Freyr - Tumblr Posts
These are simply amazing! 🖤
Look @solostinmysea , the whole collection!
The Gods of Asgard (17th century Icelandic manuscript COLOR edition!!!)
Thanks for the help @iosonounapersonamiao ! :)

Ingvi (aka Feyr)


Thor (looking damn cute!)



Njord (I think?)


Feyr (Again? I smell favoritism! XD He looks so nice :D Like someone you would 100% trust.. He's just not good at keeping magical swords, I guess? XD)

Hodr (Run, Baldr, RUN XD)





Vali Odinson


Loki (Lol. I love how they just KNEW he was the horny one XDXD)

Gunnlöð (No Frigg, but one of Odin's mistresses ^^' Damn XD)


🌱 Subtle Freyr Worship 🐗
Take a hike/walk out in nature
Meditate in nature; ground yourself
Take frequent breaks from technology to get some fresh air or go outside
Take care of yourself physically; exercise, if able
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Start a garden; tend to plants
Grow your own herbs, fruits, or vegetables
Pick flowers (not from someone's garden!!!)
Make flower crowns
Have a stuffed animal horse or boar
Have imagery of plants, fruits, sailboats/Viking ships, or antlers
Dance to music that makes you feel lively and free
Allow yourself to romanticize life
Be open to love; be compassionate towards others and yourself
Be kind to young children; play with them if offered
Keep a self-care/self-love journal
At the beginning of the harvest or spring season, cook a hardy, good meal for yourself; cook a feast for your loved ones
Spend time with loved ones
Spend time with pets; play with or walk them
Support animal shelters or environmental preservation organizations
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Visit a zoo or wildlife refuge/sanctuary
Learn about nature; watch nature documentaries, learn about animals, etc.
Learn how to forage safely; picking berries, mushrooms, etc.
Eat three meals a day
Learn how to cook or bake
Drink herbal teas, vegetable juice, or fruit juice, especially if it's homemade
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, or birds
Wear naturally scented perfumes/colognes
Pick up trash in the environment
Focus on self improvement
Lead a project, group, etc.
Engage in activities that you feel passionate about
Drink water; stay hydrated
Play in the rain
Ground yourself regularly; focus on healthy coping skills
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
I might add more to this later on! For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Freyr. I hope you enjoy this, and take care! 💚
Link to my Subtle Worship Master list
Fertility gods get a lot of emphasis on sexuality. That's definitely an aspect of them given how much Freyr particularly is ehm... portrayed, but that's not all that fertility means.
Example: Beltane is, according to my Llewellyn book collection, a sexy sex festival of fornication and, on the side, a splash of PG rated euphemisms. To me, this is boring and ought to make Beltane an entirely skippable season. However, it's actually one of my favorites, and the time I feel closest to Freyr.
Fertility is just abundance. It can manifest a multitude of ways, from physical wealth, to richness of soil and flourishing of crops and livestock. Passion is mental as much as physical. Anyone who has sunk into a warm bath at the end of a hard day can tell you that physical bliss doesn't always mean sex.
Freyja and Freyr are gods of indulgences and good things. Taking care of yourself. The feeling of being wrapped in a warm blanket on a rainy day, or the rush of joy in seeing something or someone you love. The pleasant aching stretch of growing, and the satisfaction after working hard. And, yes, sometimes sex.
Help: Who is Frey to you?
So, i think i've been getting some signs by Frey and since i don't now that much about him yet, i wanted to ask whether some of you guys work with Frey and what you personally associate with him (especially in the modern perspective).
How do you see him? What does he stand for to you? If you give him offerings, what are they?
Would really appreciate your help! x
Moodboard offering for Frey 🌼🌼🌼