Non White Cultures - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Transphobia, cisnormativity and gender binary: The racism behind the anti-transness, specially nonbinary transness.

If you think for a second, the idea of the cisnormative gender binary are completely eurocentric: Not only because of the many amerindigenous communities who have Two-Spirits as a third gender, because there are many non white/non european ethnic groups who have, not only three, but more than three gender identities. Ethnic groups that existed for centuries, if not for millennias!

This means that gender binary, transphobia and cisnormativity are completely eurocentric. Oh, wait! Even better yet: transphobia, cisnormativity and gender binary are completely racist.

Observe how transphobes commonly mock and demonize trans people. How do you think these mfs would react to cultures and ethnic groups who don't have, nor accept the cisnormative gender binary? It's obvious that they'd react just like their colonizer ancestors; by demonizing and demoralizing these cultures to a whole.

Gender binary and cisnormativity have an important role on treating non white cultures as inferior. Rejecting gender as a social phenomenon = rejecting gender as a cultural phenomenon.

If you think that trans people are mentally ill, delusional or disgusting, you are obviously going to think these cultures are inferior for having more than 2 genders.

That is the reason why being anti-trans and a person of colour at the same time is such a shot on your own feet. You are a descendant of these people, in the end, you are going to get demonized altogether. So don't try to assimilate to think you are accepted.

Long story short: Accepting the gender binary, cisnormativity and/or being a transphobe in general is racism. Because you're not only demonizing random people, you are going to be demonizing cultures also.

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