Skizzleman - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Joe this is so cool!!!!!!

I got you a seat at Docm77's Trial! Enjoy this experimental 360° video!

It took over sixteen hours to render in replaymod, and quite a bit of experimentation to get fully functional otherwise, but I think it should be fun for folks to be in the courtroom with us!

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8 months ago

Omg look it's my favorite TV show, Tall Claims Court!

You haven't watched TCC episode 1 yet??


Well I mean, suit yourself, I guess, if you're okay with missing out on the best show around...couldn't be me, tho.

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7 months ago



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1 year ago
Another Failed Partnership From The Needy Boys
Another Failed Partnership From The Needy Boys

another failed partnership from the needy boys

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7 months ago

i love the permit office dynamic rn bc cub doesn’t give a shit but is kind of trying to act like he does and grian gives a shit but is trying to act like he doesn’t. meanwhile the slutty fucking mall cops r still here, but only to agree with cub. i love cubs monotone speech abt making the shopping district a better place with occasional nods to the people who actually did the work. i love fhe way skizz is also there. u put 2 of the dumbest people with 2 of the most scheming bastards(besides doc, obvs) on the server and what ensues is a government agency with very little clue of what they’re actually doing lmao.

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6 months ago

GOD guess the build means so much to me

this clip is a perfect summary of guess the build

Grian absolutely losing his mind, Skizz trying to defend that thing, everybody being absolutely bewildered befuddled and just downright stunned

they mean so much to me 🫶

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5 months ago

Life Series Incorrect Quotes

Martyn: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Ren: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.

Impulse: Are you sure Skizz's even gay? They barely even looked at me.

Skizz: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Impulse: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Impulse: Would you like me to tutor you? Tango: That was smooth.

Gem, in Impulse’s bed: Morning… how’d ya sleep last night? Impulse, knocking Gem off: WHAT THE HELL?! Gem: Ow— Impulse: What were you doing in my bed? You were supposed to sleep on the air mattress on the floor! Gem: I had a nightmare. Impulse: You had a nightmare? What are you, five years old? Gem: Listen, I needed to feel comfortable and I was getting this perverse power dynamic vibe from me sleeping on the floor and you sleeping up there- Impulse, in a royal accent: Why yes, how high and mighty I am up on my twin XL! Gem: That is not what I meant— Impulse: Silence in the presence of your king, who sleeps a lofty twelve and a half inches above the ground! Gem: Listen, I’m not ashamed. I slept comfortably when I got up on your bed and I’m sure you did too. Impulse: Yeah, okay- Gem: You know what? I wanna know. How’d you sleep last night? Impulse: …That was the best I’ve slept in a while. Gem, gasping: The king slept comfortably with a peasant in his bed! Impulse: I did not consent to this- Gem, dramatically: But my liege, our love is forbidden! Impulse, on the phone: Hi, is this the front desk? Yeah, there’s a bed bug in my room and she’s six-foot-one, he’s got red hair. Gem: Ask them if they have one of those “Do Not Disturb” signs. I’ll put it on the door next time we… do it. Impulse: Okay, I'ma go shower and wash all of the you off of me. Gem: Oh, maybe together we could— Impulse: NO. Gem: Just to save water— Impulse: No! You don’t even pay for the water! Gem: …Good point.

Bdubs: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along? Ren: What did you just say- Bdubs: Foetons! *Laughs* Ren: Wh-what?

Grian, at an awards show: Well, first of all, I’d like to thank Scar, the love of my life, for telling me Mumbo was going to win so don’t bother to prepare a speech.

Cleo: Bdubs, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Bdubs, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.

BigB: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you. Scott: Being a fish. BigB: Well, shit.

Grian: I am an expert at identifying birds. Bdubs: Okay, what about those ones flying over there? Grian: Yeah, they're all birds.

Ren: I’m gonna die alone. Pearl: Ren, you’re not gonna die alone. Ren: Bdubs, was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake. Scar: Uh-huh. Why is that? Ren: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. Ren: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man. Ren: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!

Cleo, holding out a cookie for Lizzie: Look! This ones a heart, that’s how I feel about you! Lizzie: *Ugly crying* Cleo, holding out another cookie for Pearl: This ones like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! Pearl, throwing their hands in the air: What does that mean?!

Grian: Did you wash the dishes? Mumbo: I thought you wanted to do that... Grian: *chuckles* You were WRONG.

Bdubs: Ren, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Ren: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?

BigB: Respect my trans homies or I’m gonna identify as a fucking problem.

Impulse: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking. Tango, patting them on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.

Joel: What's with the new hat? Scott: Oh, this? It's nothing. Scar: It's the loudest nothing I ever saw. Cleo: Scott, you just can't mosey in here with a brand-new hat and act like you're not wearing a brand-new hat. Scott: Look, I'm trying something new, okay? Just take it easy. Etho: He's right, guys. Come on, let's not go down this path. It's ugly... Kinda like that hat– Scott: I got this from a nice store! Joel: What store? The one before you exit the Al Capone Museum? BigB, entering the room: What's up, Scott? Did you just finish Bling Ring-ing Bruno Mars' closet? Scott: I'm being brave, okay? You guys are sheep. You may want to take a long, hard look in the mirror. BigB: Better us than you. You look like a park ranger from a cartoon. Scott: Joel, do you think the hat looks bad? Joel: Oh, uh, me? Um, I... I wouldn't say it was bad. Like, I think it's just different, like something you would wear in Indiana... Jones and the Temple of Bad Hats.

BigB: Well Grian, I have to say, I'm really disappointed. Grian: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.

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1 year ago


I definitely choose the right time to start hyperfixating on Skizz (and ZITS in general), this is perfect!!

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1 year ago

I kinda wanna see a comic of Skizz getting launched so far up by the fishing rods that he can acually see the Aether. And at his highest point there's just an Aether Pig casually flying by

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1 year ago
corvisclouds - Corvis' Cryptid Corner

It doesn't taste as good as it looks, sorry Skizz. Maybe you should have gotten a Burger with it after all

I couldn't get this out of my mind after Skizz said he wants a Burger with Imp's hair in Cleo's stream, so I had to draw it.

I do actually love Impulse's skin tho, even if the hair looks like fries xD

Here's a colorless version

corvisclouds - Corvis' Cryptid Corner

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1 year ago
"Wall All Of So Explanation Awesome Even Supportive Though And I'm Patient Sure So It's Thank Not You

"Wall all of so explanation awesome even supportive though and I'm patient sure so it's thank not you needed again because for you're understanding"

What I'm getting from this is that this is the wall of all, explanations are awesome and supportive, Skizz is patient (or a patient), and he's either not thanking us or saying that we are needed again because we are understanding.

Did I get that right? Because I don't think I am understanding right now /pl

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10 months ago




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