Scientist Humor - Tumblr Posts
"The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology. Every year, in a gala ceremony in Harvard's Sanders Theatre, 1200 splendidly eccentric spectators watch the winners step forward to accept their Prizes. These are physically handed out by genuinely bemused genuine Nobel laureates."

Have a Very Merry Isaac Newton’s Birthday by Matt Dawson
Secular seasons greetings to all, and to all a happy new year!
Artist website / tumblr

Overly Honest Methods: Uncovering the hilarious truth behind how science actually gets done
Earlier this week, in a fit of comedic inspiration, a postdoc named Leigh tweeted a funny lab confession and included the hashtag #overlyhonestmethods. By the end of the day, dozens of scientists had joined in, and the result is nothing short of hilarious.
Science is an incredibly painstaking and difficult process, and in addition to being quite funny, these tweets pull back the curtain on just how human a process research really is. Some of them had me raising my eyebrows right after I finished giggling, because please tell me you didn’t actually do that. Others had me nodding sagely in agreement, because sometimes you drop a tube or run out of a chemical and the world has to keep on turning, man.
Check out this collection of 75 of the best, and Robert Gonzalez has picked quite a few gems at io9. What are your favorites? Got any confessions?
My parents have done this before - perks of being raised by scientists.
if you ever have children you could introduce them to people by saying hey wanna see what i made

The number plate is the chemical equation for Glucose, and the car is called a Cube, it is therefore a giant sugar cube
Setting the bar higher for dad jokes everywhere.
my Dad makes dad jokes but because hes a physics teacher theyre not common dad jokes
"hey dad, whats up?" "Up is a directional vector with no force"
An Engineer’s Guide to Cats 2.0 - The Sequel
Funny, Funny …
Fact: if you sleep with a Carl Sagan book under your pillow, you wake up smarter through the process of cosmosis.
(Shamelessly stolen from David Grinspoon on Twitter)
"On a deeper level? Well on the microscopic level I suppose I would look for jellyfish DNA spliced into— Oh, that’s not what you meant?"
what do i look for in a girl? well, for starters, bioluminescence
Over at The Guardian, scientists have submitted a whole bunch of delightfully awful science jokes. Use them at your next party to impress/drive people away!
A couple of my favorites:
What is a physicist’s favourite food?
Fission chips.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
From the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

This is the epitome of accuracy, I can’t even tell you.
(Not my artwork!)
So primatology is basically monkey business.
Yeah, but I could guenon for ages about my primates.

It was pretty cool how that new species of forest ungulate was discovered in the amazon last year, but news seems to have tapired off....

Guys, you know they’re together, right?