Lawyers - Tumblr Posts
how to explain to non-americans that the better call saul ads aren’t exaggerated for comedic effect they are super normie

I'll get my lawyers.

jungkook being the biggest flirt and making me want to sue him for it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ for @sugajimin ♡ (gif 4 cr. theultimatedodo - gif 12 trans. cr. btsinthemoment)

I’ll represent you in court :)
consider: a Scrubs-esque dramedy but about lawyers instead of doctors
I am not talking something like Suits, because in Suits a lot of the comedy is derived from hijinks and wisecracking. nor am I talking about something like Boston Legal with the whole bunny-ears lawyer thing providing a lot of the jokes.
oh no. I mean stuff like “oh god what even is a pleading anyway I never did this in law school” and “please lord just let me wipe the smirk off of opposing counsel’s face” and “damnit patricia WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU NOT TO DO FOR THE GOOD OF YOUR CASE AND ALSO MY SANITY?”
One thing that will forever remain a mystery is where fictional companies get their op lawyers. Fazbear entertainment uses the OSHA rulebook as a to do list, Ingen was fine after the park and San Diego incident, RED and BLU turned parts of New Mexico into a war zone, and Mann co has a CEO that puts animals into extinction every Tuesday pretty much. The Lawyers they have makes Disney's look like they got their degrees from tv court dramas.

I think we deserve a Maya focused AA installment.
how to explain to non-americans that the better call saul ads aren’t exaggerated for comedic effect they are super normie


Imagine one of them survives the blip, doesn't really matter who, they wouldn't be able to go into their office. The Nelson Murdock & Page plaque being a constant reminder of the other two. Matt would become vengeful/angry, Foggy would become sad/depressed, Karen would be numb and try to act like nothing happened. They blame themselves even though they knew Thanos was at fault.
Now imagine two of them survives the blip, again it doesn't matter who, they couldn't be in the same room as each other. Seeing each other would be a constant reminder of the one they lost. I imagine there would be more arguments leading up to them not talking anymore.
Now imagine they all reunite, Matt's sense's are overwhelmed with everyone returning. Karen wouldn't feel so empty anymore. Foggy would have his bestfriend(s) back. They could go, more or less, peacefully back to work at Nelson Murdock & Page.
Just curious
lawyers who was you dumbest client and why