Noses - Tumblr Posts

aaah… well. i’m not exactly good at explaining things. just look at my million examples instead. )—-:

Noses day 2!! WOOP WOOP

Can’t stop with these noses. I think I’ve cracked the code.
Unpopular opinion:
Eyebrows are far less expressive than other facial features and are focused way too much on in makeup. Half the time I forget to even draw them when doing a portrait lmao. So over rated.
I also feel like noses can be visually unessecary.
Unpopular opinion:
Eyebrows are far less expressive than other facial features and are focused way too much on in makeup. Half the time I forget to even draw them when doing a portrait lmao. So over rated.
I also feel like noses can be visually unessecary.
also why are tiny noses that standard of cute/pretty? Like yeah their nice. Yeah whatever. BUT FUCKING

this shit hits so hard.

6 sets of eyes & noses I painted for Advanced Figure Anatomy last semester.
Fam, really important what kind of nose does Odysseus has?
For me he has a crooked nose as mine, hahahaha
For me crooked is a "roman nose", the ones you usually see in roman statues.
Please comment the type of nose you think he might had if you think is other, as I don´t live in your heads, hahahahhah


I created some more tips for drawing noses.
Drawing Eyes
Pandy, can you explain how noses work? I can't find not one style of nose that I can do well. Ever
Ah…my style of drawing noses is SUPER simplistic? I don’t really put much thought into it? it really depends on the style you’re going for. I’m really really REALLY bad at realistic noses lmao. Here’s a little guide of how I go about noses?

When I draw the face, I usually go for the nose first, because it helps me orient and center the face.

Please please please don’t be afraid to add folds and wrinkles to your character’s face! It makes them human!
Next week: The Mouth
EDIT: its the nose edition im so sorry i didnt change that
do you have any tips for drawing a nose when the face is front facing?
This was really fast but I hope this helps:

Depending on the shape of the nose, the way you chose to render the contour lines will change. I used Rose, Quazky, and Glasner as examples in the lower right corner there. For TH, I generally don’t render the bottom of the nose with a line but with a shadow for simplicity’s sake. I hope that makes sense.
PS - I made a new brush for rendering technical drawings and I love it. *A*

I’m not really good at explaining or teaching things… so… Here you go. This is more like an example of how I draw noses, rather than how you need to draw them. I mean, it’s pretty basic, but maybe some artists have other ways to do it }: ? I hope it at least helps a little bit! (nothing fancy, but… yeah). sorry it took me so long to produce this half-assed thing }X D

