Lizzy X V - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I wrote some SFW V x Lizzy fanfic because its June and I wanted to. Might be kinda cringe tho. I wrote it in two parts, so it could be a tad clunky, but I have more fanfic of other ships if anyone wants it.

Lizzy tiredly opened the door to her very pink room in her apartment. She stumbled her way to her bed, and flopped lazily upon it. She groaned, and was very willing to go into sleep mode right then and there, when she heard a deep scratch on her window.

Lizzy lifted her head tiredly, and found V on the inside of her window, rather than the outside.

"I don't think I let you in, Missy," Lizzy sighed at V.

V plopped down on the bed right next to her, "Meh. I just 'asked' the door guard to let me in, crawled through the vents, and hid under your bed."

Lizzy sighed and rolled onto her back, further in the bed, “Well, you’re just the perfect end to my day, aren’t you?”

“Oh? Something got your bolts in a twist?” V asked, rolling herself onto her stomach and lining up parallel with Lizzy.

“Kids at school are being useless, as always. They just got me tired out today,” Lizzy stated, throwing her arm over her eyes.

V looked at Lizzy for a moment, before asking her, “I could kill all of them if they were such an inconvenience.”

“Nah, it’d be more trouble than it’s worth.”

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, Lizzy almost falling asleep.

Suddenly, V moved herself to the head of Lizzy’s bed, and laid herself against the pillows.

“Don’t you need to get some beauty sleep?” V asked, putting one hand behind her head and patting the other hand on the bed next to her.

Lizzy rolled over and looked at V with an unamused expression on her face.

V sighed, and wrapped her tail around Lizzy, pulling her up to her side.

V laid Lizzy’s head on her torso and  wrapped her arm around her, clearly intending to sleep next to her.

Lizzy couldn’t properly process what had happened for a moment, but the first thing she registered again was that V was very, very warm, the second was that she was now very cozy and comfortable, the third was just where her head was, and the fourth was that she was probably going to fall asleep like this and not complain.

V turned the light by the bed off, leaving the dim string lights as the only thing illuminating the room, aside from themselves.

They were both asleep within moments.

A few days later, V was… anxious? Worried? No, just impatient. It wasn’t any deeper than that.

Lizzy was late. 10 minutes and 32 seconds late, to be precise. But, V didn’t expect anything less than that, did she?...V paced around the outside door of the colony, definitely not working off any definitely not nervous energy.

The door began to open, and V ducked behind the closest snowbank, not wanting to be seen if someone other than Lizzy was at the door.

“See you later, dude!” Lizzy (thankfully) called to the doorman as she stepped outside. V calmed herself down before jumping out of her hiding place.

“You’re later than normal,” V taunted, pulling out her claws to artificially scratch between her teeth.

“Ugh. I got held up because people were asking stupid questions. I got away from them, thankfully,” Lizzy explained, starting to walk away from the door, “What was it you wanted to talk about again?”

V hesitated. Should she really do this?

“W-well, I wanted to ask you an… awkward… question,” V started, still hesitating.

Lizzy eyed her suspiciously, “Is this about what happened a few days ago? With you sneaking into my room and all that?”

“Y-yeah… it’s about that…” V stopped by a snowdrift.

V groaned, and fell backward into the snowbank, covering her eyes with her hands.

Lizzy fell back into the snowbank with her, “You cringing that bad, eh?”

V sighed, “...I’m not normally that forward. I wasn’t that forward with my first gf. I… did not intend to make you feel awkward, if that’s what happened.”

Lizzy chuckled at her, “Are you serious? That was literally the most restful amount of sleep I’ve ever had.”

“So… you’re not mad?”

“I’m just waiting for you to ask me to be your girlfriend at this point.”

V sat up faster than Lizzy could blink, “Woah woah woah! I-I don’t even know if you like girls or not! I’m not just gonna ask that out of the blue!”

“V, I dated Doll for a year before she decided to pull that prom stunt. I’m not straight.”

V turned to Lizzy, gaining a shy look on her face, “So… are you… willing?”

“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend,” Lizzy sighed with a small laugh.

V couldn’t hold it in anymore. She dove back into the snowbank and wrapped herself around Lizzy.

“Clingy much?” Lizzy asked, attempting to push V off of her, to little avail. V only hugged her tighter.

“You know the sun’s going to come up soon, right?” Lizzy asked.

“...Yeah… Do you have school tomorrow?” V asked right back.

“No, it’s Saturday.”

“...Do you wanna hang out?”

“Can we do this in the colony? You know, indoors?”

V (mostly) unwrapped herself from Lizzy, “...Can I walk with you to the door?”

“Obviously. Are you asking me to hold your hand?”


Lizzy sighed, “Yeah, I’ll hold your hand. You gotta not be this clingy all the time, though.”

V dragged both of them out of the snow bank and onto their feet, “I’ll reduce the clinginess before bed and in the mornings!”

Lizzy grabbed V’s hand, “I assume that’s your minimum?”


“...I can tolerate that.”

The pair walked off to the colony again, laughing lightheartedly.

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11 months ago

I'm going to reblog this in case anyone just needs something wholesome to read after... whatever just happened

I wrote some SFW V x Lizzy fanfic because its June and I wanted to. Might be kinda cringe tho. I wrote it in two parts, so it could be a tad clunky, but I have more fanfic of other ships if anyone wants it.

Keep reading

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10 months ago

Hmmm... alright, I think I have an idea... how about the month the ship was most present? one per episode?

Thadzi month: October Dizzy month: November

Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?
Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?

Vizzy month: February Nuzi month: April

Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?
Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?

Envy month: June Vuzin month: August

Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?
Hmmm... Alright, I Think I Have An Idea... How About The Month The Ship Was Most Present? One Per Episode?

Now... what the hell is march?

Guys we should make a md ships month or smth...

Totally not cuz I'm running out of ship ideas >.>

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7 months ago

… wait.

Hold up.

Lizzy isn’t in the trailer.

Lizzy should be in the trailer, especially when someone like Khan is in it. In fact, the only characters who should be excluded are V and characters with… below Khan level relevancy.

Lizzy seems as equally relevant as Khan, so she should have one scene or at least a couple frames with her in them…


… Every Lizzy sceNE IS A V SCENE-





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