TinFoilChef - Tumblr Posts

i uh... good morning hermitblr, hate to be the bearer of bad news but TFC is gone.
... I knew it was inevitable but i hoped it wouldnt have been so soon. I was holding out hope... This is the second time an mcyt that i really like has passed away
Rest in peace TFC you were the greatest minecraft grandpa that i have ever watched. Your hearty laughs made my day and when you uploaded it always felt like a present. I hope that you passed away without pain and that whereever you currently are, you are happy.
May you live on on the mortal plane as a beloved content creator to the fans who love you.
If Techno’s 1v1ing god then TFC took one look at the pearly gates - decided they could really use some diamonds - and set off for the mines.

I like to think he’s still mining away underneath the bedrock somewhere where he’s discovering new biomes and caves unknown to the rest of the hermits.
Day 5
Hermit Doodle Dump!

(Click on images to see full picture!!)
I had so much fun just sitting down for an hour or two and churning out multiple sketches like this, not worrying about if they're perfect or not. A cup of tea and my sketchbook-- what a perfect day.
Which drawing's your favorite and is there any hermit you'd like to see more of? I'm rather fond of how Keralis turned out.
Hermit-A-Day May - Day 5

I've been so so so busy the last two days, but I managed to take an hour to scrape this together.
TFC with Jellie and Bishop <3

I may not have watched TFC or Techno a ton, but both their deaths are hitting kinda hard
I hope their families can find peace through these times :(

very glad to have the opportunity to create these TFC cards for the Hermitcraft TCG series 2!
days twenty four-thirty one: friends (bigb), wels, joe, pearl, bdubs, tfc

we are finally done!
Hermit A Day May #5 - TinFoilChef

a legend he is, the truest hermit

I completed all of these (excluding xB, Joe and Doc) in one day 2 months ago and it took me forever to get back around to it. Hermits without colour squares in the read more.

May 5th
I loved this guy's content when I first saw his videos. I will miss him as a casual watcher of his content. This is shocking to me as I just got this news. May he rest in peace 💕
A great loss for the community. You’ll be missed, Minecraft Grandpa.

The Hermitcraft tarot card deck I did a few months ago! I am really proud of these so I’ve decided these are gonna be the first ones to make it into tumblr :D

For the last two years I have been writing a story about Hermitcraft. It all started when I read that wonderful Hermitcraft story, "And The Universe Shifts" and the amazing, "Red Sun Never Sets". These stories where so incredible I wanted to see more of that universe so I was inspired to write a fic of my own, a very challenging thing considering I have Dyslexia and struggle deeply with reading/writing. But it's been an incredible journey writing this story, I have pushed myself to the limits as a writer and have gotten some amazing feedback, advice, and corrections from y'all. And just recently I started drawing fart (fan+art) for each chapter, which has been a truely intimidating because I'm not confident in my art skills. But I've really grown as the chapters went on and I'm thankful to have pushed myself. Now I'm working on an animation, something I NEVER thought I could do. This has been very fun, thank you Hermitcraft community for just being awesome and inspiring us to creatively push yourself in building, redstoning, drawing, gaming, animating, storytelling, and more.
Oh, and if you're interested in checking it out, here's the links-
And the Universe Shifts ~
and the universe shifts (ATUS) (37691 words) by aayaptre
Chapters: 18/18
Fandom: Hermitcraft, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Iskall, Scar - Character, Joe Hills, Cubfan, Stress - Character, False - Character, Cleo, Xisuma, Basically Every Hermit, Doc
Additional Tags: Evo AU, Angst, Minor Violence, Grian has a bad time The Fanfic, Hurt/Comfort
Series: Part 1 of ATUS Works
"They were playing a game, they called it a game, it was one he couldn’t win. He played anyway."
Grian's been running for a long time, and knowing him, he's going to be caught eventually.
The Red Sun Never Sets ~
The Red Sun Never Sets (27242 words) by ThaneZain
Chapters: 25/25
Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, Iskall, Pablo Punchwood - Character
Additional Tags: Rated For Violence, Cussing, Redstoner AU, major character death but not permanent, Psychological Trauma, Recovery, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, idk i need to add better tags now that its two years old, but i still dont know how to ao3, have fun I guess
Mumbo wakes, finding himself stranded in a strange, flat world with a glaring red sun always directly above him. He compulsively builds redstone circuits, barely realizing the deadly traps he's creating. When his friends arrive to bring him home, the acts he commits prove how far gone he is and how long it will take for him to return, fully, from the hollow world of the red sun
And my story: Forbidden or Forgotten/ On your preferred reading platform.
Archive of Our Own ~
Forgotten or Forbidden (268172 words) by JeanBasener
Chapters: 43/?
Fandom: Hermitcraft, MindCrack RPF, Video Blogging RPF, third life - Fandom, Empires SMP, Dream SMP, Minecraft - Fandom, 3rd life - Fandom, SciCraft
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Oli & His Panda Hat
Characters: MumboJumbo, Evil Xisuma, Keralis, Docm77, BdoubleO100, Hypnotized - Character, HelsKnight, Biffa (Video Blogging RPF), GeminiTay (Video Blogging RPF), Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Herobrine (Minecraft), Skizzleman (Video Blogging RPF), Pungence, Zedaph (Video Blogging RPF), Charles | Grian, Viktor | Iskall85, EthosLab (Video Blogging RPF), Xisumavoid (Video Blogging RPF), FalseSymmetry (Video Blogging RPF), Daniel M. | VintageBeef, Astrozoan (Video Blogging RPF), ZombieCleo, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, Rendog (Video Blogging RPF), Joe Hills, xBCrafted (Video Blogging RPF), TinFoilChef (Video Blogging RPF), Jevin | iJevin, Bryce | fWhip, Cubfan135 (Video Blogging RPF), Tango Tek (Video Blogging RPF), Welsknight Gaming, impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF), Jimmy | Solidarity, Taurtis (Video Blogging RPF), Lizzie | LDShadowLady (Video Blogging RPF), Scott | Smajor1995 | Dangthatsalongname, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Alex Edgar | PauseUnpause, Br0dyman (Video Blogging RPF), Joel | SmallishBeans, 3rd Life SMP Ensemble, Natalie Arnold | StressMonster101, Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood
Additional Tags: Friendship, Adventure, Mystery, NoShip, AllHermitsMajorlyFeatured, Fight Scenes, Special Guest Appearances - Freeform, Watchers, Heist, Wilderness Survival, Courtroom Drama, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magic, Prophecy, Pirates, foundFamily, Survival Horror, Ratings: PG, Hurt/Comfort
Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Tomorrow morning, bring rope!
Xisumavoid whispers to EthosLab: We need to talk.
Tango whispers to ImpulseVS: You ok?
Welsknight whispers to Hypnotized: Bring med stuff
ZombieCloe whispers to JoeHills: Why aren't you answering?!
Bdoubleo100 whispers to GoodTimesWithScar: WHERE ARE YOU GRACIOUS MAYOR?!
StressMonster101 whispers to Iskall85: Haven't seen you, want to get together? :)
Keralis whispers to Xisumavoid: DOC'S GOAT! NOW!
iJevin whispers to Zedaph: Somewhere no one will see us
XBcrafted whispers to TinFoilChef: Need your help!
Grian whispers to MumboJumbo: Thanks for everything, spoon.
Secrets revealed, backs knifed, friends scream. Stretched fine as canvas will Hermitcraft frame the portrait of tragedy? The Hermits must use silly tactics, preserve through hopelessness, and sacrifice everything to protect their beautiful home!
Or Wattpad~

TinFoilChef x The Lord of the Rings (1978)

For TFC, I chose Ralph Bakshi's animated 1978 adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. I picked this one for TFC because he always made me think of Tolkein dwarves (what with the beard and the love of mining) and I wanted to draw him content and taking a rest in a cave. Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings, with its beautiful painted backgrounds, was the perfect fit here. If you want to learn more about Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings and see my reference images, take a look under the cut! (And of course, don't forget about the fundraiser for Gamers Outreach! Today is the BONUS DAY DOLLAR DRIVE so go throw in a dollar if you can!)
Ralph Bakshi's 1978 The Lord of the Rings is the direct origin of many of the designs and visual concepts that would later be used in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings. While I love both adaptations, Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings is much lesser known now and overshadowed by the live-action movies, which is genuinely a shame. The movie covers the events of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers but the final Return of the King installment was never made. The animation is visually interesting and a little strange, since it uses traditional cartoon cell animation in combination with rotoscoping. The animation is overlaid on a series of atmospheric painted backgrounds which creates a beautifully surreal viewing experience. I watched Bakshi's The Lord of the Rings as a kid with my family and I just want more people to see and appreciate it too.
Style references:

The animated characters don't have any shading in most scenes and stand out from the very dynamically shaded backgrounds. There is a wide range of character designs in the movie, but for TFC I followed the design choices seen in the human characters and Gimli.

The backgrounds for the movie are stunning. This image in particular is actually concept art for the Mines of Moria, but it is in line with actual backgrounds from the movie and I really liked it so I used it as my primary inspiration for TFC's cave.

The 1978 The Lord of the Rings title design
I love his shaaape

Day 5: TFC
TFC would be deep in the mines, maybe even excavating some of the lost structures buried by the ocean's erosion! Probably could tell you many stories about the Gods and Sages of old. You might even be able to find him beneath the Tower of the Gods, though who knows how he got there!
Here's a link to the fundraiser!
Wow your style is so good!!!

Day 5: TinfoilChef
here's to the god of stone!