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2 years ago

Have you ever done/do you know if there is a ranking of Jane Austen couples based on how long they knew each other before the proposal? Every time I reread Pride and Prejudice I can’t help but think about how little time Jane and Bingley have actually spent together

Jane Austen Charted #11!

This is a wonderful idea! I have it ready. Here are all the couples that marry in each book with sufficient data for me to record. This is from meeting to engagement:

Have You Ever Done/do You Know If There Is A Ranking Of Jane Austen Couples Based On How Long They Knew

Now if we put them in order of length, we can see just how very short some of these relationships were:

Have You Ever Done/do You Know If There Is A Ranking Of Jane Austen Couples Based On How Long They Knew

Caveats: I was as exact as possible, so for example, despite "knowing" Mr. Bingley for about a year, Jane only spent 6 weeks in his actual presence. I also took out Wentworth's absence from Anne from Dec to Feb 15 etc.

I want to say something about time not being the same. Harriet and Robert Martin were staying at the same house for 2 months, so that's a lot more face to face time than say Jane and Bingley, but I don't have a great way to represent that.

We do not have sufficient data for Jane Fairfax & Frank Churchill or Maria Bertram & James Rushworth, though I would estimate about 8 weeks for the latter couple. John Willoughby also knew Sophia Grey for an unspecified amount of time before the more official courtship and marriage. Mr. Weston and Miss Taylor is also unknown, Emma predicted it 4 years prior, but we can assume they had met before that time.

Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Collins knew each other for about 10 days before the proposal, but that did not result in a marriage. Henry Crawford and Fanny Price is again difficult, because while Henry and Fanny were introduced and “knew” each other, he didn’t pay attention to her until the Miss Bertrams left. Also did not end in a marriage. From "hole in her heart" to proposal was only about a month.

If we take out the outliers (Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Emma and Mr. Knightley, and Fanny and Edmund), we can see the longest period of knowing is Lydia and Mr. Wickham! But most are under 15 weeks or about 3.5 months


Of course, the length of time may not be important after all, Mrs. Croft says, "“We had better not talk about it, my dear... for if Miss Elliot were to hear how soon we came to an understanding, she would never be persuaded that we could be happy together. I had known you by character, however, long before.” - Persuasion

But yeah, from a modern perspective these lifelong decisions are happening pretty darn quick!


David Shapard's The Annotated Pride and Prejudice

And these wonderful online calendars

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4 years ago

if you’re an active Harry Potter fan, you should donate money to trans women, like for example, me, perhaps?

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...but at the same time there was a pointedness in his manner of asking her which she did not like, and she saw his eye glancing for a moment at her necklace, with a smile—she thought there was a smile—which made her blush and feel wretched.

-Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

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someone talk to me the way henry talks about fanny <33

"'...with such unpretending gentleness, so much as if it were a matter of course that she was not to have a moment at her own command, her hair arranged as neatly as it always is, and one little curl falling forward as she wrote, which she now and then shook back, and in the midst of all this, still speaking at intervals to /me/, or listening, and as if she liked to listen, to what I said. Had you seen her so, Mary, you would not have implied the possibility of her power over my heart ever ceasing.'"

i literally ceased to exist

"'I could so wholly and absolutely confide in her,' said he;' and /that/ is what I want.'"

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3 years ago

Jane Austen was really out there 200 years ago writing lines like “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more” that to this day are still so swoon-worthy.

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2 years ago



AHHH OKAY. so i'm like so excited my books came in 🤭 never in a million years would i have thought i would be excited to read but omg i wanna read emma so bad. i have this like free audio book thing from school that i'm gonna listen to and try and read like 5ish ? chapters a day so it'll prob take me like almost 2 weeks to finish which is fine i wanna take my time anyway.


okay so this is the one i got. it's on sale right now for only about $22 which is A STEAL IN MY OPINION. AND THEYRE PINK!!! they're paperback so i'm a bit worried abt bringing it to school but i'm still SUPER hyped.


the box came a bit damaged which is fine no biggie but the books idk what it's called the paper holdy thingy (it's a spine.) towards the top was a bit damaged. the pages themselves are fine!


other than that the books look great!! i'd totally recommend buying especially if you need to read for school this year. i'm not a huge fan of the cover art but that's just me! anyway ty for reading! i'll post updates about the books as a read them!


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4 years ago

There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere.

Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (via wholesomeobsessive)

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4 years ago

We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.

Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (via wholesomeobsessive)

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4 years ago

I must look down upon anything contented with obscurity when it might rise to distinction.

Jane Austen 

“Mansfield Park” 

(via wholesomeobsessive)

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4 years ago

Her sentiments toward him were compounded of all that was respectful, confiding, and tender.

Mansfield Park - Jane Austen

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4 years ago

I was quiet, but I was not blind.

Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (via wholesomeobsessive)

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4 years ago

The memory is sometimes so retentive, so serviceable, so obedient - at others, so bewildered and so weak- and at others again, so tyrannic, so beyond control!

Mansfield Park, Jane Austen

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10 years ago
My Laptop Is Dying A Slow, Sad Death And, In The Process Of Making Sure All Of My Files Are Backed Up,
My Laptop Is Dying A Slow, Sad Death And, In The Process Of Making Sure All Of My Files Are Backed Up,

My laptop is dying a slow, sad death and, in the process of making sure all of my files are backed up, I stumbled on this - the prototype for the Adventures of Mrs Hudson (I've always been really good at naming stuff). 

Our GCSE English teacher thought it would be a good idea to make us read Mansfield Park for our coursework. It was not a good idea to make us read Mansfield Park for our coursework. To this day I have no recollection of anything that happens in that book, because nothing happens in that book. But I do remember drawing these comics...

I have no idea what happened to the first or subsequent instalments of Fanny's adventures, alas, but I thought I'd share my cringey teenage doodlings with you all.

(This must be from about 11 years ago, which is shocking proof of the fact that:

a) my sense of humour has not evolved

b) my artistic ability peaked at the age of about 15

c) I have never been able to draw straight lines)

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