Transid - Tumblr Posts
Transxenogen / Transxenogeneration

A transage / transtime term for individuals who feel as though they should be / should've been part of a nonexisting / xenic generation
Anyone can use this (no DNI post), as long as it isn’t misused. Only repost with a link to this post as credit (only exclusions being archives).
Also, please tell us if someone has coined this before. We often don’t notice/know.
if someone has coined this before, take it as either a recoin or redesign.
Randomly got this idea after seeing @\toransunihonjin 's generation series.
Flag base credits go to xem

Transalienaxolotl is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be an Alien Axolotl from Origins++.

Transflea is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Flea from Origins++.

Transdivinearchitect is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Divine Architect from Origins++.

Transgoolien is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Goolien from Origins++.

Transram is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Ram from Origins++.

Transglacier is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Glacier from Origins++.

Transvolcanicdragon is a transspecies / transcharacter term for individuals who feel as though they should be a Volcanic Dragon from Origins++.
Anyone can use this (no DNI post), as long as it isn’t misused. Only repost with a link to this post as credit (only exclusions being archives).
Also, please tell us if someone has coined this before. We often don’t notice/know.
if someone has coined this before, take it as either a recoin or redesign.
The autistic grind never stops. I have had an obsession with origins for years and now y'all have to deal wit my uber autism
Also the reason for the eyestrain cws in the tags is because the TransGoolien flag I originally made much more eyestrain-y
It's below the cut so warning for that

TransEHS / TransExplodingHeadSyndrome

TransEHS or TransExplodingHeadSyndrome is a term for individuals who feel as though they should have / should’ve had Exploding Head Syndrome.
Anyone can use this (no DNI post), as long as it isn’t misused. Only repost with a link to this post as credit (only exclusions being archives).
Also, please tell us if someone has coined this before. We often don’t notice/know.
if someone has coined this before, take it as either a recoin or redesign.
idk, I’m bored as hell and don’t have anything to coin.

warlock ::
someone who is , or feels they should be , a magic user who received power by forming a contract with a supernatural entity of some sort . based on the dungeons & dragons class .
no DNI . can be used for any purpose , including IRLs , kin , introjects , transIDs , for fun , etc . reposts / re-coins / alt flags ok ^_^

paladin ::
someone who is , or feels they should be , a holy warrior who swore an oath to their deity to fight for justice and righteousness . based on the dungeons & dragons class .
no DNI . can be used for any purpose , including IRLs , kin , introjects , transIDs , for fun , etc . reposts / re-coins / alt flags ok ^_^
Hello, and welcome to our blog. We are the Monochromatic Collective. We are all collectively new users to Tumblr, and we’d appreciate any guidance (such as things/people/terms to interact with and things/people/terms to avoid.)
We are also unfamiliar with popular terminology and vocabulary that is used in the transID, Radqueer and Tumblr community, and would greatly appreciate it if someone would assist us in learning what any popular slang terms mean.
We do know the basics, though, and some of us have a few trans identities ourselves. I will include an introduction to our most frequent fronters at the bottom of the post as to avoid confusion.
Introduction to alters that may post/interact below.
Edgar , but you may call me Poe to avoid confusion. Most FREQUENT fronter , HOST. // HE / THEY / IT / ZE / RAVEN pronouns ,, bigay mxn , nullanxiety , cishypersexuality , cisBPD , transOLD , transharmful , transharmed. I will be using this account to talk about my desires as a radqueer person and to share some poetry on occasion.
Emoji Indicator: 🖋️
Edgar , no petnames / nicknames. Nothing sexual directed to him , he has boundaries. Frequent fronter , OG HOST. // HE / THEY / SHE / HYPER pronouns ,, he’s still questioning but cisTourettes (body) , cisautism , cisadhd , transBPD , transprogrammed , transcultmember and transharmed so far. She’ll most likely use this account for similar purposes as me , but she’s actively looking for someone to program her unlike me.
Emoji Indicator: 💜
Ranpo♡, do not flirt or ANYTHING of the sort with him. We are in a HAPPY relationship. Stay the fuck away from my love. Frequent Fronter , usually co-con. // HE / THEY pronouns ,, trisNPD , transseverityNPD (lessen symptoms) , transharmed , transharmful , transinnocentharmful. They’ll be doing whatever they want on this account , but he’ll most likely joke around and talk about his transID’s occasionally. HE IS NOT LOOKING FOR A TRANSHARMED/TRANSHARMFUL.
Emoji Indicator: 🔎
If a random alter that doesn’t want to be super active on this account but wants to post once or twice posts , they will use a random emoji along with the tag “ alter.unknown ” or “ alter.(their name) ” if they want .
More alters may join in on posting, and either I will introduce them or they’ll introduce themselves. DNI below ,,

Please inform me if any alt texts/ID’s are not descriptive enough, and I will try my hardest to improve them to your standards.
Thank you for reading.
i’m genuinely questioning being transbullied, someone should totally harass and bully me!!!

A flag for those who were some form of harmful in source (made for introjects of any kind but is not an exclusive term)
If coined before consider this an alt flag
I might start posting about my ID hoards, I love hoarding greatly and I’ve just made some discoveries about myself.
- ✒️
(( These are only for me specifically, not the body. ))
cisID’s: cishypersexuality , cisBPD , cisst4lker , cisSH , cisaddict , cisED (ana) , cisCaneUser .
trisID’s: trisOLD , trisharmed , trisMobilityAidUser (trisMAU) , trisAutism .
transID’s: transCaretakee , transBrainDamage , transBrainDead , transAmputee , transHarmful , transFacialScarring , transIntersex , transAndrogynous , transOCD , transSeverityCompulsions , transADD , transCaneUser , transParaLegs .
Sexualities / Para / Genders: Stalker4Victim (s4v or stkr4vctm) , 🍭🎒 / 🍯 , 🪦🧟♂️ , 😶 , 🔁🍭🎒 , 🔁🪦🧟♂️ , 🦖 ,🩸, 😢 , 🔁👦 , 🔁💤 , 🔁🥀 , IntersexBoy , Bøy , Ravenic , SinGender , BoyFreak , FreakQueer , MonsterGay , etc . . .
what do you consider "basic dni criteria"?
I personally consider “basic DNI criteria” as things like racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism.
Basically, just don’t be prick and be open-minded!
Hope this helps :3
HALLO ^_^ cAn u plz makez a transpuppy FlAg ? /NF MAyb with RAinbow PAwz ? n Muddy GReen / lighT BroWn colOurs ? >w< tHamk uu in advance !!!
-- 🐛


When one identifies as being a Puppy . For whatever specified / unspecified reasons . TransSpecies . Ect Ect .

If already coined consider as an alt . Req by anon - 🐛 . No DNI . Just be nice / civil about it . Free for anyone .

being an alter in a (mainly radqueer + transx) system is soo weirdd ;_;
like tell me how we have nagito komaeda saying it’s transmutt and wanting some1 2 abuse it
then we also have a human form of a wendigo trying to form a giant cult and to top it off,
a cutecore trans² transspecies transage catgirl that’s trying to transition the body into a loli trans² catgirl while every1 pleads with hir not 2 do anything 2 the body 💀
i’d rather have rule34 pop up when i type the letter r into google, bcz at least thats easier to explain than “” popping up
This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my blood sugar. please help me with a small donation or share my pinned any help can save my life.Please help & Blessings ❤Thanks
we are unable to help this person out, but if anyone is able to help, that’d be great!
ugh i keep forgetting that being radqueer isn’t “normal” so we’ll be excitedly talking to someone about how we’ve been hallucinating, bedrotting and not taking care of ourselves and they’ll be shocked and mortified and we’ll be standing there looking dumb like “what’s wrong this is a good thing?”
Honestly, I don't like either.
Am I the only cisautistic that actually thinks transautistics are really cool? Like people want my exact neurotype and are interested in what makes me tick? Awesome. Guys we should hang out some time :) I can give you passing tips /gen
Delusional!! Please go outside!
btw transadults ARE adults. transkids ARE kids. trans[insert identity] ARE [insert identity]. i love this community but im so tired of people treating transids like they’re not really their ids. a lot of us truly do identify as our preferred identities and may want to be treated as such.

Ficlusionergender Pride Flag "Ficlusionergender is a xenogender that has something to do with being/the term fictlusioner. [fictlusioner is acting as/pretend to be an identity and wanting to be treated as though one is that identity.]"