Pro Elain Archeron - Tumblr Posts
Elain, holding truthteller: I've got a weapon, and I'm... admittedly very afraid to use it!
So I was thinking
Well, not thinking, I'm listening to the graphic audio of ACOSF and I'm in the chaper of Nesta hearing Gwyn singing and when she said "A faint glow" I was like 'hold up sis'
We know Helion sleeps around. We know he has one illegitimate son (hot fire sexy Lucien) and we know he-well, he is a play boy, let's not lie.
So, what if the glow in Gwyn when she sings is not because she is a lightsinger but because she is Helion's daughter and has his light power?
We are all expecting for the reveal of Lucien's parentage, and I am honestly waiting to hear more about Gwyn's life before Hybern.
Is this a crazy theory?
And if it's not a theory but a fact, how weird do you think it will be for Azriel and Elain when they find out their mates are actually half siblings?
I'm down for this.
To be known by you
I'm just gonna giggle like a little girl and drop this here in Tumblr.
This is a little peek into something I've been working for a while now. It's gonna be a series (elucien/gwynriel) but the main characters will be Elain and Gwyn. ELRIELS, BRYRIELS OR WHOEVER OTHER TOXIC SHIP YOU BELONG DO NOT INTERACT.
WARNINGS: Honestly, just two girls being girls (👩🦰🗡👱♀️🌸).
Enjoy this little peek! And don't forget to show your support, I really want to keep this one going.

Elain was convinced that she, as a matter of fact, did not belonged in the night court.
But then, she didn't belong in any court.
The proof was how she had asked to go to the house of wind to visit Nesta and Cassian, but since Nesta was not there and Cassian had to go somewhere she wasn't allowed to know because she wasn't a member of the inner circle, they had dropped her off at the house and told her that someone would go and take care of her soon.
Now, she was there, a grown woma--female, and she was waiting for her nanny to come and pay heed to her needs.
She didn't know what was more pathetic: the fact that they thought she needed a nanny, or the way she simply accepted it.
Currently, she was looking around the library, remembering those first months where she had been reborn, remembering how empty she felt at the way she had lost everything. She still felt like that sometimes.
"You must be Elain." A voice behind her said, curiosity being laced with the delicate voice of the female.
Elain turned around ready to find an actual nanny, but instead she found a tiny red haired girl with teal eyes and a million freckles, with a toned body being covered by illyrian leathers.
The female blinked at her, and Elain found her voice. "Yes," She mumbled and then shook her head clearing the whispers in there. "I mean: yes, I am Elain."
The red haired girl nodded and closed the library door behind her. "Well, I must confess that I was expecting to take care of a kid." Elain blushed furiously which caused the red haired girl to hurry and explain. "Not that there is something wrong with needing someone to take care of you! Because it is okay, I should know ," the girl shook her head with a sight. "What I mean is that the way Cassian said I had to come and they way he worded it made me believe I would be babysitting."
That unsettled Elain. The inner circle had stopped protecting her a long time ago and had started to keep her locked within herself. They didn't told her anything, they kept quiet always, they didn't include her in plans that could possibly affect her.
And Rhys, by the cauldron, Rhys acted with Nesta so horribly simply because Nesta hadn't kept Feyre from going into the forest to hunt. Sometimes, when Rys was being a total arse, she imagined herself getting up and screaming at him that she was also guilty of it, that Nesta wasn't the only one to blame.
Sometimes the guilt ate her alive. Yes, she had no idea about hunting like Feyre or being aggressive like Nesta but she knew how to grow things. She could have grown vegetables to feed her family instead of spending all that money on flowers. But the inner circle only blamed Nesta, and kept Elain in a cocoon that was starting to deem a bit too tight.
"I do not need a nanny." Elain mumbled quietly, not wanting to offend the female that had clearly gone to babysit her in good graces.
The red haired girl nodded. "Noted. What about company? Azriel is going for bloodshed today in training and even though I am up for a challenge most of the time, I have my cycle and I feel near death."
Elain nodded curiously even though the mention of the shadow singer had moved an old wound inside her. Her mind whispered a name and Elain couldn't help but ask, "what is your name?" The female walked to one of the couches, giving her a soft smile.
"Gwyneth Berdara, but you can call me Gwyn." She recognized the name.
Gwyneth Berdara, one of Nesta's closest friends. She had won the blood rite as a carynthian, was a valkyrie and was an acolyte in the library.
Not only that, but she was also Azriel's mate.
The knowledge made her wince a little. After winter solstice, after the fiasco with Azriel, she have had a vision.
Azriel had gone with Rhys and Elain had been left clutching her necklace for dear life when the vision suddenly struck her. In her vision, Azriel was laughing but she couldn't hear his laugh, his eyes were sparkling as he stared at someone, and then a blur of red was going in circles around him, with a soft laugh echoing through her mind; his shadows were twirling freely and peacefully, and when the blur stopped, she saw red hair and Azriel gave a step forward and whispered "Gwyneth."
Elain had been able to see the threads of the mating bond between them, had seen the love and the longing in Azriel's face and she had known that she didn't stood a chance against it, so she had left the necklace behind and walked to her room, just a few door away from her own mate, and cried herself to sleep. Now, his mate was right in front of her and she was sure he knew who she was.
Her knowing who he was seemed impossible, but that was not her business. She had enough with her own mating problem, or in better words: the lack thereof.