Law Of Abundance - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hello! Hope this ask finds you in great health.

My desire - I want to get a placed in a good company, with a good pay, during our college placement drive (It basically means that I want to get a job in one of the companes that are visiting our college for hiring freshers).

My name is Ayesha (Initials - AP)

Thank you for your time and energy. Have a nice day! 🤍

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

AP got placed in a good company, with a good pay, during the college placement drive.

Blessings! ♥️

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1 year ago

Hii how are you

Initial MV my desire is to be a singer and dancer

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

MV got a great singing and dancing career.

Blessings! 🫶🏻

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1 year ago

Hi love💗Thank you for helping us getting our desires by affirming that's super sweet

My initials are RR and I'm manifesting entering void state whenever I want to💕💕

RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. RR enters void state whenever they desire. Good luck! :)

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1 year ago

Hi, I'm H.D. Can you affirm for me to pass my exams pretty please?

Ty so much xx

HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. HD passed the exams. Blessings!

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1 year ago

Hi and thank you for this✨ my initials GBDJF. My desire is to achieve my music career.

GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. GBDJF achieves a great music career. Blessings! :)

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1 year ago

Hi, can you please affirm for me to get my dream job? My initials are C.T.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

CT got their dream job.

Blessings! 🌸

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1 year ago

Hello👋 I hope you're doing well. I'm here to request affirmations.

My desire: May I move towards my calling in education and career.

My name is Amrita and my initials are A. S.

Thank you!

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career

AS moved towards their calling in education and career


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1 year ago

Hii dear hope u r doing good thanks for doing reading for me i really resonate with flower iris ...

And also thanku for manifesting for me . It will come true i will get 70 marks

Thanks a lot girl 🧜‍♀️

Thank you! Much luck to you! 🌷🎀

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1 year ago

hello! i'm rather new here. could you please affirm that i always enter the void when i want to? my initials are AM

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

AM enters the void whenever they want to

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1 year ago

As you may have seen in a previous post I manifested a new job. I got laid off from my previous company without it really being my fault.

The new job is a role that people tell me "amazing" cause it's managerial. I started to work almost 1 year ago with breaks in between, so ending up being a manager isn't easy tbh, but I had this desire. Actually, some people before getting the job would say "do you have experience? have you done it before? it's not that easy" and honestly I didn't even care haha! I didn't let it affect me.

I was thinking "I would love that role but I have so much less experience needed" but also "apply and you got nothing to lose". I had my insecurities but I allowed myself to dream I can do it. I thought "What if I actually found such a managerial job? I would get it of course!". I used the "what if" method without actually even doing on purpose.

Well, one day I see this post on LinkedIn, I applied and guess who got an interview and job offer? I knew it cause when I saw the skills needed I said "I'm better than what they actually need!" and knew it's mine.

So it's okay to dream it and allow it! Nothing is impossible when there is faith! :)

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1 year ago

❤️ Manifestation challenge ✨🌟

Comment below your desire/s in past tense saying for example: “I’m so grateful I won a free coffee”.

You can choose anything.

Like and reblog this to multiply the manifestation power of this!

We all got our desires! Blessings! 😊

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1 year ago

Manifesting is easy. You really don’t have to do anything specific to manifest or follow guides. Honestly assume and persist. Just tell yourself “I have my dream bag” and persist, persist, persist until it shows up. Be confident about it. There will be ups and downs, but what matters is you get back on being confident you CAN do it 😎

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1 year ago

Have you ever wondered why people tell you “let go” or “detach” while manifesting? You should have heard most likely!

Letting go or detaching isn’t about forgetting a desire, it’s about knowing that it’s yours so you don’t care about what or how it happens. At some point if you detach fully you might even reach a stage you don’t care if it comes!

That’s where you know that you can’t sabotage in any way the desire cause you have put total trust in the higher power to bring it to you. Usually allowing the desire to come without obsessing is key, cause we don’t get affected by our worries about “how” or “what”. This way we won’t try hard to make it happen -which actually pushes it away sometimes, plus we let it come the fastest way possible.

Let go by focusing on your life and hobbies, get happy for you and let your desires reach you easily. Just assume that “my desire is coming to me effortlessly”.

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1 year ago

Heyy!! I had a question related to manifestation*sorry for disturbing tho*

Well like can you manifest the impossible!?? I am sorry ik it's possible but idk why my brain just keeps telling me something else and I get impatient-🧍🏻‍♀️

If you are comfortable would you like to share what's something you've manifested that seemed impossible at that moment!??

Hey! Nice question! I manifested the person I wanted. Long story but at the time it seemed there was no chance. I had moved on, had "deleted" the possibility in my mind. Then after a long time, he popped up on his own and confirmed to me he had feelings for me but due to personal issues he would skip telling me. We are together today, already 2+ years! Another one is I got to change my career field, went from one I disliked to the one I wanted when many HR people and bosses told me I have little chances. Well, little did they know I did it! So yes, persist in what you want and it shall happen!

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1 year ago

How it will be the month of March 2024 for you?

Pick a card reading

Hello everyone! March is here so I guess that everyone is curios how this month will be for them. This is a simple and a short monthly guidance reading. Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read your monthly guidance reading for March.

Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.

Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!

So let's get started! Enjoy!


Pile 1 ⋆☽🔮☾⋆ Pile 2 ⋆☽🔮☾⋆ Pile 3

How It Will Be The Month Of March 2024 For You?
How It Will Be The Month Of March 2024 For You?
How It Will Be The Month Of March 2024 For You?

。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・:*:。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・:*:

Pile 1

✨ possible travel for work or business purposes

✨putting in the hard work and effort to achieve your goals

✨ seeking new opportunities for growth and success

✨ avoiding risky financial decisions and focusing on saving money

✨ trusting your instincts and intuition to guide you in the right direction

✨ being open to new beginnings and taking control of your path

✨ being mindful of your health and well-being

✨ ending a relationship or situation that no longer serves you

✨ feeling content with what you have accomplished

✨ embracing change and new experiences

✨ being dedicated and focused on reaching your goals

✨ being open to new projects and opportunities

✨ being prepared for a major departure or transition in your life.

Monthly affirmation - I face the adventure of life eagerly

Quote of the month - ,,A single rose can be my garden...a single friend my world"(Leo Buscaglia)

Power of love message - Transformation - You use the power of love to move through illusions and shift into awareness

Crystal of the month - Rose quartz - New or renewed romantic love is here for you

Flower of the month - Yellow rose


Pile 2

🌼 you may be feeling overwhelmed and indecisive, but trust that clarity will come soon

🌼 stay focused on your goals and trust in your abilities

🌼 communication is key in all aspects of your life right now

🌼 you may need to be open to new opportunities and experiences

🌼 allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to receiving love and support from others

🌼 keep a positive mindset and trust that things will work out in the end

🌼 remember to take care of yourself and prioritize your own well-being

🌼 embrace change and be open to new beginnings

🌼 trust in the process and have confidence in yourself

🌼 remember that success comes from hard work and determination

🌼 seek guidance from those who care about you and trust in their advice

🌼 remain grounded and focused on your path ahead

🌼 allow yourself to be open to new connections and opportunities

🌼 overall, trust in yourself and your abilities to overcome any challenges that may come your way.

Monthly affirmation -I welcome and nurture the new in my life

Quote of the month - ,,A wise man has dignity without pride; a fool has pride without dignity."(Confucius)

Power of love message - Tolerance - You appreciate other points of view because you sense the love in everyone

Crystal of the month - Rhodochrosite- Be gentle with yourself

Flower of the month - Dahlia


Pile 3

☀️ trust in the journey and have faith in yourself; opportunities are on the horizon, and you are capable of achieving great things

☀️ focus on self-care and nurturing your emotional well-being during this time; take time to rest and recharge

☀️ look for the beauty and joy in everyday life; practice gratitude and mindfulness to cultivate a positive mindset

☀️ seek out opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement; be open to learning and expanding your horizons

☀️ relationships with others are important, but don't forget to prioritize your relationship with yourself; self-love and self-care are essential for your overall happiness

☀️ listen to your intuition and inner wisdom; trust yourself to make the right decisions for your life

☀️ remain grounded and centered in the present moment; focus on what truly matters and let go of distractions and negativity

☀️ embrace change and transformation; be open to new possibilities and opportunities for growth

☀️ remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself and others; practice kindness and understanding in all your interactions

☀️ keep a positive mindset and believe in your own power to create the life you desire.

Monthly affirmation -I am serene and still.

Quote of the month - ,A high station in life is earned by the gallantry with which appalling experiences are survived with grace(Tennessee Williams)

Power of love message - Commitment - You dedicate yourself to your beliefs wholeheartedly, knowing that love is the essence of your very being

Crystal of the month - Rubellite- Be gentle with yourself

Flower of the month - Sweet William

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1 year ago

Love in the first half or March 2024💌

Pick a card reading💖

Hello everyone! March is here so I guess that everyone is curios how this month will be for them. This is a simple and a short guidance reading in love for the first half of the month.

Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read about your love situation in the first half of March.

Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.

Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!

So let's get started! Enjoy!💟


🌛🔮🌜Pile 1 🌛🔮🌜Pile 2 🌛🔮🌜Pile 3

Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024


Pile 1🧸❤️🧸❤️♥‿♥

🎀temptation and seduction - being swept off your feet

🎀 being blinded by emotions or desires - need to be cautious and use discernment

🎀 being caught up in fantasy or unrealistic expectations

🎀being influenced by illusions or false promises - easily swayed or manipulated

🎀being at a crossroads and needing to make a difficult decision

🎀 being vulnerable to deception or betrayal

🎀 need to trust your instincts and intuition

🎀need to take a step back and reassess the situation

🎀need to be honest with yourself and others

🎀patience, hard work, and dedication will pay off in the end

🎀possibility of starting a family or expanding your current one

🎀 being practical and grounded in your approach to relationships and finances will lead to success

🎀overall, a time of happiness, abundance, and prosperity in all aspects of your life.

🎀time for pampering yourself, creating a beautiful environment

🎀celebrating life, enjoying the finer things

🎀showering loved ones with affection

🎀 embracing the beauty in life, finding joy in the little things

🎀 communication is key in your relationships, make sure to express your needs and listen to the needs of others

🎀you may feel overwhelmed at times, but remember to stay focused and keep pushing forward

🎀consider seeking advice or guidance from a mentor or trusted friend to help you navigate challenges

🎀self-care is important during this time, make sure to take breaks and recharge when needed

🎀overall, stay committed to your goals and have faith that things will work out in the end.

⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:


🌸fashion designer


🌸creative directors

🌸graphic designers

🌸 make-up artists

🌸hair stylists

🌸 choreographers

🌸event planners

Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024


Pile 2°˖➴➵⋆。° 🏹 ✩💌

🌹 being receptive to guidance from a higher power or spiritual realm

🌹trusting in divine timing and surrendering to the flow of life

🌹emotional healing and introspection

🌹 tapping into your intuition for creative inspiration

🌹maintaining a sense of mystery and allure in relationships

🌹seeking solitude and introspection to gain clarity on a situation

🌹connecting with the divine feminine/masculine energy within yourself

🌹finding balance between your inner world and outer reality

🌹 embracing the unknown and allowing yourself to be guided by intuition and instinct

🌹appreciating the simple pleasures in life, focusing on what truly matters in life

🌹 building a strong foundation for your future, planning for the long term

🌹 being cautious with your resources, being prudent with your investments

🌹working together as a family to achieve common goals

🌹 celebrating the achievements and successes of your family

🌹being there for each other in times of need

🌹 creating a sense of security and stability for your family

🌹cherishing the memories and traditions of your family

🌹ego-driven conflicts, arguments and conflicts

🌹 jealousy and possessiveness

🌹competitive behavior in relationships

🌹 possible power struggles in relationships or at work; be aware of manipulation or control issues

🌹need to assert yourself and stand up for what you believe in

🌹 keep calm and stay focused on your goals, despite challenges and conflicts

🌹 communication breakdowns may occur, so be clear and concise in your interactions

🌹 work on finding common ground with others rather than focusing on differences

🌹 seek compromise and understanding in difficult situations

🌹overall, stay true to yourself and maintain your integrity, even in the face of adversity.

⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:



🌸landscape designers

🌸 psychologists

🌸estate agents

🌸child protection officers

🌸home decorators

🌸 art collectors

🌸 surgeon

🌸wedding planner

Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024

୧⍤⃝💐🎀💌💓࿔*:・‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.୧⍤⃝💐🎀💌💓.ೃ࿔*:・‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.

Pile 3𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡

🍓self-destructive behaviors and unhealthy relationships

🍓 disharmony and imbalance in relationships

🍓 being trapped in a cycle of negative patterns

🍓need to break free from toxic influences and embrace positive change

🍓re-evaluate your relationships and make healthy choices

🍓seek balance and harmony within yourself before seeking it in relationships

🍓being drawn towards unhealthy habits or relationships

🍓being consumed by negative emotions and behaviors

🍓the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing your own well-being

the necessity of letting go of toxic relationships or situations in order to find true happiness and fulfillment

🍓future - moving on, accepting what cannot be changed, finding peace and healing

🍓 potential for renewal and growth if you can find the strength to move forward and seek out new opportunities and experiences. It encourages you to focus on what you still have rather than what you have lost, and to seek support from others to help you through difficult times.

🍓stepping out of your comfort zone in the name of love ,taking risks for the sake of romance

🍓 feeling alive and invigorated by the excitement of love

🍓embracing the uncertainty of new relationships

🍓being swept off your feet by a whirlwind romance

🍓 allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to love

🍓 seeing the beauty in every moment spent with your partner

🍓 choosing to follow your heart instead of your head

🍓 committing to a future filled with love and adventure

🍓creating new memories and experiences with someone special

🍓feeling a deep connection and understanding with your partner §

🍓embracing the magic and wonder of love

🍓don't be afraid to open up and share your emotions with your partner or potential love interest, communication is key in any relationship.

🍓explore new hobbies or activities together to create lasting memories.

🍓emotional depth, creativity, and intuition; stay true to your feelings and follow your heart in all aspects of your life; be open to new experiences and relationships, and remain true to your ideals and dreams; trust that love and fulfillment are on the horizon.

⋆。‧˚ʚɞ˚‧。⋆ You can deal with:

🌸professional fitness instructor





🌸 business owner

🌸event planner



🌸interior designer

🌸landscape gardener

Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024
Love In The First Half Or March 2024

Tags :
1 year ago

Who will be your future spouse?

Pick a card reading🍄🦋🌸💗

Hello guys! Moni here! 🧚🏼‍♀️

It's almost the half of the month so I was thinking that this would be a good opportunity for those who are single and searching for love.

Here is a free reading about your future spouse. Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read about your future partner. Keep in mind that gender can be reversed.

Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.

Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!

So let's get started! Enjoy!💟


𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒Your feedback is highly appreciated

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒Like and reblog to claim your pile

Who Will Be Your Future Spouse?

Pile 1 🍄☁️🌸 Pile 2 🍄☁️🌸Pile 3

Who Will Be Your Future Spouse?
Who Will Be Your Future Spouse?
Who Will Be Your Future Spouse?

└─── °∘💮∘° ───┘ └─── °∘💮∘° ───┘ └─── °∘💮∘° ───┘

Pile 1 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)

MR CREATIVE - control over emotions, diplomatic, compassionate ↓manipulative, a master of emotions with selfish intentions

When you can meet them – Libra season or 7 weeks/7 months, on a Sunday

He is charming and confident but comfortable to be around.

Astrological associations - Libra and Scorpio

Men or women over the age of 40

emotionally passionate

a person with auburn, red, or medium colored hair

solid love

someone dynamic, active, and radiate confidence;

creative man, the poet, the man who dreams deeply

they can be sometimes wishy-washy but always with the flow of things even if he can be frustratingly laid back at the time

vitality, passion, and appetite for life, deeply sensual and not ashamed of his pleasure or his body

in their negative they becomes the addicted or the impotent lover(he becomes posses and lost, living only for the pleasure at the moment

nurture, guide, and support others; act socially responsible; let yourself be touched and moved; listen to others with sympathy and understanding; use intuition in decision-making

Key meaning of the relationship:

a compassionate and somewhat emotional person

a warm and gentle guy, liked by many for his easy nature

warmhearted, charismatic person

they follow their intuition in their work

they are sociable, but sensitive and need to choose their friends wisely

ideal romantic partner

motivated to help others through direct action and cooperation, serene, calm

subtle, friendly, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, affectionate

avoids conflicts and problems, willing to help, co-dependent

hypersensitive to indifference and criticism, difficulty in saying “no”

pessimistic, gloomy, doesn't want to offend or disappoint anyone

nostalgic, unstable, easily seduced, duplicity, rigid control of or hides emotions, manipulation

telling others what they want to hear, can be overwhelming by another's pain

Oracle Message: Support others by supporting yourself first.

Your day may also feel confused, changeable, and with many different things that seem to require your attention from upset teenagers to misunderstandings with others that arise from unchecked emotions.

Time for you to consider finding your own support from this type of person.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ───

a sexy or sensual feel to your love life; a focus on primal urges, sexuality, and dominance; beginnings of a romance that is very physical but sometimes lacking on more substantial levels; the attraction in a new relationship will be based on appearances rather than things in common

Possible job:



goal setters and go-getters

mystics and spiritual leaders

sports coach

fitness instructor

motivational speaker

life coach

army soldiers


┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °

Pile 2 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)

I KNOW I'M A DREAMER - romance, adventurism, an invitation ↓moodiness, someone who is too charming, heated emotions/temper

When you can meet them – Pisces season, 12 weeks/12 months, on a Saturday

They are a dedicated, motivated, emotional, tender, sensitive, and loving person

Element - the fire of the suits of water - Aquaris + Pisces

romance, relationships

dreamy, charming, romantic

being focused on love

man or women under the age of 40

dark hair and eyes


this knight’s quest is love

romantic person, a love interest & also yourself in the throes of full-on love

tendency to be manic by nature(one moment you are the love of his life and the next one you are the thorn in their ass)

tendency to be jealous by nature


Key meaning of the relationship

prosperity, property and beginnings

the beginning stages of something tangible


material abundance

new enterprise

finances or wealth; a solid fruitful foundation

a promotion

good luck

unexpected money

Oracle Message: Act with love, express yourself, be creative.

Allow yourself the time to write poetry, prepare a sumptuous meal, plan that secret date for your partner.

Do something special for your lover today – flowers, chocolates, that date – but something unusual like ice skating, or a quiet out-of-town dinner, something that is intimate and full of togetherness.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ───

love is around the corner and sparks are already flying; great opportunities for growth and positive natural change in romance; speak up and act out in order to get what you want; new relationship, go with the flow; time to pursue new love, to feel silly with someone or just to fall unconditionally in love with you(embrace your inner fool and trust that falling into this phase is the point)

Possible job:




pioneers and adventurers

mystics and spiritual leaders

sports coach

fitness instructor

motivational speaker

life coach

┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °

Pile 3 (🌸◠∀◠)(◠ᵕ◠🌸)

Mr PRACTICAL - abundance, security, financial success ↓greed, temptation, infinite desire for more things

When you can meet them – in Capricorn season, 10 weeks/10 months, on a Tuesday

They are thoughtful and wise, not rushing decisions nor being swayed to conform to modernity

Element - the air of the suit of earth

Astrological association - Aries and Taurus

a generous person

man or women over the age of 40

dark hair and eyes

finding happiness

seeing failures as winds

natural business person

great sense of humor

seeing failures as wins

being positive, being thankful

honest soul

naive for love



person who demonstrates how resources are gained and used

they are always there

common-sense, apparent, reliable, accomplished, solid, steady, calm, wealthy, supportive

the user of secret knowledge, the knower, and the master of the technology

in their negative - they becomes the manipulator or the denying “innocent” one; taking advantage of others through specialized knowledge(leads to false superiority, isolation, and loneliness)

Oracle Message: This is a day for holding court & solving issues.

People see you as someone trustworthy, authoritative, level-headed, and great in a crisis.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ────── ・ 。☆: .☽ .:☆. ───

you no longer have the tolerance for the drama that a younger kind of love would offer, what you want is to be with someone who understands what life is really about; you will be successful in your endeavors - have faith

Possible job:

estate agent/developers



master craftsman


stock broker






professional athlete








Tags :
1 year ago

Finances for the rest of month of March

Pick a card reading🌈⃤🦋

Hello everyone! March is here so I guess that everyone is curios how this month will be for them. This is a simple and a short guidance reading for money, career and work for the rest of the month of March.

Pick the pile that you are most drawn to and scroll down to read about your money/career/finances for the rest of the month March.

Takes what resonate with you because remember that this is just a general reading and it might not apply for everyone.

Don't forget to like/reblog/comment and follow me! I would really appreciate it because it will help my blog grow!

So let's get started! Enjoy!🍀


🌛🔮🌜Pile 1 🌛🔮🌜Pile 2 🌛🔮🌜Pile 3

Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March


Pile 1✧🎁:・.🎂˚。🔮・゚🍿✧

evaluate where your finances or work situation is at right now in order to ensure that you are on the right path;

⚜️some attention is needed on your part before diving into a new business venture or placing your money somewhere

⚜️fruits of your labors - but the time is not yet right(you still have much work ahead but you are still at the point of laying plans)

⚜️ happiness, contentment, satisfaction

⚜️universal joy, success, a bright future

⚜️brimming with joy, blessings, abundance, rewards for your efforts

⚜️ dream come true, whatever you hope for can now come to fruition

⚜️success and happiness coming your way

⚜️ if you’re currently hard at work on something, or going through a dark period, you can rest easy knowing your endurance will be rewarded

⚜️you can trust yourself to make the right decision

⚜️sign of improvement in your circumstances

⚜️finances get organized, fairness at work, be sure of your goals

⚜️ long-term opportunity coming your way financially such as in making money off the sale of a house, inheritance, or cashing in of stocks and bonds

⚜️celebration of achievements and abundance

⚜️acknowledging the support and guidance you have received

⚜️opportunities for growth, success, and prosperity

⚜️feeling content and fulfilled with where you are in life

⚜️feeling supported by those around you

⚜️achieving a sense of balance and harmony

⚜️being recognized for your hard work and dedication

Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March

༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ

Pile 2✧🎁:・.🎂˚。🔮・゚🍿✧

💰seeking advice or guidance from a mentor or spiritual teacher

💰taking a step back to evaluate your goals and priorities

💰embracing solitude and introspection to gain clarity on your path

💰considering a career change or exploring new opportunities for personal growth

💰being mindful of the need for balance between work and personal life

💰trusting your intuition and inner wisdom to guide you in making important decisions

💰being open to learning and growth through self-reflection and exploration

💰 being receptive to new ideas and perspectives that can lead to personal and professional development.

💰keep an open mind and be willing to take risks in your career or business endeavors

💰seek out new learning opportunities and be open to new experiences

💰trust in your abilities and have confidence in your decisions

💰 remain adaptable and be prepared for changes that may come your way

💰be open to mentorship or guidance from others in your field

💰stay focused on your goals and remain determined in your pursuit of success.

💰be open to new ideas and opportunities, and embrace change

💰trust in your abilities and believe in yourself

💰stay positive and optimistic, and have faith that everything will work out in the end

💰be prepared to work hard and put in the effort to achieve success

💰stay focused and determined, and don't let outside interference distract you from your goals.

Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March

༘♡ ⋆。˚ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ꕥ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。ꕥ Pile 3✧🎁:・.🎂˚。🔮・゚🍿✧

💸reassurance and encouragement to trust in your abilities and instincts

💸need for patience and persistence in achieving your goals

💸importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing your own needs

💸reminder to stay grounded and practical in your approach to life

💸opportunity for growth and stability in your personal and financial life

💸lesson in taking responsibility for your actions and decisions

💸importance of finding balance and harmony in all aspects of your life

💸reminder to focus on the present moment and appreciate what you have

💸encouragement to trust in the process of growth and transformation

💸message to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances with grace and resilience.

💸positive energy and enthusiasm will bring success

💸stay open to opportunities and don't be afraid to take risks

💸communication is key in all aspects of your life right now

💸keep a positive mindset and believe in yourself and your abilities

💸celebrate your achievements and remain humble

💸keep an eye out for new opportunities and be ready to seize them

💸overall, a period of great growth and success is on the horizon for you.

Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March
Finances For The Rest Of Month Of March

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8 months ago

+*:ꔫ:*﹤ Okay so no more “my love life is dead” it’s ‘My life has and always will be thriving, my love life is raining in pink love heart energy, i have the most amazing sp who treats my like a queen, everything in my love life is perfect absolutely perfect, and everyone else around me can’t stop pursuing me and treating me like a goddess, oh my god everyone just fucking wants me tbh i don’t blame them im so wanted and lovable, there isn’t one person in this world who doesn’t want me and wanna be with me, imma universal desire”﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚

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