This From A While Back! I Did Codywan Based Upon The Behind The Scenes Fight Scene Between
Had Not Posted This From A While Back! I Did Codywan Based Upon The Behind The Scenes Fight Scene Between
Had Not Posted This From A While Back! I Did Codywan Based Upon The Behind The Scenes Fight Scene Between

Had not posted this from a while back! I did codywan based upon the behind the scenes fight scene between obiwan and jango fett (stunt double?) for the pose.

You're welcome to use obi and cody's head busts for matching pfps, just credit me in your bio please!

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3 years ago

Does Obi-wan look sexy in Mandalorian armor? Absolutely. Wow. He could punch me in the face and I’d thank him.

But isn’t it kinda disrespectful??

In Star Wars: Rebels (2014-2018), Sabine said, “the armor I wear is 500 years old. I reforged it to my liking, but the battles, the history, the blood, all lives within it. And the same goes for every Mandalorian” in response to Ezra asking the Mandalorians if they could just make their armor out of something other than beskar.

In The Mandalorian (2019-), when Boba tells Din that he’s “here for the armor,” Din tells him “If you want my armor, you’ll have to peel it off my dead body.” You could excuse this as Din being a Child of the Watch, obsessive over Mandalorian traditions, but it seems like most Mandalorians are this protective over their armor.

So when Obi-wan steals that Mandalorian’s armor while he’s probably unconscious...isn’t it a bit...disrespectful, at the least?

Imagine him waking up and the armor is gone... Like, he probably cried.

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3 years ago

Just thinking about how Maul’s last words before he died were “He will avenge us.”

Just Thinking About How Mauls Last Words Before He Died Were He Will Avenge Us.

On his deathbed, Maul finally gives up on trying to defeat Obiwan long enough to realize how similar they are and how wronged they were.

Now, whether the Chosen One is Luke or Anakin is debatable because of the context, but either way, they did both avenge Maul and Obiwan.

Luke was able to convince his father to help save him from Palpatine’s force lightning, throw Palpatine to what should have been his death, and damage his breathing system which is probably what caused his death.

If Palpatine had truly died, the prophecy would have been fulfilled. Maul, Obiwan, and countless others would have been avenged.

Palpatine was responsible for forcing Maul to be his apprentice, training him ruthlessly, sending him to the fight where he was cut in half, letting him rot in insanity, killing his brother and apprentice, literal torture, and probably more terrible things I don’t even know about.

Palpatine was responsible for sending Maul to kill Qui-gon (and Maul’s incessant obsession with hurting Obiwan afterwards including Satine’s death and all the Jedi he killed to get Obiwan’s attention), creating and playing both sides of the Clone War (resulting in the deaths of countless clones created only for this purpose and innocent civilians), grooming Anakin to be the next Sith Lord after Dooku and seducing him to the dark side, ordering Order 66 which almost killed Obiwan (and Maul), and forcing Obiwan to live in hiding under the cruelty of the Empire.

Palpatine used both of them and put them against one another. He was the one that ruined both of their lives, directly or otherwise.

When Anakin threw him down the reactor shaft in ROTJ, that should have been it. After Anakin died, there would be no Sith Lords left and the Sith Rule of Two would be forever ended, restoring peace to the galaxy.

This is one of the reasons why I dislike the sequel trilogy in general (for storyline purposes). By bringing Palpatine back in TROS, they broke the canon Sith Rule of Two, invalidated Dave Filoni’s meaningful end to the Obiwan vs Maul rivalry, disrespected George Lucas’ vision of his franchise, implied that Rey could not have been a powerful Jedi without being related to a strong force user, and made the story even more confusing and pitiful.

And J.J. Abrams had the nerve to admit there was no plan for the trilogy, like, yeah, it was obvious😐

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