Loch Ness Monster - Tumblr Posts
I started playing FO76 again and wanted to see an irradiated Loch Ness Monster, and I showed my process as well ❤️

There are many benefits to being a marine biologist

Monster Gals through prompts
anyone know of any good cryptozoology websites? maybe even a site with a timeline or list of sightings? i’m trying to do research and most of the information i’ve found sucks.
For the longest time, when people would say "Cryptocurrency," this is what I'd imagine.

You don’t have to go to Scotland to find the Loch Ness Monster. Google Street View has a 360-degree view of Loch Ness and the ruins of Urquhart Castle so that you can experience the beauty of the area and search for the coveted Nessie from the comfort of your living room. Source

Day 4-6 of #slowtember! 🥰 The prompt was Monstera/Water, so I couldn’t help myself and drew Nessie 🥰 Hope you guys like it!

Comforting things dwell in the deep ✨🌊

Today’s drawing - just a peaceful little town with a secret 🥰🐍
![Cryptid Aesthetics [4/?]: The Loch Ness Monster](https://64.media.tumblr.com/842c4f2bfcb74fab144a3c748303ce28/tumblr_p2eqacXDeq1swih3vo1_500.jpg)
![Cryptid Aesthetics [4/?]: The Loch Ness Monster](https://64.media.tumblr.com/666a62924a1e0e373672286661d40029/tumblr_p2eqacXDeq1swih3vo2_500.jpg)
Cryptid Aesthetics [4/?]: The Loch Ness Monster
The Loch Ness Monster, affectionately referred to as Nessie since the 1940s, is an aquatic being which reputedly inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere.
The earliest report of a monster in the vicinity of Loch Ness appears in the “Life of St.Columba” by Adomnán, written in the sixth century AD.
Modern interest in the monster was sparked by a sighting on 22 July 1933, when George Spicer and his wife saw “a most extraordinary form of animal” cross the road in front of their car. They described the creature as having a large body (about 4 feet high and 25 feet long) and a long, wavy, narrow neck, slightly thicker than an elephant’s trunk and as long as the width of the road. They saw no limbs. It lurched across the road towards the loch 20 yards away, leaving a trail of broken undergrowth in its wake.
In December 1933, the first purported photograph of the monster taken by Hugh Gray was published; the Secretary of State for Scotland soon ordered police to prevent any attacks on the creature. In 1934, interest was further piqued by another image known as "surgeon’s photograph" revealing the creature’s head and neck. Further purported sightings of the creature as well as investigations via sonar and submarine have occurred over the years, and Nessie has become somewhat of a cultural icon in Scotland.
there should've been an episode of supernatural where they have to hunt the loch ness monster and sam and dean and cas dress up as super serious fishermen.
and get stuck on a boat w some dudes who aren't serious fishermen so sam and dean and cas would have to pretend to really be good at fishing it would be so funny i think. and like, sam and dean have some deep convo/fight about how their dad never taught them to fish.
and then cas is like, one day i almost stepped on a..... important fish.... and everyone is like uhhh ok.

Originally made May 20, 2019 Here's a baby Nessie, ready to learn how to swim!!

Day 8: Match
“Nessie” is a cryptid first reported in 564 AD in Loch Ness of the Scottish Highlands. The creature would gain widespread attention after 1934, in which the famous “Surgeon’s Photograph” was published.
Maybe Loch Ness has transformed from a cyptid to a deity by it's scientific worship.
All that marine biology and discovery is paying due tribute to transform it to a god-like entity.
I'd support the magical liopleurodon of science and discovery!

There are many benefits to being a marine biologist

There are many benefits to being a marine biologist

Another guy <3 He just wants to fish for god's sake