For Sure - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
I'm Drafting An Infodump Rn But Hm I Forgot I Made This Image. It's Fitting.

I'm drafting an infodump rn but hm I forgot I made this image. it's fitting.

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5 years ago
I Resized The Image! I Think That Fixed It A Bit, But Im Still Learning About Tumblr Stuff. But P Proud

I resized the image! I think that fixed it a bit, but I’m still learning about Tumblr stuff. But p proud of this one!!  Once again personal stuff under the cut 

I think... I’m not ready for crosshatch... or at least that wasn’t the right choice for this. I would have liked to do point stuff or maybe just plain line give it more of a manga type look. But next time, I am super proud of the skirt shadows, The tv static and the eye, also the actual sailor uniform, those white lines where tricky and I’m proud of them. 

Pumped for tomorrow! Don’t know what to do but we will see. 

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7 months ago

okay so twice recently i've seen random people in the wild like "yeah people don't eat rice around here." so i think we need to have a poll on rice consumption

if you're a no-ricer maybe say where you're from/other explanation because i would like to know................................

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2 years ago

i’ve always seen this fic on ao3 and tumblr but never got around to reading it for some reason. now i’m so glad i did!!!! this painted the prettiest and coolest cyberpunk scene ever it was so easy to imagine and be sucked into oc and yoongi’s world 😣😣 and theIR BANTER?!?!? the build up of the tension was SO GOOD i love a good who did this to you moment hajsbjxjshwbwHahs!!1! AND WHEN THE TENSION IS FINALLY ADDRESSED!!! GOD!!!! thank u lord for hoseok i love that man sm he’s the real mvp anyway i love this oc so much! so much character and personality!!!!!!!

thank you so much for sharing this piece, author!!


min yoongi is the best shot in the business. you’re the best gunsmith in the city and the only person he trusts to programme his tech; to make his gear. 

he likes your work. it’s a shame, then, that he doesn’t like you.


pairing: yoongi x f!reader / word count: 14.3k / genre + rating: NSFW (18+), cyberpunk!au, smut, frenemies (?) to lovers

warnings/etc: hitman!yoongi. black market dealer/gunsmith!reader. cursing/explicit language. whole lotta tension, sexual and otherwise. mentions of injury/violence. minor character death (no one important, don’t worry, this isn’t an angst fic). brief hurt/comfort. reader has tattoos. sexually explicit content. oral; fingering; multiple orgasms; overstimulation (f). unprotected sex (please take the necessary precautions irl). rough sex?. choking. creampie. brief mention of aftercare. I think that’s everything but please lmk if I missed any!

a/n: thank you SO MUCH to both @hobi-gif​ and @morndas​ for beta reading this and being so supportive, ily both so much and I owe you my life 🤧💕 as always what was meant to be a short fic turned into a huge one. also this is technically for my 1.1k milestone but it’s a billion years late, oops!​


Yoongi really doesn’t like you.

You’re loud. Cocky. Arrogant. You needle him all the time, dig your fingernails in and squeeze, revelling in the way he sets his jaw, the muted spark of irritation in his eyes. You bat your eyelashes and tilt your head, throw it back whenever you laugh and reveal the easing column of your throat, dragging each interaction out with a kind of sadistic pleasure that has him gritting his teeth. Because you love annoying him, getting under his skin, tapping your fingers against the soft swell of your bottom lip as you eye him up, taking your time before you speak.

Infuriating. You’re infuriating and you know it.

It’s unfortunate, really, because you’re unavoidable. 

Jungkook had asked, once, why Yoongi doesn’t just go elsewhere. They’re more than familiar with the underbelly of this heaving city, underneath all the neon lights and shimmering holograms and towering skyscrapers and legal tech; the scuttling seams of back alley traders and illegal goods, tech or otherwise. There are plenty of black market dealers, after all, plenty of other vendors he could go to to get the equipment he wants. Plenty of other skilled crafters, artificers, artisans, people who would be more than happy to create the things that Yoongi asks for, that he needs. People who can get their hands on anything you want. For a price.

Yoongi’s answer had been short and succinct.

“She’s the best there is,” he’d said, and that had been that.

Keep reading

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7 months ago

this line delivery has lived in my head for 10 years

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10 months ago

i hadn’t considered that she isn’t actually dead til right now. but i’ll jump on board




The denial is insane-

But honestly yeah I’ll roll w it


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1 year ago

I just finished watching "Dad beat dad" and something cute I thought of!

Alastor and Lucifer co-caregivering baby Charlie!

I Just Finished Watching "Dad Beat Dad" And Something Cute I Thought Of!
I Just Finished Watching "Dad Beat Dad" And Something Cute I Thought Of!

Little!Charlie age 3: "Daddy, can I have some juice, please?"

Alastor and Lucifer at the same time:

Alastor: "Of course, my dear!"

Lucifer: "Absolutely Char-Char."

Lucifer at Alastor: "Uhm, excuse me. I am her daddy."

Alastor: "Really? Then where have you been since the beginning of the hotel?"

Lucifer: You son of a-"

Alastor turns to Charlie: "What type of Juice do you want, Charlie?"

Lucifer, before Charlie could answer: "Haha! I know my daughter! She wants apple juice."

Lucifer to Charlie in a baby-talk voice: "Isn't that right, my little apple of my eye?"

Lucifer makes a apple juice box appear and he gives it to Charlie.

Charlie happily drinks it: "Thanks daddy!"

Alastor glares at Lucifer, then turns back to Charlie: "Charlie, is there anything else you require?"

Charlie: "Uhm. Can I haves pookie?"

Lucifer: "Uhhhh what?"

Alastor, Smiling brighter: "Of course, little one!"

Alastor snaps his fingers to summons Charlie's teddy bear and a soft blanket.

Charlie, smiling: "Thanks, daddy!"

Alastor smiles at Lucifer.

Lucifer coughs: "No no, Charlie. That's Alastor, I'm your daddy."

Charlie, smiling: "You can both be my daddy, lotsa people have more than one daddies. It's just someone who takes care of you." 🙂

Lucifer scoffs and rolls his eyes: "Okay, but who's your favorite daddy?"

Charlie thinking: "Ummmmm, Angel!"

Angel dust and Husk laughing hysterically in the background.

Husk: "I'd start running if I were you."

Angel: "Yup."

I Just Finished Watching "Dad Beat Dad" And Something Cute I Thought Of!


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1 year ago

YES. 😩

An alcoholic drink with a chamoy and tajin rim sounds sooooooooooo good on this hot day 🤤

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6 months ago

You don't need anyone's approval for the stories you write and the art you create. But it's also absolutely valid to want some approval from your audience. Kudos and likes don't determine your creation's worth. But it just feels amazing to receive them.

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9 years ago


Is it wrong to laugh about it?

The Venn Diagram Of Things I Find Funny And Reasons Im Going To Hell Is A Circle.

The Venn diagram of things I find funny and reasons I’m going to hell is a circle.

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7 years ago

✰ tag yourself: cities ✰

paris: soft smiles, blooming flowers, lots of sunlight, stories swirling in your mind, cursive letters, piercing eyes, whispers filled with secrets

new york: gives zero fucks about others’ opinions, perfect eyebrows, no sleep, a bit sad inside, huge equal rights activist, red lipstick, artsy af, string lights, lots of coffee, high waisted jeans

london: new ideas, old architecture, whispers, flickering candles, intelligent eyes, loud laughter, dancing alone in your room, big dreams, hot tea

montréal: comfy socks, french bakeries, lover of books, bold thoughts, wide smiles, kinda broken, cute jackets, warm hot chocolate, cobblestone streets

tokyo: aesthetic af, pen sketches, bright colors, bold fashion, small yet powerful smiles, striving for greatness, cute glasses

rome: loves museums, kind words, tangled earbuds, a bit in love, bright eyes, takes artsy photos, likes history, open windows, probably sings in the shower

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6 years ago

say what you want about what the players actually said in that video.. some messed up shit… but still, that’s them being honest with each other. but the shittiest thing of all? that that driver most likely sold them out like that… he knew he could get money from selling that video.. so he did. he literally invaded their privacy. you should be able to say whatever you want in an uber without fearing it coming out in to the rest of the world. what the passengers are saying, is never ever the drivers business. you drive them. nothing else. it’s actually fucking disgusting, what he did. it’s really fucking disturbing and i hope he gets fired. cause who the fuck would want to ride with a driver like that? 

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6 years ago

do u ever behave politely and respectfully towards retail workers just to flex on freaks who blame employees for every inconvenience

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1 year ago

I think it was really cruel of Leto to send Apollo and artemis to kill Niobe's kids. I mean all Niobe told was that she had more kids than leto did. Why do immortals get pissed off so easily?

Oh no no. That wasn’t just what Niobe told. I mean Leto is like the calmest of the goddesses. Niobe was so egoistic that she managed to piss off Leto. And no, it wasn’t just about “I have more kids than Leto.” 

“Niobe spoke rather contemptuously against Apollo and Diana because Diana was girt in man’s attire, and Apollo wore long hair and a woman’s gown.” Yup. She made fun of Apollo for being feminine and Artemis for being masculine. In a wrong, insulting way. (Okay but Apollo in woman’s gown tho asdfkjjd) 

Also when women of Thebes gathered to worship Leto, Niobe comes and boasts about herself. Here are the things Niobe basically said

- “why do you people worship a goddess you’ve never seen instead of worshipping the goddess right in front of you?”

- “everyone must acknowledge my pride and no more worship this Leto who is the daughter of ignoble Koios. I definitely have a superior birth”. Yup as if Tantalus was better than Koios lol.

- “Leto bore two children, who, compared with mine, are but as one to seven”. Gurl are you missing the fact that they’re both Gods while your 14 kids are mortals?? 

- “Let Leto’s rage despoil me of large substance; yet so much would still be mine, for I have risen above the blight of apprehension.” Of course. So what if Leto causes a little bit of destruction? Niobe already has so much that she doesn’t need to fear of losing anything significant. 

- “But, suppose a few of my fair children should be taken! Even so deprived, I could not be reduced to only two, as this Latona, who, might quite as well be childless” Omfg Niobe you fucking asked for it! what were you even thinking?? Forget being reduced to having 2 kids. You won’t have kids at all.

After that she orders all the women to stop giving offerings to Leto and the women agree against their wishes. Listen. If I had roamed the entire world in pain to give birth to my kids and if someone would make fun of these kids, and upon that call me motherless and inferior, I’d be MAD. Niobe is a mortal. All her children are mortal. What even made her think that she would be equal, or superior to Leto, an immortal titaness? She was filled with so much pride. Superiority and ego had blinded her so much that she thought that even if some of her kids would die she’d still be greater than Leto. At that point she didn’t care for her kids. All she cared was for her pride. And she paid the price. A horrible horrible price.

But Leto didn’t directly order to kill her children. She calls Apollo and Artemis and complaints to them. Before she could tell what punishment should be given, Apollo cuts in and says “Enough with the complaint, it will only delay her doom”. And Artemis agrees and they both go to teach Niobe a lesson. I don’t think Leto actually wanted Niobe to lose all her kids. Because when her youngest son and daughter pray to Leto for mercy, Leto obliges and asks Apollo and Artemis to spare those two kids. The decision to kill Niobe’s kids was not Leto’s completely.

So you see, it wasn’t just about Niobe saying she has more kids than Leto. I mean, why would call the goddess of motherhood childless?? Niobe was full of hubris, something that Gods don’t tolerate at all. Niobe deserved to be punished. But the tragic part is that her whole family had to pay the price for her insolence. Because the best way to destroy ego is by destroying it’s cause - and Niobe’s children were the cause for her pride and boast. It’s really heartbreaking. The way her children die, her lamentation and grief - it’s heart-wrenching. I feel so so so sorry for her, but I don’t blame Leto for that. Or Apollo and Artemis for that matter. In the end, what we can take away from this myth is that our ego can not only cause our downfall, but can also destroy our loved ones. And that is why, we should stay away from ego.

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7 months ago

I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.

There is a trend I’ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesn’t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.

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11 months ago

When Oliver engineers his meetcute with Felix via the pin in Felix's bike tire, he finds Felix sitting under a tree, uselessly spinning the flate tire, and claiming to already be 10 minutes late to his tutorial after skiving off the whole past week.

And I just think this offers several really hilarious possibilities.

One: Oliver's "plan" was so spur of the moment that he doesn't even know Felix's course schedule, he has probably been skiving off his own lectures to stake out the bike shed and/or ride frantically around campus in the hopes of actually being there to "rescue" Felix next time he takes his bike out, and the fact his "plan" somehow succeeded was way more sheer dumb luck than clever planning on his part.

Two: Oliver's been watching Felix enough to have a good idea of his class schedule. With luck that only an Oliver could manage, however, he stuck the pin in Felix's bike tire right before Felix started skiving off that term. Now Oliver has been riding up and down the path between their dorms and Felix's tutorial all week without so much as a hint of Felix, had already biked up and down that path a few times the day they finally met, and was close to giving up on the bike plan entirely while trying desperately to think of how else he could engineer a meetcute, when he finally ran across Felix who had definitely set out 10 minutes late to tutorial in the first place and had only been sitting under that tree for like one minute, tops, when Oliver found him, and Oliver was just so excited that his plan had finally worked that he happily ignored the part where Felix cares zero percent about his classes but still uses the, "Oh, woe is me, however shall I salvage my school work, kind stranger?" act to get Oliver to fix his problem for him when Oliver stops to talk to him.

Three: Felix is lying about having skived off the whole previous week and possibly lying about being 10 minutes late to his tutorial, too. In fact, Oliver finds Felix sitting uselessly next to his broken bike exactly when he expected to find him. However, Oliver is still so excited that his plan worked that he absolutely does not care what nonsense Felix is making up about skiving and being late and whatever, who cares, Felix is noticing him and talking to him and Oliver is Doing A Plan and It Is Working, and Felix literally doesn't need to try so hard to convince Oliver to help him because Oliver would help Felix with literally anything Felix wanted, even if he hadn't kinda sorta 100% completely been the reason Felix even needed help in the first place.

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Does Inky have anything they like to do in their free time?

Does Inky Have Anything They Like To Do In Their Free Time?
Does Inky Have Anything They Like To Do In Their Free Time?

they enjoy baking and napping

But most importantly they don't usually like having free time due to disliking being alone so he usually want someone near him or just wants to spend some time with people

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