Scifi Art - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Hiiii Heres The Piece Ive Spent The Past Few Months Working On
Hiiii Heres The Piece Ive Spent The Past Few Months Working On
Hiiii Heres The Piece Ive Spent The Past Few Months Working On

✨hiiii heres the piece I’ve spent the past few months working on ☺️✨

🛒 shop 🛒

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2 years ago
Hiroshi Manabe, Early 70s, Via @50watts

Hiroshi Manabe, early 70s, via @50watts

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6 months ago
Over The Weekend, I Met Jenette Goldstein And Mark Rolston (Pvt. Vasquez And Pvt. Drake From Aliens)

Over the weekend, I met Jenette Goldstein and Mark Rolston (Pvt. Vasquez and Pvt. Drake from Aliens) at Baltimore Comic-Con. I painted my favorite scene with these two from the movie, made prints of this, and gave them to these two as gifts. If anyone's curious, they both loved it.

I also took selfies with both of them.

Over The Weekend, I Met Jenette Goldstein And Mark Rolston (Pvt. Vasquez And Pvt. Drake From Aliens)
Over The Weekend, I Met Jenette Goldstein And Mark Rolston (Pvt. Vasquez And Pvt. Drake From Aliens)

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6 months ago

This looks like the Geth if the art style went more Egyptian. Looks Awesome!!!



Custom Lich, one of my fav comm I've drawn =w=

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1 year ago
The Rebel Alliance Takes On The Empire In Vintage Ralph McQuarrie Concept Art For The Original Star Wars
The Rebel Alliance Takes On The Empire In Vintage Ralph McQuarrie Concept Art For The Original Star Wars
The Rebel Alliance Takes On The Empire In Vintage Ralph McQuarrie Concept Art For The Original Star Wars

The Rebel Alliance takes on the Empire in vintage Ralph McQuarrie concept art for the original Star Wars (1977)

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019: Day 11 - Fineliners And Grey Pens

Inktober 2019: day 11 - fineliners and grey pens

He can’t speak, they cut out his voice.

I don’t like these grey pens as much as I used to, I don’t know if I’ve gone off this style in general or if I need to find a new brand of pen.

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019: Day 13 - Brush Inking And Ink Wash

Inktober 2019: day 13 - brush inking and ink wash

A character we haven’t really met before! This is ‘Sapling’, the Dai Empress, in extremely casual clothes. This might even be something like pyjamas. She rules a vast empire that spans more than half a galaxy. I normally try not to use the same inking method two days in a row, but carrying bottles of ink to and from work was making me nervous so I thought I’d better do all the brush inking at the weekend. I did use different brushes though!

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5 years ago
Inktober 2019: Day 29 - Pentel Pocket Brush And Ink Wash

Inktober 2019: day 29 - Pentel pocket brush and ink wash

Berix isn’t crying, those tear tracks are permanent stains caused by a hallucinogenic drug.

Just time enough to introduce one more new person! Berix is another courtesan of the Dai Empress. His people make extensive use of mind-altering drugs, so one of his special skills is formulating them for courtiers. He enjoys music.

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6 years ago


only took ‘em 55 years, lmao.

On that note, however, here’s a graphic I whipped up in about an hour immediately after hearing the news last night.

Icy 'Super-Earth' Exoplanet Spotted Around Nearby Barnard's Star
Astronomers have found compelling evidence of a frigid alien world about 3.2 times more massive than Earth circling Barnard's Star, a dim red dwarf that lies just 6 light-years from the sun.

The nearest single star to the sun apparently hosts a big, icy planet.

Astronomers have found strong evidence of a frigid alien world about 3.2 times more massive than Earth circling Barnard’s Star, a dim red dwarf that lies just 6 light-years from the sun. Barnard’s Star is our sun’s nearest neighbor, apart from the three-star Alpha Centauri system, which is about 4.3 light-years away.

Continue Reading.

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6 years ago
Finally Got A Moment To Finish A Personal Piece. Straight From My Comfort Zone, Port Ariel - A Scientific
Finally Got A Moment To Finish A Personal Piece. Straight From My Comfort Zone, Port Ariel - A Scientific
Finally Got A Moment To Finish A Personal Piece. Straight From My Comfort Zone, Port Ariel - A Scientific
Finally Got A Moment To Finish A Personal Piece. Straight From My Comfort Zone, Port Ariel - A Scientific
Finally Got A Moment To Finish A Personal Piece. Straight From My Comfort Zone, Port Ariel - A Scientific

Finally got a moment to finish a personal piece. Straight from my comfort zone, Port Ariel - a scientific outpost on one of the moons of Uranus, Ariel (obviously).

And a bonus photo of my workspace.      

You can get a print of this piece on my society6 print shop, also you can follow me on various social media:

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twitter - - general updates

artstation - - art

society6 - - prints

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4 years ago

A good example of my art / creature design process nowadays: the motes! They’re millimeter-diameter silicon-based lifeforms that form sapient swarms.

First we have the (final) sketch, in my trusty small bound notebook:

A Good Example Of My Art / Creature Design Process Nowadays: The Motes! Theyre Millimeter-diameter Silicon-based

Then the polished digital version, complete with shading and textures:

A Good Example Of My Art / Creature Design Process Nowadays: The Motes! Theyre Millimeter-diameter Silicon-based

More info on the motes can be found here for now; WorldAnvil article is pending.

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4 years ago

Galactic Standard is an Arcadian-based melting pot of various laryngeal languages from across known space. It is the de facto common language of the galaxy, since the Aehr (native Arcadian speakers) were the first explorers to chart the galaxy and make contact with the early-modern Milky Way’s various sophont species. The language is less necessary in modern times, what with the increasingly sophisticated neuromatic translators, but thanks to its prevalence over the last several tens of thousands of cycles, it remains the dominant interstellar vocal language.

Galactic Standard Is An Arcadian-based Melting Pot Of Various Laryngeal Languages From Across Known Space.

The Galactic Standard alphabet is a 40-letter phonetic alphabet consisting of symbols for the phonemes of:

h (aspirate)

tʃ (postalveolar affricate)

χ (uvular fricative)

g (voiced velar stop)

q (uvular stop)

k (voiceless velar stop)

ks (velar sibilant)

s (voiceless alveolar sibilant)

ʂ (voiceless retroflex fricative)

z (voiced alveolar sibilant)

ʐ (voiced retroflex fricative)

j (palatal approximant)

ʎ (palatal lateral approximant)

y (close front rounded)

i (close front unrounded)

ɪ (near-close near-front)

ä (open central)

a (open front)

e (close-mid front)

ɛ (open-mid front)

o (mid-back)

ɔ (open-mid back)

ʊ (near-close near-back)

ɯ (close back)

w (labialized velar approximant)

φ (bilabial non-sibilant fricative)

f (voiceless labiodental non-sibilant fricative)

v (voiced labiodental non-sibilant fricative)

m (bilabial nasal)

n (alveolar nasal)

d (voiced alveolar stop)

rr (alveolar trill)

ɻ (retroflex approximant)

l (alveolar lateral approximant)

tɬ (alveolar lateral affricate)

θ (voiceless dental non-sibilant fricative)

ð (voiced dental non-sibilant fricative)

t (voiceless alveolar stop)

p (voiceless bilabial stop)

b (voiced bilabial stop)

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4 years ago

Are there any structures or archeological finds on the birdbug's planet that they absolutely cannot explain? Like Stonehenge or the Antikythera mechanism here on Earth?

One of the most notable are are the singing giants, large basalt statues that make an eerie whistling noise when the wind blows through the holes in their heads. They vary in size and can be found scattered across lonely plains in the cold, blustery equatorial region. Their original purpose is unclear, but the local nomads believe their strange humming are the voices of passing ghosts. Best not to listen too closely, however, for the dead rarely carry good news to the living.

Are There Any Structures Or Archeological Finds On The Birdbug's Planet That They Absolutely Cannot Explain?

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4 years ago

Member States of the United Sol System

(c. 30th century CE)

Member States Of The United Sol System

The United Sol System (top flag) is an entity that fills the same essential function as the United Nations of Earth: it is a pan-governmental organization conceived to deal with issues that affect internal interplanetary relations and/or the system at large. The USS is a member of, and serves as the primary seat of, the interstellar United Nations of Humanity, which is in turn a member of the United Spacefaring Sophonts Coalition (multilayered decentralized government is the most practical form of organized government in space).

Left column, top to bottom:

Inner System Territories, with the flags of Mercury (left) and Venus (right) Territories below

Free Democracy of Ma'at, a multi-body nation composed of several large inner-system asteroids (Apophis, Eros, Icarus, and Phaethon)

Earth-Moon Union, in turn composed of the United Nations of Earth and the Lunar Territory

People's Republic of Mars, which includes Phobos and Deimos Territories

United States of the Solar Belt, which is composed of hundreds of main-belt asteroids including Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea

Right column, top to bottom:

Jovian System Federation, including the lunar-planetary states of Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and Io

Saturn Alliance, including the Ringshadow Federation of aerocities on Saturn and the lunar-planetary states of Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, and the Joint Authority of Titan

Uranus Coalition, including the Tilted Sky Confederacy of aerocities on Uranus and the lunar-planetary states of Titania, Oberon, Ariel, Umbriel, and Miranda

Moons of Neptune Alliance, including the lunar-planetary states of Proteus, Nereid, Larissa, Galatea, Despina, and the Republic of Triton

Outer System Territories, with the flags of Pluto-Charon (left) and Terminus (right) Territories below (also including Eris, Haumea, and Makemake Territories, not shown)

Member States Of The United Sol System

Bonus: flag of the United Nations of Humanity itself, composed of hundreds of member star systems across a sphere of influence nearly twenty parsecs in diameter.

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3 years ago
Mercury Is A Small, Airless World In The Deep Inner Sol System, The Closest Planet To Its Sun And Consequently
Mercury Is A Small, Airless World In The Deep Inner Sol System, The Closest Planet To Its Sun And Consequently

Mercury is a small, airless world in the deep inner Sol system, the closest planet to its sun and consequently a world of thermal extremes. Its solar day is over 1400 metric hours long, meaning that any point of the surface is exposed to sunlight for 700 hours or more. Because of this Mercury isn't an especially populated world –just under twenty million souls live and work almost entirely beneath its rocky crust– but the surface facilities shine brightly because there is no atmosphere to dull their light.

Much of Mercury’s 19.4 million inhabitants are concentrated in the capital city of Lóng Cháo, embedded into and under the surface of Rachmaninoff Crater (seen here on the terminator line, in the northern hemisphere). Its orbital space, however, is busier, serving as a hub for the ore traders hauling raw materials from one side of the solar system to the other.

Mercury is an autonomous territory of the United Sol System, as part of the Inner System Territories. Its flag, an inverted monochrome depiction of its penumbra, is shown below the main image.

more worldbuilding stuff! photobash of a future human-inhabited Mercury, plus its flag, created for my hard science fiction setting Astra Planeta. done using assets from Space Engine.

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3 years ago
Venus Is The Second Planet In The Sol System, An Earth-sized Rocky World With A Dense, Hot CO2 Atmosphere
Venus Is The Second Planet In The Sol System, An Earth-sized Rocky World With A Dense, Hot CO2 Atmosphere

Venus is the second planet in the Sol system, an Earth-sized rocky world with a dense, hot CO2 atmosphere and aggressively volcanic surface. The only habitable zone of Venus is a relatively thin layer of atmosphere some fifty kilometers above the surface, where the temperature and pressure closely resemble conditions at sea level on Earth.

Because of this air layer, the skies of Venus are swarming with aerostat habitats to support its 25.4 million inhabitants (seen here as a scattering of hazy glowing dots in the thin crescent of twilight). The largest aerostat is the capital city of Najam Alsabah, nestled in the lower stratosphere. One of the key drivers of Venus’ growing population is its wealth: the territory has become quite prosperous over the last several centuries due to the harvest and export of valuable, rare chemicals such as nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorous.

Venus is an autonomous territory of the United Sol System, as part of the Inner System Territories. Its flag, a bicolor high-contrast depiction of its vast atmospheric cloud waves, is shown below the main image.

at last, some more worldbuilding stuff! photobash of a future human-inhabited Venus, plus its flag, created for my hard science fiction setting Astra Planeta. done using assets from Space Engine.

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2 years ago

Beneath Shared Skies

Beneath Shared Skies

A painting I commissioned from my friend @thefallencomet​ depicting a planetary system of my own design.

Keep reading

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2 years ago
The flag of the United Nations of Humanity: a white human handprint surrounded by a white laurel wreath on a pale blue field.

The United Nations of Humanity is the international governing body of almost all Earth-descended polities and territories in known space. Founded in 2210 CE after the independence movements of Mars and the Belt necessitated a reorganization of the original UN, the UNH of the 30th century is composed of hundreds of member star systems across a sphere of influence nearly twenty parsecs in diameter. It is the largest member of the United Spacefaring Sophonts Coalition and one of the two founding members (alongside the Ra’na InterGlobal Council). The UNH has no primary seat, as all business is conducted through ansible teleconference: a vastly simpler way to organize representatives across sixty-five thousand cubic lightyears of space. Members of the UNH include the United Sol System, Centauri Republic, New Nations of Helios, and Dogstar Alliance, to name a few.

The symbology of the UNH emblem is simple. The asymmetrical five digits of the human hand provide a clear distinction from the other species of the cosmos; we are the only species with hands like ours. Beyond that, the hand represents something much deeper. Handprints are ubiquitous in prehistoric cave art found all over the human homeworld, Earth, and have withstood the test of time. Even today, leaving an impression of one's hand in media echoes the purpose of the ancient hands: it is a testament to our existence, a call into the future that in this place and time, a human person was alive and awake. A footprint may show that we have stood in a spot, but a handprint shows we have lived there.

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1 year ago
The Planet Earth Is The Third Planet In The Sol System, A Vibrant Terran World With A Diverse Biosphere
The Planet Earth Is The Third Planet In The Sol System, A Vibrant Terran World With A Diverse Biosphere

The planet Earth is the third planet in the Sol system, a vibrant terran world with a diverse biosphere recovering from a near-miss ecological collapse. It has six major landmasses surrounded by vast oceans of liquid water, and its atmosphere is a comfortable nitrogen-oxygen blend at a pressure that is dense enough to protect but not enough to crush. It also has one relatively large, airless, rocky moon, called Luna (or simply "the Moon.")

Earth is also home to an indigenous sophont species: humans, one of the founding members of the Coalition of Spacefaring Civilizations. Because of its deep pre-spaceflight cultural history, it is one of a minority of worlds divided into nations, hence its primary governing body being the United Nations of Earth -the ancestor to most of humankind's modern administrative structure. Being Earth's only natural moon, Luna was the site of humans' first forays into extraterrestrial exploration, and today is an industrial powerhouse under the flag of the UN Autonomous Territory of Luna. The Earth-Moon Union (EMU, for short; top flag) is composed of the United Nations of Earth (bottom left flag) and the Autonomous Territory of Luna (bottom right flag), with its primary seat being Midway Station located at the L-1 gravitational stability keyhole between Earth and Luna.

As the birthplace of the human species, the Earth is the most populous and powerful asteropolitical entity in the Sol system, and quite possibly in the entire United Nations of Humanity. Earth itself has a population of just over 8 billion, which has stayed relatively stable since the 21st century. Together with the Moon’s 240 million inhabitants, the total population of the EMU is about 8.4 billion, almost four times that of the next largest entity in the system (Mars).

While Luna’s primary industry in the modern day is mining, Earth’s rich cultural and biological history makes it a tourist destination renowned across known space, though it has stringent biosecurity. For many, it is even a spiritual experience, some going so far as to make it their life’s goal to retire on Earth and connect with the home of their ancestors. Centuries of ecological engineering and conservation have managed to avert the effects of early human industry, restoring the world to a natural balance and even reviving many species driven extinct by human error. Today, one can watch herds of mammoth roam the Siberian tundra, visit dodo birds on Mauritius, or experience the return of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. 30th century Earth is a good place to be, and humanity is collectively proud of their home: the cradle of the Diaspora.

hey look, more art! been a hot minute. photobash of a future Earth and its well-settled Moon, plus their flags, created for my hard science fiction setting Astra Planeta. done using assets from Space Engine.

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