Miles Prower - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago






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3 years ago

Welcome to TailsTube! Tune into Tails’ first show with special guest… Sonic!

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3 years ago

Sonic essentially said Tails doesn't go Super because he's already Super as is 🥺

Tails doesn't need the emeralds to fly, be yellow, strong and awesome, he's always like that!

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2 years ago

I really enjoyed your analysis of the interaction. I didn't think of it like that! I just hope that Stone is as welcoming with Shadow as he was with Knuckles, considering the last 'space creature' he welcomed became friends with the hedgehog (I mean I hope Shadow does the same but-) and if he's gonna be the next big bad he maybe a little more sinister and angry as Eggman could be dead (if Mr Carrey does retire) and he could not be as warm as we know him.

i do think about ‘...could use some mushroom’ a lot it felt like a punch to the gut watching it bc you know me i love it when they are in love but stone looked so sad :(. but like. i will never give up hope. Ever. it’s not about stone in the grand scheme of things of that moment i think. i feel like it represents robotnik crossing that Otherwordly threshold a lot bc like. robotnik’s well-dressed very-human agent stone giving him a latte REEKS of sonic movie 1 vibes yknow? back when he was still A Guy Who Was Slightly Power Crazed. that one moment was definitely like. robotnik returning to something he once knew as his routine only to find he no longer conforms to it. also the guys taste buds are ruined with shrooms i feel like it wasn’t a jab at stone at ALL just like. a non sequitur. even if stone was a meow meow about it. also the wording of ‘could use’ some mushroom like... for robotnik that’s oddly gentle yknow. it’s so neutral it’s just a statement. wow. and i guess we also see stone processing how things are going to be different forever now with how he tried to hide it with ‘you look... different’ but like when Their Special Latte isn’t His Order anymore. that’s a sure sign. and that’s followed immediately by stone going ‘is that a fucking echidna’ but... his smile when he says ‘welcome to the team’. that’s a man who is ready to look to the future. a man who goes from :( to delightfully advocating for revenge on the hedgehog. fuck it this is my life now!

anyways. that little exchange doesn’t sto my botniks very much but the more i think about it the more it feels a lot less like a sting to me LOL on my first watch i was just terrified that would be the beginning of the end. but then the scene where robotnik giggles and stoops to stones level like an excited schoolboy to go ‘that means he trusts you, stone!’ makes it better. it heals me. silly goofy fun

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2 years ago
Two digital sketches of Sonic the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox. 
In the first, Sonic is holding Tails close to his chest, looking down at the fox with a soft look on his face. Tails is curled up in Sonic’s hold, face scrunched up as he smiles. His tails flick up happily behind him. 
In the second, Sonic is still holding Tails as he leans down to kiss him on the cheek. Tails has his paws thrown out, face turned away from Sonic as he says "Nooooo gross!!"
The artist's signature reads "Eggskie 2023".

[Image ID in alt text]

something small for wholesome sonic and tails wednesday before I go to bed...

don't tag as ship

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10 months ago

Hey guys! I am currently in need of volunteer at very least 15 people for my discord as baseline for a discord fic I'm gonna make. I'm going to assign each person either a Sonic (Scrouge)/Tails (or even both if you feel like it) persona for you, or you can request a persona you want for me. Your job is to chatting there as the persona you get and create chaos in the server (you can found the rules more after I add you).

But really as long as there's some chaos there I don't care what you're talking about as I had this idea originally just for fun!

DM me if you interested in participating! Thank you!

P.S. I'm going to give the link to the participants

P.S.S. I myself ofcourse will participate, as the Sonic and Tails from my own AU that is

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4 years ago

Awww...his little hoodie. :)

Orange Did NOT Vent!!!!!!!!

orange did nOT vent!!!!!!!!

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8 months ago

So... finished Sonic Prime. Definitely a cartoon. At least that is one way to put it. The story could have been so much better, but the action and animation is top notch. As some people may have put, feels like one season split into three parts. Overall, it's fun and enjoyable but definitely could have used some work.

I don't know if it says something about me or the show that I don't feel like it said all that much or did all that much. Sure, it has a plot and overarching story, but a summary or synopsis feels like something almost unneeded, I guess? I don't know.

It's pretty standard Sonic overall. The Shatterverse is an interesting addition, with the whole idea of there being many versions of his friends but only one Sonic. I do wonder what the logic of the Chaos Council is. Is it something like since Eggman was the next closest to the origin of the shattering of the Paradox Prism that it made the alternates but only in one universe? I think I get the idea behind most of the Shatterverse and do like some of the ideas but wish there could have been a bit more done.

I think overall, I'm pretty neutral to Sonic Prime. Maybe I'm also somewhat disappointed in the show. It's like I said earlier, it's definitely a cartoon. It's not gonna be like the comics, IDW or Archie. It's not gonna be like the Sonic Boom cartoon. It's not gonna be like the games. It's Sonic Prime, to both it's benefit and detriment, I guess.

I might edit this with more thoughts later, or self reblog for an addition? I don't know.

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1 year ago
The Other Day I Was Playing The Murder Of Sonic The Edgehog :3

the other day i was playing the murder of sonic the edgehog :3

tails as a little detective is. a delight

good luck detective prower!!!

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7 months ago

Not me tryna figure out where I fall on this spectrum

"Autism is a spectrum!" yeah and it looks like this

"Autism Is A Spectrum!" Yeah And It Looks Like This

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2 years ago
This Part Is So Cute I Just - AHHHHH

This part is so cute I just - AHHHHH

Gif from @nollieishere post

Also if Eggman is dead ISTG

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7 months ago

Parallel Universe Comic

Parallel Universe Comic
Parallel Universe Comic
Parallel Universe Comic
Parallel Universe Comic
Parallel Universe Comic

Ello, I'm back! Here is the comic, I'm a little late and it's rushed but I hope you enjoy the little comic I made! Is there a continuation? No. I'm so tired bc it took me 3 days to finish this.

I just realized there's a writing mistake on page 3...It's supposed to say ''I have to get OUT of here''.

Nine meeting Kaya (my oc and Metal Sonic) for the first time!

And a huge thank you to my friends that helped and supported me through this!💞

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