Line Drawing - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing
Cat Life Drawing

Cat life drawing

Some sketches I did of cats to study the different movements and body details.

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6 years ago
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium
Life Drawing Contextual Research For Artists Who Use Ink Medium

Life Drawing Contextual Research for artists who use ink medium

1- Francesco Goya

1,2,3 pictures are Francesco's work. I like his way in capturing the details of the figures. His line quality and the use of the ink wash which creates different tones in his paintings.

2- William Kentridge

4th picture is William's work. I like the way he using ink in a freehand style and the way he's capturing the movement in his work which is important for us to learn in animation. I also like the way he uses papers from books because I like to paint in books papers too which adds more unique touch to his subject of work.

3- John Virtue

5,6 pictures are John's work. I like his work as it shows the abstract style. The way of using ink strong brush strokes. His work reminds me of Turner's landscapes. It is great how his strong brush strokes style is creating depth to his landscapes.

4- Brice Marden

7th picture is Brice's work. I like his abstract style and his brush strokes that it looks simple but it has a lot of details. It's nice freehand style and I like his lines that shows the use of light and strong brush strokes.

5-Peng Xiancheng

8,9 pictures are Peng's work. He is a Chinees artist. I like his way of using ink wash and the way he is capturing the figure details in a simple way. I also like the way of using calligraphy in his work which is a well known traditional technique in the Chiness paintings. I like the line quality in the figure details and also in the background brush stocks which is usually done by a handmade brushes that are made from animals hair like horse, weasel and goat hair which holds a lot of ink and create a variety of strokes. I tried few of those brushes recently and they are great and creates different nice stocks.

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5 years ago
Hybrid Animation Project

Hybrid Animation Project

This is my character concept design for my Hybrid animation project.

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12 years ago
30 Days Of Art Improvement Challenge!

30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge!

Day 3, Draw a figure that’s in action, using a reference - link to reference

Maaaan where you runnin'?

He looks a little wonky... I think it's his arm.

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9 years ago
Inktober 2015 - Day 20 : Brush Pen

Inktober 2015 - Day 20 : brush pen

Violet taught Khet and Vekh anime poses, but they don’t look as cute when you have terrifying goat eyes. You can get away with adorable vampire teeth though.

I accidentally crippled myself copying up notes yesterday, so I could only manage a line drawing. No cross-hatching for you two. These two also don’t have the masses of piercings and weird haircuts that other Vrega have because they’re very devout Khukh-worshippers (Khukh is the god of nature) and are forbidden from cutting their hair or deliberately harming themselves in any way. Perfect for when the thought of detail work makes my hands cry. They opted out of the Trial for religious reasons (it involves ritual mutilation) so they’ve started adult life in one of the lower castes and work as general dogsbodies like Meruch (who took the Trial but performed poorly). The double canines and hourglass pupils are benign mutations that are pretty common in their clan, and are thought to be a blessing from Khukh. Violet likes these two because they’re some of the only people on the ship who can give a decent piggy-back ride (no spikes), and at ‘only’ 6′ Khet is one of the very few who are less than a foot taller than her.

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1 year ago

a little late but HAZBIN COMES OUT IN [almost] a MONTH!!!

I was so hyped you have no idea so I drew some huskerdust and Vox since they are my favorite things to draw: with some holiday themes :D

A Little Late But HAZBIN COMES OUT IN [almost] A MONTH!!!
A Little Late But HAZBIN COMES OUT IN [almost] A MONTH!!!

I thought it would be cute to have Angel take husky ice skating lol

I tried to go for a RGB effect on Vox but I learned I cannot do that without my ipad (I felt like he would sing let it die becuase the trailer yeah)

Since Christmas break just started tho, I will have a lot more time to draw digitally :)

A Little Late But HAZBIN COMES OUT IN [almost] A MONTH!!!


it sadly Dosent snow where I live so it’s always fun to draw my fav ship having cute holiday moments ;-)

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11 years ago

mouse loop

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