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9 months ago

Hey, How do you think your OCs would interact with Machina Furem?

For this, three scenarios

Scenario one: machina approaches in a humanoid form he thinks they would trust, probably a skitarii

Scenario two: Machina furem approaches as a Blackstone fortress, communicating with the other ship's machine spirit before communicating to the characters.

Scenario three: the character find machina Furem while trying to find something on the Noosphere- machina furem had no time to prepare.

He has alot of spyware, so for Scenario one and Scenario two assume machina Furem knows what they are like before approaching them.

Oooo alrighty!

Well let’s see


I’ll probably stick closer to my AdMech ocs just for ease (and to keep this from being a mile long text scroll— more then it already will be anyway-)!


Situation one:

Skitariis kind of appearing aren’t that unusual, Centipide Dominus has a habit of stealing anything smaller than him and adding it to his horde either until they DO become one of his numbers (in the case of skits and other machine worshipers this typically includes some augments while for say his three guardsman the imperium bureaucracy or what have you just gives up trying to get them back) or until they go home, so I think most every of my Admechs wouldn’t bat an eye much at this

Dominus might be a bit confused at first bc he didn’t scoop up any new skits recently but he’d get over that very quickly— I think the most uneasy about Mac would probably be the Logis, they sense something off/different about the skitarii in question but Silverfish Logis would very likely brush it off, not as experienced as Crab Logis who would definitely narrow down that this skit was sending off the unusual vibes.

This means Archmantis is also weary of this new skit but it’s a bit hard to conduct much anything let alone an interrogation when as soon as you try you’re met with this—

Hey, How Do You Think Your OCs Would Interact With Machina Furem?

He is overprotective of his babies what can I say—

So on the upside for Mac they got their own protector :D! Bad news is removal of this skit from Centipede Dominus is not advised— he uh- gets snappy—

Situation two:

The magos beetle Explorator is more than excited at the prospect of the blackstone fortress! Above all else their servos crave for, well, exploration. It’s why Silverfish Logis is typically paired and pretty close on their heels =m= they lack a lot of self preservation.

Archmantis with guidance from his hubby does do his best to keep a level head even if they’re uneasy by the undocumented(?) fortress’s approach, tho crab Logis (likely guided by the machine spirit’s communication with the fortress) reassures that it’s probably not anything to worry too much about and to just keep their guard up—

Centipede Dominus however isn’t too hyped about the prospect of this thing possibly being used by enemy forces (thus risking not only his troops but also an uneven fight >:( ) so he’s more then ready to go toe to toe with it in some sort of dog fight— but ArchMantis makes sure to wrangle him back in

Situation three:

For this one again I’ll narrow it down to Dominus centipede or Explorator Beetle & Silverfish Logis— this post is getting long and I can’t think of much else to add on with the others—

In the Log & Explore route Explorator is very excited! Again- they lack a lot of that self preservation and kind of tiptoe around heretek with the upbeat attitude and his loyalties to the Omnissiah staying pretty strong. So I don’t see this one going too a wry aside form Silverfish Logis being a bit uneasy the whole time with circumstances considered—

Centipede Dominus? As we’ve established he’s uh— he’s got his…things going on—

Hey, How Do You Think Your OCs Would Interact With Machina Furem?

Yeah that—

So I’d say this interaction might go a bit rougher between the two considering— again— the things—

Hey, How Do You Think Your OCs Would Interact With Machina Furem?

Yeah :)

He’d get a bit silly and considering the Mac Loretm I’ve read, probably would get his multitude of ass handed to him before ArchMantis had to come and save him/drag him back home while he gets an earful

But yeah!!! Mac shenanigans with my boys :)

All and all I don’t think it’d go too bad, just for sake of keeping it light hearted! Could I go into the depths of Mac central angst caused to and or by my babs? Sure. But that’s for another day :3

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7 months ago

Brain itches so a bit more ock stuff :3

I had to make ock a ref sheet for art fight so here’s him with his frens!!!

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

Plus a kinda morbid meme— (for those who may not know cream uh— cream isn’t around anymore-)

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

A bit of baby ock and huntsmann :3 and a little height chart for ock, will (more info below) and huntsmann

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

This fella here is another one of huntsmann’s “projects” William Fillsworth (affectionately nicknamed WiFi by my moots), basically when finding a Psyker huntsmann finds ‘promising’ he forgoes protocol and takes the Psyker up himself (tends to work out as he has a ‘sixth sense’ for psykers after all and rarely travels [willingly] with another inquisitor who could ‘overrule’ him or keep him from doing so) and trains them/teaches them in the way he sees fit

Cough cough COUGH

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

At the point he gained William to his ranks is very early on in him beginning to do this so not a lot of his psykers have made it this far (getting out of hand, found out, ect.) and before ock will is probably his longest lasting psyker up to this point, and helpful because ock has grown very attached to Will and formed a father/son sort of relationship with the father older psyker. so when Will begins to experience warp-induced headaches saying huntsmann begins to stress is an understatement. Not wanting to lose his hold now gained over ock + his longest lasting psyker his darling AdMech bf (sooon you’ll see 😈) steps in to help. Loosely servitor-izing the psyker, leaving him a barely functioning husk of a man and giving him a few extra mechanical bits and bobs. Devastated ock doesn’t give up though, still clinging to and confiding in William, knowing he’s still in there somewhere, and he does sometimes get very minimal responses from will! So he’s holding out hope (even if huntsman often uses William as threats for ock..)

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

Now’s that little guy I said we’d get to! This right here is huntsmann’s AdMech boyfriend and resident Gay wrongs partner in crime 🥰 they make a very lovey dovey duo who really just aren’t the best morally but it’s fiiinnneeeee :3 hunts’ nickname for him and what I call him the most (for ease) is ‘Mecha’ while his “government name” is technically ZV-186 but shush it’s fine

He’s the AdMech who servitorizes(sorta) will and does most of the upkeep to ensure Will doesn’t explode in raw warp power among other little things and cuddling with his bf. All and all a solid nasty little manbot for his nasty husband

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

Finally is one of my favorite little shitposty little guilty pleasure ideas for ock to lighten the load a bit and that is the lovely and hilarious fact that all of the chaos gods wanna recruit him to chaos but he’s just having none of it. nurgle and slaanesh are having the least of it, they’re just kinda low steaks not too worried about it and don’t mind wether or not they walk away with a new follower, tzeentch and Khorne however at at one another’s throat for this kid- tzeentch is pissed Khorne is stepping on his toes [psyker] while Khorne is just there bc ock has eight in his name and that’s his favorite.

Again it’s dumb and silly but hey, I love it and it gets a good chuckle outta me to imagine my skittish little guy being visited by chaos and trying to be tempted when he has literally no reason to (at most nurgle bc his dying for some familiar structure but even then doubtful)

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

Ignore my old Khorne design & my complicated tzeentch designs these were drawn before I settled on Khorne’s and simplified tzeentch

Ofc the icing on this stupid hc cake is emps just kinda rolls with it and blesses ock to avoid touch of chaos culling so he can just shill this little goober to chaos =w=

Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3
Brain Itches So A Bit More Ock Stuff :3

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7 months ago

Hear me out


I do not wanna anger any t’au fans glance over to the empty desert of one person but like hear me out!!

Was chitter chatting with a friend and like-

They called T’au the ‘cows of space’ and like—


MOO T’AU dies

More mammalian faces to help endear people to them + tails for the character design appeal to go with their already precious hooves????? The babiesss!!!!!!

Like to be fair I think most T’au designs work fine and communicate alien very well and all and their planet is different and that’s why they look like that or whatever, but their cute with their little hooves and precious armor I’m just a sucker for animalistic character design (cough chaos gods designs cough) and like the canon designs are good!!!! I’m just a freak

Maybe these can just be some sort of cross between a T’au and some unnamed aliens UwU if we REALLY need an “reason” other than I love them your honor

So here’s my ramblings about this eye twitch

To start off I just have a few random doodles figuring them out and stuff, seeing how their faces would work and figuring out elements I’d keep and loose!

To keep them recognizable as t’au I decided to keep their lack of hair (mostly well talk about it—) and turn their little ‘nose’(?) situations into markings instead! They’re also still blue I just— didn’t color them :3

Hear Me Out
Hear Me Out

Imagine….i jest i jest….unless?

Hear Me Out

This is where they get their cow ears and tail and it will not be changing ever-

Hear Me Out

I also mostly went with their descriptions from various wiki pages and things and just took inspiration bits and bobs from artwork!

Fire caste are in the range of human heights and are the most muscular of the castes, they even have more muscle mass then most humans to counter their planets naturally harsher gravity. this also aids their prowess as soldiers!

The fire caste’s hooves come more to a clawed shape, their ‘dewclaws’ normally being larger and thicker than other castes. Some higher ranking officials even having dewclaws that resemble and have sometimes get used more like a rooster spur, the fire warriors in some cases of being brought into imperial custody have been recorded to attack with these claws and often are trimmed or ‘booted’ to counter act this risk (especially with the “spur” variants)

Ironically with their soldier classification they are actually, by certain imperials which will not be named, found to be some of the cutest. The caste have thicker ears (likely to minimize damage taken when fighting) and out of all 5 castes are actually incredibly fluffy- adding to the human mind finding them to be “cute” on some level. The fire castes’ also have tails on the shorter end with thick fluffy hair tufts on the end of their tails

The fire (and air) castes are the only two which have prominent claws, which again aid in battle and self defense when/of unarmed and it is not uncommon to see a young tau’s hands with little mittens to prevent the young infants motor control practice from harming themselves

Earth caste are the shortest of the castes, stockily built and often a bit heavier then most fire caste due to their dense builds and often being a bit fatter then other castes.

Their hooves are duller and much more ground down then the fire caste, their legs tend to be thicker and much much much more musclar (though mileage may vary as some members of the caste can be more muscular than others and vice versa) they have also been seen occasionally displaying the “spur” variation.

Their ears are thicker and firmer then the fire caste, they are second fluffiest of the castes and the shortest tails with thin fur tufts that remind much more of some sort of strange dog. Their faces are in a resting sort of puppy face due to the way their mouths curve and even when (slightly minimally) emoting their face remains the same :3

Air casters are the lankiest and second slimmest & tallest of the castes. Slightly shorter than the water caste they are a bit more muscular then them but no where near the fire or earth castes’ broadness. Their hooves as very similar to that of the water caste and are very slim and thin and almost horse like in nature, they also have the smallest dewclaw of the caste’s and are one of the only castes which lack the “spur” mutation.

They have some of the thinner and floppiest ears of the castes (these help planet side air travel or when fast winds blow it won’t irritate the ears). They take third place in how fluffy they are. The air caste feature slim tails with very spare and thin hair tufts, but are on the middling length when it comes to their tails. As well as being the only other caste with claws :3

Water caste are the thinnest and tallest of the castes but are much more evenly proportional than the gangly lanky air caste. Again their hooves are similarly slim and dainty with a horse like air to them, but can often be ornately painted or decorated with various items but especially jewelry depending on the individual.

They are the sparest furred of the four castes (most ethereal are hairless :3) and tend to be the most ornately dressed. Their tails tend to be the longest and fluffiest thickest furred and tend to be groomed and styled in various ways and specially adored with bangles and jewelry. The caste having a very strong affinity for shiny objects normally are adorned with jewels to match and slim but long ears are often pierced and bejeweled end to end and anywhere in between. They also tend to have the most control over and be the most expressive of the castes!

All castes can have any variety of hair styles really, and depicted outfits/“unifroms” are not one size fits all and naturally the castes can see various changes depending on rank, line of work, individual preferences and more

The chart below also depicts the tallest of each caste, at their maximum heights, most caste members range a bit shorter then theses Water caste stands in at 7 feet tall (~213 cm), Air caste tend to max out around 6 feet 5 inches (~198 Cm), the fire caste again tend to be in the human height ranges but max at about 6 foot (~182.88 Cm), Eath caste meanwhile as the shortest tend to max out around 4 foot 11 inches (~149 Cm)

Hear Me Out
Hear Me Out

Early concept sketches

Hear Me Out
Hear Me Out
Hear Me Out

I’ve yet to decide on some designs on etherals but I’ll get there. These alone were really fun but very time consuming lol even if most of these doodles I had finished prior but shhhhh I love these goobs a lot tbh they’re so silly….i love designing each caste and picking out little reasons for the design tidbits. I think one of my favorite things is character design and Augh this was so fun.

Honestly could probably ramble for ages on the design variations and lore change ideas I have for these goobs

Do hope you all enjoy my little guys

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