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6 months ago

Sweet treat <3

 Sweet Treat

An old ass Aphmau kawaii chan/ Nana redesign sketch.

Look her whole persona is designed around catching attention and being seen but we’re expected to believe that she walks around in a tube too and shorts? Pu LEASE SHED BE SO ALT!!!

I think she be BIG into layering and frills very fairy Kai esk with a little bit of decora thrown in (though I didn’t put the decora stuff in this sketch)

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6 years ago

Sadly, I have to point out:

Aphmau dies on the channel called ‘Aphmau’

Where did Garroth go after stabbing Kawaii-chan — why did he stop trying to kill Zane?

Where is Toby?

Lucinda and Kim put on grunt uniforms and were immediately allowed to see Michael (so all the guardian forces agents have that access?!)

And the question I’ve been asking since Ein first returned...

How is he alive?

Hear me out, when Aaron didn’t kill Ein he was left, likely bleeding out, in the woods, and though they never found a body and assumed he was ‘eaten by wolves’, we saw Tatiana sick her wolves on him, and talk to Lucinda afterwards. Why would she let him escape? Also you’d think after Ein got his shit wrecked by Aaron, and was fucking mauled by wolves he would have died from the pain, blood loss, or many, many inflicted injuries, regardless of whether he was human or werewolf at the time. Being ‘found by Michael’ doesn’t explain shit!

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6 years ago

Zane: Come near me, and your toast.

Aphmau: You and what toaster?

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6 years ago
The One Good Thing Aaron Got From This Clusterfuck Of Misfortune, And The Gods (A.K.A Jess) Taking The

The one good thing Aaron got from this clusterfuck of misfortune, and the Gods (A.K.A Jess) taking the term ‘cinnamon bun’ to a whole new level:

Ein is dead.

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6 years ago

Jess: *ticks Ein, Blaze, and several background characters of a list*.

Jess: who shall I kill off next?

(She’s probably following the original template of Attack on Titan — A.K.A everyone dies).

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6 years ago
insomniac-dormouse - Dori🐁
insomniac-dormouse - Dori🐁

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5 years ago

Next episode:


Literally everyone is now dead.

(...but at least Aaron’s back)




(I miss Daniel)

A lot of bad things happened,

A lot of good things happened,

But the most important thing is:

No One died this time!

(I feel like celebrating)

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5 years ago

Next 2 episodes...


(But at least everyone else is relatively okay... yay?)

A lot of bad things happened,

A lot of good things happened,

But the most important thing is:

No One died this time!

(I feel like celebrating)

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