Om! Barbatos - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

guys I'm gonna drop my Om! favs list for this post and next post is gonna be twst

1.barbatos (fell in love with bro before I even started playing because of my roleplaying days on quotev)

2.solomon (very recently climbed up the ladder in March slowly)

3.Leviathan (he's just like me guys I love him)

4.simeon (fluffy angel was at second but sigh)

5.satan (cool cat guy that likes books and hates his father!! sign me up)

6.mammon ( he's cool and funny he was my ex-friends favorite but no hate to them)

7.Mephistopheles (yes I had to search his name but uh bros fire I love his design)

8. thirteen (shes beautiful but didn't stick on me)

9.lucifer(he's okay ig no hate to him)

10.diavolo (he's fire and cute but not my personal favorite)

11.raphael(funny new angel boy, haven't gotten to know him but maybe he may rise up!???)

12.belphie (he was in 3rd at some point but somehow lowered idrk what changed in my brain)

13.beel (guys he's cool but I favorite others..)

14.asmodeus( he's cool just idk man I liked him a lot at first but sigh....)

guys gulpppp this is my personal opinion based on how my brain feels idk okay guys

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5 months ago

guys back in like 2022 I had this obey me account that was like one of em weirder ones of the characters and it was centered around Barbatos I think (?) it was called barbatosslimytail or something and ARGHHHH I'm embarrassed but guys that happened!!!! also yeah I got the jack skellington costume!! (IF YOU EVER KNEW THIS ACCNT NO YOU DIDNT!!!! IT WAS A FIGMENT OF IMAGINATIONNNN)

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5 months ago

Barbatos could be so attractive...

Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...

Barbatos from Obey Me could be so fucking attractive. And he is in the cards Not just him, but most of the cast. Like they all have such good designs that are accentuated in a lot of their cards

Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...
Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...

(ignore the quality)

But look at them! They're so pretty and it's so fun to admire! Then...there's their sprites in the main gameplay.

Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...
Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...

I can't take them seriously...

Barbatos Could Be So Attractive...

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4 years ago

Curious goofballs

Diavolo, Kalim and Misumi

Curious Goofballs
Curious Goofballs
Curious Goofballs

Yes M'lord

Barbatos, Jade and Guy

Curious Goofballs
Curious Goofballs
Curious Goofballs

(I had way too much time on my hands-)

Gaming buds

Levi,Idia,Itaru and Banri

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

Strict disciplinary implementors

Lucifer,Riddle and Sakyou

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

Smol and sassy trio

Luke,Epel, and Yuki

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

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3 years ago

He is!!!

Another competition, but oh well, let's appreciate our dear butler for his special day! ✨💚

Barbatos stans, I get it now. I think I get why you like him so much.

Barbatos Stans, I Get It Now. I Think I Get Why You Like Him So Much.
Barbatos Stans, I Get It Now. I Think I Get Why You Like Him So Much.

That smile! Omg his smile is so cute! Matter of fact, seeing him gush over how much he loves baking and what type of teas go with what type of dessert just has me like

Barbatos Stans, I Get It Now. I Think I Get Why You Like Him So Much.

I seriously didn't expect Diavolo's butler to be this adorable! He's husband material I swear!

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2 years ago

Angst? Drabble

Gone , you were gone . Alas the day had arrived when you finally had to embrace death and be gone forever, your soul forever lost in the depths of the underworld .

But still , he didn't believe that . Every day he expected to see you walking down the corridors of RAD , maybe even wake up with you sleeping in his arms .

But no , you were not walking down the corridors, his arms were always empty when he woke up , your sweet laughter which he loved so much was no longer echoing throughout his room .

But you would come back right? After all , goodbyes don't last forever........right?

Written for all the Obey Me characters except Luke .

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Here's it's interaction with Belphegor


What kind of Virtual assistant is this lmaaoo


Imagine being so unpredictable that even Barbatos is suprised

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2 years ago

Hello there! could I possibly ask for a Diavolo x reader where it's their wedding? i'd also like to see some interactions between the couple and the brothers and dateables

𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff :)

𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Diavolo x GN!Reader (ft. others)

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: hello! i’ll have to make two parts, for now i’ll write the side characters then next part will be the brothers! also sorry if this is bad im not too good at writing wedding stuff :,)

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

Today was your wedding day, soon you were to rule Devildom alongside with Diavolo. When it was your turn to walk down the aisle, mostly everyone stared at you happy for you. Diavolo was staring wide eyed blushing, how can you be this perfect?.. he thinks to himself.

You soon are in front of him and as you both say “I do.” Diavolo and you share a sweet kiss, one of his hands on your waist , the other on your head pulling you closer. You guys smiles as everyone cheers for you two.

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• Diavolo is so happy that he was the one to marry you, adoring each and every one of your features you were just too perfect for him.

• Almost melted when you came down the aisle, you looked even more amazing in your dress/suit!

• Feels like its a dream because its too good to be true

• As soon as you came to Devildom he instantly fell in love, your personality and everything about you made him melt

• Has a bunch of wedding photos, and the ring he got you was so beautiful.

- here’s what i think the ring would look like [your choice] :) -

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See
Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See
Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• He’s super happy that you will rule devildom with him.

• Does anything for you, he’s literally so in love with you

• I can for some reason think that he’ll invite the brothers and side characters to the wedding only, then announce it to the whole devildom

• Everyone adores you two, after all you’re a great couple!

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• Barbatos is super happy for you two

• Will be the one to bring you down the aisle

• Cries tears of joy almost but keeps his calm face as always

• He gets to serve both of you and is happy to do so

• Definitely plans stuff for you two

• He will treat you both like you two are the only people on the planet

• Best butler 1000/10

• He baked all the after desserts and dishes, but sadly there was no left overs

• Over all is really proud of you guys

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• Simeon smiles as you walk down the aisle, is so happy for you

• He is very supportive

• Compliments you both after your wedding

• He finds out how to use a camera, and takes photos for you guys

• Simeon also helped with the dishes, alongside Luke and Barbatos

• One to cry tears of happiness

• Whenever he see’s you guys he treats you guys as royalty

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• Solomon is happy for you two


• Cheers the loudest and some people stare at him like 🤨

• His human friend is gonna be the future rules of Devildom with Diavolo? He feels honoured to even be friends with you

• Literally bows when he sees you two

• Makes heart fire works for you two after the wedding

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

• Luke still has a thing against demons but if you’re happy then he doesn’t really care

• Is still salty towards him though but is nicer

• He is very happy for your wedding

• Made you guys the wedding cake while Barbatos and Simeon decorated it

• Hugs you after and tells you congrats

Hello There! Could I Possibly Ask For A Diavolo X Reader Where It's Their Wedding? I'd Also Like To See

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2 years ago

hello there! You've done one of my asks before but it was so good I couldn't help but come back here. Is it okay if I request a prompt starter "need i remind you that your ring finger already belongs to me? " with Diavolo,Barbatos and Lucifer? (you can do only Diavolo if its too much). Also i love your writing,I hope you get the recognition you deserve!! <333

Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.

𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff, romance

𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Diavolo/Reader , Barbatos/Reader , Lucifer/Reader

𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: hi love! i did these in short one shots :) also thank u sm for this request, its so cute! <33

Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.
Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.

You and Diavolo were out for shopping, you two got married a while ago and you were moving into the castle with him. He insisted that you got some extra stuff for your stay in the castle, you couldn’t decline because he kept pouting when you had done so.

Diavolo left to use the washroom and you were looking through the food aisle for some snacks, when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You thought it was Diavolo so you turned around to see, but to your dislike it wasn’t Diavolo.

Himaki, the lower level demon in your humanity class smirked at you, “Hey MC, are you alone?~” You slapped his hand away annoyed at his actions.

“Leave me alone, I am with Diavolo.” You walked away going to a different aisle, the demon still following. “Ahem.” Diavolo’s voice rang through your head and you turned around and saw Diavolo talking to Himaki with a dark aura around him.

Himaki stared wide eyed as Diavolo grabbed a snack that you couldn’t reach, handing it to you “Thank yo-“ Diavolo was on his knees and he took your hand and kissed it “No need to thank me after all, need i remind you that your ring finger belongs to me?”

Himaki ran away shivering, you blushed at Diavolos actions and he got up and pulled you into a warm embrace, “I’m not letting anyone take you from me.” He kisses your forehead and you two continue shopping.

Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.

Barbatos had brought you to a new cafe that has specialty sweets and tea. He thought it would be a good idea to take you on a lunch date, he left you at the table and he insisted on ordering for you two, you sat down at the two seated window area.

It was a nice day outside, it was warm with a few gusts of cold air. Barbatos came back and put down the dishes and tea for the pair of you. “Thank you Barbatos!” He passes you your tea and smiles “You’re very welcome darling.”

You were happy to be married with Barbatos, he treats you like royalty and you do for him as well in return. You guys started to eat, the pastry that you ordered was really good and sweet and the tea went perfect with it.

As you guys finished you were gonna bring the dishes back to the counter but Barbatos gently pulled you towards him, “Need I remind you that your ring finger belongs to me? Please sit down and let me do this for you.” He takes the tray from your hand, walking to the counter and passing it to the dish cleaners.

He comes back and puts his arm around your waist “Let’s go home now darling.”

Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.

It was pretty obvious that you and Lucifer were married, most of the Demons knew since your wedding. One of your classmates that you rejected kept bugging you.

“MC.. why don’t you like me back?” he kept on asking you, you tried to move seats but he still followed. Soon the bell rang and Lucifer was walking to your class, so he could walk you to your next class.

All the students started leaving the room except the demon and you. You were putting your binders back into your bag and the demon came up to you. You huffed in annoyance, slinging your bag onto your back and walking out with your binder in your hand instead of spending anymore time in the room.

To your annoyance he got up and blocked the door “Stop trying to ignore me MC!” he slammed one of his hands onto your shoulder, pinning you against the wall. You yelped as your head has hit the wall. Soon Lucifer got impatient and started to open the door in the classroom, upon seeing the sight he transformed into demon form.

He threw the demon off of you and looked around you to make sure you weren’t injured in any way. Lucifer then sent a death glare to the demon who had hurriedly got up, “Need I remind you that MC’s ring finger belongs to me, and me only?” Lucifer says as the demon gulps “N-no sir!” the said demon then runs out the room.

“I’m sorry dear, I should’ve opened the door sooner. Let’s get you home, I have excused you from your classes for the day.” He says as he holds you gently against him.

Hello There! You've Done One Of My Asks Before But It Was So Good I Couldn't Help But Come Back Here.

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6 months ago
Don't Kill Me About Mephisto, M. Fans! It's Just My Opinion..

Don't kill me about Mephisto, M. Fans! It's just my opinion.. 😭🙏

Made An Om Character Opinion Chart For Fun ^_^

made an om character opinion chart for fun ^_^

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6 months ago
Don't Kill Me About Mephisto, M. Fans! It's Just My Opinion..

Don't kill me about Mephisto, M. Fans! It's just my opinion.. 😭🙏

Made An Om Character Opinion Chart For Fun ^_^

made an om character opinion chart for fun ^_^

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1 year ago

OM! HCs (P2)

(again, consisting only of these mfing musings)

Mammon has scars on his back from Lucifer's punishments

And a fear of heights from being strung up from the ceiling

Demonus is just moldy caprisun. I said what i said. (implying that demons can get high off human world sugar?)

Lucifer's favorite shape is a rectangle (idk it suits him)

Barbatos sleeps like a sickly Victorian child who won't make it through the winter (when he can sleep)

Belphegor was pretty jealous of Satan right after the fall because, y'know, youngest child and all that (i think this one is canon in one of belphie's devilgrams?? idk)

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