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6 months ago

PDF Drive reminded me of something, and I just need it today. You might want to also:

Take care of yourself. Eating healthy and staying active is a great way to stay connected to yourself and your higher power, whether that's God, the Universe, or simply your own internal guidance system. When we allow our internal systems (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) to become clogged and bogged down by lethargy and unnatural substances, we block the opportunity for spiritual growth and eventual awakening. Keep your body clean and clear by feeding it well and moving it often, and prepare to receive the messages you seek.

Have a great day/night!

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6 months ago

Random Collection of Essays, Poems, and Books

Clarice Lispector “Love”                              “One Day Less” Alejandra Pizarnik Excerpt from Diana’s Tree Angela Carter The Bloody Chamber Helene Cixous “Coming to Writing”                          Stigmata  Alice Notley “Iphigenia”  Julia Kristeva “On the Melancholic Imaginary”                        Excerpt from Black Sun                        The Kristeva Reader Franz Kafka Letters to Milena 

Ingeborg Bachmann Collected Poems Simone Weil The First and Last Notebooks                       “The Iliad, of the Poem of Force” Velimir Khlebnikov Collected Works Vol I                                Vol II                                 Vol III

Maggie Nelson The Argonauts                            Bluets

Susan Sontag Illness as Metaphor                        “Against Interpretation” 

Roland Barthes The Pleasure of Text Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time Vol 1 

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6 months ago

Random Collection of Essays, Poems, and Books

Clarice Lispector “Love”                              “One Day Less” Alejandra Pizarnik Excerpt from Diana’s Tree Angela Carter The Bloody Chamber Helene Cixous “Coming to Writing”                          Stigmata  Alice Notley “Iphigenia”  Julia Kristeva “On the Melancholic Imaginary”                        Excerpt from Black Sun                        The Kristeva Reader Franz Kafka Letters to Milena 

Ingeborg Bachmann Collected Poems Simone Weil The First and Last Notebooks                       “The Iliad, of the Poem of Force” Velimir Khlebnikov Collected Works Vol I                                Vol II                                 Vol III

Maggie Nelson The Argonauts                            Bluets

Susan Sontag Illness as Metaphor                        “Against Interpretation” 

Roland Barthes The Pleasure of Text Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time Vol 1 

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1 year ago

heeyyyyy percy jackson/riordanverse fans, if you want to read the sun and the star for a really nice price (free) then you should definitely not click this link, which definitely does not contain an epub and pdf file of the book!

(in all seriousness though i’m not sure if the epub works outside of adobe digital editions but i did apparently remove the drm from it so…it should? let me know if it doesn’t though!)

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2 years ago
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As promised, it’s finally here! Thank you to all of my patrons for not only the support that made this possible, but for giving me the confidence to work on a big project like this.

Rather than providing any drawing instruction, what this writeup aims to do is help you learn to unpack the decisions being made in a given composition, and articulate what elements in a piece are responsible for its impact. Being able to isolate these qualities in your own art and art that inspires you opens up avenues for improvement regardless of medium, style, or technical skill. This is the first of hopefully many PWYW art ‘tutorials’ from me. 

I hope you all enjoy! 

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5 years ago

alright y’all here’s my google drive folder of books, featuring somewhere around 400 books ranging from animorphs to 19th century surgical guides! most of them are epubs, which google drive refuses to directly upload, but they should be easy to download and unpack, virus-free 😊i hope you guys enjoy! let me know if there are any problems with any of the books!

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5 years ago

Demon Books

These are the books we currently have cataloged on demons, demonology, demonolatry, and Goetia. Feel free to suggest more books or add your thoughts on any of these!

The Book of Solomon’s Magic by Carroll “Poke” Runyon

Free PDF

Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly

Free PDF

Connolly has a number of other books on demonolatry, too

The Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Balanger

Includes some entities that are arguably not “demons,” but good for quick reference.

The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonoloy by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

The Grand Grimoire

Free PDF

The Lesser Key of Solomon by S. L. MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley

Free PDF

Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford

Free PDF

The Malleus Maleficarum by Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger

Free PDF

Modern Demonolatry by S. Connolly

Free PDF

Psuedomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Weyer


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3 years ago

Solarpunk Action Week 2021


It’s that time again, space cadets!

Solarpunk Action Week has been ongoing twice a year since 2019, with every week looking bigger and better than the last. People all over the world are planting gardens, learning new skills, building things, reducing waste, spreading information, taking direct action, and getting their neighborhoods and workplaces organized. We, your humble hosts, have consulted the auguries and scheduled Solarpunk Action Week 2021 for:

April 25th to May 1st!

Mark your calendars, kids

What is Solarpunk?

Solarpunk is  a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion and  activism that  seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a  sustainable  civilization look like, and how can we get there?” The  aesthetics of  solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the  well-designed  with the green and wild, the bright and colorful with the  earthy and  solid. Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or  concerned with the  struggles en route to a better world — but never  dystopian. As our  world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not  warnings. Solutions  to live comfortably without fossil fuels, to  equitably manage scarcity  and share abundance, to be kinder to each  other and to the planet we  share. At once a vision of the future, a  thoughtful provocation, and an  achievable lifestyle.”

And what is Solarpunk Action Week?

Solarpunk  Action Week is a week dedicated to taking radical environmentalist and anticapitalist action to make the world a better place.  Previous Action Weeks have seen people starting gardens, learning new skills, making and repairing things, reducing waste, spreading information, getting involved in community organizing

All you have to do participate is begin or continue with an environmentalist, anticapitalist project and talk about it in the #SolarpunkActionWeek tag; it’ll get a lot of signal boosts to connect with other people around the world doing the same. &and follow along on Mastodon at @SolarpunkActionWeek@ecosteader.com

- - -

The previous Solarpunk Action Weeks saw a lot of individual actions, and those were incredible to witness, but we’re at our most powerful when we come together, so your homework for the next 6 months between now and the end of April is: Get organized! If we were able to do so much as individuals back in March, just imagine what you could get done rolling into Solarpunk Action Week with a crew ready to go

If you’re new to organizing, here are some great places to get started:

The Industrial Workers of the World (which has that good good Environmental Unionist Caucus and Southern Coordinating Committee)

Food Not Bombs

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

Transition Initiative

Buy Nothing Project

Food Not Lawns

Can’t find anything in your area? Start something yourself!

Got 1 or 2 friends? You can start an affinity group

Guide to small-town organizing  

7 steps to starting a Food Not Bombs group

Wet’suwet’en supporter toolkit  

And I’m sure people will link to all sorts of other great projects and resources in the rebagels, so keep an eye on the notes!

If you’re already part of a union or a tenants’ association or what have you, even better! Get them in on it.

What can I do?

So many things! You can check out the #SolarpunkActionWeek tag to see what others have done in the past for inspiration. The two dinguses organizing these events have got resource tags full of just so many things you might could do and how to get started on them, here and here respectively. And here are some other fun ideas:

Everything you need to know about solarpunk

Everything you need to know about gardening

Everything you need to know about agitprop

Everything you need to know about antifascist action

Everything you need to know about making and repairing things

Everything you need to know about organizing in your workplace and your community

Learn how to become a street medic

Learn how to repair clothes

Regrow food plants from kitchen scraps

Recycle scrap fabric into yarn

20 plants to grow indoors

Make your apartment more energy efficient

Build a beautiful and functional vertical garden out of your literal garbage

Get out there and invent the future, space cadets, because we have a world to win. I know y’all are gonna make me proud; y’all always do.

If you want to keep up with/support the mods between Action Weeks, here’s our info:

Pops: Mastodon, tumblr (resources tag), Patreon, ko-fi

Natalie: Mastodon, tumblr (resources tag), Patreon, cashapp $NatalieIronside, buy Natalie’s book

“We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a time. For, you must not forget, we can also build. It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities here in Spain and in America and everywhere. We, the workers, can build others to take their place. And better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.“ 

–Buenaventura Durruti

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3 years ago

its silly that we have BLM carrds going around, everyone was reblogging them months ago on the regular & u guys are still asking “what are we supposed to do if voting biden is bad” or whatever. like the answer was in those carrds, several of them provided books & pdfs, most of them were FREE for you to read. & you STILL didn’t do your homework.

stop reblogging headlines without reading the article. actually put in the effort to learn about how to be antiracist and how to organize & make a change within ur community. get in touch with local groups. if you don’t have any near you, take the time to learn, listen, & spread resources. research & criticize yourself. take it easy, but take it.

here are those resources again to get started:


Master List of Black Revolutionary Readings by Timmy Chau (free pdfs, some have been taken down but most are still up, you could try googling the ones that have been deleted)

Anti-racist Resource Guide by Tasha K. (books, podcasts, movies and more)

D e c o l o n i z e : Resources by Ari Sahagún and Jay Saper (also check out resource generation)

Antisemitism: a basic guide by @bishonen and @hotgirlkakashi

yes this is a lot to take in all at once. make small goals for yourself though, try reading at least two articles a day that interest you, etc. find out what works for you.

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3 years ago

I'd love to read papers on amatanormativity if you don't mind posting/sending them. I've been trying to find some for ages but they're usually behind a paywall

of course!! i have a bunch of PDFs saved in this google drive!! 

- Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law is Elizabeth Brake’s book!! i have a lil 100 page section about the impact of amatonormativity on childcare and amatonormative privilege!! (i cant download the whole thing obvs but its a good read if u get a chance)

- Compulsory Sexuality and Amatonormativity in Higher Education: A Photovoice Study with Asexual and Aromantic Students is a thesis draft which takes 10 case study students and explores their experiences of on-campus discrimination 

- “Melted Your Cold Heart Yet?” Amatonormative Masculinity in Casino Royale and Spectre is the James Bond analysis (obviously). im a sucker for this one because representations of masculinity in cinema are my shit (im planning to do my dissertation on homosocial relationships in horror) 

- Thinking Relationship Anarchy from a Queer Feminist Approach has a wider discussion of non-monogamy and discusses how amatonormativity is challenged through feminist criticisms of monogamy

- ‘I Don’t Want To be a Playa No More’: An Exploration of the Denigrating effects of ‘Player’ as a Stereotype Against African American Polyamorous Men this one discusses amatonormativity and the ways it intersects with race and gender specifically 

- Do Subversive Weddings Challenge Amatonormativity? Polyamorous Weddings and Romantic Love Ideals another Brake piece !! this one discusses weddings and if they have the potential to challenge social norms 

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3 years ago

A collection of 100+ books of significance to anarchist and radical feminist history and theory.

(The original compiler is unknown but the links are available in pdf, epub and mobi for any ebook readers, and it's just good to have so many titles in one place, it's been useful for me and I've never seen the links around Tumblr so. ❤️)

Anarchism and Radical Feminism : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive
A collection of books of significance to anarchist and radical feminist history and theory.part 2 here: https://archive.org/details/Anarchis
Anarchism and Radical Feminism part 2 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive
A collection of books of significance to anarchist and radical feminist history and theory. Part 2 Part 1 here...
Anarchism and Radical Feminism part 3 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive
A collection of books of significance to anarchist and radical feminist history and theory. Part 3Part 2 here...
Anarchism and Radical Feminism part 4 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet Archive
A collection of books of significance to anarchist and radical feminist history and theory. Part 3Part 3 here...

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5 months ago














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5 months ago

If you had to recommend 2-3 basic books to a person in their 20’s who has absolutely no introduction to Marxism, feminism , radicalism ( the only 3 words I know), please recommend some books. Plisssss.

ok this is my drive of essential readings (I have both PDF and epubs where possible). I’ve made a suggested reading order. Change the viewing to ‘list view’ so that you can see the order easily. Start with the area that interests you. Best if you are able to form a reading group, but if not, listen to the podcasts mentioned below to substitute for discussion as you read.

For Marxism start with:

1) What is Marxism All About, this Dialectical Materialism Intro and this anticonquista article on Dialectical Materialism

2) Then read through this Marx & Engels folder in roughly the order as numbered

3) Some ways down the road, you can read through this folder for Lenin, Luxemburg, Kollontai, Stalin & Mao

4) You can also listen to RevLeftRadio, Red Menace, Proles of the Roundtable podcast or Guerrilla History to supplement as you read. E.g., you can search Red Menace podcast’s on Socialism: Utopian and Scientific after you read it. Rev left, Proles & Guerrilla History have well researched Marxist view of history, so e.g, listen to their episodes on Stalin or Cold War to knock out the bourgeois history we learned.

For Anarchism start with:

- this folder, it is already ordered by books that are introductory to anarchism. The only fiction book I have in the drive is here, The Dispossessed by Guin.

For Feminism:

1) Read at least Ch 2 of this article: Women and Super-Exploitation.

2) Then read through the marxist feminism folder and radical feminism folder

Islamic Feminism:

1) If you are a non-Muslim radical feminist who is constantly talking about Islam, read Leila Ahmed. You should also read this if you are from a Muslim background.

2) If you struggle with your sexuality & being Muslim, read Kugle.

3) If you are interested in how women are conceptualized within Islam, rights, criticism of Sunni jurisprudence read Wadud, Mernissi or Ali. 

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1 year ago

Book 1 Release!

And this is the big news I mentioned a bit ago: A .pdf release! And it's all yours to read now!

There are two versions, one being the quote-unquote intended reading version, and a second that is printer friendly in case you want to have the whole thing physically.

I hope you all greatly enjoy Book 1, and expect me to stay talkative during the workup to Book 2's release schedule in the very near future!

Regular | Print

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1 year ago

Book 2 PDF Release!

The title says everything, really! As per usual, Book 2 has .pdf versions ready to go; one is a "regular" version intended for reading on a monitor or phone screen, and another is a print version intended for, well, printing out (I've also learned from a friend it works quite well on Kindles, though you may need to convert it to ePub)!

Links are here:

Regular | Print

There will be another post soon, as a bit of a "here's where things are going next" wrap up to the Book 2 release period/epoch/what-have-you. Thank you all again, and happy reading!

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5 months ago


download notes

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5 months ago


download notes

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5 months ago


download notes

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