Hunters Of Artemis - Tumblr Posts
Omg, I can totally see this happening.
Then when lester/apollo comes to camp he either catches artemis in the act or gets slightly (slightly bc they're nice and polite and don't want to get smited when he becomes a god again) teased by his kids, either way he later yells at artemis for embarrassing him
605. Sometimes Artemis visits the Apollo cabin to tell embarassing stories about her little brother.
Submitted by anonymous.
repost this (if you want) and gimme your riordanverse life like who your bff would be godly parent if your a legacy if you get along with your godly parent your claiming powers just whatever if you want to who your s/o would be dynamics you and other characters have and just what ever how you got to camp also works well if you want to shift and stuff to say what everything is like it doesn’t have to be canon btw people can be alive and stuff
put as much as you want cause i want to hear abt you in that reality/verse
Apollo Story Ideas 1
Artemis has a hunt full of female Alphas. Her brother, Apollo, has a hunt full of male Omegas. Que overprotective alpha sister and her Hunters who will treathen every Alpha and Beta who ever harms their innocent virgin omega brother and his pack.

Thinkin about Bianca di Angelo. She was just a pre-teen girl who was forced to be a mother. Was she attracted to death because it brought her closer to her father? What would she have become with freedom and time? Would she have chosen the Hunters if she’d had a chance at a normal pre-teen life? Maybe she just wanted to be a girl forever because she already missed her chance. 12 year olds shouldn’t be mothers.
(Old draft but bringing it back bc of tsats pt 2 being confirmed)
Nemesis Cabin Headcanons
Tyche and Nemesis kids either love or hate each other
Nemesis and Hypnos cabins are partners in crime
Nemesis cabin has a Hephaestus cabin minion. One kid that messed with them too many times and now is so scared they do anything the Nemesis cabin says.
Daughters of Nemesis tend to become hunters of Artemis or they join the Amazons.
Statue of Ethan Nakamura in their cabin.
Their fatal flaw tends to be holding grudges, but some of them equate their worth with their problem solving abilities. If they cannot find a solution that is fair to everyone, they break. Without balance they are nothing but a shell of a person.
Big rule followers as well as enforcers. If everyone is expected to do something, no one is an exception.
They can use someone’s wrongdoings against them; flood their mind with guilt from what they did even if they didn’t think it was wrong. Essentially breaking the worst of their enemies.
The entire cabin working together would absolutely stand a chance against a god. Maybe not Hades, but the worst gods. The rapists and murderers.
Would die for their heroes without a second thought. (Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Reyna, Nico, Hazel, Frank, Ethan, Grover. Etc.)
“Is it really blackmail if what they did was worse than blackmail?” “They’re just repaying their debt to society!” “I am the new society”
Jason Grace with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. It's just him and Thalia because of the oath. Probably. Hopefully. Jason would be very protective of any younger siblings. He'd use his status as Champion of Juno to try and protect them from her wrath. It would work, for the most part.
Cabin 2: Hera. There isn't any children of Hera. He'd absolutely be chill with the 'adopted' children of Hera, though. Like the Iris cabin.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Percy Jackson, baby. I don't believe they really compete over much unless its an actual competition or game. They work together just fine. Good friends, only gay sex as a joke. Any other children of Poseidon (that aren't supposed to exist either), Jason wouldn't really talk to. Percy would probably be too protective of them for Jason to have much to do with them.
Cabin 4: Demeter. The Demeter kids would always be asking him if he could change the weather for their gardens. He doesn't. He's too worried that if he tried it would get too out of hand and ruin their gardens. Some of them think the gesture is sweet. Others are more annoyed that he won't try. Cause he's literally the son of Jupiter, he should be able to control his powers. And he can. But he isn't risking it. They probably get along pretty well.
Cabin 5: Ares. The Ares kids are always challenging him to duels and asking to spar. He usually agrees, granted it's a friendly thing. They want to make their dad proud by defeating the son of Jupiter. They don't. Jason wins, and then gives them pointers. This makes them want to fight him more. If he thought it wasn't a friendly thing, he wouldn't fight them unless they actually attacked him. He'd always try to talk through the issue. Jason fully believes he isn't anyone special because his dad is the king of the gods. He thinks they want to spar with him because he genuinely is one of the best and most experienced fighters. Cause that's how Camp Jupiter is. Overall, they probably wouldn't get along well naturally. Zeus wasn't the biggest fan of Ares, so their kids wouldn't be inclined to be playmates or anything. But Jason would always try to work well with them.
Cabin 6: Athena. One of the best combinations. Jason and the Athena kids would be working together constantly. Sparring tips, doing research, teaching younger campers. Jason is built for leadership despite how much he never wanted it. Athena kids want to lead and earn their glory. He would absolutely support them on anything they decided.
Cabin 7: Apollo. I refuse to believe Jason died in TOA. It all happened, but he didn't die. Just no. The Apollo kids would be incredibly grateful for Jason not letting their dad die, especially after he actually started being a good dad. Jason would try to relax with the Apollo kids if he ever got a break. They'd all definitely be great friends.
Cabin 8: Artemis. Thalia Grace. Need I say more?
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. They'd love each other. Hephaestus was not treated great by Zeus and Hera at all. Jason would 100% try to make up for that. AND Jason always tried to befriend the outcasted kids. Hephaestus was one. Leo certainly loved Jason. The potential for Valgrace to be canon was insane. And the electricity. He could charge anything they made. He's strong too. Definitely able to hold up heavy machinery while they worked. He'd be amazing with the Hephaestus cabin.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper Mclean. Her siblings would love him. The younger Aphrodite kids would look up to Piper so much, so the fact that things ended 'amicably' between them would mean so much. Jason would be caught up on Piper for a long time, and would avoid the Aphrodite cabin for a while. But once he came around, he was there to stay. They were his siblings too, in his eyes. He'd steer them away from the whole rite of passage thing and encourage them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. And he'd understand if they didn't. Jason was so sweet to them, but I can't image that he would date another child of Aphrodite.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Probably a pretty neutral thing. The Hermes kids tend to be tricksters and rule breakers, which Jason is not. He'd try to keep them in line, but he'd also want to maintain a good impression with them. He'd love to make friends with them. He had heard about Luke from Thalia, and he wouldn't forget that. Thalia did throw him off a cliff. But he would never hold Luke's betrayal against them.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. Jason wouldn't be a fan of the Dionysus cabin parties that were definitely against the rules. Dionysus let them happen anyway. The Dionysus kids would try to get Jason to let loose and forget about his responsibilities for a while. It didn't work, but he did appreciate their effort.
Cabin 13: Hades. NICO MOTHERFUCKING DI ANGELO. They're besties of course. If Bianca lived, she would like Jason purely because Nico liked Jason. I don't remember a lot about canon Bianca, but I can't imagine she would really be friends with Jason. Hazel and Jason were absolutely friends. She missed him when he went missing. And Jason always tried to befriend outcasts, and Hades wasn't considered an Olympian despite literally being the king of the underworld, and Nico was outcasted too much for literally no reason. (I love Nico.) Jason would be great with the Hades cabin.
Cabin 14: Iris. Jason briefly met Butch Walker. It wasn't much of anything. The Iris cabin would love Jason. Hera absolutely adores children of Iris because their mother is her personal messenger. Jason is the champion of Juno. So of course being loved by the queen of the gods would put them together too often. They would make pride flags and hold them up to him, silently asking if he's queer. He doesn't understand what they're doing. Genuinely clueless. He just praises their work. Awesome pride flags.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. Jason and the Hypnos kids. With Jason's PTSD induced insomnia, what better combination? They would absolutely be willing to help him sleep at night. The problem isn't even nightmares, he just cannot fall asleep. The Hypnos cabin would let him sleep in there at any time. And Jason would do anything in return. He takes any gesture of kindness towards him very very seriously. He would do anything for the Hypnos kids.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Mutual respect. The Nemesis kids respect Jason so much. They can sense that he's done so much good and so many bad things have happened to him AND HE'S STILL A GOOD PERSON. They look up to him so much. They have a lot of adoration or maybe even obsession with this man. Jason respects them in turn. He appreciates how they want justice, they want everyone to be equal, and everyone has to follow the rules. They work incredibly well together. The Nemesis kids can link up their powers with an ally so they're in perfect balance during a fight, and holy shit do they do that with Jason. Jason and the Nemesis cabin is unstoppable. Jason by himself is unstoppable (HE DID NOT DIE I SWEAR), so the Nemesis kids being able to put themselves on par with him is insane. But they cannot spar with each other. The Nemesis kids know that Jason deserves to get revenge more than anybody they've ever met (and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, etc.). They just cannot fight against him under any circumstances. They would let him beat them every single time. He would get very frustrated that they wouldn't even try.
Cabin 17: Nike. Honestly, not the best relationship at camp. Definitely not the worst though. Nike kids tend to believe there can only be one victor and that life is an individual game, no teams. Jason wants everyone to win together. Equality amongst everyone. And the Nike kids 100% stand a chance against Jason. They can influence the outcome of any competition, so the chances of them beating Jason in anything skyrocket. But they also know that when it comes to survival they have to work together. They do tend to push in favor of Jason then. But usually, it's the Nike kids VS. Jason Grace. And Jason just wants peace between them.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe cabin practically worships Jason. They always wanted a relationship with someone like their mother's husband. And Hebe married Heracles, son of Zeus. So when Jason showed up to camp, they got all fancy and fawned over him. Though they did the same thing with Thalia. Jason was not a fan of the attention. He never wanted to be a leader. So when all these attractive, young demigods start begging for his attention, he felt really awkward. And he was raised at Camp Jupiter, where they value skill over parentage greatly. He did not like getting attention because of who his dad was. He wanted to prove himself through his skill. He did not want to be his father. He spends a lot of time avoiding the Hebe cabin, but he is always polite when he can't.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Jason is on relatively good terms with the Tyche cabin. The Tyche kids do have an illegal gambling room set up in their cabin, which Jason is not very happy about. He doesn't try to stop them though. Their ability to give people chronic bad luck stops people from reporting it. And Mr. D doesn't care anyways. If Chiron shut it down, he'd just help them set it back up. The Tyche kids do admire Jason because somehow he's managed to survive for so long. Abandoned by his mother, raised by wolves, was a child soldier his entire life. They figured their mother must like him if he's survived that long, so they like him too.
Cabin 20: Hecate. Half of the Hecate kids like him, and the other half don't. It's mostly the judgey ones that don't like him. The ones that do like him look up to his power and skill and status. They are the Hecate kids that accept Hazel as their own sibling. The ones that don't like him think he isn't very powerful for a son of Jupiter and is weaker than them. They also typically are the ones that are jealous of Hazel for being their mother's favorite. Hecate kids typically use their powers to enhance other camper's powers. They can lend their magic to others to have a greater effect. They do this with Jason. He works well with the Hecate kids when they're willing to.
Leo Valdez with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. Jason and Thalia Grace. Leo thinks Thalia is hot and Jason is Jason. He loves them. Gets along very well. He would also be in love with any other potential children of Zeus.
Cabin 2: Hera. He probably tried to blow up the cabin. Dumb prophecy.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Things aren't the best between Leo and Percy all of the time. They have a lot of rough patches. But they do enjoy being friends and working together. Just pray that Poseidon doesn't have any kids Leo could take an interest in. Then he'd be dead.
Cabin 4: Demeter. Not great. Fire and plants. They want him to stay away from their gardens. Leo tries to build sprinklers and fountains and entire greenhouses to get them to be more open to him. They appreciate it, but they won't let him in no matter what. They like him outside of their gardens and calm.
Cabin 5: Ares. Leo is the kind of kid that the Ares cabin would bully. But as soon as they find out he's the first son of Hephaestus with fire powers since 1666, they do not mess with him. They're typically nice to him, and he definitely is confused. They stop other kids from picking on him. Like, his bodyguards. They are not risking getting lit on fire. He tries to make friends with them. They give in eventually.
Cabin 6: Athena. They actually get along pretty well most of the time. Athena kids are the gifted kids of the demigod world. And Leo is a genius. He's been doing college level math since he was like 8. He and the Athena kids will get together to work on engineering projects. Every other time, they think he's very distracting. But they're some of the very few people who recognize his intellect. They make him feel understood to an extent in a way not many other people do.
Cabin 7: Apollo. (I don't remember what happened with him in TOA.) The medics in the Apollo cabin are not big fans of him. He blows stuff up a lot. He put people in dangerous situations. People get sent to the infirmary because of stuff he did all the time. Will Solace definitely has told him off once. The other Apollo kids love laughing at his antics. Leo does a little bow to them afterwards and walks off, laughing. He loves the Apollo kids.
Cabin 8: Artemis. The hunters of Artemis scare him. Thalia Grace. He'd totally want them to like him though.
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. Leo gets along really well with all of his siblings. They all work together in bunker 9 building whatever they find the most entertaining. Of course, sometimes they have to remind him that they actually have a job to do. They all have to watch out for each other, and they do.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper is absolutely his bestest friend. Sleepovers? Yes. Annoying the shit out of the rest of the Aphrodite kids? Of course. What else do you expect? The rest of the cabin does find him endearing, but they wouldn't ever do anything with him. Just friends. Oh and the makeovers. Leo wears makeup every single day purely because he lets the younger Aphrodite campers practice on him and he doesn't want to insult them by taking it off. And he feels fabulous in it. He is.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Oh boy, does Leo love the Hermes cabin! Travis and Connor Stoll playing pranks on Leo. Leo playing pranks on Travis and Connor Stoll. He messes with them so much. And they all enjoy it. Very much fun. 10/10. Leo's besties.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. They also get along great with Leo. The Dionysus kids invite him to their parties and he IS the party. Table dancing, party tricks with his fire powers, and just being reckless in general. There's no alcohol, but with Leo Valdez in attendance, there might as well be. His fun, carefree energy rubs off on people. And the parties help him forget about his problems. He doesn't have to think about his mom's death for a couple hours. He always thanks the Dionysus kids after a party. They don't really understand why he's thanking them when he was the best thing at the party, but they go along with it.
Cabin 13: Hades. Hazel obviously likes him cause of Sammy Valdez and all that. Nico wouldn't have a problem with him if he knew him better or spent any time with him at all. Any other Hades kids may or may not. They would totally think his fire powers are badass, though.
Cabin 14: Iris. I don't think they'd appreciate his jokes very much. He would love to build them a massive projector to put rainbows on everything. They don't really talk to him though. They think he comes off too strong. Despite being some of the nicest demigods at camp, they don't realize what's behind his goofy demeanor.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. The Hypnos kids might know more about him than any other cabin. Leo definitely had trouble sleeping at night after being on the streets his entire childhood. Like every other demigod, the Hypnos cabin is happy help. They'll take Leo in and let him talk about his problems until he falls asleep and then they chase away his nightmares. He accidentally woke up in the arms of one of the Hypnos girls and got kicked out for a while. But they always welcome him back in.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Honestly, he's probably kinda scared of the Nemesis kids. He played a prank on one or two of them and definitely regretted it. But then they came around to him. Like Jason, they recognized that Leo did a lot of good despite so many bad things happening to him. So they looked up to him too. They refused to let any other campers pick on him. They checked in on him a lot, knowing that he was probably struggling with something. But they were too scared to pry, so they never really got to know that side of him. He didn't understand why they treated him that way, but he liked it. And he liked them.
Cabin 17: Nike. He wasn't very happy with their mother. But he tried to get along with them at first. He played a few jokes on them. But then they came back with so much harder, trying to turn it into a competition. He absolutely regretted messing with them. It was to the point that he started avoiding them out of fear that they would do it again.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe kids figured that because he's a hero, he should be looked up to. And he definitely flirted with them a lot. And they did like him, but it was more of a platonic thing. They liked his carefree demeanor, but he wasn't the kind of hero they were looking for in the long run. They were chill with each other though.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Leo prayed to Tyche kids after being convinced that he was cursed with his fire powers. He thought that his mom's death was his fault and he was terrified of being the reason anyone else died. He was hoping the Tyche kids could give him enough luck to not kill anyone. The Tyche kids can't exactly receive prayers becuase they're not gods, though. And Leo never killed anyone. So he assumed it worked, and the Tyche kids had no idea that anything was happening. He would thank them everytime he ran into one and they would give him a confused look, but they never questioned it. So Leo and the Tyche cabin were on good terms.
Cabin 20: Hecate. The Hecate cabin gets along great with him. They like to enchant his inventions, making them much more powerful. They encourage him to file for patents and be an actual inventor. He always blushes and brushes it off, claiming he's going to be an engineer and he doesn't need to make all this fancy new stuff, but he's just trying to hide the fact that he's very flustered and prideful. He tries to flirt with them, but he kinda breaks when they flirt back. At one point he was convinced he was going to marry a child of Hecate. But the Hecate kids tend to push him to work until he breaks down, physically unable to work anymore. Yet he's very grateful for them.
Hunters of Artemis
Goddess of the Moon,
Cast your arrow,
Guide me with it’s brilliant light.
Show me the pathway,
To become stronger.
To become one of your apex hunters,
And not the prey in this game we call life.
Teach me the way of the wild,
Tell me how to use flint and steel to spark fire.
Point out the berries,
Those ones with the kiss of death,
And point out the ones that will return the steadiness of my breath.
Open my eyes,
Let me see how I can be truly self-sufficient,
How I can rely on nobody but myself and my surrounding environment.
Allow me to pledge my loyalty to you,
As a woman casted into exile,
I didn't have anybody's help.
So allow me the chance to prove myself,
And join the Hunters of Artemis.
What if Marinette joins the Hunters of Artemis
![On [Circes] Island, I Was Supposed To Be An Obedient Servant. Then I Was A Pirate For A While. Then A](
![On [Circes] Island, I Was Supposed To Be An Obedient Servant. Then I Was A Pirate For A While. Then A](
“On [Circe’s] island, I was supposed to be an obedient servant. Then I was a pirate for a while. Then a legionnaire. Then a praetor. […] I need time just to be Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, to find out who I am outside the legion. It may take a few years, or decades, or centuries. And so…”
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Turns out there’s a reason why Artemis and her Hunters stick to the woods. They only interact with civilised world of mortals when they have to. Each time a new Hunter is accepted into the group she introduces new, foreign concepts to the others, like phrases used by hip teenagers… Or stories from their favorite books and movies. Because what evil can come from retelling some sappy movie at night, when gathered around campfire?
A lot, actually. And it all started the day Artemis learned about Star Wars.
Wait a minute......
TF.... the f*ck
Wait Thalia......
What why?
Pov: You flirted with the hunters of Artemis

Pov: You considered flirting with Hera

What if I write a gigantic fanfic about the hunters of Artemis????
since Zoë joined until I don't know where (?)
like, with a lot of mythologies and a hunter from every corner of the world
Me, very much aromantic: It would be awesome to be one of the hunters of Artemis.
Coworker: But then you’d never be able to get married and have kids!
Thank you @rosabell14 for reminding me how much I despise Rick's portrayal of the hunters.
Good God where do I even start!?
Let's start with my girl Zoe, and look I love her, but I cannot bring myself to forget the blatant way she SPECIFICALLY chose Bianca to be on the quest.
It was obvious as hell that she chose her because:
She just got recruited, she has no bond with Zoe or other members of the hunt, therefore if they lose her, she wouldn't feel that guilty or upset about it.
Strategically, she's also inexperienced, by sacrificing her, they are preserving more precious and useful members of the hunt who have more experience in battle and teamwork. By losing Bianca, she is essentially losing NOTHING, because if she's lost, then they're just gonna be back to the way they were before.
She also does the bare minimum to protect her on the quest, mostly ignoring her for the most part. There is no scene where she tries to help Bianca learn or give her pointers to her, to, you know, NOT DIE!?
Might be harsh from me, but I put half of the blame of Bianca's death on her. Bianca was her responsibility, and Zoe is not a teenager, she is thousands of years old and has been in the hunt for many years. Yes, Bianca should have not touched anything, but she's a kid and the responsibility of kids on the assigned guardian.
Look, I know why Zoe did why she did, she's a human like the rest of us, but her feelings are an explanation for what she did, not a justification.
Next is Artemis.
I get why she offered Bianca a place in the hunt, but at the very least she could have let her also see camp before offering her that, especially because she has a little brother which she loves. I can't really say much about her considering that Percy got kicked out of the tent before we could hear what she was saying to Bianca.
The next thing is the hunters characterization over all.
I cannot stand the way they act in camp. I'm sorry Rick, but you CAN like girly things and still be a warrior, liking pink isn't gonna stop me from punching someone in the face and shattering their jaw.
Why would you make the hunters look down on the Aphrodite kids because of that? If I like more feminine stuff, it isn't gonna decrease my capability as a person, it doesn't make me less.
The hunters, even in the myths, weren't just a man-hating group, they have had male members before, like that one guy Artemis went to hell and back to resurrect after he got killed by a sea monster.
Thank you for coming to my ramblings.
Bianca Di Angelo wanted to be reborn after she died that part is canon , but here's my headcanon , what is she wanted to be in Percy and Nico's life again so she waited a while and she is now known as Estelle Blofis