Levitation? - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Inktober 2016 - Day 8 : G-penIt Says Something About Spiders Personality That He Can Be So Happy About

Inktober 2016 - Day 8 : G-pen It says something about Spider’s personality that he can be so happy about bending a spoon when Nettle is lifting herself, him and probably half the house in the air without even really trying. I think I’ve drawn a variation of this picture for the last 3 Inktobers in a row. It’s probably fine as long as I use a different inking method each time.

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7 years ago
Inktober 2017: Day 6 - Fineliners And Felt Tip Pen

Inktober 2017: Day 6 - fineliners and felt tip pen

Turning the pages for Spider is by far the hardest part of this exercise. Nettle is trying to practice moving only the things she wants to move, but I don’t think she’ll ever be able to use her powers without some of her hair waving around.

I realised last year that I’ve drawn a variation on this theme for every Inktober since 2014, so now I want to keep going and see which I run out of first, different ink methods or ideas.

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6 years ago
Inktober 2018 : Day 11 - Brush Inking And Ink WashI Only Have A Short Shift At Work Today So I Was Going

Inktober 2018 : Day 11 - brush inking and ink wash I only have a short shift at work today so I was going to do something more impressive, but I just couldn’t summon the energy. I did try to ink with a brush though. Nettle quite often levitates while she’s reading, it’s her equivalent of fidgeting.

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6 years ago
Inktober 2018 : Day 14 - Pentel Pocket BrushSpider Trusts Nettle Not To Drop Him, But He Still Gets Nervous

Inktober 2018 : Day 14 - pentel pocket brush Spider trusts Nettle not to drop him, but he still gets nervous when she sends him too high. This is the 5th time I’ve drawn some version of this scene during Inktober, I had to think a lot harder to come up with a new variation this time!

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019: Day 16 - Gel Pens

Inktober 2019: day 16 - gel pens

Spider starts to feel a bit sick if Nettle spins him around too much.

I don’t think I’ve done this picture in gel pens before? I’ve drawn it every Inktober so far, but I was at work and couldn’t check which inks I had and hadn’t used.

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2 years ago
Never Gets Old.

Never gets old.


Inktober 2022 Day 23: brush inking and ink wash

This is the only one so far that's A5 instead of A6. I've drawn a version of this picture every Inktober since 2014 and it's fun to look back at the set and see the differences, so I try to keep them the same size. I also try to use a different type of ink every year, but I only have 2 or 3 left that I haven't used so I might abandon that eventually.

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6 months ago

he doesn’t like the carpet 😅😺😭

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