Anti Transphobes - Tumblr Posts

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Me: Hey mom I’m trans.
Mom: Hey DAUGHTER, no you’re not.
Me: Well, how does that work?
Mom: Because you’re under 18 I get to make these decisions for you, just like I’m making the decision to call you by she/her pronouns.
Me: So glad we had this talk.
Stupid idea
Me: *about to watch something Sanders Sides related*
Youtube: *put up transphobic AD*
Me: ....Why would you-?

Anti-trans bills proposed by year:
2018: 19
2019: 25
2020: 60
2021: 131
2022: 155
The first 19 days of 2023: 161
Cis people better not stay silent.
Transphobia, cisnormativity and gender binary: The racism behind the anti-transness, specially nonbinary transness.
If you think for a second, the idea of the cisnormative gender binary are completely eurocentric: Not only because of the many amerindigenous communities who have Two-Spirits as a third gender, because there are many non white/non european ethnic groups who have, not only three, but more than three gender identities. Ethnic groups that existed for centuries, if not for millennias!
This means that gender binary, transphobia and cisnormativity are completely eurocentric. Oh, wait! Even better yet: transphobia, cisnormativity and gender binary are completely racist.
Observe how transphobes commonly mock and demonize trans people. How do you think these mfs would react to cultures and ethnic groups who don't have, nor accept the cisnormative gender binary? It's obvious that they'd react just like their colonizer ancestors; by demonizing and demoralizing these cultures to a whole.
Gender binary and cisnormativity have an important role on treating non white cultures as inferior. Rejecting gender as a social phenomenon = rejecting gender as a cultural phenomenon.
If you think that trans people are mentally ill, delusional or disgusting, you are obviously going to think these cultures are inferior for having more than 2 genders.
That is the reason why being anti-trans and a person of colour at the same time is such a shot on your own feet. You are a descendant of these people, in the end, you are going to get demonized altogether. So don't try to assimilate to think you are accepted.
Long story short: Accepting the gender binary, cisnormativity and/or being a transphobe in general is racism. Because you're not only demonizing random people, you are going to be demonizing cultures also.
I hope it drives over some transphobes on its way to the after party

i updated it due to current happenings
Transphobes hate this one simple trick
“why does that character have to be queer?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be trans?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be a poc?”
why not?
You just fucking made up the ’horrific health issues’. Most detrans ppl support medical transition and advocate for it. Detrans ppl still identify as transgender and are welcome in the community.
You terfs always use detranstioners experiences to go against trans people. You act as if their life and expereinces are a ’mistake’ as if u can say shit. Many detrans ppl view their transtioning as a part of their life journey of discovering themselves. Who do u think u are using their lives as smth YOU can speak abt. Yes their are many who have transition regret but u always ignore how much of an impact gender dysphoria is too trans ppl so why are u switching up when detrans ppl experience transtion regret.
Detranstioning is bound to happen theres gonma be ppl who regret it its an unavoidable percentage in the medical world.
Dont know what long term effects??? The horrifc health problems you made up or the affects of testosterone beacuse we do know what testosterone does to the body in long term we do know enough abt hrt.
Where the fuck do u want gender dysphoria to be?? Of course its in the brain. HRT DOES fix gender dysphoria and there is no proof that anything else would besides obviously social transitioning would solve gender dysphoria.
Why aren't you talking about it