The Other Woman - Tumblr Posts

The Other Woman: Unconditionally

When Carly comes home after a talk with Phil, she sees Amber waiting for her outside. She turns her head from looking at Amber, ignoring her.

“Carly.” said Amber.

“What do you want? Because this is not the time for talking to you right now.” said Carly, continuing walking home without looking at Amber. “We just need to talk.” said Amber. “I don’t need to talk. By the way, you side with Kate all you want to when you said “what’s wrong with me?”.” said Carly, unlocking the door and opening it before looking at Amber with a glare.

As Carly tries to slam her door in Amber’s face, Amber stops the door from closing by pushing it back open with her hand, which surprises Carly with a confused look. Amber closes and locks the door.

“Since when was the first time you pushed the door back?” said Carly. “Look, I know you're as upset with me as I am with you. But it’s not right for you to text Mark in front of Kate. I talked to her, but she goes back to living with him.” said Amber. “And?” said Carly, crossing her arms. “She was brainwashed.” said Amber.

“Well, she can go be with him as long as you side with her in the first place.” said Carly before she goes to fill up her cup with water. “Carly, this has gone too far. I need the information right now and I’m not leaving-.” said Amber, before being interrupted by Carly who slammed down her cup on the table.

“You know what? I don’t think that you're gonna help me anymore!” said Carly, yelling at Amber with Carly’s tears holding in her eyes. “I still do!” said Amber. “No, you don’t, stupid! I wasn’t trying to get Mark to love me, I was thinking about us confronting him together. But instead, you got mad at me! You’re just somebody that I used to know now!” said Carly, yelling at Amber’s face.

Amber’s tears fall from her eyes, crying. “Carly…” said Amber. “Don’t say a word… When you know the difference between me, Kate, and you. And I just want you to be in an honest mood or get out of my life for good if you’re not helping, Not being with Kate in a stupid way, you see she’s being brainwashed, and you know it. If you don’t believe that, I suggest you better tell the truth about yourself being on Kate's side when she walks out. You have 15 seconds to leave my home right now, I don’t give a shit about anything about you anymore.” said Carly, enraged at Amber before going to her bedroom.

Amber looks at Carly walking away from her with a shocking look on her face. In the bedroom, an angry Carly grabs the vase and throws it down on the floor, breaking it. Carly grabs another vase, smashing it to the wall, startling Amber who is standing there and hears the smash. Carly begins to let out her tears, her hand begins to bleed after breaking two vases in anger. She sits on her bed, crying.

Amber comes to the room to see what’s going on, she sees two vases broken and Carly’s bleeding hand. “Carly? Are you… OK?” said Amber. “Just leave me alone, I’m fine.” said Carly, crying, still resentful towards Amber.

“But you’re not fine, I can see your hand is bleeding.” said Amber, sitting on the bed, next to Carly.

“Please, just go. I’ll be fine.” said Carly.

“Listen, I was called stupid and ugly by my fake friend who gossiped about me I was 14 years old, not even knowing that my ‘friend’ was talking bad about me behind my back. I was always by her side until I let her go when my old real friend Florence told me everything about her. First, I didn’t believe Florence about Julia. And then, my real friend told me that she was talking about me behind my back, and I cut ties with Julia and never saw her again. And I apologized to Florence for not believing her. That’s why I sided with Kate like that, maybe you’re right. I am stupid and knew better than this. I remember my aunt told me “Be careful who you hang around with, because you will never know what kind of intentions they have”. When I was 20, an ex-fake friend Julia came to me and my real friend Florence, saying that her boyfriend cheated on her with a friend who was fake to her as well. She was crying. It’s like karma came to her. She apologized to me and Florence, we forgave her, but we can’t be friends with her and wished her good luck. It was the worst mistake that I made being friends with Julia. And I never know what happened to her after that.” said Amber, telling her dark past to Carly.

Carly was still looking down at the floor but listened to Amber’s dark past. “I just don’t like the way you yelled at me like this, it really hurts me to see you in so much anger. I’m sorry that I said what’s wrong with you and sided with Kate. I still care about you, and I love you. If you’re gonna tell me to leave again, I understand and I’ll leave.” said Amber, crying again.

“Amber, wait. Look at me.” said Carly, grabbing Amber’s hand softly. “Carly, I can’t.” Said Amber, in tears as she turned to face Carly. “I forgive you, and I’m sorry for texting Mark in front of you and Kate. And I’m sorry that you got called stupid and ugly, I take it back. You’re not stupid and ugly, because you are the most pretty young thing that everyone loves. You are very precious to me and Kate, I know you didn’t deserve any pain like this. And I can’t let that dark past of yours hurt you again, promise me. I want you to remember that.” said Carly.

Carly and Amber hugged, more than affection. “I’m sorry.” said Carly. “I’m sorry, too.” said Amber. Carly and Amber looked at each other and kissed for the first time. Amber slowly straddles Carly.

“Amber, let’s not tell anyone about our kiss.” said Carly. Amber nodded, Carly’s hand slithered down to grab her butt while being straddled by Amber. “Make love to me… I want you to stay the night.” said Carly.

They kissed the night away, Amber kissed Carly’s slight injured hand while kissing passionately.

“I love you, Amber.” said Carly.

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1 year ago

The other woman

The other woman is there to be used, abused, she is oppressed and depressed.

She is not meant to be loved.

She is tossed aside, always waiting and willing.

For the day he may say he's going to stay.

She watches as he lies to his person, she lays while he treats her like an object.

Her mouth stays shut until he wants her to open.

She gives him the knife and he’ll stab her, but she doesn't mind

Because at least someone is paying attention to her.

I wrote this because I found out the guy I was talking to had a girlfriend! It’s random and idc

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5 months ago

As famosas fotos de Enzo Vogrincic.

Warning: Traição, sexo, uso de palavrões e citação de nudez.

O membro de Enzo batia certo no seu ponto G.

Enquanto gemia perdida no prazer, o uruguaio mordia seu pescoço e apertava sua coxa.

Ambos sentiam que não iriam durar muito.

"Enzo..." Com a voz manhosa gemeu no ouvido dele, que começou a meter mais forte ainda em você.

A cama batia na parede, e a música que tocava no rádio já nem era mais escutada por seus ouvidos.

Com mais algumas estocadas, Enzo gozou dentro de ti, e usou os dedos para que você gozasse também. Gemendo mais alto ainda, apertando o pau dele ainda dentro de você.

Quando os peitos se acalmaram, e as respirações ficaram normais, Vogrincic te abraçou e ficou deitado com você na cama.

"Sofia pegou a senha do meu Instagram" Ele disse em um sussuro

"O que?!"

Se levantou e olhou sério para ele. Que merda era aquela?

"Você não disse que ela já queria terminar?! Que porra é essa Enzo?!"

"Ela quer, eu sei que ela quer! Mas o ego dela não deixa, porque ela sabe que assim que eu terminar eu corro pra ti (seu nome)" Enzo se levantou e ficou sentando, olhando para você "E o diretor do filme deixou explícito, que a nossa relação é importante pro marketing do filme. Não da pra estragar tudo comigo..."

"Trepando com a cantora da trilha sonora.." Se levantou e começou a pegar suas roupas "Eu já não falo com você por ligação, não tem WhatsApp e agora nem Instagram! É o que? Pombo correio?"

Enzo riu do que você falou, mas sabia que tinha razão. Sofia aproveitava o poder que tinha sobre Enzo, para segurar ele na relação. Mas nem com ela apontando uma arma na cabeça dele, ele deixaria de te ver...

"Eu tive uma idéia pra resolver isso" Disse te segurando e a fazendo parar de colocar as roupas de volta no corpo.

"O que?"

E então Enzo contou a idéia dele. Sua primeira reação foi rir.

Era quase ridícula a idéia, mas de tão engraçada chegava a ser instigante.

Por que não tentar?

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

Assim que viu a foto de Enzo, pegou suas coisas e dirigiu para o apartamento que ele morava.

Entrou rápido no prédio e apertou o botão do andar dele.

Chegou lá e assim que a porta abriu, um Enzo suado, apenas com uma calça preta sendo usada.

O moletom da foto estava no chão, e a bicicleta na varanda.

"Foi andar de bicicleta com ela?" Questinou entrando no local, e já roubando inúmeros beijos dele.

"Ela pediu para que eu acompanhasse ela na ida pra casa"

Logo suas roupas estavam no chão da casa de Enzo, e vocês dois se encontravam transando no chuveiro dele, com a água caindo sob seus corpos e deixando toda aquela foda, ainda mais deliciosa.

@vogrincicenzo postou uma foto

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

O sofá de Enzo já estava uma bagunça. O moletom preto com detalhes de chamas de fogo agora se encontrava no seu corpo.

Enquanto você sentava no uruguaio e sentia o pau dele indo cada vez mais fundo em você, Enzo gemia e batia na sua bunda. Perdido no próprio prazer, e se deliciando com a sensação da sua buceta apertando o pau dele.

"Isso minha gatita! Geme vai, geme..."

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

O seu brigadeiro era com toda a certeza o doce favorito dele. Quase sempre que você ia na casa dele, Enzo chegava todo manhoso pedindo pra você fazer.

"E então, vocês vão juntos nessa viagem?" Você perguntou séria para Enzo, enquanto ele se devidia em comer o brigadeiro, e arrumar a mala da viagem.

"Vamos" Bufou jogando uma camiseta na mala e se deitando na cama ao seu lado "Não acredito que vou ficar uma semana sem você minha vida"

Assim se encontravam os dois. Deitados na cama, se olhando. Ambos semi-nus após mais uma transa escondida da "namorada" dele.

"Passa rápido. No primeiro story eu tô aqui de novo"

Riram os dois juntos, e se beijaram sentindo o gosto do brigadeiro e do desejo na boca um do outro.

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

Sua bunda ardia com a força dos tapas de Enzo.

Não sabia se após essa transa, conseguria andar normalmente.

Maldita e bendita seja Sofia que deixou ele louco após uma discussão, e deixou ele assim.

"Fala vai... geme meu nome sua putinha"

Enzo metia em você com força. Não sabia se era desejo que sentia por você, ou raiva dela.

Mas amava aquilo.

"Enzo... por favor não para" Sua voz chegou a falhar. Ele já tinha a feito gozar naquela noite.

Antes mesmo de tirar toda aquela roupa que fazia ele parece um stalker psicótico, já te deitou na mesa da cozinha dele, e te chupou até sentia você gozar na boca dele.

"Eu te amo tanto" Puxou seu cabelo e te trouxe para perto dele, apenas para que ouvisse mais de perto ele dizer aquilo "Te amo"

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

"Por que é que você não veio?!" Foi a primeira coisa que Enzo disse assim que abriu a porta pra você.

"Boa tarde pra você também!"

Deixou suas coisas no sofá e foi levar as compras para a cozinha.

"Eu postei uma foto, e você não veio"

"Você mudou o ângulo! Achei que não era uma foto indireta" Se defendeu enquanto tirava o macarrão da sacola, mas logo olhou para Enzo que segurava o riso "Que foi?

"Por que você é assim mulher?"

Antes que você pudesse responder, Enzo foi até você e começou a te beijar.

Podemos dizer que aquele beijo levou a algo mais, e o jantar de vocês atrasou bem naquela noite.

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

"Hoje termina a gravação?" Vogrincic perguntou enquanto te via colocar sua roupa, apressada para ir para o estúdio.

"Sim" Respondeu sorrindo "Logo, seu filme e da Sofia vai ter uma linda e amorasa trilha sonora cantada por mim"

Se sentou no sofá ao lado (de um ainda pelado Enzo Vogrincic) e começou a calçar seu sapato.


"Sim amor"

"Eu vim de sutiã?"

Olhou em volta da sala, e tentou se lembrar.

Lembra de Enzo chupando seus peitos, de vocês transando no sofá. Dos dois rindo enquanto assistiam vídeos aleatórios no celular, mas nada de sutiã...

"Acho que não princesa"

Assim que terminou de se arrumar se despediu de Enzo com um beijo, e foi para o estúdio.

Te doía estar lá, porque sabia que Sofia estaria naquela noite no apartamento do seu homem.

Tentando e lutando em sentir prazer vindo dele. Por mais que odiasse, vocês combinaram que por enquanto transariam com outras pessoas.

Enzo porque não podia deixar Sofia nem desconfiar que ele se satisfazia com outra mulher. E você... talvez vingança ou carência...

As horas se passaram e logo terminou a última música.

Todos no estúdio celembraram e resolveram pedir uma pizza para comemorar o fim desse tão árduo, mas gratificante trabalho.

@vogrincicenzo postou um story

As Famosas Fotos De Enzo Vogrincic.

Assim que viu isso, se despediu de todos e foi correndo para o apartamento de Enzo.

O elevador parecia demorar mais naquele dia. Os segundos viraram minutos, que pareciam horas.

Quando chegou no andar dele, bateu na porta e logo viu Vogrincic com um curativo mal colocado na sobrancelha.


"Ela achou seu sutiã" Foi a única coisa que ele disse, sorrindo e segurando a peça.

Não é preciso dizer que depois daquilo, Enzo continuou a postar as famosas fotos no elevador.

Mas com uma frequência menor. Sem muito significado, apenas uma velha tradição...

Tags :
1 year ago




Paring: Aegon II Targaryen x Lannister!Reader.

Summary: Aegon was forced to marry Princess Elisa Martell in order to gain control of Dorne. While the princess is deeply in love with him, he is too busy having a not-so-secretive affair with the only daughter of the Master of Coin; Tyland Lannister.

Tags/TW: cheating, profanity, sexual references (nothing explicit), angst, mentions of misscarriage, pregnancy, Aegon being a terrible husband.

Author’s Note: this is narrated from the point of view of the wife, so we –readers– are the other woman. the dance of the dragons doesn’t exist, in this storyline Aegon is king and Rhaenyra lives in Dragonstone. I didn’t proofread this, so if there’s any mistake, i apologise.

Word Count: 3.0k


The day when Elisa Martell met you, was the worst day of her life. It was the day when she realized that her husband will never belong to her. No matter how hard she tries. 

You were there, seated besides her husband. You were making him laugh so loudly that even Otto had to tell him to behave himself. Elisa almost cried, because with her he barely smiled, not even a small grin. Nothing at all. 

Aegon was so touchy with you. He was shamelessly touching your thighs on top of your fancy burgundy and gold dress, you did not seem to mind. Instead, it seemed as if you were enjoying it. Enjoying having another woman’s man touching you so intimately, whispering small jokes in your ear and having such a blast while having a silly conversation. It was a tortuous scene, especially when the wedding was just a few moons away. 

Elisa remembers that night because of Aegon’s toast. How he did not even dare to look at her nor say something nice about her. He made it all about you, actually. He stood up from his chair as you followed him with dreamy eyes, completely bewitched by his careless smile. Elisa saw that look, she knew what it meant. 

“I want to make a toast,” He announced, lifting the cup full of wine in his right hand. “A toast for my beautiful, beautiful y/n.” Elisa looked at her fingers which were hidden under the table, for some reason she was expecting him to say her name. He said yours instead. “Who will soon become Lady of Highgarden.” 

She remembered your face, so flustered and red because of the slight embarrassment you felt. Your smile was so bright, as if you just had won the bigger prize. However, she remembers the relief she felt thanks to the news, thinking that Aegon will finally move on from you. How stupid she was.

“You will be dearly missed around the castle, my dear.” Aegon said to you, and then he grabbed your hand, “My chambers will feel empty without the sound of your laughter.”

You gave a soft kiss on his hand to console him. Elisa saw that as a direct threat and she gave an incredulous look at queen Alicent, who seemed to be too busy smiling at you to even realize what her son had just said. 

“Let us drain our cups, for this beautiful woman!” He yelled excitedly and everyone drank from their cups, while Elisa sank on her chair feeling humiliated.

That was the first string that cut loose. Seeing you being so loved, not only by Aegon, but by his entire family was mortifying. She felt completely alone in a room full of strangers while her heart was aching every time Aegon would whisper something to your ear. She even was sure to have seen how he bit your earlobe one time.

That dinner was the worst one of her life, until the night prior to the wedding. 

Elisa was still dreaming about Aegon loving her, and caring about her. She tried every day to propose some activity that would bring them both together, and that night she proposed a private dinner at her chambers. Aegon accepted, feeling a bit of pity for the poor woman, so Elisa spent the entire evening asking the maids to prepare Aegon’s favorite meals, to have multiple bottles of the most exquisite wine of Westeros. She wanted him to feel her devotion towards him, and perhaps in that way he would realize how much she cares. 

But he never showed up.

Elisa waited hours until it was past midnight. The food was cold and she had drunk half a bottle of wine by herself. She was angry at him for not showing up, but on top of it all, she was brokenhearted. She would not let this slide, she wanted answers from him, so she went to his chambers. 

The first odd thing she found was the fact that there was no guard guarding the door, the corridor was empty. The second thing was the sounds that were coming from inside the room; moans, whimpers, and even screams. 

Elisa’s heart stopped for a second and her stomach tightened. She curiously put her ear against the door, and that is when she managed to hear Aegon, he was saying your name. 

“Oh, y/n. You always feel so fucking good.” 

Another moan followed his words. Your moans. So she was certain that he was not alone, he was with you. She started to tear up in the middle of the empty hallway, and soon she left.

The wedding the next day was another nightmare, because not even during the feast Aegon was able to spend time with her. Instead, he danced and laughed with you. Elisa was able to smell your scent on Aegon’s hair; lavender. That was another string cuttin loose. It was more obvious than ever that you had spent the prior night together. 

The only time when she could spend time with her now husband, was when Aemond invited you to dance. Elisa remembers the look on Aegon’s face, completely jealous and annoyed by the invitation while you gracefully accepted Aemond’s hand and he led you to the middle of the dancefloor. Aegon went to sit back at his seat, next to her, and he soon started to drink.

“Would you like to dance with me, my love?” Elisa asked shyly, almost in a whisper afraid of being rejected by her own husband.

Aegon looked at her, up and down, she looked beautiful. He only shrugged and grabbed her hand leading her to the dancefloor, and just when she was starting to feel a bit of joy, she realized why he had accepted; to keep an eye on Aemond and you. He positioned himself beside you, and he wink at you blatantly, without even caring about Elisa’s presence. 

The urge to cry succumbed to her, and she felt the need to leave once again. 

The wedding night was no different at all. Aegon did not even bed her, he did not spend the night with her. He spent the night with you. 

Walking around the castle in order to find some peace in her mind, she found you both in the gardens, tangled around your own attires. Your eyes were closed while your chin was lifted up and your back was against a tree, Aegon’s face was buried on your neck while moans escaped from his lips, and his hands were your naked breast. One of your legs was around his hips, and his pants were unbuckled and a bit lower than they should be. He was thrusting against you. 

He was fucking you restlessly, in their wedding night. 

Elisa turned around, crying and sobbing up.

The next morning, you had left for Highgarden where your future husband was waiting for you. Elisa felt a pinch of hope, thinking that what happened that night was a way to say farewell, a way to put a closure in everything now that you will also be married soon. And that is when Aegon finally started to pay attention to his wife. Sort of. 

Their first time together was a bit delusional. Elisa has always thought that making love with her husband would be the best experiences in life, but it was not. Aegon arrived at her chambers, wearing only thin pants and a gray shirt. It was late at night, and Elisa was wearing her nightgown.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to fulfill my duty as your husband.” He said, taking his shirt off. “But now I’m here, so we can be done with it.”

His words reached her ears as daggers, and it made her feel terribly bad. However, Aegon did not even see her teary eyes and he took off her gown. Elisa layed in bed, completely nervous and unsure, she thought he would do something to make her feel good, to make her moan in pleasure as he did with you, but he barely touched her. He put his cock inside her, without any preparation, and started moving until he reached his own climax.

Then, he just left. 

That process was repeated at least twice per week until the Maester announced the pregnancy of Elisa, and some part of her was relieved. She thought that Aegon would leave her alone now that she was finally with child, but his visits did not stop. 

She tried to enjoy it, and sometimes it did feel good, but every time she would let herself be pleased by him, your name would slip his mouth. Aegon would not even bother to correct it, he would just continue doing it until find his relief. 

When the twins were born, Aegon was not there. He had traveled to Highgarden to see you, because your name-day was close and a big celebration will be made. Two healthy blonde boys with cinnamon skin and purple eyes were born; Baelor and Rhaegon. The whole castle celebrated the birth of the boys, but Elisa felt miserable because Aegon was with you when he should have been with her instead. 

Aegon was away for a month until his duties as heir forced him to go back to King’s Landing, and when he met his sons, he kissed her. 

“Well done, dear wife.” He had told her with a soft smile while he was carrying Rhaegon on his arms. 

For the first time, Elisa felt that things were going to change. 

Three years later, Elisa was pregnant again, about to give birth. Aegon started to worry more about her and she finally realized that you were long forgotten, at the end of the day she was the one carrying his children and raising them. Everything was exactly as it was supposed to be. 

Until you came back. 

The excuse was to visit your father, but Elisa knew you were coming to see Aegon. The green and gold carriage arrived, and Aegon –now as the king– received you with a tight hug as soon as you got out of the carriage. You were looking exactly the same, the only difference was a small bump on your belly that announced you were pregnant too, but your smile was as shiny as it ever was. 

Instant flashbacks of the night in the gardens came to her mind, and it was impossible not to remember your face filled with pleasure while you were fucking a married man.

“My King.” You bowed with a smirk, “How nice it is to see you again.”

“My Lady,” Aegon answered, grabbing your hand and leaving a soft kiss in it. “It is a pleasure to have your presence in this castle. You have been missed.” 

Your eyes looked at Elisa and the two small and identical boys beside her. You smiled at them kindly before walking towards them. 

“My Queen,” You bowed again, Elisa only smiled, trying to hide her disliking. “You must be Baelor and Rhaegon!” You spoke to the little boys who hid beneath their mother’s skirt. 

“Boys, greet to Lady y/n.” Aegon demanded with a harsh voice. Elisa frowned. “That it’s not proper behavior for a Prince.”

“I’m afraid I cannot force them to greet people they do not know, husband.” Elisa said firmly.

“Oh, no worries at all.” You said with a careless smile. Aegon relaxed. “I do not force my children to greet strangers either.”

“Your children?” She asked, trying to find the shape of a child hiding behind you. “You have more than the one you are expecting?”

“I do.” You answered, a genuine excitement was found in your voice. Elisa would have thought it was cute if it was any other person, but instead she just nodded with a sour grin. “They are a bit shy, that is why they haven’t got out of the carriage.”

You walked to the carriage, and Elisa heard you speaking softly to someone. A couple of seconds passed when you turned around and two children followed you. You positioned behind them while they were looking at the floor. 

“This is Mina Tyrell,” You pointed at the smallest one, “And this is Gareth Tyrell.”

The boy looked up and Elisa’s heart skipped a beat. Her jaw clenched and she almost yelled out of anger. The boy had your eye color, and he had your hair and your skin tone, but he was an exact copy of Aegon. He had the same features; the same shape of eyes, the shape of his face. It was almost insulting the fact that you showed them around so proudly.

“How old are they?” Elisa asked.

“Mina has just turned two.” You replied, “Gareth is almost four.”

The boy was a bastard. It was Aegon’s bastard. The worst part of it all, was that it was conceived on their wedding night. The night were Aegon fucked another woman.

“And how far are you?” She asked again, this time pointing at your belly. 

“Oh, this one is more recent.” You said in an intent to make her laugh, feeling the air too tense already. Only Aegon did. “The Maester says I’m supposed to give birth in four full moons.” 

Five months ago, Aegon traveled to Casterly Rock. Elisa then knew he traveled there because he knew she would be there. 

“Congratulations.” She muttered. A fake smile was drawn on her face. “You have beautiful children.”

Elisa thought that Aegon leaving her alone because of you was something from the past, and again she was mistaken. Even he had left his own children aside in order to be with yours. The fact that your children felt so comfortable with the presence of Aegon after showing themselves acting shyly was enough proof for her to know that Aegon never stopped seeing you. That probably the child you were expecting was his too. 

When the nights arrived, she was afraid of leaving her chambers. She was too scared of finding you with Aegon once again. She would rather stay with the idea that your relationship with him was long forgotten, although she knew it was not true. 

The night when her water broke, was the same night when you had your miscarriage. You had woken up in the middle of the night with a pinching pain in your womb, and the sheets covered in blood. You screamed for help, scared and not knowing what was happening. Aegon was the first one to reach your side to comfort you, knowing too well that his wife was birthing his child on the other side of the castle.

He consoled you while you were crying, and he cried too. He knew that was his child, and you knew too. His heart was broken because he knew he had lost a child with the love of his life, the pain was so tremendous that he did not even think about Elisa. 

Elisa cried when she found out. He had chosen you all over again. The hell that she was living was burning her heart, and that was just too much. She could not live like this any longer, it was too painful. So, when Aegon went to meet his daughter, Elisa finally spoke.

“I know.” She said, looking at him with hatred.

“What are you talking about?” He asked, looking at his daughter with teary eyes. He was pretending she was yours. 

“I know you’ve been fucking with Lady y/n all this time.” She spat, ragefully. 

Aegon looked at her, not a single expression was seen on his purple eyes. He just stood there, with her new born daughter between his arms and a serious semblance.

“You will not say anything?” 

“What do you want me to say?” He shrugged, “I will not deny it.”

“You could at least apologize.” She said. 

“For what?” He frowned, “For loving someone else?”

“For humiliate me in front of everyone!” She yelled, while tears were starting to wet her cheeks. “She brought her children, Aegon! And one of them is literally carrying your face! Then you left me alone during birth for the second time, because you would rather be with her!”

“Of course I would rather be with her!” He raised his voice. “She is the love of my life, Elisa. I think you are smart enough to know about it.”

“And what am I?” She asked, her voice was shaking while she could not stop sobbing. “If she is the love of your life, then what am I to you?”

“You are just my wife.” 

Elisa chuckled, incredulously looking at him. Aegon left the child in her crib, just beside her dragon egg. Then he faced his wife again.

“I tried to love you, Elisa.” He confessed, “but you are not her.”

“Don’t lie.” She shook her head. “You barely tried. You could never get her out of your head, you were moaning her name every night we spent together. You whisper her name in dreams, Aegon.”

“Then why is this a shock to you?”

“Because I thought that after all this time you at least have the decency of caring about me.”

“I do care about you.” He quickly responded.

“And that is why you left me on the birthbed alone?”

“She needed me.” Aegon whispered, “She lost her child.”

“I needed you!” Elisa screamed, making Aegon jump in his place. “I am your wife, you are married to me, not her!” 

Aegon stood in silence, the only sound heard was Elisa’s crying and fast breathing. He sighed and looked at her with pity. 

“But you are not her.” 

He left, and Elisa stood in the middle of the room uncontrollably sobbing. She did not care about her daughter sleeping, she started to make a mess in the room. She threw tables, papers, and chairs. She spilled the bottles of wine and cider and broke all the mirrors she could find. Once the maid found her, the room was a disaster. Elisa was in the middle of the messy bed with her daughter crying between her arms. 

She just had accepted that Aegon’s love would never belong to her. No matter how hard she tries, it has always belonged to you.

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5 years ago

Monday 1332

I do not ever pray for you to leave her, oh no, I am too righteous for that; or superstitious, what have you.

I pray that you are happy. I pray that you find peace.

Most of all I pray that there is a resolution to this mess, sooner please, than later.

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5 years ago

By The Fingertips

It is to my dad that I finally say it out loud, the confession hatched like an ugly egg from deep in my throat:

I wish we would just get caught, and let the chips fall where they may.

I wish that one way or another this could finally be over.

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5 years ago

54 Grit

"But it would be nice you know? If I was coming home to someone who cares, someone who is proud of the work I do"

Your lips are abrading my skin, excoriating while you hold my hand, sanding me open into a bleeding wound. And I am mute as always, eyes flicking away before you can see the damage done so thoughtlessly, throat clenching because because because because it's only like this




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5 years ago

Monday 1809

And in the East your sun rises



by daybreak your god has arrived commanding sacrifice what you give

will never be enough to satisfy her appetite voracious all thirsting all demanding

and I will watch from afar as you kneel to worship once more.

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5 years ago

Thursday 2204

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

You told me we would still be friends.

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5 years ago

Friday 1946

"Tomorrow" we used to whisper

"Tomorrow" our mantra, our hold on a little longer till we can touch and melt and find release in one another, but

"Tomorrow" is different now, forbidden in a new way

"You don't destroy the things that are good for you" my friend said

"I do. It's what I'm good at"

Because "Tomorrow" is just another crack in the facade now, the acid bath I threw us into

"Tomorrow" is just business again.

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5 years ago

Road Trippin'

I sleep beside him at the ocean side, we match well in the dark at least, even if it's a struggle by daylight. He is chameleon, and difficult to read, but oh so gentle when he touches my hip or strokes my hair.

I struggle to let go of work my kids the bills, I struggle to simply be and be in the moment with this stranger who already knows the flaws of my body.

I think quite likely I will never hear from him again once this trip has ended, I think it is a job interview that I am failing and I do not know quite what to say, when he watches from hooded eyes, and mocks so subtle that most miss it.

I come home. My legs are tired. My soul is grateful. My sex is satisfied.

And you have blocked my incoming messages, here we are we could not salvage it, you have decided there is nothing worth fighting for.

I will always be your friend, even if you are not mine.

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5 years ago

No Rules

I try with everything I have to remain passionless against the words falling from your mouth, poison deadly belladonna words, words from a language we both speak, words that are safer somehow in their clinical distance.

And then I am holding you, our fingers interlaced, your lips on my neck, and we are human, merely mortals seeking comfort in the only way we know, we touch, we touch, we touch, because if we touch enough, somehow it will all be ok.

I prayed for you tonight. I don't know if my prayers mean much these days, but I'll grasp at anything.

I have to believe everything will be ok.

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