Mars Placements - Tumblr Posts
Do yall prefer your Venus persona chart or Mars persona chart more, which one do you think represents you more? And why?

Mars Conjunct Uranus men move so fucking weird. I’ve met two who were born three days apart. Like wtf are your intentions. Pls just focus on bettering society thanks 🫤

My Own Astro Observations (Mars Placements)
Mars in Leo men are HOT! Mars in Capricorn as well 😊
It is true what they say about Gemini Mars-you will lose an argument with them!
Mars in Cancer..ugh, can’t stand them. Too oversensitive, moody, and crybabies. I feel like I have to always walk on eggshells when I’m around them.
Mars in Virgo really do try to perfect their movements, walk, work, handwriting..etc. lol
Mars in Scorpio are so vicious when angered. (I have 2 members of my family with that placement and I, myself have a Scorpio degree on my Mars.) 😦
Mars in Aquarius are the type to either naturally or TRY to look calm/cool when there’s a fight/disaster going on.
For some reason, I cannot stand my Mars in Aries cousin. 😐 Maybe because her Mars opposites my Libra moon, or the fact that she also has Mercury in Aries .
Mars in 3rd really do walk, type, text, think, talk, eat fast a lot. My other cousin and I have the same placement and people always comment on how we move, look or act alike.
I haven’t met a Mars in Taurus and Mars in Pisces . So, I can’t really make an opinion on those placements.
~That was all for some of my Mars observations and please do not be too offended, astrology is just astrology. Sometimes it can be different for others .
My personal ranking of the mars placements by sign
Signs not included (due to me not really meeting much so it seems unfair to really rank something I'm not really aware of ya know?): Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Pisces. I am pretty sure I would love any libra placement but ehh...
Alright let's get into it
Now let's divide this by modality to figure out which is the most prominent for me then I'll go by element and such and so on.
Fixed (from most to least I guess): Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius. My reasoning and thought process: I put Leo first because every Leo mars I have met are just so fucking fun to talk to. Of course keep in mind that I am a sag mars so it might have something to do with that ya know? Anyways I think the main reason I put Scorpio before Taurus is because I have met a lot more Scorpio mars as opposed to Taurus mars. They are both great, it's just that Scorpio mars are more or less like a home to me. Fourth house in Scorpio for me makes sense though. Now Aquarius mars is only last because I know only a couple and they vary a lot for me. I love them for their mind but yet they are the most close minded open minded people I have ever met. moving on tho...
Mutable: Sag then Gemini...the bias is strong isn't it lol. I love them both very much with sag mars only taking the winning spot because of it both being in my fifth house but also because of that sweet sweet mars conjunct Pluto possible aspect happening. I both love and hate this aspect but I'm pretty sure it's cause most times I am the mars person idk tho. I find this aspect the best for me personally when it comes to Pluto aspects in synastry.
Cardinal: Capricorn then Aries. I know I know there is a possibility with conjunction with the Aries mars but I'm sorry but I prefer someone who doesn't have my anger issues thank you. It's not out of disdain, I just love Capricorn mars a bit more.
Now time for the next level of the rankings
Most to least: Sag, Leo, Gemini, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, and finally Aries. Again I don't hate Aquarius or Aries mars. I just love the rest more and I haven't had that same spark with Aries and Aquarius like I have had with the rest of the mars signs.
I would love to hear you guys thoughts and your experiences with the different mars placements. This is an incomplete ranking since I didn't include all of the mars placements in this post
hi! i barely post my own shiz on here but i want to engage more 🥺
anyway… i want to talk about my astrology chart. this post is inspired by astrosky33. i recently stumbled on their post about how placidus system is inaccurate this is going to be kind of like a rant... so buckle in loves 🤍 disclaimer: i will probably say or use some astro terms in a strange and/or incorrect way as i am not an expert. if you see something wrong pls let me know!

i’m a tropical capricorn sun🪴, pisces moon 🐠 and libra rising💗 (via timepassages [app])
this chart is using the placidus system
as you can see i have a second and fourth house stelliums

capricorn sun ☀️
in the placidus system, my capricorn sun lands in the third house (the house of communication) which is ruled by gemini
In whole signs, my capricorn sun lands in the fourth house (the house of home) which is ruled by cancer. this was interesting to me as cancer and capricorn are opposing signs. as someone who's gotten into astrology a few years ago, this is something i haven't seen astrotumblr or astrotwt talk about much...
maybe i'm just not looking in the right places? 🤔
i have never related to my placidus capricorn sun in the third house. everything i've read about having third-house placements is that we like to learn and we're extroverted... and ive never related to that. of course i love learning about things i'm interested in (i.e astrology) but i hated school.
as i'm writing this i realize that i do have a few 3rd house characteristics that i've never attributed to the third house. as much as i disliked school, basically being forced to learn a specific way and no other way; i did like going to school and seeing/socializing with my friends and even teachers.
however, after engrossing myself in research about this placement for the last few days i've found that— like most placements having to do with gemini/mercury— i've completely misunderstood it. (🥲)
When your Sun is in the 3rd House, it is an extroverted placement for the Sun, but your energy tends to be limited to the immediate and the here-and-now. Your focus is usually on the environment that you can physically sense and on those relationships that are close at hand. You may wish to explore, discover and utilize your environment, however, there is so much to be seen and experienced right around you that you almost never have to go very far afield, emotionally or mentally, in order to become absorbed in what is going on around you. With the Sun in the 3rd House, your awareness and self-awareness shines brightly and directly so that you see and experience the world in all its detail. The task before you, therefore - the task in which you're Being is absorbed - is to know your world through your experiencing it. Knowing it, you begin to take control of it and having taken control of it, it becomes benign and useful. All the while, your concern is with what is immediately present.
this explains me to a T!
meanwhile, my whole sign sun in the fourth isn't too off the ball either...
With the Sun in the 4th House, the Sun's placement suggests that your sense of being is introverted and protected. You are likely to feel some need to be sheltered from the harshness and danger of the world. Nurturing and bonding with family often become more important in your self-development than exploring the world or expressing yourself in it. You generally will look for a sense of security so that your being can rest safely.
ngl i want to be babied (i always equated this to my second house stellium). i don't want to grow up and get a job ☹️ lol i don't really relate to the family aspect as much as my family life is kind of bizarre and part of my family lives little ways away from where i live so i don't get to see them often... (wave hello, my uranus in the fourth👋🏽). but when i do, i feel at ease and safe i suppose. as mentioned above, i do have a fourth house stellium so i think i'd feel this way regardless
With your Sun in the 4th House, your identity is likely to be formed or influenced by the level of emotional support you receive from others. Your heritage and family background may also play a role in shaping your identity. You may become interested in your roots in order to discover your own self-identity. With regard to identity issues, you are likely to view self-identity as basic and fundamental to your life and personality.
my family does have a culture and i did go through a phase of being completely obsessed with knowing everything about it. from the history of the country my grandfather is from to my direct lineage (i was so close to purchasing a 23andme test) haha other than that, i dont really care to learn any more about our culture... if something comes up in a conversation then yeah, tell me but learning more on my own... nah
THIS, however, is accurate as hell 😭
"Having your Sun in the 3rd House, if you are insecure within yourself, you are often faced with the immediacy of your environment and you are overwhelmed and threatened by it. The existence that surrounds you is too much for you to comprehend. You, therefore, set boundaries, develop categories and constructs, and define a world for yourself that is safe and manageable. You simply live in this world of forms and roles that you have devised to protect yourself against the rawness of Existence."
me getting overwhelmed by the simple fact that i exist
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pisces moon 🌙
in the pladicus system, my pisces moon lands in the fifth house (the house of pleasure) which is ruled by leo.
in whole signs, my pisces moon lands in the sixth house (the house of routines) which is ruled by virgo. once again i have signs in opposing houses as pisces and virgos are opposites
after doing research on having a moon the sixth house and specifically a pisces moon (⇩), i found that i identified more-so with my plaidicus moon calculation.
though i do relate with a lot of the characteristics of moon in the six house placement:
"Having your Moon in the 6th House, if you are inwardly insecure, your drive for emotional perfection may overwhelm you. You may be convinced of your own worthlessness and lack of loveability. With your Moon in the 6th House, you constantly seek emotional comfort and attachment, but you fear rejection and criticism and, therefore, you coldly pull away from emotional commitment. You cannot get in harmony with your emotions, but instead, you try to control them and "perfect" them. The result is that you place yourself under severe emotional stress and strain and this leads to neurosis. As an individual with your Moon in the 6th House, you are likely to be emotionally anxious, overly protective and controlling of others, and generally fearful. You know that you have not been able to attain self-perfection and, so, you fluster your way through life, "sticking your nose" into everything and "acting like a mother hen." In this way, your hope is that no one sees your own imperfections"
this website also mentions obsessive-compulsive disorders and i do have an obsessive-compulsive disorder (😀)
“In fact, if negative emotional tendencies are allowed to develop and persist, you are likely to suffer from emotional nervousness or a scattering type of neurosis. As an individual with your Moon in the 6th House, you may also be vulnerable to emotional obsessive-compulsive disorders, particularly if you are in the habit of fixating emotionally on minute details”
i do find myself expressing myself more so like my pladicus system placement.
"The Moon in the 5th House placement provides opportunities for your emotional energies to be creatively expressed. It suggests that your emotions can play an integral and vivid part in how you create your personality and how you express yourself. It is only when the more private and introverted tendencies inherent in the Moon's function result in your reluctance to express your emotions that internal tensions may develop. You may feel compelled, but unwilling, to show yourself emotionally"
i love to dance (even though i don't take classes and kind of just freestyle in the comfort of my bedroom), write stories (which I never publish anywhere), and sometimes act. i've been told several times by multiple people that i would be a great actress but i've never done anything about perfecting the craft
this is the epitome of that last sentence haha
also this? 🤨 do yall have cameras in my house?
Having your Moon in the 5th House, if you are insecure within yourself, you will be emotionally attached to your "creations" and constantly look to them, and to the world's reaction to your creations, as a source for your own validation. If you do not receive recognition and approval via your creations, then you feel emotionally distraught and insecure. You, therefore, try to maintain control over your creations, for if they leave your control they may no longer be yours and they may also become a cause of embarrassment.
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capricorn mercury 🧠
ngl but i don't relate to capricorn in the fourth...
Typically, the 4th House would not be seen as a very strong placement for Mercury, as it suggests a somewhat introverted focus. With Mercury in the 4th House, the mental energy symbolized by Mercury is likely to be expressed in a somewhat limited or constrained way, chiefly focused on private concerns and not particularly engaged with the wider world. Your mental faculties tend to concentrate on things that have a high emotional content. Mercury in the 4th House also suggests a potential for conflict involving your mind acting in a sphere of life that is dominated by emotion. With Mercury in the 4th House, the strength of this house placement is the opportunity it suggests for building a strong mental foundation. This may be because of the firm grounding that your mental processes enjoy. Your strong mental position may also be the result of your successful integration of the mental and emotional spheres of your psyche. As an individual with Mercury in the 4th House, your mental energy tends to be basic to how your personality functions. Those functions symbolized by Mercury tend to lie at the root of your being and your personality. You may also have a tendency to mentally get to the root of things. However, it may also be the case that your mental energy can become buried or ignored, lying underneath the surface, but largely untapped. If this is the case, your mental energies will seem weak and passive.
yeah... no 🙂 if you have this placement, can you explain it to me in english? i'm not understanding this lol
moving on...
The 3rd House is Mercury's natural placement, since it rules that house. Having Mercury in the 3rd House you have strong and active mental and communication faculties. Mentally, you are oriented to receive sensory information from your immediate environment. You are often eager to learn about things and curious about your world. As an individual with Mercury in the 3rd House, your mental contact with the world is usually direct and immediate. This is apt to result in your outlook being objective and straightforward. You are likely to accept what you experience, often without questioning its validity. With a mind that is generally uncluttered by doubts and second guesses, you are likely to be quick and alert in your perceptions and your reactions. You experience the world as it is, through your senses, without filters.
been called simple-minded my. whole. life.
"With Mercury in the 3rd House, you may be accused by some of being naive or simple-minded, but you can have a freshness of approach that may allow you to see things that others miss. You are generally not inhibited about trying new things or approaches, but you may balk if these do not make sense from and objective, common sense perspective. You are most likely a realist and may have little patience with ideas or thoughts that do not have an immediate and tangible application"
that last sentence resonates... but i love trying new things. i won't jump head-first into unfamiliar waters but i'm not unwilling to try something new at all
Having Mercury in the 3rd House, if you are inwardly insecure, your need for constant sensory stimulation in order to feel mentally alive will be almost obsessive. Your ego is firmly attached to the objects of sense, which you consider yours (if not in possession, then as your experience). To admit that there may be something behind the immediately observable is an admission that the premise on which your ego-esteem is based may not be valid. This is tantamount to admitting that your ego-self may actually not exist, although you would probably never verbalize this thought. With Mercury in the 3rd House, this is a thought that is unbearable and, so, you cling desperately to your sensory experiences. You deny whatever cannot be objectively confirmed and you become defensive when confronted by the prospect of the unknown or the complex. As an individual with Mercury in the 3rd House, if your mental faculties have been traumatized or overly stressed, you may not be able to handle the sensory input being received from your immediate environment. In this case, you are likely to withdraw mentally or become incommunicative. You may also subconsciously reduce the level of your mental functioning so that you are doing nothing more than mindlessly experiencing the immediate.
you know those memes/tiktoks about needing three or four types of media going in order to properly function? i thought those called me out but this is a whole other level of exposure wtf 😭 also my mental faculties were and have been overly stressed since i was six (was the first time i was diagnosed with ADHD).
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sagittarius venus ❤️
placidus — second house
whole signs — third house
i'm going to take this placement with a grain of sand simply because i have no experience in this field so i truly don't know how i operate here...
The function symbolized by Venus of evaluating perceptions and sensations is likely to be heightened with Venus in the 3rd House. You are likely to be particularly sensitive to your immediate surroundings and very much aware of what is around you. As an individual with Venus in the 3rd House, you may have strong or definite reactions to people and things in your environment, as you are likely to immediately judge whether something is good or pleasing as soon as its impression is received. With Venus in the 3rd House, everything that you perceive is the subject of your judgment. If you are inwardly insecure, you are afraid of pain and you crave that which is pleasant to the senses. Therefore, your mind is always thinking: this will give me pleasure/this will give me pain/I like this/I do not like that. You feel that you should only have pleasure. To suffer is not to live. To suffer is to bear punishment and you would rather not consider (consciously or subconsciously) that you have done things that have produced suffering. Thus, having Venus in the 3rd House, when suffering comes upon you, you become depressed or you want to run away and escape your pain. You wish to run toward those sensual pleasures that will assuage your pain. But, since your experience of what is attractive and what is distasteful is immediate and ever-present, you are usually either fearing and avoiding what is unpleasant or you are blinding yourself from the reality of your pain.
i dont think i'm that critical of things and/or people... but then again, like i said i have no idea how my sag venus manifests 🤷🏽♀️-
With Venus in the 2nd House, perhaps knowing subconsciously that there is no real security in the possession of material objects and wealth, you try to fill the void that you feel within by pursuing the acquisition and enjoyment of material and sensual pleasures. You are obsessed with what is attractive and pleasing and want to possess it. Unless you possess things, you do not feel satisfied; but even possession does not result in real satisfaction. You either fear the loss of your possession or you yearn for the next thing that has captivated you. As an individual with Venus in the 2nd House, you are a slave to your senses and their perpetual yearnings. You are bent on acquiring more and more and you delude yourself that your acquisitions are necessary or that they are worthy and beautiful or that having is equivalent to enjoyment. You are simply led from one thing to another and you never discover or value that which is real and permanent.
oof... i do like to buy things... and when i see something that i want it's almost like an itch i can't scratch until i see the "your payment is successful!"
Having Venus in the 2nd House, you are likely to be quite conscious of the degree to which you are materially secure. This is often an object of frequent evaluation and validation. How well off am I, today? What is my current net worth? This stock-taking, while generally taking place at the material level, can also be a spiritual or moral stock-taking if you have transformed your value system. With Venus in the 2nd House, you are also likely to be judging whether a thing is valuable or likable with a mind to acquiring and possessing that thing. You may be asking the question, by how much will this thing add to the value of my possessions or to the enjoyment I receive from the things that I own? Lessons that you may need to learn in order to grow spiritually are that you can truly possess nothing and that you need to approach the world with equanimity because, ultimately, both pain and pleasure come from the same Source.
this is my exact thinking bigger oof haha
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if you read this far, i appreciate you
alright my loves, that's it
for now... maybe 😃

Disclamer: Pls don’t take what I wrote here to heart , I posted this observation just for fun! And if u guys can’t relate that’s totally fine , OK? …….. Have fun guys 💕🌸!!!
💗 Mercury in Taurus have some beatiful , soulful, rich singing voices.
💗Venus- Saturn positve aspects are just so calm, respectful, thoughtful toward their friends and partners. They can take accountability and responsibility for their actions and learn from them. They take love very seriously, wanting to be available for loved once 24/7 being helpful and supportive. And that’s why I appreciate you all. # ride or die for love , # stable lovers 💍👍💓!
💗Mars- Jupiter know how to cheer other people up and make their days better. These are the funny, sometimes even embarrassing friends that love to do extreme fun activities like riding roller coasters, jumping of a cliff, going to the zooo (IDKW?) # fun people
💗Mercury- Venus aspects know how to charm someone with their VOICE , people love listening to them , including me !
💗Pisces Asc people are just fucking pretty, empathetic, soft, shy, accepting of different people. I just love the aura they carry, so ethereal untouchable individuals.
💗Libra and 7th house stelliums love to communicate and surround themselves with people or lager groups. They could be good leaders, classmates, teachers because of how connected they are to others wanting to be pro active and helpful.
💗Ceres in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house embody the care taker role very well, extending this caring, soul full energy nurturing other brocken hearts with their presence.
💗 Venus / Mars in Pisces are full time active people pleaser 24/7 ,they love to take care of others. To have a boyfriend or girlfriend with placement is a blessing in disguise’s .
💗Mercury in Aries I love you for staying in your truth and expressing what ever you guys are feeling at the moment. We appreciate that 😘.
💗Venus- Moon poitives ascpects are such niiicce individuals to be around, they excude this loving, nututring, sweet, feminime energy perfectly. They dont mind helpinng others who are in need. Being a supportive friend when hardships occur. Because Venus is love, and the moon emotions , they looovve their friends and partners with all their 💕 !
💗Venus- Jupiter woman are the "IT GIRL" placement, how they can make a room brighter just by their presence is stunning !!
💗Venus in the 5th house love entertainment, fun, being extravagant , CHILDREN, these people would die to have a child honestly ! Gotta love the artistic self expression with these individuals.
💗Mercury in Cancer make people feel understood and loved because of their good listening skills.:)
💗Taurus Rising pretty, nice, calm friendly people. Exude this grounding stable energy that gives people the emotional security to open up. They are very patient and don’t rush in life. Nice body, hair, everything.
💗Cancer Rising so cuuute I swear ! Love how comfortable they make others feel including me. Expressing emotion raw and truthfully. They shine like the moon. Glowing pale skin, big eyes, big chest 😌.
💗Moon- Jupiter ahhhhwweeee these people are sooooo cuute I swear, showing pure, authentic, open, and vurnerbale emotion is nothing new for these individuals. I apprectiate just that positive energy yall got.
💗Venus in 2nd/ Mars in the 2nd housers are veryyy generous with finances, spending moey on people. How much effort and energy these beautiful unicorns put in gifting someone is incredably special and kind.
Thx 🤍
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