Lotr Imagine - Tumblr Posts
This is so beautifully written 😍💕
Tolerate It | Thranduil
▹ Pairing: Thranduil x Human!Reader
▹ Genre: Angst
▹ Words: ~2k
▹ Summary: A political alliance makes you the new wife of the elven king Thranduil, trapping you in a gilded cage of elven craft.
▹ Notes: I couldn't get this idea out of my head.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The banquet hall of Eryn Galen was buzzing with high energy.
The lights were bright, the drinks flowing. Each guest was too deep in their cups as the band played jaunty tunes that kept spirits high. You sat at the end of the table, to the direct right of Thranduil, Legolas seated directly across from you to the king's left.
Everything was beautiful, similar to what you imagined heaven may look like. The celebration had been highly anticipated, the steward meticulously planning for months to ensure the night would be perfect.
Each guest had dressed to the nines, and you had been no exception. Silks that flowed like a languid river, braids woven throughout your hair, and glittering jewels that rivaled the stars in the sky. You’d felt quite pretty after your handmaidens finished, taking in your appearance with rapt attention.
Yet as the king - your husband - met with you, he barely paid you more than a glance. Not a single compliment or acknowledgment slipped from his lips, just the stiff offering of his arm and a cold demeanor you’d never been able to break through.
Not even the bitterness of the red wine you drank could ease the pain festering inside you. You glanced at Thranduil, his attention on his steward whispering something in his ear. Regal and commanding, you’d thought marriage to the elven king would be something out of a fairytale. Yet your story became twisted, and instead of a happy ending, you were trapped in a doomed marriage. It was like a wall separated you from him; you’d tirelessly beat against it with a hammer; Thranduil was on the other end, reinforcing the stone.
You glanced down at your dress, the pale green fabric, Thranduil’s favorite shade. Even still, you were desperate for his validation and approval, like a child tugging at their father’s sleeves. A stray hair fell in front of your face, and you pushed it behind your ear, hands ghosting over your rounded ears. Maybe if you’d been an elf and not a human, he might view you as an equal and not a consolation prize.
One hand below the table closed into a tight fist while you downed the rest of your wine in one gulp.
Legolas met your eye from across the table with an almost apologetic grin. You returned it with a tight smile you tried to make pleasant. Legolas knew all too well the neglect his father could inflict, so he often preferred the forests over the palace. There was an understanding that made your pain more bearable.
The handmaidens you brought from home and your stepson, who was older than your eldest living relatives, were all that kept you from falling into true despair.
Like clockwork, a servant filled your chalice, and you gladly drank. This wine was sweeter and less sharp than the red you were expecting. Once again, you looked towards Thranduil, no longer speaking with his steward but quietly watching the party play out. You reached out, delicately placing your hand over his, only for his to push it away, not bothering to pay you a glance.
The blatant rejection stung, always taking up too much space and time. Would Thranduil even notice if you’d stolen away into the night? If you pulled the dagger your marriage embedded in you, breaking free and leaving this miserable life behind. What might it be like to shed the weight of Thranduil’s cold disposition and an overly suspicious, judgmental, elvish kingdom? You’d be free and weightless for the first time in years.
Yet, just as soon as the fantasies came, they fizzled out with the weight of reality. You had no money of your own, no survival skills, and nowhere to go. If you returned home, your father would ship you back to Thranduil. The dark forests and the creatures that lurked within would kill you. There was nowhere to go. No freedom to be found.
You didn’t bother hiding the frown on your lips; no one in the room paid you much mind. They looked through you as if you were a phantom that clung to the residence of its former life. How was it possible to be in such a crowded room and yet still be so alone?
"How much longer do you believe this will go on for?" At some point, Legolas had moved from across the table and was now seated to your left, watching the crowded room with thinly veiled discomfort. " I hope for not much longer. I've never been amendable to crowds so large as this one."
"How much longer do you believe this will go on for?"
At some point, Legolas had moved from across the table and was now seated to your left, watching the crowded room with thinly veiled discomfort.
" I hope for not much longer. I've never been amendable to crowds so large as this one."
Legolas laughed, the noise swallowed by the noise of the room. "And yet you are queen; should you not be used to such raucous parties?"
You tilted your glass towards him, a slight quirk on your lips.
"I could say the same about you, prince."
He nodded in silent agreement, quickly drinking from his glass, which you noticed was filled with water and not wine.
"I get to run off to the forest. How do you deal with all of this?" The smile on your face fell as your eyes dimmed, a reminder of your current standing.
"No one pays me mind. A blessing, I suppose." You attempted to laugh it off, but you couldn't keep the somberness from your tone. You were trapped in a gilded cage, a prisoner in your own home.
"Then I suppose I'll need to take more respites in the castle."
"You don't need--"
"I insist; what kind of friend would I be if I didn't check on your wellbeing."
So warm and inviting, it made you wonder how Legolas could be the son of Thranduil; he must take after his mother. You wondered, if only for a moment, how different your life might be if you'd been married to Legolas instead of his father. He was the more age appropriate option and if he didn't love you he'd at least respect you. But those thoughts were pointless; you'd been married to Thranduil and not Legolas.
"I think I'm technically your stepmother."
"But you feel more like a friend."
You didn't bother to argue, placing down your wine chalice to take a cool water drink. It was refreshing, soothing the burn the wine had created.
"Then I am glad we are friends."
Before he could respond, a member of his guard called his name. The elf enthusiastically waved him over, yelling something in elvish too slurred for you to understand.
Legolas shook his head, refusing the call, but you placed a single hand on his shoulder.
"Go, enjoy the night. I'll be fine over here."
He tried to discern if you were being dishonest but found nothing but sincerity. Just because you were miserable didn't mean he should be. With a single nod, Legolas left the table to join the group forming in the corner of the room.
Left in the chaos with no one to speak with, you picked up the chalice with wine. At some point during your conversation, Thranduil wandered off, talking with some of the higher-ranking nobles.
Thickly, you swallowed, hiding your face as you slowly drank from your glass.
When would this torment end?
The night dragged on at an impossibly slow speed. Your sorrow brought time to a near halt. By the time the crowd began to thin and Thranduil had escorted you back to your shared chambers, you’d forgotten how many glasses of wine you consumed. You managed to keep your composure and pride, not letting you show how light and lethargic the alcohol made you.
Now, you sat before your vanity, preparing for bed as did Thranduil. There were so many pins placed in your hair that you struggled to pull them out without ripping your hair. Your head throbbed, and your frustration was building; you just wanted sleep. A cold hand pushed yours away, tangling in your hair. With practiced and fluid movements, Thranduil began to take down your hair. He was quick and efficient, his hands in your hair almost soothing.
The action was oddly domestic, and it caused a pang of pain in your chest. If the gods had been fair enough to bless you with a husband who loved you, this would be a nightly occurrence, not a rare show of care.
“There’s too many pins in your hair.” Always critical; nothing would ever be good enough.
A beat of silence passed; did he even want you to speak?
“It was a special occasion; I wanted something different done to my hair.”
Clink. He placed the last pin on the table and stepped away from you.
“It was a bit gauche.”
Expression tight, you stared at your reflection, focused on your dark hair that tangled too quickly and your nearly pallid complexion. Gauche and graceless, the elves would never view you as their own.
“I thought it looked nice.”
His answer was to silently turn his back to you, moving to the other end of the room. The silence was maddening. Your attention never moved from your reflection, lips downturned as your eyes hardened. Pain turned to rage, pity becoming an all-consuming fire that threatened to turn all in your wake to ash.
“Why marry me?” Your tone was harsh, firmer than you could remember speaking.
Thranduil let out a sigh, seemingly annoyed at your mere presence. Normally, his disregard made you shrink, and maybe it was the wine, but it only made you straighten your back, meeting his eyes through his reflection in your mirror.
“To seal an alliance with your kingdom, you know this.” He was always condescending; he was so much older and wiser.
“I understand political marriages, but why marry me? You’ve managed political alliances without offering your hand in marriage; you even have a son to martyr off. So why--” You slowly stood from your chair, turning to face him directly. “-marry me?”
“Would you have preferred to marry Legolas?”
“I’d prefer you answer my question. So I’ll ask once more: why marry me?” You strode towards him, eyes narrowed.
“To ensure an alliance with your family.”
“That is it? For no reason other than that.”
Thranduil looked down at you, his lips tight.
“Did you hope to hear differently?” He tilted his head, eyes ice cold and bitter. “Ours was a marriage of convenience, not love.”
You clenched your jaw, swallowing thickly. All of it for nothing, a marriage he knew would never succeed. He may have been content with a loveless life after the passing of his wife, but he knowingly dragged you into it. To turn your life into a void--
You wanted to scream, to yell obscenities at him, to spit all the vile venom his careless behavior filled you with. But it would do no good. An emotional breakdown wouldn’t mend your rift; there was no foundation of respect to rebuild. It was just endless nothingness. Standing at the precipice, you would simply fall into a never-ending pit.
“I see.”
A hint of shock made his eyes widen a fraction, expecting an outburst like the one you fantasized about. Humans weren’t known for patience, yet it wasn’t patience that kept you silent. It was dejection; you'd given up hope of anything better than what you had.
You dared not move, not even blink until Thranduil turned towards the door.
“I think I will ensure the keep is secured. Goodnight.”
Head turned, yet your eyes remained where he once stood; you remained silent. The door opened and quietly shut behind his retreating form. Only then did you exhale the breath you’d been holding.
The bed was plush under your body, and the comforter was like a cloud, yet you’d never felt more miserable. You turned your back to the side Thranduil would take when he returned to the chambers. Eyes shut, soothed by the darkness, you dreamed of something more.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Tags: @jmablurry | @lunatichaotiche | @aearonnin | @emiliessketches | @vibratingbones | @moony-artnstuff | @ranhanabi777 | @kenobiguacamole | @ceinelee | @thranduil | @samnblack | @abbiesthings | @Strangebananabatranch | @bitter--fruit | @keijibum | @lifestylesleep | @themerriweathermage | @im-a-muggleborn | @sweetheart-syndrome | @boyruins | @AwkwardBecomesYou | @delyeceamaitare
Imagine Y/N arriving at Rivendell with the hobbits.
Frodo: "I am ready to go home."

Y/N: "Yeah well if you were we wouldn't have two more movies to get through"
The Hobbits: "What?"

Legolas: "Wait, I know your face. I know you! You are the mortal who called me Ella!"

Y/N: "It's Elsa"

Imagine Y/N sitting at the council of Rivendell with Legolas.
Boromir: "Why not use this ring?" -continues speech-

-While Boromir talks-
Y/N(quietly): "On a scale from one to ten my friend you're fucked."
Legolas: "Language Mellon."

Imagine the reactions of the fellowship when Y/N took the blade for Frodo on Weathertop (Amon Sûl)
Elrond: My dear child you would have died. You do not possess the gift of immortality, must you be as reckless as you are? You are not of this world!
Y/N: *grinning* Nah she'll be right. I'm fine aren't I?
Legolas: *walks in* You look terrible. As you would after a near death experience.

Y/N: You call it a near death experience. I call it a vibe check from God.

Aragorn: *Bursts into laughter*
Gandalf: *Stares pointedly* Yes.. not of this world.
Legolas: *is visibly confused* Are we talking about her recklessness or her beauty?

Y/N: >_> Ummm anyways, when are we leaving?
Incorrect quotes #2
Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor. It's black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep.

Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn: Neither does Y/N, what's your point.

Y/N: *Sarcastically* Oh no you got me!!
Imagine Y/N sitting at the council of Rivendell while everyone is arguing
Y/N: *quietly singing the McDonald's theme song*
Gandalf: I don't suppose you want to break this up for us?
Y/N *whispers* Nah, you and I both know that's Frodo's thing. Don't ruin his big moment.
Gandalf: Very well
20 seconds later
Frodo: I will take it!!

Gandalf: I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.
Aragorn: If by my life or death I can protect you.. I will. You have my sword. *turns to Y/N*

Y/N: *whispers* Do I have to? Can't I stay here with the pretty elv-
Aragorn: *shoulders Y/N* Yes.
Y/N: *sighs* And I will follow, but only if I get to call Legolas and Gimli, Elsa and Anna.
Legolas: Again the young maiden speaks words that I do not understand. *Turns to Frodo* You have my bow.

Gimli: And my axe.

Boromir: You carry the fate of us all little one-

Y/N: *interrupts* Alright yadda yadda can we go? I didn't eat breakfast.
Imagine Y/N giving the answer to the riddle at the doors of Moria

Gandalf: *muttering spells at the door*
Frodo: Can Gandalf open the door?
Legolas: If not Gandalf then who? Surely the dwarf knows the key to his kin's door.
Gimli: *grumbles*
Merry and Pippin: *throwing rocks into the water*
Aragorn: *hurriedly* Do not disturb the water.

The Hobbits: *turns to Y/N*
Y/N: Don't touch the water little ones. You need not disturb it. You know not what the depths of the abyss holds.
The hobbits: *surprised to see Y/N serious*

Frodo: It's a riddle is it not?
Y/N: Correct my dear.
Legolas: Then pray tell what is the answer.
Y/N: *grins* Mellon
Legolas: *frowns* Are you talking to me-

The doors open
Y/N: Try to be more obvious about how you feel hm? *smirks*
Legolas: I know not of what you spea-
Boromir: *interrupts* Enough of the flirting. Quickly, I am not eager to find out what the waters of this cursed place holds.
All quickly walk inside
Legolas: *grins at Y/N's back*

Gandalf: *Shakes his head* Young fools.
Imagine you were hiding in the throne room when Thranduil and Legolas questioned the orc about Thorin's company.
Orc: Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you!
Thranduil: *slices It’s head off*
Legolas: Why did you do that.. You promised to set him free.

Y/N *whispers from behind the throne* Oop
Thranduil: And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders.
Y/N *tries to suppress laughter*
Legolas: There was more the orc could tell us.
Thranduil: There was nothing more he could tell me.
Y/N: *about to burst*
*Legolas leaves*
Thranduil: Was it really that amusing Y/N?
Y/N: *Falls over in a fit of laughter* Did you see?! His face? *Imitates Legolas* Why did you do that *falls over in laughter*
Thranduil: You know you cannot keep your presence a secret for much longer. The scriptures have stated that he will meet a ranger, one that was not seen in stories foretold, a ranger who defies the hands of time, the one who appears when there is great need.
*Y/N pauses, and lays still on the floor*
Y/N: A life time, it has been. Yet still I have not found the reason nor purpose for which I was sent here. Old friend, will I ever return from whence I came?
Thranduil: You will find your purpose, whether it be here in middle earth, or where you came from. It matters not whether you return.
*Thranduil strides back to his throne*

Y/N: Well, I will see you again soon.
Thranduil: Hopefully not.
Y/N: You love our chats.
Thranduil: Do not push your luck Pethryn. *Smiling slightly* Go do what you must. I shall await for when fate will bring you back to my halls.

Pethryn means narrator in Sindarin I think >_>
Masterlist!! (Mobile friendly)
These are in a timeline! I heavily recommend reading them in order. From The Hobbit to LOTR (Harry Potter stuff is probs going to be below my Tolkien stuff!
The Hobbit
Imagine Y/N being there when Thorin cuts off Azog’s hand in battle.
Incorrect quotes #3
Imagine Y/N being sent from the dungeons with Thorin to talk to Thranduil
Imagine Bard showing Y/N the black arrow.
Imagine hiding in the throne room when Legolas and Thranduil interrogate the orc.
Imagine breaking the dwarves out of the dungeons of the woodland realm.
Imagine Y/N being there when Tauriel saves Kili. (Not cannon to the Pethryn au)
Imagine the reactions of the fellowship when Y/N took the blade for Frodo on Weathertop (Amon Sûl)
Imagine arriving in Rivendell with the fellowship.
Imagine Y/N sitting at the council of Rivendell with Legolas.
Imagine Y/N sassing Boromir at the council of Rivendell (Incorrect quotes #1
Imagine Legolas and Aragorn teasing you at the council of Rivendell (Incorrect quotes #2)
Imagine Y/N sitting at the council of Rivendell while everyone is arguing.
Imagine leaving Rivendell with the Company of the ring
Imagine Y/N giving the answer to the riddle at the doors of Moria.
Imagine Y/N being there when Gandalf gets captured by the Balrog in the mines of Moria
Imagine entering the woods of Lothlórien with the Company of the Ring.
Harry Potter (Golden Era)
Imagine Showing up in Third year of the Golden Trio Era (set up for later imagines)
Imagine showing up at the Dursley's house to pick up Harry(Pethryn au)
Imagine Being on the train with the golden trio and Remus Lupin. (Pethryn au)
Imagine Draco secretly wanting Y/N
Marauder Era
Imagine comforting Sirius (X reader drabble)
Real or not real? (series James Potter X reader)
Max Verstappen
I'm always funny, you're just not smart enough to keep up. (teaser)
Task Force 141
Ghost, Johnny and Kyle
Just a little turned around
Imagine being sent to Thranduil along with Thorin
Small explanation. Y/N actually knows Thranduil as a close friend. She was his confidant when he became king. He knows that she is not from this world and was sent here and posesses the ability to change the fate of all middle earth. (Time travel kinda stuff?) Anyways HAPPY READING
Thranduil: I will let you go, if you but return which is mine.

Y/N: Honestly not sure why I'm here? Can I leav-
Thranduil: *interrupts* Silence Pethryn.
Thorin: A favour for a favour
Thranduil: You have my word, one king to another.
Y/N: *cringes, knowing that's next.*
Thorin: I would not trust, Thranduil, great king, to honour his word, should the end of all days be upon us.

Y/N: *sighs and looks down* Shit.
Thorin: I have seen how you treat your friends. We came to you once. Starving, homeless, seeking your help. But you turned your back.
Thranduil and Y/N: *looks at eachother but remains silent*
Thorin: *continues* You turned away from the suffering of my people. The inferno that destroyed us. Imrid amrâd ursul! (Die a fiery death)
Y/N: *loudly* Enough Thorin.
Thranduil: Do not talk to me of dragon fire. I know it's wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north.

Y/N: *looks away from his scar*
Thranduil: I warned your grandfather what his greed would summon, but he would not take heed. You are no different.
*Gestures to the guards to take him away*
Stay here if you will and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink, in the eyes of an elf.
Thorin and gaurds exit
Y/N: Rather dramatic aren't we old friend? *smirks*
Thranduil: *refuses to look at you* Do not think I did not notice you turn away.
Y/N: *looks down* I cannot bear to look upon the pain I brought you. That day, that scar. It was meant for me.
Thranduil: Mellon nin, I would face the serpents once more if I were but to keep you safe.
Y/N: We went needlessly into battle. I was the one who should have-

Thranduil: Enough. You have spent a millennia repenting and punishing yourself for something I never blamed you for. I have nothing but fate to thank that it brings you back to my halls even if unwillingly. I have spent centuries waiting for your council again.
Y/N: *sighs and kneels* I have missed you Aran nin.
Thranduil: The Narrator does not kneel to a mere King in passing time, stand. I will not tell you again, lest my people think I have gone soft or mad.

Y/N: *grins* By the way you do know that they will escape.
Thranduil: And I guess I am not able to stop them?
Y/N: Nope.
Thranduil: Will you be joining them?
Y/N: *skips up to his throne and sits* All in due time my friend. Patience is a virtue.~
Thranduil: *picks her up with one hand by the scruff and sets her off his throne* Stop that. It is unbecoming. Go eat, tis the Feast of Starlight.
Y/N: Already on it! See ya later loser.
Y/N exits
Thranduil: *mutters from his throne* How they are able to switch between a child and an adult that is burdened with the fate of time, never ceases to confuse me.
Aran nin= My king
Pethryn= Narrator
Almost 2k?! Thats a long boi for me.
Imagine being in the mines of Moria with the fellowship.
Pippin: Are we lost?

Merry: No
Pippin: I think we are
Merry: *shushes him*
Y/N: Gandalf's thinking.
Frodo: *notices Gollum* Y/N, Gandalf! There's something down there.
Y/N: *turns to Gandalf* You wanna take this one?
Gandalf: *mutters* Not unless you wish to tell me the way.
Y/N: *grins* When in doubt Gandalf, when in doubt.
Turns to Frodo
Y/N: My dear, that would be Gollum.
Frodo: Gollum?
Y/N: Yes, I think he’s been following us for three days now. Probably set free from the dungeons of Barad-dûr. He wants what you carry upon your neck.
Frodo: The Ring?
Y/N: Yes, he will spend the rest of his life following where the ring goes, for he loves and hates the ring. Just as he loves and hates himself.
Gandalf: Sméagol’s story is quite a sad one.
Frodo: Sméagol?
Y/N: Yes, that was what he was called. Before the Ring found him, and drove him mad.
Frodo: Pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance.
Y/N: Pity? No my dear boy.
Gandalf: It was pity that stilled Bilbo’s hand.
Y/N: *grits her teeth* Many that live deserve death
Legolas and Gimli : *both look at Y/N and frown*

Gandalf: And some that that die, deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo?
Y/N: Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement dear one. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Gandalf: *narrows his eyes at Y/N before turning back to Frodo* My heart tells me there is still some part for Gollum to play whether for ill or for good.
Y/N: The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.
Frodo: I wish the ring never came to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not up to them to decide.
Y/N: All we can do, is to decide what to do with the time that was given to us.
Gandalf: There are other forces at work in this world and out of it Frodo, *glances at Y/N* besides the will of evil.
Y/N: Bilbo was meant to find the ring, and therefore you were meant to carry it. *grins down at Frodo* Now isn't that an encouraging thought?
Gandalf: Ah its that way!
Merry: He’s remembered!
Gandalf and Y/N: No.
Gandalf: But the air doesn’t smell so foul down here.
Y/N: *grins at Gandalf* When in doubt my friends, follow your nose.
Legolas: I thought it was follow your heart.
Aragorn: As did I

Y/N: Now now my dear friends, your heart goes third and your nose goes second!
Legolas: *puzzled* Then what goes first?
Both grin and look at each other
Aragorn: Her stomach.
Y/N: My stomach.
Sam: Quite wise of you miss Y/N.
Y/N: Thank you Sam.
All walk through the tunnel.
Legolas: *to Aragorn* Do you know what Y/N likes to eat?
Aragorn: Anything that she can get her hands on. Why so curious Legolas.

Legolas: *hurriedly* Just want to know what fuels such a dwarf sized human.

Y/N: I heard that.
Incorrect Quotes part 3
Legolas: Do not think I won't kill you dwarf. It would be my pleasure.

Y/N: *Quietly* I could give you pleasure.
Everyone: What?

Y/N: What?
I really liked the lightness of writing posts, I have the idea that I really liked the lightness of writing posts, I have the idea that y/n He saw legolas with his hair and only his boxer shorts and is now blackmailing him into giving it back.He saw legolas with his hair and only his boxer shorts and now he is blackmailing him into giving him back (y/n) His blanket in front of the team His blanket in front of the team?
I would be grateful❤️❤️❤️
Alrighty righty, I'll try my best! (this will probably come in the form of Incorrect quotes since this wont be cannon to my time line!

Legolas: Y/N my dear, it seems as though you've lost something.. *smirking as he holds out a pair of undergarments*
Y/N: ... Alright pretty boy what do you want for 'em
Legolas: *grins wider* Whatever makes you think you can bribe an elven prince?
Y/N: Cause i have a pretty face? Give it here Elsa- *lunges at Legolas's hand*
Legolas: *smiles and raises his hand higher* Nuh Uh, you must try harder than that Mellon Nîn.
Y/N: *frowns* Well in that case..
Y/N clambers on top Legolas with a grin

Legolas: *splutters* What on middle earth are you doing?
Y/N: Nothing *grinning*
While Legolas is flustered Y/N Takes back the piece of clothing from Legolas.
Y/N: Y'know, if you wanted me on you, you could have just asked me Ernil Nin.

Legolas: I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about.
Y/N: Your words do not agree with the redness in your cheeks. Like I say so often. Try to hide your feelings better Mellon Nîn.
Ernil Nîn= my prince I think
Stay the fuck off my computer and my Microsoft word and get your ideas elsewhere.
The Glass: What? Is this an actual threat? Am I famous enough to have haters now or something? XD
Gandalf: I’m not so sure it was a threat my friend.

Legolas: Sounds like a threat to me. I’m ready to fight.
Gimli: Sounds like a human thing to say.
Aragorn: I wonder why it’s anonymous.

Imagine Y/N being there when Gandalf gets captured by the Balrog in the mines of Moria and Legolas comforts you.

Y/N: Gandalf they're running.
The goblins disperse
Boromir: What is this new evil.
Y/N: I fear that it is something worse is upon us.
Footsteps approach
Y/N and Gandalf: A Balrog.
Gandalf: A demon of the ancient world.
Y/N: And not a hot one either *mutters*
The fellowship: What?

Y/N: This foe is beyond any of you.
Gandalf: Run! Quickly!
The fellowship comes to a cliff and all stop before it.
Aragorn: Gandalf... Can you continue.
Gandalf: *looks at you and Aragorn* You must lead them on. The bridge is near.
Y/N: But I-
Gandalf: Do as I say! Swords are of no more use here.
They all climb down the stairs hurriedly but find a gap.
Legolas: Y/N! *gestures for you to jump*
Y/N: Gandalf first, then the little ones. Hurry!
One by one they get across while Gimli pauses.
Gimli: Nobody tosses a dwarf!
Y/N: I don't think you want to jump.
Gimli: *jumps and is caught by his beard* NOT THE BEARD.
Y/N: *smirks* Told you so.
Legolas pulls him up.
Y/N: Hurry Frodo! *throws Frodo to Legolas*
Y/N and Aragorn slide down the stairs as it collapses.
Gandalf: Over the bridge! Fly!
Y/N: Gandalf quickly! The bridge!
They reach the bridge and Gandalf stops.

Gandalf: You cannot pass!
Frodo: Gandalf!
Y/N: No! *runs back to Gandalf*
Gandalf: Pethryn STAY.
Y/N reluctantly halts.
Gandalf: I am a servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you flame of Udûn!
The Balrog strikes Gandalf.

Gandalf: Go back to the shadows.
Balrog brings forth it's whip.

Y/N: Gandalf do not linger! You must come!
Gandalf Stares into the abyss as the creature falls.
Y/N: NO! *she rushes forwards grasped by Aragorn and Legolas* Let me go. UNHAND ME. *struggles* GANDALF.
Boromir: No!
Frodo: GANDALF *Boromir holds him back*

Gandalf: Fly you fools!
Gandalf falls.

Frodo: No!
Boromir: Aragorn! We must move.
Aragorn and Legolas drag Y/N and they all exit the mines.
Y/N: I could have saved him. I could have pulled him up! Why did you stop me? Why didn't you let me-
Legolas pulls Y/N to his chest.
Legolas: We could not have you fall into fire and shadow too. Gandalf sacrificed for us so we must honour him by living.

Y/N: *shakes in anger* I could have helped him.
Aragorn: Then you know it was the path he had to take.
Y/N: *grits their teeth* But I do not have to like it.
Aragorn: Get them up.
Boromir: Give them a moment for pity's sake.
Y/N: *quietly* There is no time for pity.

Aragorn: By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlórien.
Y/N: Quickly, get them up Boromir. Legolas help me.

Legolas: I'm sorry, I only wanted to make sure you were safe.
Y/N: It was not your fault. I bare you no ill will. Thank you Mellon nîn. For keeping me safe.
Pethryn still means narrator!! hope u guys enjoy this, I haven't posted a LOTR one in a bit so ENJOYYY <3
GLASS: They seized my quill and paper :/ (my acc got disabled or something omg)
Legolas: We have since returned you and hope you will be able to continue to write.
Thranduil: it seems that you are back, I thought you had run off again Mellon Nin.
Y/N: I'm pained by your lack of faith in me Aran Nin.
Throrin: Are you fit to travel?
Fili and kili: Will you be coming with us to the mountain still?
Y/N: All in due time my friends!
MY ACCOUNT GOT Seized but I'm back nowww
Imagine Fili and Kili being saved because of Y/N. (Part 1)

Y/N: "Thorin when you see Azog you need to run down to the tower straight away."

Thorin: "The tower? Why must I run down to the tower. Why would Fili be there? How do you-"
Y/N: "Stubborn dwarf, do as I say! You will catch him when he falls."
Thorin: "Falls? What do you mean?-
-Y/N runs off-
Azog: *in dark speech* This one dies first, and then the brother. Then you Thorin OakenShield. You will die las-"

-Y/N appears behind them slicing off the orcs heads and throwing a dagger into Azog's arm.-
Azog: *Growls in annoyance and throws fili down* You! How did you get up here?
Y/N: "Shut up Orc scum, you bore me. By the way, next time you try kill someone, save us the speech. You're not cut out for public speaking."
-She peers down to see Fili has been caught by Thorin-
Y/N: "Well it seems as though you've failed to kill this dwarf. I wonder if you'll find a streak."
-Azog attempts to initiate combat with Y/N but she dodges and weaves his attacks-
Thorin: "Y/N come down! We need to retreat!"
Y/N: "Until next time!"
-Y/N flips off and uses daggers to dig into the tower as she descends, slowing her fall enough to allow her to land infront of Fili and Thorin-
Fili: *breathlessly* "Wow"

Y/N: "Now now Fili, don't go falling for me." *She winks* "You're a crown prince after all."
Thorin: "He'll have to wait in line."

Y/N: *clueless* "For what?"
I kinda imagined this but I couldn't find a gif aha- HOPE YOU ENJOY MY FIRST THING BACK, not used to writing again but hope it's ok ;_;

You are fucking hilarious.
Aha THANKYOU! I'm sorry I've been away for so long but you are TOO KIND. I hope you continue to read my strangely written material! Thank you for your support <3
Legolas: Aren't you a bit too enthusiastic?
Glass: Am I not meant to be?.. None of you tell me I'm funny. You all just complain about line distribution, what are you Kpop stars?
Draco: Y'know I wouldn't mind having more lines with you~
Glass: Pipe down buddy boy. I'm not into school children.
Draco: I'm eighteen?
Glass:.. I'm leaving.
Imagine hearing Legolas say the iconic line.

Aragorn: "Rohan, Home of the Horse-Lords.
There's something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures. Sets it's will against us."
Y/N: "Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?"
Legolas: "The Uruks turn north east."
Y/N: *smirks*
Legolas: "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"
Aragorn: "Saurman"
Y/N: *tries to not fall over in laughter*
Gimli: "You alright Y/N?"
Legolas: "Have I said something?"

Y/N: "No! It's nothing" *in-between chuckles*
Aragorn: "We must make haste."
Y/N: "Right right, coming."
Y/N quietly to herself: "To Isengard to Isengard! Theyre taking the hobbits to Isengard!"