Long Ramble - Tumblr Posts
(My tumblr died when I tried to send this the first time so it it’s a repeat just ignore this) Hi Pio! Your Gemini art genuinely brings me so much joy and I was hoping to get some art prints, do you have somewhere you sell them and if not I would love your permission to get them printed at a local photo finishing place. Absolutely no pressure tho!
Alr, so while the art is mine, i am the one who made it and owns it and shit
the characters from SAMS, LAES, TSBS in general or even FNAF are not mine
stupid copyright bs basically i am in interested in fucking w/
i am pretty sure on one of Kat's streams, a question about merch was asked if i remember correctly, she said she didn't really know but prolly not or smth like that idk
Temu Lunar drama basically (tho it is kinda diff cuz it was knock-off poorly made, on a site like that just for profit and nothing else)
making stuff and using it for personal use is fine (some ppl might disagree) but profiting off of it is more complicated
i also do not have any idea how to sell real shit don't have a store, never did anything w/ it, donno anything
would i sell physical merch? Maybe in the future i'll think of smth i like money
u can print it if u want to if u do and wanna make a post or smth - tag me, i'd love to see it not even i have prints of my art lol
long rant but yeah i have no excuse lmao
Ok, I'll say this for the first and hopefully only time.
(I know it's long, but it's quite important, so please read.)
If you ask me to draw anything in a form of a request (but also applies to trades or even commissions in a way)
I am not obligated to do it. If I do decide to do so, it's because I have the time, strengths, and will I am kind enough to do it for you. I do not. Owe you. Shit.
If I say I'll be willing to do something before discussing the details, I am 100% free to just say no if the thing you want is not something I am comfortable with.
And I do not need to give an explanation why. Most of the time I'll just go silent about it. Because I am not good with serious talk, I don't like it, I am awkward, social anxiety etc. And because I also want to try and be kind.
So if I ghost you after such a thing. You may text me again. Once. To make sure I didn't just forget, it happens. If I still go silent, that means it's not happening. Give up.
Weird shit includes oversexualizing characters or putting them in weird scenarios.
Sure, I do some questionable shit, but I don't usually go outside of suggestive or just thirst traps if I feel like it. I don't do explicit NSFW. (in a sexual sense, I use curse words and enjoy some heavy gore quite often, but those are not the focus of this.)
Or weird kinks or somethin'. No kink shaming. Just don't ask me to make shit I don't like. I think it's that simple. If You're aware, what you are going to ask for is questionable - make sure the artist you're asking is ok with that - and if you won't find anything about it - don't. At the very least, ask about their boundaries. Don't just slap them with that.
I legit am traumatized by some shit some people asked me to do. And I am not easy to get a reaction from.
It's ok to ask me for stuff I've done already - take for the example the 'Solar's hips' joke I have going on. Some people would probably consider it weird in some way, but it's just harmless simping and poking fun at a character that canonically has been called out for being a twink
It's a small gag I have going on with some people I know on Tumblr
if I was uncomfortable with it, I would not take it as far as I did. I think it's funny, and I do enjoy drawing that candy corn, so it's win-win for everyone.
This also comes down to me drawing characters suggestively only if I myself find them attractive in some shape, way or form. I find it funny or there's other context behind it.
Even if it's a character I like, not always will I do that to them.
I can draw shit out of Shadow, but I will not touch Tails with that. I love both of these characters, but I see them very differently. Also, Tails is literally like 8yo, but that's a completely different discussion.
When it comes to commissions - yes. You pay me to do something for you. But because of that factor - I am willing to do more and get more out of my comfort zone than if I was doing it for no profit. (still not NSFW. I mean, more character design or somethin') And the thing is discussed before payment. I will not agree to it if it makes me feel in any way I do not enjoy.
This issue appeared only on DeviantArt, thus far, and I am really happy Tumblr doesn't put me though that too. (update: I actually got one kinda weird ask there once, but it was more of a cursed thought, a laugh and that's about it)
if I ever get anything like that again and don't break my arm while trying to break the monitor, I'll just be deleting everything that person said and if they keep on pushing, I'll just block. I don't usually block people, but I am kinda tired at this point.
Apologies if it's a very long, aggressive rant but-- idfk I'm fed up with that bs.
don't ask any artist to draw you weird shit that might make them uncomfortable, don't act/sound demanding and behave like they owe you their work for any reason, bc in this situation you're the one begging somebody else to do work for you for free. Basically.
I had to rant.
This post goes onto both Tumblr and DA btw. DA to hopefully stop that bs and Tumblr to hopefully prevent it from happening.
I’m curious- how long does it take to draw a sketch versus a rendered drawing?
I really love your art! It always amazes me with how detailed it turns out to be.
I hope you have a great week!
it really, really depends
a doodle like the ones i often do for the asks can take up from literally 5 min to i'd say 30 min? depends if i want to shade it in any way tbh
as for full rendered pieces - hours, usually days i can do one in one day (hard to call it a day when i start at like 12pm end up 4am but ykwim) but it can also take like 3 or 5 depending on how many breaks i take
honestly comes down to how many characters and the environment cuz the thing that takes up the most time, i'd say is coloring and shading i can sketch up pretty quickly and i don't go for super clean, smooth line art anyway i like the messy, free style (also saves a lot of time) so filling in the colors takes a bit and i honestly don't enjoy it all that much (that's why most doodles r just shaded and not colored)
and then it just comes down to what the bg is and how it affects the char cuz then it's just shading both to fit in, to look natural and blend tgt nicely (or not at all cuz i like funky, neon and eyestrain lol)
2 pieces i can think of rn that took me the longest (that i still consider fresh enough to take up for consideration) r the SAMS anniversary art and first piece for my Calamari Lunar i did both took me like a week from what i can remember
the former bc of the amount of characters on it, each one had to be done fully and separately so it just took a bit the latter cuz it's a really detailed, lineless, heavily shaded (also cuz it was me designing a char, so it always takes a bit back and forth until it just feels right)
i'd love to give u actual numbers, but i don't keep track of it that much and my program doesn't say it either (at least idk abt it) so i'm just going off of my memory, how long i feel like it took and mayhaps looking at dates of when i send a friend a sketch, when i first started talking abt it, the file info vs the posting date but usually idc enough to do so, and often it just simply isn't possible
TL;DR a doodle can take like 5-30 min and rendered shit a few days most often cuz i'm slow af; it all comes down to what the piece is
also tysm! so glad u enjoy my little hellhole wonderland of mental instability and mostly just thirst traps! :D
yall have no idea how actually happy it makes me when ppl notice small details i put into my work there's just smth in my brain that says it needs to have so many lil details and things and be so well done even if it's gonna get blurred out, shaded til binary and covered by 8 diff layers of shit
das the talk.
Soooo... the 6th was something! Emotions were high (so was everyone’s anxiety and I hope you are all okay), Friendships were broken, made or repaired and we learned some shit.
But, I wanna look at one thing in particular. Wilbur’s resurrection and how it effects the story as well as how it effects the characters. Wilbur may be resurrected on the 10th which, if it does work, will have major effects on the plot and characters. For now I’ll only talk about the characters since the plot is a whole other post.
When it comes down to it I think the strongest reactions will come from either Fundy or Phil but the reactions will be totally different. Let’s start with Phil (Cause I’m a sucker for Dadza aka I’m biased)
Phil’s biggest regret on the server is that he couldn’t help Wilbur and he’s made it pretty clear he doesn’t want a similar situation:
"take genuinely nice wholehearted people and turn them against each other with power and corruption"
"I don't want to see it happen again"
So from a narrative and character perspective it could be possible that if Wilbur is brought back, Phil will try to keep him as close as possible to make sure Wilbur is safe. Also we don’t know what will happen if Wilbur is brought back successfully, he could still act like Ghostbur, he could just mellow out or still be as crazy as he was before he died. No matter what Phil could try to keep him close by to make sure he is safe and to possibly make sure he doesn’t relapse if Wilbur is still crazy.
Speaking of crazy! Like father like son let’s talk about Fundy. The funny thing about this whole situation is that, depending on how Wilbur comes back, it could become a reverse situation of how Wilbur treated Fundy. If Wilbur comes back sane he could possibly try to reconnect with Fundy but, with the state Fundy is in right now I highly doubt he would want anything to do with Wilbur alive or not.
EDIT: As @cinnamonflavoredhugs pointed out Fundy did say he wanted Wilbur back. I must have missed that part of the stream somehow so apologies on my part. Thanks for pointing it out!
(I’m done with this ramble, I’m tired. Still don’t know how to end a ramble)
Pure ramble from a tired idiot
Tales From the SMP is tonight! (and it’s at 11 PM for me so hopefully I won’t miss it) So I kinda just want to ramble about what I think about it an what we’ve been told.
we know from what Karl has said that “The Pit” takes place around the same time "The Lost City of Mizu" and with the whole gladiator pit vibe maybe we’re gonna see Techno’s descendent or possible Techno himself (since let’s be honest, with the whole “Technoblade never dies” thing as well as the fact we haven’t actually seen him die, it’s not out the realm of possibility.)
Also since Phil will be in this and he confirmed his character has been around for a long time (his characters age is in the hundreds) maybe if Phil is playing his character and Phil isn’t just playing a different character, there could be an interaction between him and Karl, where Phil points out Karl shouldn’t be there (because “The Pit” takes place around the same time as "The Lost City of Mizu" which takes place quite a bit of time after the SMP since in "The Lost City of Mizu" it’s confirmed everyone is pretty much gone.)
If that does happen Phil could maybe reveal some lore that we have yet to see! Maybe the lore could be that a character dies or something else. I really doubt this would be a thing though since it would be a little too convenient
(EDIT: Also yes it does contradict what I said in my earlier post about Techno being dead and having a descendent but, that was just a random thought post so it’s fine!)
From the video in a tweet he made yesterday I think this is 100% going to be a darker/sadder story since if we look at back Karl library there is only one item frame left (I’m sure Karl may have more planned but still, kinda makes me nervous) and the whole vibe of the mini trailer just feels a lit more sad/dark.
Please keep in mind that these are just my thoughts! I wrote this down as I thought about it so it is literally just a ramble. If you don’t agree with it and think I sound like a crazy person (I mean... I am but still.) that’s okay, I can’t cater to everyone. If you have any idea or thoughts, I love to talk about these types of things so feel free to add on! and I hope you all have a great night/day!
(really though if you don’t agree with me that’s fine just, don’t be a dick about it please)
I think my story for this is kinda interesting so here we go!
Since I was a kid I have always not really related to people, me and dogs just kinda clicked. I would always act like a dog, research dogs, etc… Of course I thought nothing of this growing up because i was like “well all kids did that right? It was just playing pretend!” But even growing up, thinking that I was human made me so sad(?) like it just didn’t feel right at all… If I talked about humans I would always say “them” I’d have to remind myself to say us lol-
When I was 10 I found the furry fandom and it just clicked, finally people that also loved and related to animals like I did!! I’m still a furry now but as we all know furries and therians are not the same so there was still something that felt missing… I’d look in the mirror and be so sad not to see the ears and tail I felt like were there (phantom shifts)
I forget when but I did at some point learn about therians, I tried to ignore it for a long while to be honest. I knew that if I did more research that I would definitely know I was one but thinking that I’d have another thing to be made fun of for I hid it from myself the best I could. But it got to a point that it was really difficult, the idea that I wasn’t crazy or alone in how I felt was so tempting to look into but I kept biting my tongue.
Then during April of this year I was casually bringing up my childhood to one of my friends, talking about how much I would relate to dogs, only play as a dog, dressed as a dog, heavily related to them, etc… and sure enough after school they text me and popped the question “are you a therian?”
I couldn’t even lie at this point, I replied with something along the lines of “probably but I’m too scared to admit it to myself” so we had a whole conversation about therians and otherkins and it really helped me come to terms with it all. That day I actually officially identified with the label therian!
Sorry that that was kinda long, I just thought it was important to share because it shows how therianthropy is involuntary and no matter how hard you try to hide it from yourself, it doesn’t go away and stays with you. I have never been happier being honest with myself and my identity, don’t like the idea of what other people think scare you from being your true self!!!
How did you found out you're an alterhuman?? Asking every alterhuman like therian, otherkin, otherhearted, animalhearted etc.