Multiple Times - Tumblr Posts
someone cover me w a glass and push a piece of paper under me in order to safely take me outside
Maybe it’s a product of being a fan of Naruto for near ten years now and considerably evolving in my perceptions of it, but it’s always strange to see how despite it being near as long since the main series ended, so many people still unabashedly miss the point. Naruto sympathizing with and talk-no-jutsuing almost every villain he comes face-to-face with isn’t an arbitrary thing that Kishimoto employs because he’s an incompetent writer. It’s a narrative device used time and time again to illustrate that there are truly no villains or heroes in this world, only victims who are the product of an exploitative, violent environment funded by the feudal-state system. Even the worst people we come to know in the narrative are a product of that environment and of the cycle of violence that refuses to be broken, so yes, empathy is the point, even for the villains who seemingly belong at the bottom of the barrel. Understanding their circumstances is about understanding the desolate environment that created them and how such an environment should never have existed in the first place. It’s never about excusing them for their actions. Recognizing that ultimately the system is to blame and not the individual people in it is vital to Naruto’s thesis as a whole. We can argue about whether the conclusions and sequels to the main series actually stick the landing with that thesis, but at least for the bulk of the main narrative, it is important and intended for readers to recognize that Naruto’s empathy for others is born out of social intelligence and compassion, not naïveté.
Beebo 1 and 2
Gf: can beebo 1 and 2 please sleep in the bed tonight?
Me: .....
Me: kjærelight, beebo 1 and 2 are plastic tanks
To other autistic people, have others ever tried to make you feel bad for being so passionate about a special interest?

#local soft man in need of cuddles (via @bend-me-shape-me)

it’s been a day and i’m still absolutely floored by this information (source)
that's it, that's the post.
It feels so so good when your friend says something that confirms that they actually want to be friends about you and care about you and want to be around you as much as you want to be around them
This is basically the plot of inside out 2

This is so “I was born in the wrong generation cringe” of me, but I am so sad that video game toll lines, the kinds where a game manual or magazine would have a phone number to call if you were stuck so somebody reading a book of common problems could tell you what you were doing wrong and give tips, aren’t a thing anymore because ranting to random people about Castlevania all day is exactly all I wanna do most of the time.

Pride and Prejudice (2005) + facts | part 2
Hey American moots, could you potentially see a bear if you went for a walk in the woods nearest to your house?
ok wait, reblog if you’ve cried at least once because of math, doesn’t matter which grade i’m trying to prove something
ok wait, reblog if you’ve cried at least once because of math, doesn’t matter which grade i’m trying to prove something