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4 years ago

Main. verse i

Follows canon.

Infiltration AU. verse ii

Himiko Toga meets Giran and the League of Villans shortly after leaving middle school, having managed to hold herself back, she made the attack on the boy at her school come across as an accident, concealing her blood thirsty tendencies. After a few revealing conversations with Giran, he saw her potential and presented her to the League anyway, she was accepted in as she had the perfect age and quirk for this particular mission: infiltration. So she applied and was accepted into the UA hero course. While she hates doing it, Toga has always been adept at hiding her true self and acting normal, though it is easier now with the knowledge that she’s using it as a tool to help create the future she wants. While still unpredictable with a penchant for violence, Toga is no more off putting than Bakugou or Monoma.

Her job is simple enough, act as a student and report to the LoV, especially concerning All Might. After the Sports Festival, the LoV asks her to get closer to Bakugou as well, to see if he could be convinced to convert and join the League.

Hero AU. verse iii

Himiko Toga is not an obvious choice for a hero, given her quirks reliance on blood. Her own family is disturbed by it, though her fascination by blood was driven by instinct to get her quirk to activate. Through recommendation from her school, Toga’s parents enroll her in quirk therapy where she can learn about her quirk in a safe environment and learn coping mechanisms for her intrusive thoughts and more violent tendencies and she is deemed mentally healthy a year before she leaves middle school. Though most people around her are convinced she can only be a villain with her quirk and ‘unnerving’ personality, even her parents, Toga is determined to prove them wrong. Having focused her energy into more productive areas, such as training in tantojutsu as well as hand-to-hand combat and stealth techniques, Toga is able to pass the entrance exam and enroll at UA.

She is able to utilize her quirk through blood donations, and some classmates willing to contribute when they are teamed up with her. Otherwise, she uses her fighting and stealth skills. As villain attacks get more frequent, she can’t help but take the opportunity to collect their blood as well, hoping she can be truly helpful soon and live up to her given title of Infiltration Hero.

Fantasy AU. verse iv

Toga grows up in a small village where it doesn’t take her long to develop an unfavorable reputation, her own parents beginning to become afraid of her unconventional interests. Things worsen at an alarming rate however, after a vampire begins terrorizing the village. Himiko discovers the second victim and the body fascinates her as much as the idea of the vampire committing the murders. She even goes as far as tasting some of the blood herself. Himiko does not report her find however, and watches the body for a few days before she decides she wants to see more, and commits her first murder using her hair pins to stab her neighbor’s daughter, only a few years older than herself. The vampire finds her in the woods where she had come with the girl and takes a liking to her, ending up turning Himiko into a vampire as well. She completes the transition herself, murdering both of her parents that same night. Now Himiko enjoys her freedom and newfound speed and strength, traveling the kingdom and finally living exactly as she wishes.

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10 months ago

mfw I find myself writing a scene in which Pinky is gleefully chugging a thimble of goat's blood because he's pregnant with a demon (who will grow up to look and act like Dark Pinky and probably try to seduce Brain while impersonating Pinky) due to one of Brain's world domination schemes while Brain watches in horror and fascination

Mfw I Find Myself Writing A Scene In Which Pinky Is Gleefully Chugging A Thimble Of Goat's Blood Because

how many times will I inflict this Gabrielle's Hope-ass plot on a male character I like

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6 months ago

Ace, Sabo and Luffy should have done a blood pact as part of becoming brothers (slicing their hands and pressing their wounds together) because then Ace couldn't hate his blood anymore since he shared blood with his brothers :)

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4 years ago

The Girl With The pinned Smile

there is a girl with a pinned smile that “everyone adores” 

She knows what they say when she closes her door

and knows that her tears dropping like flies will not help her

The girl with the pinned smile is a model student with straight A’s

She feels like screaming every time everyone says that she will be fine when they give her double the normal amount of work

She wants to drop dead when everyone gives her all the work in a project

When she tries to tell anyone her accomplishment that she worked for and she gets in return is a “yeah, we get it you're smart.” or a “stop showing off.” She wants to stop trying.

The girl with the pinned smile won the lottery with her looks

She has such smooth skin, that isn’t covered with bumps

The bumps are scratched until crimson runs down her skin

When someone says she looks pretty she will respond “thank you!” even though she knows they are lying

When they say that she is ugly she doesn’t respond to it and walks away, and she believes it

The girl with the pinned smile says “I love you too” as she closes her door

She walks over to her mirror and looks the stranger in the eye

She unpins her permanent smile as tears race down her face, her cheeks are sore

Her perfect curls look like bramble bush on top her head

She pushes up her hair revealing the ugly bumps on her forehead

She takes off her shirt showing the bumps on her back and the ugly pudge on her stomach

She takes off her shorts, and bra

She puts on some cute pajamas that don’t match her at all

Words such as Ugly and useless cloud her head

She wants to shut them up

But she agrees with them

A small voice says the opposite she quite’s it so it is not heard

That small voice is lying

She curls up on her bed

So small in the big world

She is scared

And lonely

And fat

And loud

She wants to scream but knows that will only make her more loud

She wants to be quite, but knows that is not her

She gets up out of bed and grabs her sandals

She runs out of the house which is silent

She runs to the closed park

No one ever goes there anymore

In the dead of night when not even a mouse awake

She lets her silent scream reach the world

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5 years ago
She Extends A Hand, And Accepts The Shake.Im Dana. Its Nice To Meet You Marcus. And Its Not A Problem.

She extends a hand, and accepts the shake. “I’m Dana. It’s nice to meet you Marcus. And it’s not a problem. Jason did most of the heavy lifting, I just helped JD from bleeding out.”

She shakes off any potential flooding of the memories. She’s safe, he’s gone and Jason killed him. It’s not gonna happen again. After shaking his hand she thinks her words carefully, making sure it’s only in good light. That and so the plan goes well. 

“Yeah, we met a couple months ago at Camp Crystal. We’ve been on the road for a while before we met JD, which was last night. Then he kicked Michael’s ass as JD said.”

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1 year ago

Withered Wings

This is Assassin Husbands/Scottsage/C!Scott x C!Sausage (alsmp edition) so if you don’t like that, don’t read.

Vampire Scott time, also Hybrid Life au becuase.. moth vampire Scott + winged wither Sausage.

TW: Death, blood mentions, I think that’s it.

Keep reading

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4 years ago

for people who are unaware of why the riots in minneapolis started happening, here’s the facts:

it wasn’t george floyd’s protesters who started reacting violently; it was the cops.

the protest was peaceful until the cops showed up in riot gear, and started using water cannons, followed up by tear gas and rubber bullets. i got videos from friends who were there, of people screaming and running away from the cops shooting the water cannons, rubber bullets and throwing tear gas at them. they were even shooting at the protesters dragging people away to get medical attention.

speaking of medical attention, dispatch refused to provide any medical attention to the protesters. people literally had to drive their bleeding friends to the hospital because they refused to send ambulances.

cops are using non-lethal weapons in a lethal way. they shot rubber bullets into people’s heads and injured them. there’s dozens of photos of protesters with bleeding head wounds from the rubber bullets.

multiple people used police scanners and heard that there were undercover cops pretending to be violent protesters who were throwing rocks and whatnot at the police, with dozens of eyewitness accounts confirming that information.

the person who instigated all the chaos last night (it was a fire at an autozone) with the looting and burning buildings is highly suspected to be an undercover cop pretending to be a protester, because the video of him keeps getting taken down. protesters tried to stop him but couldn’t because he had a hammer and they were scared for their safety.

the cops jammed cell phone towers and cut live streams to interrupt broadcasts and to prevent people from seeing what was really going on and who actually started the violence.

the cops lied about protesters being armed and about throwing rocks and are literally trying to continue the violence happening and yet no one is holding them accountable for that.

and during all this, the cop that murdered george floyd still hasn’t been arrested. he has had more than ten complaints filed against him and was involved in three other civilian shootings in the past. and yet he’s still out free along with his three other buddies involved, probably sitting on his couch while all this chaos is happening.

so don’t get it twisted. the cops just want to change the narrative to make it look like they’re the wounded and righteous party, when they’re the ones who started reacting violently in the first place and are still acting violently. so don’t you ever forget who started this tragedy and murdered someone, and who are continuing to react to the situation with violence. 

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3 years ago

Thoughts on an AU in their SHUSH days where (dhampir) Scrooge is cold to the idea of romance because of Goldie's constant backstabbing and he's partnered with young Agent 22 who, over the course of their partnership, begins to melt his cold heart?


Also I live for supernatural creature x human that will not hesitate if they try to pull any funny business.

I feel like after years of partnership Scrooge would have a hard time remembering that 22 is still actually just a regular human being? he's just so used to her being strong and able to keep up and even outdo him in their missions that he doesn't even realize that she's actually quite fragile compared to supernatural beings.

Also bold of you to assume these two aren't mutually melting each other's heart over the course of the years, bc Beakley is NOT exactly thrilled at the start either. After they realize they've caught feelings they're both like "Oh, FUCK".

And not to go straight up to angst territory but I'm on the mood for it so... (tw blood mention):

Scrooge not truly remembering about humans' limits until he sees 22 trying to keep up a brave face but weak and dizzy bc injury/blood loss VS Beakley not realizing how actually dhampirs are not invincible at all until she finds Scrooge weak and powerless after being kept away from blood for way too long.

Followed by taking care of their partner and becoming even more protective after that.

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5 months ago

I wish mental wellness could be transfused like blood, and it was as replenishable as blood. I would definitely consider signing up to get a shot of that stuff if that were the case :,D

[And no, I am not implying I want drugs.]

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A explicity fiend that made to sucks Charlotte's blood, but instead of it, he turned her best friend, i redesign this Mosquito-Fiend (Bloodsucker-Fiend) who have a vampire behavior and personality coded, he preffer flowers now thanks to this Stupid Blue Girl.

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8 months ago

i think if you’re not going to kiss someone who has your blood on their mouth you’re a pussy. Idk

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3 years ago
-click For Better Quality-
-click For Better Quality-

-click for better quality-

Some art inspired by a song that honestly fits well with some oc backstory :) and I like angst

If you can guess the song uhhh I’ll give you a virtual cookie ^^/🍪

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2 years ago

Another Destiny Dream… and this one was a nightmare


The dream focused around FotL and how the Cabal deal with the deaths of their warriors. I was a civvie tasked with working with a Psion to recover the bodies of Warbeasts across the system- Two from the Red Legion, two from Calus’ Loyalists, and one from Caital’s Ascendancy.

I can’t remember the name of the Psion, but it was something like Ifrit so that’s what I’m gonna call him.


The first body was the Ascendancy Warbeast, lost in a jungle on Venus. Ifrit and I had to track signs of it through the dense jungle, all the while recording what we saw for Caital to study later. I remember distinctly that I had to hold my video recorder in my bra for some reason lol

As we went through the jungle, it started to shift. The plants became tentacle-like and neon blue, the sky darkened, and I regularly lost sight of Ifrit. I stumbled upon a facility alone, sent Ifrit my coords, and went inside.

It was a fucking shitshow inside. Legionaire corpses and blood everywhere; sharp, blade-like shrapnel hanging from the ceiling; but no sign of the Warbeast. My connection to Ifrit started to fluctuate, as did my camera’s recording. This place was fucking haunted- ghosts with a lowercase “g” kind of haunted


I never did find the Warbeast, or reunite with Ifrit. I woke up in a cold sweat while being chased by some kind of Centurion-looking amalgamation of flesh and metal…

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11 months ago

we share the some(?) of the same blood colour :DD

:33 < wayh please expailn ?? 0_= is this a good think ?? whad dows it mean :oP

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