Pet Peeve - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Could you make Sam having erotic/dirty dream with his female best friend
And all that she does remember him of his smut dreams

I don't indicate anywhere that I take prompts?
The only pairings I indicate writing are M/M?!
You didn't even say please or thank you, FFS.
Writers aren't vending machines. You don't insert a prompt and get a fic. We're fucking people. We have lives to live. We have shit to do. We have our own ideas to write. Don't be a dick.
I am amazed and impressed by any writer that takes prompts, whether on a rare occasion or frequently, paid or unpaid, because I struggle to write my own ideas, let alone anyone else's. I would hazard an assumption that that's the case for most writers.
So don't just sent people unsolicited prompts. Especially as the open, middle, and close of your message, for crying out loud. Would it kill you to pretend you like something they've already written? Or, I don't know, look on their page to see if they even take prompts in the first place?! Radical concept, I'm sure.
Ohh, okay, you got me there. I'm one of those.

The word 'cum' used to make my skin crawl. At first because it was just a misspelling/shorthand (it isn't correct that one is the noun and one is the verb, and it doesn't seem to have much of an etymological root other than "it showed up in the 1970s"), and I was more hung up on that shit when I was younger. Then as I got a little older, it was something I associated with immature teenage boys and sleazy older guys writing in various formats (graffiti, texting, online chat), so the impression got even worse/less sexy. Plus it didn't hold truck with me as a reasonable form of the word for use in storytelling (like if people started using 'ur' instead of 'your' in fanfic).
These days, it's so common in fic that my feathers only faintly twitch when I see it. It doesn't throw me out of a sex scene, thankfully. I no longer hold it against anyone who uses it either (my BFF for whom I beta does, for one; I understand it's just a preference), and I suspect there'll come a time where I don't even blink at it.
But if I was asked which I think is correct, I'm still going to say 'come'. I won't bother dying on the hill, but I'll think it. 😂
I really do not understand the problem with spelling it "cum" instead of "come." They're just letters, why are some of y'all so bothered? Is this like the "moist" thing? Because I really don't understand that either. I want to study y'all under a magnifying glass. If anyone can explain it, I would love to know why it bothers you so much though. But please don't just tell me it's because it's crass or whatever, we spend most of our time writing and reading porn, crass should not be a crime.
Trivia Tuesday #1
My biggest bookworm pet peeve is when other people open their books way too wide. I weep over white lines in the book's spine.
Hi b.! First of all, thank you so much for your work on the "Sea of Hope" subs. You and the rest of the Bada Alba Team are a gift! I have a TKEM question. In episode 12, after Jeong Tae Eul asks Lee Gon how he found her in the kingdom after her kidnapping, he responds with "I told you I'm a decent person here." That word never quite made sense to me in this context. Did Netflix translate that accurately? I always thought it would have made more sense if he described himself as influential or even powerful. The word is used again during Gon and Tae Eul's meal with her dad. She says, "You can tell just by looking at his face. He's a decent guy." In this instance, it seems to make more sense.
Anyway, thank you again for the novel translations and the "Sea of Hope" subs and all the little tidbits you share about this show and these actors we adore.
Hello ^_^
Aw, I love it when you guys send me translation related questions <3
Actually in Korean, the words used in both scenes differ.
In episode 12, Gon says:

"In this world I'm quite normal / alright / decent."
And in episode 13, Tae-eul says:

"He's a great guy."
I honestly don't know why they kept "decent" in both x) It's slightly different nuances, but I guess Netflix didn't bother in conveying this difference hahah.
What's a really specific pet peeve of yours?
Mine's when you put a cup/ anything on a table and you have that water putline on the table. Drives me insane, I need coasters, pepper towels or just wipe the bottom of the cup.
So why is anything female a "girl," a word which refers to children, but males are "men," meaning adults? Are there 30-year-old males and 8-year-old females everywhere?
Is there any girl (or man, I don't judge) in your life right now?
Okay, I have girls and men all over my life right now.
Like, I leave my house and its immediately just girls & men left and right and I just think “why.”
"why did this happen."
Okay. It fucking ticks me off whenever I see people misspell names, and right now, it's after seeing "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" and everyone's loving Johanna Mason played by Jenna Malone. Jenna Malone. JENNA Malone. JENNA. IT'S FUCKING "JENA", BITCHES. CHRIST, LEARN TO USE GOOGLE AND SHIT.
Things That Irritate Me
When people put "1" in the title of the original film when there was no "1".
Having ice in your drink is a horrible thing, and I don’t understand why people do it. The ice makes your drink taste watery and slimy. Plus, you have to deal with the awful feel of ice on your teeth. -100/10
If someone is writing and their answers are short with you, chances are, they’re not doing it intentionally or to be a dick.
Do not get offended over it, especially if YOU KNOW THEY ARE BUSY. Writers are not wasting their time, even if they never publish a single story. You wouldn’t talk to an artist as they’re clearly painting and in concentration, so fuck off and leave writers to their work.
This time of year, if your writer is struggling, leave them be. If you want to be helpful, ask what they need before they settle into their zone.
Partner: Yeah, it’s annoying when people talk for too long.
Me: So no special interest rants.
Partner: No, it’s fine when you do it.
Pet Peeve: People who interrupt you as soon as you say the critical information of a sentence.
Have you ever just
Wanted to punt someone across the milkyway and further?
Like this frickin kid that sits next to me every single day has to be the loudest eater ive ever met. He doesnt get the consept of curticy in silence. He smacks his uncrustibles as he eats them and he makes little noises as he takes bites.
He brings soda to class every day and he like.... slurps his soda, I didnt know you could do that but he makes as much noise as possible. Me and this other kid who is on the other side of him have asked him on multiple occasions to please chew with his mouth closed so that we can focus and he gets like really offended and keeps doing it and more obnoxiously.
Ive only ever helped this kid in this class bc he doesnt know how to follow instructions that are so simple a dog could follow them.
I have 1 (one) per peeve and he has decided to not be nice.
This girl in my English class was at it again. She brings like a different water bottle everyday. Its always filled with water and ice (which we respect a hydrated bitch bc i bring one too) but the only issue i have with her is that she likes to cronch on the ice. I do too at times but only if its like, soft ice from sonic.
No. This girl gets the hard ice cubes from your freezer and munches on those hard core.
Today however was angering. She had an odd shaped bottle where the bottom was bigger than the opening. So i take it all of her ice melted together as one big chunk o’ ice at the bottom of the bottle. However she was determined.
She smacked the bottom of that bottle with all her might. ALL the while we are in English, silent, listening to our teacher read something to us. Good god i wanted to tap her on the shoulder and remind her that she is not the only one in the room bc god damn was she being loud.