Rhaegar X Lyanna - Tumblr Posts
Was Rhaegar planning to name his and Lyanna’s son Aegon, or was that her idea? Because either Rhaegar made the conscious decision to give both his sons the same name, or Lyanna, knowing full well that Rhaegar’s other son was named Aegon, decided that her son absolutely had to have the same name as like 17 other Targaryens. Either way it’s pretty fucking hilarious.
Masterpost Targaryen/Stark parallels and contrasts in AGOT
This post is a list of the parallels/contrast I found during the reread in AGOT alone (I’ll do one for each books).
The first one I found was the Direwolves and the dragons being born which bookends a game of thrones. the Direwolves were born in the snow/ice while the dragons were born the sand/fire, all of them are born of the dead, only death can pay for life is probably illustrated there with both species.
Viserys says: “the dragon remembers” in the first Dany chapter about the stolen throne by Robert and the rebellion which later parallels with “The north remembers” when talking about the red wedding and the death of (some of) the Starks.
the Starks and Dany both have anti slavery values: We can see it in Dany’s chapter’s (this feels obvious) but also with Ned when he said that about Jorah “so the slaver has become a spy,’ Ned said with distaste. He handed the letter back ‘I would rather he became a corpse’ (I cheered)“ which is followed by Arya “he should have killed the masters”.
The description of the traits of blood of the dragon and the wolf blood are actually extremely similar : reckless and passionate and a bit chaotic and independant.
The way they talk about the dragon skulls (which are Targaryen thing) as if they are still alive and watching in King’s landing and the way they talk about the dead men in a crypts (which is a Stark thing) as if they were alive and watching in Winterfell.
The parallels/contrast between Viserys and Ned’s death. Both of them dies a traitor’s death by execution but only one of them is guilty.
I think that’s a stretch but Dany plunge her entire body into the fire to create life and Jon plunging his hand into the fire to save a life might be put in here.
Cat’s quote which makes the Targaryens and the Stark direct parallel explicit : “if you lose, there is no hope for us. They say there is naught but stone at the Heart of Casterly Rock,Remember the fate of Rhaegar’s children”.Two houses seemingly destroyed by Tywin Lannister with horrifying means with secret heirs and children still alive all over the world with magical creature maybe able to change the outcome of the war for the dawn.
The parallel/contrast between Rhaenys and Arya, two little girls who got Balerion the Cat and the first victims of Tywin, (the parallel is done by Varys), Arya being the one saved by Jon’s gift (who is technically both of theirs brothers) and her knowledge of the tunnels created by the Targaryens (and she feels protected by the dragon’s skulls).
Robb being crowned king and the next chapter Dany getting the symbol of her queenship and essentially being crown queen in her own right with the birth of the dragons a chapter away from each other
There are a lot of Fire (for Targaryens) and Ice (For the Starks) symbolisms, although some characters from said house are associated with other elements (Arya and water, which is what happen when Fire melt ice so this feel relevant to her character in general but this isn’t about that) :
In the first Dany chapter again: her brother had often said that it was never too hot for a Targaryen. “ours is the house of the dragon” he would say, “The fire is in our blood”
In the Second Cat chapter:: Ned could never abide the heat, the Starks were made for the cold: “Even now, he was a Stark of Winterfell, rage and grief froze hard inside him” which links the Stark explicitely with the cold.
I might do a seperate post on Dany and Arya’s arcs specifically (in the entire series) paralleling each other sometimes.We’ll see.

Me: *shows up a month and 6 days late with Starbucks*
I started this the literal night of the season finale and just now finished it bc I’ve been swamped with commissions.
Buy the print here!
Shipping in Asoiaf and hotd be like:

So I was craving new Rhaelya Content and this was the result.....

I feel like I have read all fics on Ao3 available on this couple and I need more .......
Prince Rhaegar loved his Lady Lyanna and thousands died for it.....

Rhaegar knew that thousand would have to die if he decided to go with Lyanna yet he went anyway because Lyanna and the short few months of blissful love were worth it.....

Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman’s name.
I get tired of people thinking of Lyanna as a completely one-dimensional girl .....so presenting......Lady Lyanna Stark

As the 'She-Wolf of Winterfell'
Also Lady Lyanna Stark

As "The Winter-Rose of North"
"Lady Lyanna was the winter rose which rather than burn, bloomed while engulfed in flames."

Lyanna Stark : The winter rose blooming amidst Flames...
The second picture is also the face claim I designed for Lyanna to be used in my fanfic. I have to admit designing Rhaegar,Lyanna and Jon is giving me whole another happiness ...

“… and his is the Song of Ice and Fire.”

What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
Lyanna, as a teenager, wants to become a professional singer/songwriter/musician. To this end, she attends Rhaegar Targaryen’s concert at Harrenhal, where she catches his eye, but not in the way she wanted. He seduces her on the pretext of furthering her career. His crazy father, Aerys Targaryen, refuses to help Lyanna’s father and eldest brother when they approach him with their suspicions. His wife, Elia,eventually leaves him, taking their kids. What happens to Lyanna, her child, her birth family, Rhaegar and his ex-wife and kids?
Jon is the sullen, unpopular younger son of King Rhaegar by his second wife, Lady Lyanna Snow. His older siblings, Crown Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys, as well as his uncle, Prince Viserys, and aunt Princess Daenerys, are much more popular with Westerosi press and public, despite their many shenanigans. In contrast, Jon is seen as this sullen, haughty young man who prefers his life as a member of the Night's Watch (no longer a dumping ground for criminals, but a respected northern regiment) to life in the South. His mother does not help matters much; unlike Princess Elia, who was a devout worshipper of the Seven, Lyanna follows the religion of the First Men. And she hates court etiquette and the press. She's seen to be responsible for breaking up the "fairytale" marriage of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. That's when Tyrion Lannister, Prince Jon's private secretary, turns to journalist and social media expert Sansa Stark for help in raising/improving Jon's public profile. Sansa agrees because she feels that Jon's improved public profile can only help the North. So, how do Tyrion and Sansa convince a stubborn Jon to agree to follow their plan?