Satan X Yn - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Satan x Reader

gn reader

Obey Me! Shall we Date


If you could use one word to describe Satan, it would be gentle. Lesser demons (and maybe even his own brothers) would call you insane for saying so, but the truth was there for anyone to see, if they would just look. Wrath, as destructive as it may seem at first glance, was passion, and the green-eyed ‘monster’ you deemed your closest friend was full of it. And within the throes of his devotion, there was gentleness. Gentleness in the way he handed you his precious tomes, trusting you with its safekeeping. Gentleness in how he talked about his favorite furry friends. Gentleness in the way he looked at you, eyes filled with all things kind and good in the world.

How ironic, for you to see nothing but benevolence in the being borne from grief, and pain, and violence. But people seem to forget he was born out of love, too. (After all, are grief and love not the same side of a coin?) Love for the sister he never got to meet, love for his brothers whom he pretends to hate, love for the people held so dear you would start a war to protect them. That love was what drew you to him. A demon so full of passion and sorrow that you couldn’t help but be intrigued.

You didn’t always think so affectionately of Wrath, you will admit. The day you first truly met him, you were terrified of him. You genuinely thought you would (and most likely, you would have if not for Lucifer’s interference) die. A refused pact would have led to your demise. (And oh, dearest fourth-born, would you really give up your life to spite the eldest? Or was it because you didn’t think your life was your own?)

It wasn’t until the body-swapping incident with Satan and his most despised brother that the two of you began to grow close. (For how could he not follow the one who made him realize with a gentle strength that he is no one’s but his own; not but a broken off piece of a soul’s rage, but a being strong and deserving of being the fourth brother?) It turned out that Wrath itself had a weakness, and he was in no way loathe to admit it. It only took a stray alley cat for your bond to begin to grow. Cat treats and makeshift toys began to take place in your pockets, and you swear you’ve never seen a more beautiful sight than Wrath’s gentle smile.

Your thirst for knowledge in the strange new world you were dropped in was also a growing factor in your relationship. The day he lent you a book from his own personal library was a day you would never forget. A milestone of trust, and the day a funny feeling took hold in your chest.

Hangouts went from every few weeks, to every few days, to the point where you could not find one without the other nearby. The two of you were attached at the hip (much to the other brothers’ dismay), and maybe that’s when you started to recognize the buzzing affection within you.

Love had taken root in your heart, and grew, grew, grew until there was no space left to fill. Your days felt brighter and the color green colored your vision when you closed your eyes. (you had never felt so full of warmth before him. You never wanted this feeling to stop.) Every thought you had now consisted of the boy you fell for, kind, sweet, gentle. (You shamefully wondered what it would be like to be within the throes of passion with your blonde (imaginary) lover. You could never look at him in the eyes the days after, and a certain lust filled strawberry blond would taunt you with a smirk and knowing eyes much to your dismay.) There was no room for the burning anger you used to hold for the hellish situation you had been thrown into by a certain prince. Only love. Kind, gentle, love.

If only there wasn’t enough space left for the fear and doubt that overshadowed your courage.

There was no questioning that you were bathing in your love for the fourth Avatar of Sin; Wrath had stolen your heart and you had blissfully let him. What you doubted was if those feelings were reciprocated or not. And if they were, just how much love did the blond hold for you the way you held for him? (Oceans worth, love. He would challenge God himself if he had to in order to keep loving you.) You cherished the friendship the two of you had built from the ground up, and the possibility of ruining it with unrequited feelings froze you with fear. You were only human, at the end of the day. And Satan was the fourth born brother, Avatar of Sin. He was Wrath, and love, and passion; ethereal, beautiful, gentle. (your bond deeper than the depths of Tartarus, you misjudge him, darling. Could you not see how he adored you so?)

So, you decide to wait. You tell yourself you’re imagining the flush of his face when he shows you his romantic poetry that somehow suspiciously resembles you. You remind yourself his gentle smile is for all of those he cares about, not just you. You wait for him to come to you, for fear of having your tender heart torn to shreds. You wait until you are sure. (Will you ever be?)

And Satan?

It infuriates him when your ignorance thwarts his romantic plans. The rage within him comes to life when the ‘I love you’’s are interpreted as platonic and his attempts at courting you seen as anything but romantic. He’s not mad at you; no, never you. Moreso at the people who convinced you that you are not the most loveable being in all of the three realms. His wrath destroys him from the inside at the fact that you don’t see yourself the way he does. Your smile makes him week, your laughter brings him to his knees. How could Satan possibly not love you? There is no reality that exists where he would not fall for you.

But Satan has learned patience; he has honed the skill over his thousands of years of life. He knows to wait until you learn to see yourself the way he sees you. He has learned to be soft, and kind to those he loves. And Satan? Satan loves you. For you, he will wait. For you, he will be gentle.

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1 year ago

No Way! He Must Love Me.

Obey Me? Obey Me: Nightbringer, yeah?

They (at the time of typing) got a new special card event called "Fun in the Sun" that's beach-themed. The special UR+ cards that you can get from it are of Satan and Beelzebub.

So of course, me being the Satan lover I am (hail my man), I had to get his card. It was a matter that required zero questioning on my part.

Now with my goal set, I had this whole plan on how I was going to be able to make sure I get him without spending money...yatta yatta...

But before any of that, I had to do the one free summon they give you whenever a new card event comes out.

And in my head, as I'm pressing the 'one-summon' button, I'm thinking, "There's no way you can get those special UR+ cards from the free summon right? They must program it so it's not possible..."


No Way! He Must Love Me.

I was wrong...

No Way! He Must Love Me.
No Way! He Must Love Me.



So yeah, me and my bae Satan gonna go chill in 'the actually feline-infested kitty-kiddy pool', wrath and hunger y'all!

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8 months ago

Not sure if you write for him, but general relationship hcs for Satan? (Blue Exorcist) 🫣

Satan x reader ~ relationship headcanons

Not Sure If You Write For Him, But General Relationship Hcs For Satan? (Blue Exorcist)

I know he’s supposed to be a bad guy, THE bad guy (at least so far where I’m at), but I hc him as such a sweet lover

Warnings: none



- It’s hard to get him to like you, but once he does, there’s no letting go

- You’d need to be patient with him, as there are something’s he still doesn’t understand

- He’s so protective of you, even if he lets you go somewhere without him, one of his minions will be following you.

- He just makes sure you’re okay

- Very much so a cuddler

- Lots of cuddles, all the time

- Once he loves you, he loves you very much, so you’re going everywhere with him

- Even the most menial tasks, chores or the likes, he’s there following you around, a bit of your top pinched between his thumb and pointer finger

- He likes long sweet kisses, just sitting there reveling in your taste

- He’s definitely a hand holder, just walking around town with him or anything

- Let the world burn ~ Chris Gray

- Let’s take a short pause to appreciate the lovely chills that song gives me

- If anyone hurts you they’re dead, which probably goes without saying

- I feel like, contrary to that, he’s very gentle with you. Like you’re a dandelion that could blow away at any moment

- If you’re gone or get taken, it’s basically the blue night all over again, he goes feral trying to get to you, to help you.

- Would try to give flowers, probably has them burning in his hands cuz he’s so flustered

- If you surprise him with affection he probably bursts into harmless flames instead of a blush

- Overall baby boy demon lord loves you very much and very gently, he would do anything and everything for you


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