Ouat Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
Hope that I do this properly 🙃
I would adore a XO between Veronica Mars (LoVe) & Once Upon a Time (C/S).
PROMPT: "I’m really competitive and drunk and I just told a rival that my relationship is way better than theirs, but they don’t believe you exist (but I’m too stubborn to admit they’re right)" OR really anything you'd like. Honestly, I'm dying to see Logan and Killian interact/co-swagger.
And / or another installment of "Come Rain or Come Shine" from In Lovers Meeting because I love it with my whole ❤️.
Thank you so much for doing this. You made my day,
Oh @jjmazzy you bring my heart so much joy! I didn’t feel quite up to the task to do a crossover between OUaT and Veronica Mars so I went straight for a OUaT AU. I hope that’s okay?
This is just a silly little thing that I am realizing only fulfills about 40% of the prompt, but I think it’s cute??
ANYWAY! Enough hemming and hawing xx *** Title: Of Expats and Onion Rings Rating: PG Fandom: Once Upon a Time Pairing: Killian Jones/Emma Swan (mentions of Robin/Marian and a smattering of other characters) Additional Tags: Two out of three of my OUaT fics feature Killian as a bartender, silliness and only half a prompt, probably way more fluff than is medically recommended Word Count: 1,500
Every Friday night, Emma Swan sits on the same barstool at the same bar in the same restaurant. This Friday night has her staring into space as she lets the sounds from the kitchen and the bar swirl around her. It’s busier than usual, with almost all the booths and tables filled and the bar area half-occupied. In fact, when she first walked into the bar, she worried there wouldn’t be a seat for her. But the bartender caught her eye and waved her over, a menu and a glass of water waiting for her in her usual seat at the end of the bar.
Said bartender slides her an Old Fashioned, extra maraschino cherries on the toothpick per usual.
She takes a small sip of the drink. “Why is it so busy?”
Killian’s eyes roam about the room and then come back to rest on her. “Some magazine labeled us the best kept secret in Portland, Maine.”
“And in doing so—”
“Assured that we would never be a secret again. Yes.”
“The pitfalls of fame.”
“Burger or chicken sandwich?”
“Burger. Any chance—?”
“Aye, probably a very good chance, but only because Graham is sweet on you.”
Emma feels her cheeks redden. “He’s not sweet on me.”
“Sure he isn’t.”
She watches Killian step away from the bar and into the kitchen to talk to Graham. How Graham can manage to listen to anything given the noise of the dining room and the kitchen she’ll never know. Graham and Killian both look over at her. Graham rolls his eyes but nods, and Emma raises her glass in thanks.
“Okay,” she says to Killian when he’s back at the bar. “He might be a little sweet on me.” She takes a long sip of her cocktail.
Killian’s brow is knit with concentration. “Long day?”
She nods. “I had a run in with Zelena.”
“Ah. The wicked witch of the northeast. What’d she do this time?” The ticket printer next to Killian’s till spits out a long drink order, but he listens even as he mixes drink and pours glasses of wine.
“She got engaged over the weekend and hasn’t shut up about it. And today, she took great pains to ask me, in front of everyone in the faculty lounge, if I’d be okay if she didn’t give me a plus one.”
“Bit rude, isn’t it?”
“Right? But then she kept going on and on asking how long it’d been since I dated someone, and did I know that after 35, forty-five percent of women’s eggs are considered genetically abnormal and her fiancé is a very wealthy furniture manufacturer and she’s certain he has some less attractive less wealthy friends he could introduce me to and on and on and on.”
“Does she truly want you at her wedding?”
“Oh, yes. She said she wouldn’t take no for an answer.” She runs her finger along the condensation of her glass. “Which is when I did something very very very stupid.”
“Smacked her?”
Emma snorts. “I wish. No I—” Her explanation is interrupted by the arrival of her burger and the plate of special order onion rings. Onion rings which are technically available only as an add-on to the steak sandwich but that Emma has a 80% success rate of cajoling the kitchen to make her a plate of.
She eats her meal with one eye turned to Killian, waiting for a long enough lull in the drink tickets to finish her story. She’s almost finished her burger when Killian slides another Old Fashioned in front of her.
“What was this very stupid thing you did?” he asks, leaning towards her.
“I told her I was dating someone.”
Killian remains where he is but she notices the clench of his jaw. “Ah,” he says. “I was unaware.” He seems to hear his own words as he says them because he cringes. “Not that there’s a reason you would tell me. I mean, we’re friends, but friends in that way that I get you drinks and —”
Emma rests a hand on Kilian’s to stop the rambling. “I’m not. Dating anyone, that is.”
“Then why—?”
“It just popped out. I’m not sure who was more surprised, me or Zelena.”
“So, this fake boyfriend of yours. Just who is he?”
“Well, okay, so this makes sense when you remember it’s Friday, and I knew I’d be coming here.”
“Right,” he says, equal parts cautious and curious.
“I told her my boyfriend was British.”
Killian shakes his head.
ExPats has been her weekly haunt for close to a year now and while not everyone who works there is a British expatriate, with Killian as bar manager, Robin as front of house manager, Graham as chef de cuisine, and Phillip as pastry chef, it kind of feels that way.
“And that he had blue eyes,” she continues.
“Ah, I see,” he says, teasing her. “Are you telling me you’re sweet on Graham too?”
“Not Graham.”
“In that case, Marian is likely going to have a big problem with you trying to date her husband.”
“And, uh,” she clears her throat, “I told Zelena he has dark hair.”
Killian wings an eyebrow. “How dark?”
“Uh, right about your color probably.”
“My color?”
“Probably. I said probably.”
“Interesting.” Emma takes a sip of her drink. There’s a delicious, hazy feeling brought on from the second cocktail washing through her veins. “So, you and I are dating?” he asks.
“Stupid. It was so stupid.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I mean, I’ve been meaning to ask you out for months now. This might be just the little push I need.”
“What did you just say?”
“What now?” he asks in return, the picture of innocence.
“You’ve been trying to ask me out?”
“Not as such, no.”
“Oh.” She sinks back in her seat, disappointed.
“I didn’t want to risk you running scared and not being here every Friday night.”
Emma perks right back up again. “Oh?”
“You already said that, love.”
Emma looked down at her plate, the remnants of the crispy bits from her onion rings on her plate. Something occurs to her then. “Graham doesn’t give these to me because I want them. Does he?”
“Excuse me?”
If she’s not mistaken the tips of his ears have gone a little red. She loves his little elf ears. “He makes these for me because you ask him. Don’t you?”
“I might have told him they bring you an inordinate amount of joy.” He scratches idly at a spot on his arm. “And that it brings me an inordinate amount of joy to see how happy they make you.”
“Did you know my weekly ExPats date used to be on Wednesdays?”
She can see him try to mentally adjust to the change of direction in the conversation. “Really?”
“I only came in a few times, but then one week, I had parent/teacher conferences so I came on Friday. And there you were.” Emma shrugs. “Your Old Fashioned is better than Will’s.” She bites off one of the maraschino cherries from the toothpick. “Your smile is better, too.”
“Emma, darling, are you flirting with me?”
“What? Suddenly it’s a crime to flirt with my boyfriend?”
Killian laughs and it makes her heart hum. She likes the clean line of his throat as he tilts his head back. “Your boyfriend? I don’t suppose you’d want to go out on a date with, then?”
“I’m free on Wednesday.”
“Funny that,” he says. “That happens to be my day off.”
“Is it?”
Emma would be content to sit at this bar all night and let Killian smile at her and make her drinks. It seems like Killian is having similar thoughts, until something seemingly flies out of nowhere to hit him in the back of the head.
Killian reels around to find Robin standing there, arms folded across his chest.
“What’d you throw at me, you git?” Killian asks.
“A dinner roll.” Robin gestures at the drink ticket printer. A ticket printer which has at least 10-tickets waiting to be fulfilled. “Pardon, Emma. Mind if he stops flirting with you long enough to fulfill the drink orders?”
“You’re fired,” Killian says.
“For the last time, mate, you can’t fire me. My name is on the lease right next to yours.”
“Murder it is, then.”
“Make the nice customers their cocktails and then you can murder me.”
Robin walks away, and Emma notices it’s not just her at the bar who finds herself charmed by the whole display between the two men. She thinks she might see a small group of women sneakily taking a cell phone video, giggling as they watch it through.
“Emma, I’m sorry, but I—”
She waves him off. “Do your thing. I’ll be here.”
“Yeah?” he asks, and when she nods, he beams. “Good, because if we’re in a committed relationship I’m probably going to need your phone number.”
“Pour the drinks, you goon.”
"To All the Fics I'll Never Write"
A "what if" fic of what would happen if Peter Pan and the crew were apart of Regina's curse.

Basically, Peter has a rivalry with Wendy and an obvious crush that everyone sees but him and Wendy. Wendy is advised time and time again to stay away from him but something keeps drawing her back to him. Their story of enemies to lovers to them when the curse is lifted. Feel free to write this (Wink wink hint hint)
Peter: The football captain. He's the ring leader of the 'lost boys'. Has a rebellious streak but no one stops him because he's a star athlete. He has a one-sided rivalry with Wendy. She tutors him, much to his resentment because he doesn't like the idea of a girl knowing more than him. They also compete for their position as the town's babysitters. Because despite his tough act he's good with children. More than one occasion, parents hire both him and Wendy forcing them to interact.
Wendy: With this new messed up timeline she is now the youngest sibling. She doesn't like her brother's telling her what to do but tries to do her best to stay out of trouble. She lives with John and Michal. Although very studious she doesn't have many friends. Doesn't realize Peter thinks they're rivals. She enjoys babysitting.
Tinkerbell: The older cousin of Peter (act like siblings). She's already graduated and like Peter she gets into trouble. Known for cheating her way through school but has a secret "good" reputation that she tries to keep under wraps. Her parents kicked her out and she's being fostered by the blue fairy but they don't get along.
Felix: Co-Captain (I don't know about football). Doesn't get along with the other lost boys but stays on the team for the sense of belonging. Gets into trouble but he isn't as sneaky as Peter so he gets caught more often. More often than not he's suspended.
Tiger Lily: Head cheerleader with a good reputation. After getting tired of waiting on Peter to confess to Wendy, the lost boys suggest they get together. Creating their on and off again relationship even though neither of them like each other. She's a girl's girl and supports Wendy.
Hey! I believe there’s something you posted on dreamwidth some time ago listing different fics you had written previously and were putting up on ao3. A couple of these were ouat fics that as far as I can tell are not accessible. I went back to that blog post and the titles are Kisses Speak and In Sickness and in Health. I was wondering if these were fics you are willing and able to share? Obviously no worries if you wish not to or it would be arduous to find/upload them. I just enjoy your writing haha
I hope you’re doing alright right now! Best wishes!
Hi! I was actually reworking those two pieces last year, right before I got too ill to do.... well, anything... *headdesks repeatedly*
Kisses Speak and In Sickness and in Health are both short stories set at the start of OUaT season 2 when Belle's living at Gold's house.
I still plan to put them back up in edited form, but you're welcome to read the original versions in the meantime, if you promise not to share copies with anyone else. Just e-mail me at the addy on my AO3 profile. :) Tell me if you want .txt, .doc, or .pdf files.

On your AO3 you wrote The pieces I'm proudest of are the Broken Wheel series (Once Upon a Time) and Madness for Two (Doctor Who).
What made those two series stand out above others for you if it's ok to ask?
It's completely okay to ask!
Those stories are the ones that turned out on the page looking something like the vision in my head. They were relatively quick and painless to write, probably because they're so contained compared to my long fanfics, but also because I threw away some of the self-imposed constraints that make writing harder (if ultimately more likely to be attractive to a wider audience). They're more self-indulgent and removed from canon than I normally go for as either writer or reader.
Broken Wheel explores a Dark Castle-based romance for Belle and Rumple without really digging into the pitfalls of their relationship. They desire each other and they go for it. As a canon-divergent AU it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but as a fairytale take on OUaT's twist on a fairytale, it's kinda fun. It's quirky because Belle and Rumple are both quirky characters capable of becoming lost in each other to the exclusion of everything else. They spend the story exploring what's possible on their terms and - to deploy a phrase I didn't yet know when I wrote those pieces - matching each other's freak. I think it was the first time I wrote Rumple's POV, which I don't find easy or comfortable compared to Belle, so I'm proud of how that turned out.

Madness for Two is similar in a way - short, contained, smutty with feels, showing POV's I usually avoid because I find them hard. Self-indulgent, quirky, prioritising the Doctor/Master 'ship and smut over the more complex realities of their canon relationship. I wrote it for the 50th anniversary of the Master's debut on DW so I wanted to avoid really diving into the morality of it all and just celebrate my love for the characters. As with Broken Wheel's Belle and Rumple, I wrote Thirteen and the Master (and the subplot with Twelve and Missy) in an obsessive, claustrophobic, and quirky collision of personalities. Nobody matches freaks like those two!
In this case I added a MacGuffin to stop 'em actively fighting for five minutes so the story could work, not so much to enable the smut (though it was nice to do that for the Master's birthday - they've been jonesing for some quality Doctor-time in my head since the 1980's!) but to force their POV's to deal with the antagonism and intensity of their bond in words. I wanted them to describe each other as intimates and, in doing so, throw a light on themselves.

I intended both Broken Wheel and Madness for Two to be character studies first, smut second, love story third. The DW piece throws in angst and hurt comfort too, because that's my fave playground. I played with tone and voice and imagery more than I usually would and - on the whole - was happy with the results. I enjoy reading these stories back, actually seeing the story instead of the flaws in my writing/things I'd do differently now I've learned that bit more.

Lastly, they're actually finished pieces and not WIPs that keep me awake at night listening to the unfulfilled character voices in my head! I've always hoped to add a third piece to make Broken Wheel a trilogy, but it doesn't need it if I never can. I've never quite found the right narrative voice for it, maybe because it wants to be told from Belle's POV while the first two are Rumple's. It's a cute enough story from her POV, but I'd like the set to match and haven't yet figured out how to do that.

' SQUASH THE CROC. ' Rumple/Mr.Gold a.k.a. The Crocodile/Beast/Dark One gets teleported from the Once Upon a Time Universe to Our Universe where he finds himself to be a few inches tall but, with no magic to defend himself & his Cain to help him walk. So he had to hobble with his bad leg. He sees who he thinks is a Giant Captain Hook but, is actually Colin O'Donoghue who only plays Captain Hook on TV. He hobbles quickly towards Colin yelling for his attention. " Hook, Hook, Hook... " he screamed but, only little squeaks came out, unheard over the crew talking & working nearby. Colin walked on unaware of the little Bug sized man. Colin's Boot got incredibly close to Rumple. Rumple looked scared. He begged " Hook, Hook, please, look down! H... " but, before he could finish begging Colin's Booted Foot squished him to an unrecognizable smear of red.

' TITANIC HOOK APPEARS ' Hook wakes up in the Woods outside of Storybrooke. Wondering what happened he heads back to town to find his Old Enemy Rumple who's the last person he remembers seeing before, waking up in the Woods Hundreds of Feet Tall.
Once Upon a Time: ' Pain in the Ass '
In an Alternate universe / timeline 6'ft tall David Nolan a.k.a Prince Charming becomes the 1st Ever ' Light One ' that's a Magical Wizard stronger than any that have ever lived before including Rumplestiltskin The Dark One a.k.a Mr.Gold & Merlin! Rumple tried to stop this from happening by manipulating David into doing a Deed to Darken his Heart Forever but, failed. David proved to strong to become Evil so easy. After, a series of trials David becomes the Light One but, finds the amount of power made him Grow 30' tall! After, David strips Rumple of his Dark One Powers permanently. David was really Pissed w/ Gold to the point where he could kill him but, heroes don't kill! Although, it doesn't say anywhere about Heroes don't take prisoners. So David decides since Rumple's been such a Pain in the Ass since he meet him for his Family & Friends he should be under his. David bounds Rumple in a Magical Light making him float up towards a telephone pole & then teleoports right in front of him w/his Giant Jean Clad Bubble Butt facing Rumple. " Since, u've been such a Pain my Families & my's Ass's since Day One I think it's only poetic you meet mine! " David laughs shaking his Butt at Rumple's Tiny Body. " So since you need to be kept under strict surveillance I can't think of a more perfect place to know where you're at & what you're doing than making you my New Seat Cushion! Oh, don't worry... I made your Body pliable so you won't get squished under my Big Ol' Ass! ' David says grinning. Just then David felt his stomach gurgle. " Speaking of my Ass I Guess the Burritos from Granny's Diner's not agreeing w/ me! This is actually perfect timing as you're about to experience one of the things you'll be dealing w/ daily as my Ass Cushion. Get ready Old Fart cause here comes Mine! " David says smirking. Suddenly Rumples hair's blown back by the Loudest & Longest Fart he's ever heard. Once David finally figured out how to get his normal height back he shrunk Rumple to just 1" tall to continue being David's Seat/Fart Cushion.

I am currently writing this fic. It's basically redoing the Dark Swan arc for Emma to make her an actual villain.
But anyways, to hook you in
Emma Swan, the savior of Storybrooke has gone dark. We follow her, and many other residents, those closest to her as she wreaks havoc on the town. What happens when the savior can't be saved from her own darkness? What happens when Emma becomes the greatest villain Storybrooke will ever see?