School Crush - Tumblr Posts
love songs

Robin Buckley x fem reader
Summary: You’ve liked Robin since a year and it’s time to confess
A/N: It’s like 1am while I’m writing this so I hope it makes sense, all I can say is I love Robin and I think mixtapes are very cool. That’s it thanks for listening.
Robin Buckley, she was smart, funny,pretty and knew how to make anyone smile. She had this incredible charm, that made you want to listen to her forever. You didn’t talk to her that often, what would you even say? Hey I’m Y/n and I am totally in love with you since I’ve sawn you last year in algebra!? Yeah definitely not. But you had to do something, your friends where getting annoyed at how you’d drool over her, whenever she laughed, or talked, or practically just existed. Also you didn’t want anyone to tell her, before you got the chance, cause that would be even more embarrassing. But just telling her was a risk at itself, you where both girls and what if she rejected you? You’d most likely feel worse than before. “Make her something or buy her something that could just be a friendly gesture, but she could also get your actual meaning.” Your friend suggested. “I don’t know what kind of books she likes, maybe she doesn’t like them at all.” “Ok but music? Everyone likes music.” “To impersonal!” “Than I guess your a lost case, doomed to be lonely forever cause your to scared to even make the tiniest move.” You groaned in annoyance at the truth of her worlds. “Shut up and get out of my car.” She giggled while pressing a kiss to your cheek “Sure ignore the truth. See ya tomorrow!” She yelled while running up to her dads house.
A few minutes later you arrived at your place and took out the mixtape, your friend had made you, to put it back into its case. While doing so you got an idea, exited you got out the car and sprinted inside the house to call your friend. “ She picked up a bit confused. “Get your stuff ready we’ll make a mixtape tonight!” Running up to your room you packed all the cassettes you had into a bag and wrote a quick note to your parents, informing them that you’d stay the night at Ally’s. Than you got back to the car and drove to her.
She was thrilled to make mixtapes, Al loved them she’d do them all day if she could and took it very serious. First you picked out all the songs you wanted on the tape, than you’d made an order and lastly you had to put it all together. The whole process was finished at 3 am and to say you where exhausted was an underestimation. “Ok but what do I write on the card?” “Write whatever comes to your mind, I can’t do that for you too.” Annoyed you rolled you eyes, but settled for a short note on the inside.
The next day you started to overthink everything, was it to obvious? Will she like it and understand what you mean? Ally had to basically push you into the video store she worked at. And when you where inside you couldn’t go back. “Oh hey y/n, I’ve never seen you here before? What you looking for?” Nervously you fiddeled with the small case “Nothing actually but I… I guess I wanted to give this to you and I- I hope you like it.” You almost threw the tape onto the counter and immediately fled.
“Who was that?” Steve yelled from the back of the store. “Y/n was here, the girl out of algebra.” “Hot y/n?! Like y/n you talked about every other-“ “God shut up! Yes and she gave me this.” “A mixtape. Uh exiting let’s listen!” Robin looked round the store but it was empty, no one was there. The two of them got into Steve’s car and put the tape in. “Those are almost all love songs or could be interpreted as one, did she write anything?” A blush reaching robins face while reading the message “she wrote ‘These made me think of you ~y/n’ what do you think that means?” Steve grinned “That Robin means, y/n likes you.”
always there for you

theodor nott x fem reader
(fluff/ hurt comfort)
summary: Theo invites you to a slithering party but it doesn’t go as planned (also y’all not a couple but the crush is incredibly visible) (maybe i should write more about how this crush develops?)
warnings: anxiety attack
“Hey Y/n, i’ve searched the whole castle for you! How long have you been in here?” The tall brown haired boy stood before you with his green tie hanging loose around his neck. “Theo maybe you forgot, but we have to write our transfiguration essay to next week, which makes half of our grade.“ A small smile flys over his features as he closes the books lying in front of you. “That answered my question, let’s go eat dinner, pansy is saving your favorite pie.” You stretched while a yawn escaped your mouth “Oh that does sound nice.” Theo collected your pullover, books and bag as you shoved your writing utensils in said bag. Which he draped over his shoulder lightly shoving you out the library.
Together you arrived at the great hall where some people were already eating, while others just arrived or left. You went over to his friend group sitting down next to Blaise, “Hey you look as if you just woke up, here.” He handed you something that looked like juice but when you tried it the strong alcohol was definitely noticeable. “Y’all partying tonight or what’s that for?” you asked as you gave the cup back to the grinning boy. “Yeah, well actually the Stytherins are throwing a party for our quidditch team tonight. I wanted to ask if you maybe would come, just if you want to i know partys aren’t your thing, but i thought maybe youd be down to celebrate my win… I mean not my win just you know i part of the team and-" Pansy came to his rescue as he began to loose the topic in his ramble. “I’ll be there too, we’ll all be and we’d like you to come!“ You gave it a thought but decided to agree, if you didn’t like it you could just leave. It wouldn’t be a big deal “Sure i come to celebrate you Theo.“ you said while shooting him a wink. “Here you are y/n! We need you, Mandy cut her own hair and is now having a mental breakdown.“ Sue Li one of your roommates stood behind you, smiling apologetic. “Oh man ok sure, see y’all later!“ With that you vanished out the hall.“She forgot to eat, i’ll save her some for later right? Yes she should eat before drinking.“ Pansy laughed at Theo, while Draco shook his head “God you’re so crushing on this girl!“ “What? No way.”
After helping your friends and changing out of your uniform your watch was already on 8:45pm so you just quickly fixed up your hair and then sprinted to the slytherin common room. As you walked in Pansy who was clearly drunk hugged you. “Guys she made it!” The others cheered, as she dragged you onto some sort of dance area. The room was incredibly crowded and a heavy smell of sweat and alcohol mixed in your nose. “Here have a drink.” Matheo shoved a beer in your hand which came very handy for you as your mouth grew dryer every second. You took a sip while trying to relax. Theo who stood next to you leaned down to talk to you “I’m glad you still made it, everything fine with Mandy?” “Yeah we made it work, sorry that i’m late.” “No worry’s.”
The party grew even more crowded and louder every minute and you didn’t feel comfortable but the others were having fun so you weren’t gonna say anything. But Theo’s eyes were constantly on you and he didn’t need you to say anything in order of sensing your anxiousness. “Hey let’s get out of here yeah?”
He took your hand and lead you to his room. “You ok?” He turned to you after closing the door. Tears were streaming down your cheeks and your hands were trembling out of no where. “I- I don’t know Theo-“ He rushed to your side patting your cheeks dry with his sleeve. “Hey y/n look at me, you’re ok, alright? Breathe with me, come on let’s sit down.” he sat down on a bed placing you on his lap. You buried your head in his chest as he soothingly caressed your back.
“Ah shit i’m sorry for all this.” you half laugh after calming down. Theo shook his head while smiling at you “Nah stop being sorry for this kinda stuff i’m glad you’re ok.” “I’ll wash my face, be right back.” He nodded while opening a window. As you came back a slight breeze was coming from the window where Theo sat. “Come here, I took some food from diner cause you left with out eating and-“ You smiled while walking towards him, “Thanks,” you sat down next to him unpacking the food while leaning onto his chest “not just for the food but for helping me and being there for me.” “I didn’t mind. I’ll always be there for you, ya know that?”
A/N: Hey guys, I’m not really happy with how this fic turned out, but I wanted to post something cause I feel like it’s been some time. I don’t even know what’s going on I just hadn’t had the time or motivation to write much lately. I hope y’all still happy with what i put on here cause i’m just confused with myself hahah….. idk what this note is, live with it or don’t i’m a mess it happens sorry, love y’all :)
"My Little Cocoa Bean" series
Summary: Ben/Bean (age 15) experiences his first major crush.
A/N: Mom/reader is mentioned but not part of the dialog in this one.
Ben sat across the desk from his father in the factory office. This was typical for a weekday during the school year. He would often work on homework while Willy finished up the day's paperwork before they walked home together. But today, Ben was unusually distracted. He was looking at his paper, but Willy could tell his thoughts were far off elsewhere, especially when he heard the boy sigh.
"What's up, Bean?"
"Huh?" Ben blinked and looked up at his father, shaken from his thoughts. "Oh, uh, nothing," he replied quickly. Willy nodded, though skeptical, and they both turned their attention back to their papers.
Only a handful of minutes passed before Ben sighed once more.
"A double sigh. That's not nothing," Willy quipped.
"Well...I-" Ben rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and blushed as he made eye contact with his father. "There's this girl."
Willy set down his pen and rested his chin on his palm, trying to hide a smile with his fingers. He had wondered when this would happen. "Do tell. Is she pretty?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows.

Ben rolled his eyes and blushed again. "Yes. She sits in front of me in math class."
"Does she like you, too?" Willy inquired.
"That's the trouble. I don't know and I'm afraid she'll say no if I ask," Ben lamented.
"Ah, I see. But what if she says yes?"
"Well," Ben paused. "That makes me nervous, too."
Willy chuckled. "Quite the conundrum, son."
Ben scoffed and dropped his head into his hands. "I know, I know. What do I do, Papa?"
"Hmm. Well, you either ask and live with whatever her answer may be, or you agonize over what could have been. That is up to you; though, just a little life tip, the latter tends to lead to more regrets."
Ben bit his lip in thought.
"You know, chocolate is a good conversation starter. I could whip up something special, if you'd like?" Willy asked, to which Ben nodded fervently. "Alright!" Willy rubbed his hands together. "Tell me, what is it you like most about...?"
"Lillian, Lily for short. Well...she's sweet. And very smart. She helps me with some of the harder homework problems before class. She has really pretty blue eyes." Ben sighed again. He was certainly under her spell.
Willy put his hand to his chin. "Hmm, yes, I can work with that. I'll have something ready for you tomorrow afternoon when you come by after school."
"Thank you, Papa!"
"Just know, these will be special in that they will be one of a kind, but they won't have any special properties to sway her decision. If she returns your affections, it has to be her choice. And if she says no, you need to respect that."
"I understand, Papa."
"Good lad. Now let's go home to your mother and sister. Your mother probably has better advice about this sort of thing than me, anyway."
"Please, please, PLEASE, just don't tell Charlie yet. She'll just pester me."
Willy mimed zipping his lips, laughing about the dynamic between his children. He clapped Ben on the shoulder. "Maybe wait until after Miss Lily says yes."
As promised, Willy crafted a beautiful batch of milk chocolates for his son to gift his crush the next day. He painstakingly piped a tiny bouquet of white lilies and a blue bow made of icing onto each candy and wrapped them in a white box, which he also secured with a blue organza bow. He finished up just before Ben was due to swing by after school.
Willy heard the side door open. Assuming it was Ben, he announced, "Special chocolates for a special girl, coming right u-" He stopped when he spun and saw the bewildered look on his son's face. "What's wrong, Bean?"
"She asked me."
"Lily asked me if I'm keen on her. She likes me, too. She likes me!" Ben shouted excitedly.
"Aaha! That's great, my boy! Well, then these are ready for you to take to your girlfriend." Willy handed him the wrapped box of chocolates. "But it looks like you won't be needing this for a boost of confidence, then." In his other hand, he held a small sleeve of giraffe milk macaroons.
"Actually, I could really use those for my math test tomorrow. I've had a terrible time paying attention," Ben said through a grin.
Tag List: @croatianprincess
"You make me glow. But I cover up won't let it show"
To someone who I'm sure wouldn't read this
To someone who even when reads by chance doesn't know me
I thought I changed after you
I thought no more tall, deep voiced, nice eyed and warm laughed guy would make blood rush my cheeks and my eyes abduct on eye contact.
I thought seeing your back as you sit in first bench and I in the side row last but one bench while we wrote our 10th class board exams will be it. Then I won't remember you forever.
That then I'll let go of you who never got a hold of me without knowing you make my day brighter.
That around you I've learnt to be lame and me if that means I get to hear the word 'lame' in your warm voice.
Remember that day when you forgot your hindi homework at home. You were shit shocked cause that teacher ain't an easy one to please. You ran faster than ussain bolt to make it home and come back with the book before the prayer begins.
You didn't know I stared at the entrance, cleaning my crystal clear glasses praying you make it on time and sound.
And when you sat behind me, your gasps of breath seemed to excite my SA node a bit too much. Poor kid overworked that morning and the days that followed.
You don't know how much it hurts when my bestie sits next to you as if it's her second nature knowing I have a thing or two for you. Knowing Idgaf about that cute drummer in choir because a certain cr7 obsessed-belieber- goal keeper rewrote my life in his terms.
I could never listen to love yourself after 10th
The number 7 was never the same
Remember 34 was your roll number?
That add them up and you get 7.
That I changed seats with my brother just so I could sit in seat no. 34 and imagine it was you who was holding my hand and not the armrest 9f some random chair.
I was so damn whipped for you.
Then I made up my mind.
No more crushing over tall, thin, dark, beautiful eyed, warm laughing, lovely smiling, pimple decorated, nice voiced guy. Even if he plays an instrument or sings like jb or plays football or whatever.
2 years I was alright.
Thinking of those little moments we had. Atleast the ones that I considered as moments.
That one time you waved bye to me I squealed my heart out. There was no one by my side. Which only meant one thing. You saw me practicing on the stage.
I vividly remember 19th of September 2015. While we were in 8th class. You're birthday. That day you wore a dark blue button up shirt over white jeans. The same ones my brother bought shortly after. I never thought that someone would look better than my elder brother.
That mrng you texted me? Remember that? Maybe you don't. I'm just a stuck up nerd who became your acquaintance after she began sitting in front of you.
But I do. It was my dad's phone.
"Hey mate" you texted me.
My lame self didn't know mate meant many things other than what a couple refer to each other as. I was so damn shook. I cleared our chat later on afraid my dad would see our non existent love life
Was that love I had for you?
I cared for you.
I looked out for you.
After every games period, I prayed you weren't hurt.
That's the least I could do. Cause some other girl friends of ours would rush to you. Somehow I guess you're friend saw through me. He was someone who was caught doing something inappropriate (which basically was crushing on a friend and kinda flirting with her by our teachers)...he empathized with me perhaps.
That one day when my bestie sat next to you and I sat in front of you..nothing special. But then she kept asking who your crush was. So much so that she kept calling you gay for not having one!
I was pissed!! How dare she? Agreed she knows about my liking and longing for you. But that doesn't mean she can say that.
However I chewed on my lips when you said "say a name I'll just say yes"
I prayed she doesn't say my name.
I didn't want to see your expression. I wanted to disappear. I'm lucky we drifted off elsewhere.
That one time you mentioned your girl cousin just shattered my hopes like anything. I was lame enough to think of changing myself for you.
All these treasures I have stored in my memory. My limbic system seems to revise it from time to time. Hippocampus has hammered your voice, smile and handwriting in my mind.
After a really long time,we met over a Google meet few months ago. 3 years 3 months later.
After avoiding many Google meets just because I'd have to see you,I never thought you'd join us for playing a guess the word game online.
My name in your voice still echoes in my head.
When you asked me about "Aot" and asked how far I've seen it? I wanted to thank my overtalkative nosy school bestie from every nucleus of my being. She definitely spilled the tea to you that I became an anime geek.
And then I said season 3 is done and i stopped 4 cause I had exams.
You didn't tease me calling names as "topper" or "lame" or "grey matter". You wished me luck instead. You even recommended me to watch demon slayer. I can you be so cute?
I bet you've gotten taller than class 10. I bet many more girls fell for you. For your laugh. Those damn eyes and that damn smile.
Only I know how much I avoided jimin just because he has the same smile as yours and he sang a cover of love yourself by jb. That song that made me realize my liking for you as the lyrics came from your vocal cords.
Today I think I had a moment with a new crush at medical school. I mean he looked cool and so huggable when he put his hand in his apron pockets. And as he showed me the way to feel Aditus to the lesser sac I kinda felt I showed him the way to my heart.
I miss you.
I miss you calling me nerd
I miss you making fun of me for not watching the mv of what do you mean by jb.
I miss you calling me lame
I miss you calling me grey matter.
I miss your laugh.
I miss how you argue with your friends about how cr7 is better than messi
I miss how you diss some of our teachers
I miss how you call our chemistry sir pauly
I miss your scent
I miss staring at your back as you walk away.
I miss trying to learn rap God by Eminem just because you learnt it.
I miss how you played grandpa Abel merry weather in that drama lesson we had as I played once as a narrator and then as your daughter.
I miss how you asked me for answer sheets.
I miss how you taught me some physics and then flexed in front of the whole class saying you taught the class topper.
I wish I told you I like you.
But I really wish I didn't.
Maybe would've told me off saying its my hormones talking. Knowing the kind of well mannered guy you are I know that's what you do.
I can't let you be my friend if friends are all we'll get to be.
I hope your dad doesn't scold you anymore.
I know as I moved out of hometown today we live in the same city.
I hope I can meet you someday.
Better still listen to your voice some day.
I really wish I could call you. Ring you up one day out of the blue.
But I'm not a conversationalist to begin with a definitely not one with you.
Even as I type fidgety fingers type many errors and my heart is palpitating.
I wish you're safe and sound.
P.S even after thinking I have a crush on a guy, here in medical school I can only wish you were here.
I like you so much.
Take care and stay healthy!
I may become a doctor but I don't want you to be negligent.
With love,
Your admirer
Always have, always will.
Will tHEy like me?
I'm a girl who is like other girlygirls. I have friends, but some judge me because They find me weird. And why wouldn't They? I act weird and annoying because I can't express my emotions. I don't know how to talk to people. When I open my mouth, They judge every word I say. They talk behind my back. They don't think about me. I'm just a background character while everyone is the main one. They don't like me but this isn't about 'they'.

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈• I like this guy but my flirting skills are comparable to that of a middle school boys what do I do guys? ♡🥲(I'll drop more info latter)
XOXO -Taudry

literally me & him❤
( he's basically like 5ft taller than me🤭)
XOXO -Taudry