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7 months ago

Nemesis Cabin Headcanons

Tyche and Nemesis kids either love or hate each other

Nemesis and Hypnos cabins are partners in crime

Nemesis cabin has a Hephaestus cabin minion. One kid that messed with them too many times and now is so scared they do anything the Nemesis cabin says.

Daughters of Nemesis tend to become hunters of Artemis or they join the Amazons.

Statue of Ethan Nakamura in their cabin.

Their fatal flaw tends to be holding grudges, but some of them equate their worth with their problem solving abilities. If they cannot find a solution that is fair to everyone, they break. Without balance they are nothing but a shell of a person.

Big rule followers as well as enforcers. If everyone is expected to do something, no one is an exception.

They can use someone’s wrongdoings against them; flood their mind with guilt from what they did even if they didn’t think it was wrong. Essentially breaking the worst of their enemies.

The entire cabin working together would absolutely stand a chance against a god. Maybe not Hades, but the worst gods. The rapists and murderers.

Would die for their heroes without a second thought. (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Reyna, Nico, Hazel, Frank, Ethan, Grover. Etc.)

“Is it really blackmail if what they did was worse than blackmail?” “They’re just repaying their debt to society!” “I am the new society”

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7 months ago

Jason Grace with the cabins

Cabin 1: Zeus. It's just him and Thalia because of the oath. Probably. Hopefully. Jason would be very protective of any younger siblings. He'd use his status as Champion of Juno to try and protect them from her wrath. It would work, for the most part.

Cabin 2: Hera. There isn't any children of Hera. He'd absolutely be chill with the 'adopted' children of Hera, though. Like the Iris cabin.

Cabin 3: Poseidon. Percy Jackson, baby. I don't believe they really compete over much unless its an actual competition or game. They work together just fine. Good friends, only gay sex as a joke. Any other children of Poseidon (that aren't supposed to exist either), Jason wouldn't really talk to. Percy would probably be too protective of them for Jason to have much to do with them.

Cabin 4: Demeter. The Demeter kids would always be asking him if he could change the weather for their gardens. He doesn't. He's too worried that if he tried it would get too out of hand and ruin their gardens. Some of them think the gesture is sweet. Others are more annoyed that he won't try. Cause he's literally the son of Jupiter, he should be able to control his powers. And he can. But he isn't risking it. They probably get along pretty well.

Cabin 5: Ares. The Ares kids are always challenging him to duels and asking to spar. He usually agrees, granted it's a friendly thing. They want to make their dad proud by defeating the son of Jupiter. They don't. Jason wins, and then gives them pointers. This makes them want to fight him more. If he thought it wasn't a friendly thing, he wouldn't fight them unless they actually attacked him. He'd always try to talk through the issue. Jason fully believes he isn't anyone special because his dad is the king of the gods. He thinks they want to spar with him because he genuinely is one of the best and most experienced fighters. Cause that's how Camp Jupiter is. Overall, they probably wouldn't get along well naturally. Zeus wasn't the biggest fan of Ares, so their kids wouldn't be inclined to be playmates or anything. But Jason would always try to work well with them.

Cabin 6: Athena. One of the best combinations. Jason and the Athena kids would be working together constantly. Sparring tips, doing research, teaching younger campers. Jason is built for leadership despite how much he never wanted it. Athena kids want to lead and earn their glory. He would absolutely support them on anything they decided.

Cabin 7: Apollo. I refuse to believe Jason died in TOA. It all happened, but he didn't die. Just no. The Apollo kids would be incredibly grateful for Jason not letting their dad die, especially after he actually started being a good dad. Jason would try to relax with the Apollo kids if he ever got a break. They'd all definitely be great friends.

Cabin 8: Artemis. Thalia Grace. Need I say more?

Cabin 9: Hephaestus. They'd love each other. Hephaestus was not treated great by Zeus and Hera at all. Jason would 100% try to make up for that. AND Jason always tried to befriend the outcasted kids. Hephaestus was one. Leo certainly loved Jason. The potential for Valgrace to be canon was insane. And the electricity. He could charge anything they made. He's strong too. Definitely able to hold up heavy machinery while they worked. He'd be amazing with the Hephaestus cabin.

Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper Mclean. Her siblings would love him. The younger Aphrodite kids would look up to Piper so much, so the fact that things ended 'amicably' between them would mean so much. Jason would be caught up on Piper for a long time, and would avoid the Aphrodite cabin for a while. But once he came around, he was there to stay. They were his siblings too, in his eyes. He'd steer them away from the whole rite of passage thing and encourage them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. And he'd understand if they didn't. Jason was so sweet to them, but I can't image that he would date another child of Aphrodite.

Cabin 11: Hermes. Probably a pretty neutral thing. The Hermes kids tend to be tricksters and rule breakers, which Jason is not. He'd try to keep them in line, but he'd also want to maintain a good impression with them. He'd love to make friends with them. He had heard about Luke from Thalia, and he wouldn't forget that. Thalia did throw him off a cliff. But he would never hold Luke's betrayal against them.

Cabin 12: Dionysus. Jason wouldn't be a fan of the Dionysus cabin parties that were definitely against the rules. Dionysus let them happen anyway. The Dionysus kids would try to get Jason to let loose and forget about his responsibilities for a while. It didn't work, but he did appreciate their effort.

Cabin 13: Hades. NICO MOTHERFUCKING DI ANGELO. They're besties of course. If Bianca lived, she would like Jason purely because Nico liked Jason. I don't remember a lot about canon Bianca, but I can't imagine she would really be friends with Jason. Hazel and Jason were absolutely friends. She missed him when he went missing. And Jason always tried to befriend outcasts, and Hades wasn't considered an Olympian despite literally being the king of the underworld, and Nico was outcasted too much for literally no reason. (I love Nico.) Jason would be great with the Hades cabin.

Cabin 14: Iris. Jason briefly met Butch Walker. It wasn't much of anything. The Iris cabin would love Jason. Hera absolutely adores children of Iris because their mother is her personal messenger. Jason is the champion of Juno. So of course being loved by the queen of the gods would put them together too often. They would make pride flags and hold them up to him, silently asking if he's queer. He doesn't understand what they're doing. Genuinely clueless. He just praises their work. Awesome pride flags.

Cabin 15: Hypnos. Jason and the Hypnos kids. With Jason's PTSD induced insomnia, what better combination? They would absolutely be willing to help him sleep at night. The problem isn't even nightmares, he just cannot fall asleep. The Hypnos cabin would let him sleep in there at any time. And Jason would do anything in return. He takes any gesture of kindness towards him very very seriously. He would do anything for the Hypnos kids.

Cabin 16: Nemesis. Mutual respect. The Nemesis kids respect Jason so much. They can sense that he's done so much good and so many bad things have happened to him AND HE'S STILL A GOOD PERSON. They look up to him so much. They have a lot of adoration or maybe even obsession with this man. Jason respects them in turn. He appreciates how they want justice, they want everyone to be equal, and everyone has to follow the rules. They work incredibly well together. The Nemesis kids can link up their powers with an ally so they're in perfect balance during a fight, and holy shit do they do that with Jason. Jason and the Nemesis cabin is unstoppable. Jason by himself is unstoppable (HE DID NOT DIE I SWEAR), so the Nemesis kids being able to put themselves on par with him is insane. But they cannot spar with each other. The Nemesis kids know that Jason deserves to get revenge more than anybody they've ever met (and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, etc.). They just cannot fight against him under any circumstances. They would let him beat them every single time. He would get very frustrated that they wouldn't even try.

Cabin 17: Nike. Honestly, not the best relationship at camp. Definitely not the worst though. Nike kids tend to believe there can only be one victor and that life is an individual game, no teams. Jason wants everyone to win together. Equality amongst everyone. And the Nike kids 100% stand a chance against Jason. They can influence the outcome of any competition, so the chances of them beating Jason in anything skyrocket. But they also know that when it comes to survival they have to work together. They do tend to push in favor of Jason then. But usually, it's the Nike kids VS. Jason Grace. And Jason just wants peace between them.

Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe cabin practically worships Jason. They always wanted a relationship with someone like their mother's husband. And Hebe married Heracles, son of Zeus. So when Jason showed up to camp, they got all fancy and fawned over him. Though they did the same thing with Thalia. Jason was not a fan of the attention. He never wanted to be a leader. So when all these attractive, young demigods start begging for his attention, he felt really awkward. And he was raised at Camp Jupiter, where they value skill over parentage greatly. He did not like getting attention because of who his dad was. He wanted to prove himself through his skill. He did not want to be his father. He spends a lot of time avoiding the Hebe cabin, but he is always polite when he can't.

Cabin 19: Tyche. Jason is on relatively good terms with the Tyche cabin. The Tyche kids do have an illegal gambling room set up in their cabin, which Jason is not very happy about. He doesn't try to stop them though. Their ability to give people chronic bad luck stops people from reporting it. And Mr. D doesn't care anyways. If Chiron shut it down, he'd just help them set it back up. The Tyche kids do admire Jason because somehow he's managed to survive for so long. Abandoned by his mother, raised by wolves, was a child soldier his entire life. They figured their mother must like him if he's survived that long, so they like him too.

Cabin 20: Hecate. Half of the Hecate kids like him, and the other half don't. It's mostly the judgey ones that don't like him. The ones that do like him look up to his power and skill and status. They are the Hecate kids that accept Hazel as their own sibling. The ones that don't like him think he isn't very powerful for a son of Jupiter and is weaker than them. They also typically are the ones that are jealous of Hazel for being their mother's favorite. Hecate kids typically use their powers to enhance other camper's powers. They can lend their magic to others to have a greater effect. They do this with Jason. He works well with the Hecate kids when they're willing to.

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7 months ago

Morpheus cabin headcanons?

Sure! Since they're alike and I already had this planned, I figured it wouldn't hurt to put them together, if that's okay.

Hypnos and Morpheus Cabin Headcanons

They've got those sleepy, melancholy eyes. But they never have eye bags

They surprisingly have a lot of energy. They can definitely hold their own in a fight. They just prefer to be asleep.

They tend to lucid dream. And they can do astral projection. They exit their bodies while they're asleep and mess with the other campers, who are oblivious.

They called their mortal parent "mommy", "mama", "daddy", etc for a very long time.

They wear really comfortable, silk clothing all of the time.

The Nemesis cabin comes to them sometimes to ask them to haunt the dreams of someone who wronged them. They always do.

They welcome all demigods into their cabin to chase away their nightmares, until they give the Hypnos kids a reason to kick them out.

They can talk to Hypnos in their dreams, and he absolutely loves his kids.

Their parents are either severe insomniacs or have narcolepsy. They also tend to be doctors.

Their fatal flaw could be laziness, or just not caring in general, but I think feeling inferior is a common one. Their dad is the god of sleep, so upon being claimed, they automatically assume that they aren't worth anything. He isn't a major god and they don't realize when they use their powers for a long time.

They make dream catchers with the Iris cabin.

Children of Morpheus can create illusions. In dreams or in real life. It's not like the mist where it becomes solid to those who can't see through it. It's more like a projection that only select people can see. They can still walk through it like it didn't exist. But they're very realistic.

Children of Morpheus tend to help out in the infirmary, giving good dreams to injured and unconscious demigods. They can lull someone to sleep just by holding them in their arms. They would have prophetic dreams in this state. Great, but not for date night.

Children of Morpheus grow poppies in their cabin.

Children of Hypnos and Morpheus are great friends with children of Iris.

Rarely, children of Morpheus will inherit a winged ear.

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7 months ago

Tyche Cabin Headcanons

Lots and lots of gambling. They absolutely have a secret gambling ring in their cabin.

Mr. D likes them. He helps set up their gambling ring every time it gets shut down.

They tend to get addicted very easily. To gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc. They like a lot of something all at once. Their lust for life is matched with the Dionysus cabin.

They either get along with the Nemesis cabin incredibly well, or they hate each other. Hate because Nemesis disrupts their good luck. Love because they are absolute powerhouses together.

Other campers don't like to mess with them because they can easily influence their fate.

They tend to feel used a lot because other campers are always sucking up to them to get good luck.

Their fatal flaw tends to be hubris. They can influence luck and fate, so they tend to think that nothing bad can happen to them. Fear the day their luck runs out.

Surprisingly, they aren't big on competition. They know that they can win at anything. It gets boring after a while.

Their parents tend to be people who have had really hard lives. Tyche likes to balance out their bad luck with the luckiest children alive.

They inherit golden eyes from their mother. Or their mortal parent's eye color with golden flecks.

They're incredibly good at negotiating. They can argue to get almost anything they want. People are very inclined to believe that they deserve more than they do.

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7 months ago

Ares Cabin Headcanons

Ares is actually a really good dad who loves his daughters. He defended his daughter, Alcippe, after she was raped. He would do that for any one of his daughters.

Children of Ares will typically devote themselves to one person, who they would slaughter entire armies and die for.

They're the most passionate campers, besides the Aphrodite cabin.

The Ares cabin gets together with the other children of war gods (Athena, Nemesis, Aphrodite, etc.) to plan full out wars, or maybe just the inevitable zombie apocalypse, etc.

They have terrible nightmares where they essentially live through terrible wars, such as the Trojan war, and die terrible deaths alongside great heroes. A reminder that they were always born to die in battle.

They fight for their dad's attention a lot. While he doesn't particularly want to pay attention to any of them, he'll humor them every once in a while.

Even the smaller children of Ares that were built for agility and speed are incredibly strong powerhouses.

Their fatal flaw tends to be hubris. They're always searching and competing for glory. No matter how small and insignificant it may be, they always want to be the best.

They get along very very well with the Aphrodite cabin. And great with the Nemesis cabin, along with other children of war gods, but not so great with the Athena cabin.

They naturally talk very loudly. They also walk very quickly. Their footsteps are really loud, everyone can tell when a child of Ares is walking their way.

They have a very dark sense of humor. They laugh loudly and deeply, with their whole chest.

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6 months ago

Chthonic Gods' Cabins Headcanons

Children of Hades, Persephone, Nyx, Hypnos, Nemesis, Hecate, Thanatos, Eris, Geras, Selene, etc. Any God that lives in the underworld or is a child of God that lives in the underworld.

They refer to themselves as Hellspawn endearingly.

They are so much more loyal to each other than to children of other Gods. They're all united by the underworld.

They have sleepover in the Hades Cabin. Chiron doesn't know, and he wouldn't allow it if he did. The Hecate Cabin masks their presence so others can see, hear, or sense them.

They treat children of Hades like royalty. They're all the pretty princesses of the underworld. They put a pink, fuzzy crown on Nico one time. He didn't particularly enjoy it, but he didn't stop them.

They make homemade candles and hold rituals in cemeteries and abandoned playgrounds.

They always make sure Hazel is welcome at camp. She is a queen. She can't be uncomfortable or unhappy at camp half blood.

They held a grand funeral for Bianca. She has a beautiful burial plot. Fresh flowers every week.

Sometimes they go frolicking through the underworld, holding hands and skipping. Purely for the irony.

They kind of consider Will one of them? They're a bit iffy about him because he's a son of Apollo, the sun god, but they appreciate how happy he makes Nico.

The underworld children that can summon spirits (Mostly Hades children. Children of Hypnos can make dead people appear in dreams. Few children of Nemesis can control vengeful spirits. Few children of Ares can call upon dead soldiers who lost their war. Thanatos children.) will gossip about the spirits they spoke to. They'll also work together to try to summon a lost friend or family member, to give one of them some form of closure.

The Hades cabin leads their little clique. Planning outings and meetings.

The Hypnos cabin regulates their dreams, making sure everyone sleeps relatively okay. They keep their dreams not terrible for the most part.

Children of Selene will use their powers to radiate moonlight, effectively making other children of the underworld slightly more powerful.

Children of Nemesis act as their regulators, their judges. If someone wronged one of them, the entire Nemesis cabin will get revenge for them.

Children of Nyx are their guards. All they have to do is look at someone, and they'll think a million times before they even interact with one of them.

Children of Persephone will grow flowers and fruit for them. They keep their lives bright and meaningful. A symbol of peace, even if only in short periods.

Children of Hecate will enchant anything for them. Magical weapons mean more security. And Tarot readings. A small glimpse into the future will calm them down so much.

Children of Geras will give them wisdom. Old age comes with experience. And experience leads to knowledge. An excellent guide for young, inexperienced demigods.

Children of Eris will remind everyone of what someone has done. Never forgetting someone's blatant wrongdoings. They warn everyone when they hear about something someone has done, trying to keep them out of trouble.

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6 months ago

Nike Cabin Headcanons

They’re constantly pressured to be perfect at everything.

They don’t burn out easily, but when they do it’s really really bad.

Their fatal flaw tends to be hubris. Believing they’re better than everyone else at everything. Which is usually true. But it’s the mindset.

They don’t get along with the Nemesis cabin very well. Constant winning whether it’s deserved or not and balance don’t exactly go too well together.

They’re unstoppable with the Tyche cabin. Luck and victory. Who would’ve thought?

Their parents are incredibly talented people. Nobel prize winners, Olympic athletes, Taylor Swift, etc.

They have the ability to influence the outcome of an event. Gambling, fighting, academics, etc.

They’re not great at teamwork. They all want to be an individual victor. No one can be better than them.

Their mom doesn’t like them very much. She doesn’t believe they’re as good as they could be, though they’re some of the most impressive demigods at camp. 

They love conflict. They’ll argue over anything. They’ll throw the first punch almost every time.

They get along incredibly well with children of war gods. Ares, Athena, etc. 

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