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7 months ago
People Complaining That The X-men Are Woke Now Makes Absolutely No Sense Whatsoever Because They Have

People complaining that the X-men are “woke” now makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because they have ALWAYS been an allegory for civil rights and fighting for equality

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Scott: Why do I keep going in this closet?!

Jean: Because you think no one knows you’re dating Pietro?

Scott: I meant the literal closet! This is the third time this week I’ve been locked in here. You know about Pietro?

Jean: I’m telepathic, Scott.

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Jean: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?

Pietro: I’m a knife.

Scott: He’s a goddamn octopus, just wraps his limbs around me and squeezes like he thinks I’m going to fly away.

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Peter: How are you feeling on a scale of the Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” to Marilyn Manson’s “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”?

Wanda: I’m at a solid “Faith” by Limp Bizkit.

Peter: Jean?

Jean: It’s between two Eurythmics songs. “I Saved the World Today” or “Miracle of Love”.

Wanda: Oh, nice!

Peter: What about you, Dad?

Erik: *turns to Scott* How do you date that? How can you stand it?

Scott: He’s hot, the little spoon, and a top. What’s not to love?

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Jubilee: It’s so annoying how Scott is good at everything! There’s got to be SOMETHING he’s terrible at!

Kurt: Yeah. Maybe he’s a bad kisser or something.

Pietro: No, he’s good at that too.

Ororo: What?!

Jubilee: What?

Jean: What?

Alex: WHAT?!

Pietro: . . .

Pietro: What?

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Could you do some headcanons about Rachel being Jeanbilee’s daughter

Of course! Here are some Rachel headcanons, plus a few with Shogo.

-Jean and Jubilee had Rachel after three years of being married. Jean carried her and Scott was the sperm donor.

-Rachel’s name is Rachel Lee, as Jean took Jubilee’s last name when they got married.

-Jubilee is more likely to cry during milestones in Rachel’s life.

-Jean is the mom that is willing to fight a child for hurting her daughter.

-Jubilee is the mom who comforts Rachel but later calls the kid’s parents and yells at them.

-Rachel is eight when Jubilee and Jean adopt her younger brother, Shogo.

-Rachel has three grandfathers and a set of great aunts that she sees as grandmothers.

-When Rachel is with Charles and Erik they read to her, help her learn how to control her powers, and cook with her.

-When Rachel is with Logan, he takes her to town and they cause trouble. He always lets her get ice cream after. He is also the grandfather she learned the most curse words from.

-Rachel doesn’t spend as much time with Raven and Irene, but Rogue and Kurt babysit her pretty often. When she does see Raven and Irene they like to tell her stories about their life.

-Rachel is only a few years younger than her cousin Luna, and they’re best friends.

-Rachel tells both her moms that she’s asexual and lesbian at the same time. She told Shogo before, they just shrugged and said that they already knew.

-Shogo is a he/they and Jubilee is a she/they.

-Rachel says Pietro and Scott are her favorite uncles because Pietro cooks for her and they both help her buy birthday presents for her moms.

-Her favorite cousins(in no particular order) are Pyro, Luna, Nate, Kurt, and Rogue.

-Even though Pyro is about a decade older than her and her oldest cousin, Rachel gets along with him pretty well. He helped her design and sew her superhero costume.

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Rachel: *Gets hit on by guy* Jean: Jubes? Jubilee: ...Gonna fuck him up Jean: Jubes, you can’t- Jubilee: GONNA FUCK HIM UP

Pietro was also needed to restrain Jubilee. She’s basically a tiny, Chinese, pansexual ball of rage.

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So... Did the guy that hit on Rachel live?

He lived because he was lucky enough that Pietro was there. If Pietro and Jean hadn’t both been there to hold Jubilee back, he would be dead. 

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Do you think Rachel would date Kitty and if she did how would Jean and Jubilee react (would Jubilee try and kill Kitty like she did with the guy that hit on Rachel)?

I think Rachel and Kitty would be the type of on again off again couple that everyone knows is endgame. They get together for the first time when Rachel is nineteen and Kitty is twenty four, so Jubilee is a bit murderous in the beginning. Despite Jeanbilee knowing Kitty from the time that she was thirteen, she’s still dating their little girl. Jean’s way of having her not murder anyone was having Ororo, Scott, and Pietro over for dinner. They ended up getting drunk and reminiscing about when their kids were younger. After that Jubilee rarely wants to kill Kitty.

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 I Dont Personally Believe This Theory, Simply Because I Love Darcy As Darcy. If This Did Happen, Darcy/Rachel
 I Dont Personally Believe This Theory, Simply Because I Love Darcy As Darcy. If This Did Happen, Darcy/Rachel

I don’t personally believe this theory, simply because I love Darcy as Darcy. If this did happen, Darcy/Rachel would say something along the lines of “I’m a lesbian with two moms. Figure it out.” So now everyone is confused. Jubilee had been on a mission and came into say hi, the second Darcy/Rachel saw her she rushed over and gave Jubilee a hug. The pieces finally snap together in Jean’s mind, so she grabs her brother by the ear and drags him outside. And whisper yells “YOU BROUGHT JUBILATION AND I’S ALTERNATE UNIVERSE CHILD BACK!?” Peter’s response is, “Thank god she’s not your’s and Scott’s. Now I can keep dating him.” “You two are dating!?” “Shit! We can talk about it later.” “Damn, this is why he was so pissed about the girlfriend thing.” So now they’ve got to tell everyone else who Darcy/Rachel is. And explain to Scott that he isn’t being cheated on.

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Jubilee: You know me. I’m always horny for crepes!

Scott: Do you mean excited?

Jean: She really doesn’t.

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Rogue: Can you help me? I’m having guy trouble.

Jean: I haven’t dated a man in fifteen years.

Jubilee: I haven’t dated a man since I met Jean.

Ororo: I don’t feel romantic or sexual attraction.

Irene: Ren was in their female form when I met them.

Raven: Seduce him, take his money, and kill him.

Scott: NONE OF THAT! Come on, Rogue, I’m going to help you get a boyfriend.

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Scott: I really need to start dating again.

Charles: Based on your last ten thousand comments, your ideal partner would be Jean’s head on Pietro’s body.

Scott: Or vice versa!

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Scott: Okay, now that you have a girlfriend I feel comfortable talking about my own love life!

Jean: Go on?

Scott: Quicksilver’s hot!

Jean: . . .

Jean: Get out.

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Peter: Good question, Scott!

Scott: How come you don’t point out when I ask good questions?

Jean: I don’t love you like he does.

Peter: Told you.

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4 years ago
X-women Marvel Fashion Serie:

X-women Marvel Fashion Serie:

Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl aka Phoenix

Find her on my artbook and go help me make that book real

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Yesterday I read the second issue and we're getting somewhere. It's fine ngl I thought I would throw it away in the middle but I keep going for now.

Thank you for reading my bullshit. Hope your families and friends are alright.

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Alright, Charles liking Jean in a romantic way wasn't on my bingo card...

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