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Bruce Pennington for The Shadow of the Torturer (Gene Wolfe, 1980)

Art by Ray Feibush, John Harris, Michael Bohme x 2, David A Hardy, Tim White, Angus McKie x 2

Angus McKie's cover art for The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space by Gerard K. O'Neill, 1978.

Art by Philippe Caza

Carrot Cake, my OC!

In the future the space age will bring many opportunities. For some, the space pioneers, will lose their lives and their tortured spirits will haunt the edges of space and time.
These extra-dimensional beings will try to warn us in our time from from twisted warp-space that space exploration is futile.
What if Black holes are man made and astronomers are just cavemen looking at a nuclear powerplant?

One of CERNs plasma wakefield accelerators.

Cover art for Amazing Science Fiction Stories (October 1958), by Ed Valigursky.

Mike Whittlesea, for UK magazine Speed & Power

The Sol System is a rough neighborhood.
Fandom Fact: How Flash Gordon Spawned Star Wars
George Lucas originally wanted to make a big budget remake of the 1930′s serials. However, the rights holders turned down his proposal, and he made Star Wars instead.
It makes me wonder how pop culture might have developed differently had the Flash Gordon remake been given the green light. Would we all be quoting Ming the Merciless instead of Darth Vader, or would George Lucas have fallen into obscurity?

Predator: Cold War. Art by Ray Lago