Self Written - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

The reports are out by now so here is the monologue/poem:

236,000 humans drowned this year. Do you mourn one? … I mourn all.

I’m responsible, named on the grave, cause of death: The harsh of the wave.

Is Poseidon to blame? No, it’s his wife! Amphitrite! Take note! This water is called she!

For millennia those men brave our rouges and our storms.

Millions lost yet billions borne.

Rán trawls her net over their boat thus yanking them into their final bed of rock and sand.

Ganga and Marina cry, their tears; typhoons

Eingana watches with mixed expression as she sees all her creation fight forces they can’t understand.

Mazu protects what’s hers, leaving the sanctity of her lagoon to do so.

Praised for beauty and poetry yet feared for the fact we she are of the few things one can’t command.

Those dead in deep water can’t be found.

The ocean leaves no trace, nor nothing that can save its face.

Families left, no peace for ones gone, unable to rest, it lingers in minds, a burden one cannot heal.

A wish to not be helpless, nights spent under the waves accompanied only by fish.

Over time it was a slaughter, bodies lost, souls gone, left to the sea.

What do they feel? The grains of sand or the teeth of a fish, The scales of an eel?

A body of death becomes a feature of new life.

A reef on the bones of the deceased.

The creatures do not know or care, It’s home now.

Their Thieves of remains, they desecrate the dead yet provide them purpose.

Perhaps they deserved to die? Men are not sinless creatures after all.

Especially considering how they treat us, isn’t that right Magwayen? they treat us with more than just spite!

How can they assume us to be kind when for centuries they’ve used us?

Sending fleet after fleet onto our surface and tipping their waist into our swash!

They have no right to treat us this way when the tears we cry are of the same pain

They doom our icecaps we so graciously froze just so they could come to fruition, I refuse to accept this!

How half of them refuse to take the blame while others drown

How they make shallow promises of prevention and change

yet you find those same mouths wet by lies of the above line

And those sinking cry why!

Hypocrites! all of them!

Notice how they call their most powerful, important, and feared things she!

Yet they call upon the husbands for safe passage through OUR waters!

They boast their achievements of deep-found treasure, but they turn coy at the mention of how they got there!

People are left to rot when the stem of their problems is of their own kind.

The lot of them are savage! Acting as gods pretending as if they too are not animals.

Everything in the universe is made from the same dust, and yet the humans audaciously claim they are of the most importance!

People beg us for mercy, to save them from their self-inflicted fate

They do this so much so, they forget they are the ones to blame!

We should send our rain and waves to condemn all for their ignorance!

Humans call the ocean treacherous and harsh! The foam of the waves is a sign of rough sea!

We will send raging storms, floods, tsunamis and even cause droughts!

All to make them fear us and come to terms with the fact they are ultimately powerless in the face of Mother Nature!

Mother! Not father! We will prevail in the face of man. We will leave them no time to even attend to the damage!

We will cull those who seek to conquer our home and make all who come after fear us!

Caging them inside a trap-like purgatory

They deserve it for all they’ve done to us!

The end of men! We will bring forth a matriarchy like no other!

No longer will we desire for respect and fame

Sing in Joy for the day of our redemption has come!


(Reblog for bigger sample size pls)

Im writing a poem for my literature assignment and I need as many water Goddesses as you can find.

Any and every culture is welcome though I already have Greek, Norse, Indian, Chinese and Aboriginal (indigenous Australian)


(I’m a huge mythology nerd so I’ll read into them anyway)


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7 years ago

Soul Mood

Heartbeat resurrection, Immaculate disection, of your soul to make you whole, it takes it's toll, on your sadness that is. With the gem that is him, and yourself, this is wealth and health, for your spirit, don't fear it, get near it. He's what your not, what you sought, within you, he's your to-do, where you want to be, set your destination to him, so that you both can become them. Come together, whether the weather be bad or good, make his area your neighborhood. most of all make him you before he is someone else, because outer is never inner, you can't have lunch if you've already had dinner. This is the mood, this is my soul, because of me and you, my sadness is lulled. -ALJxJDA

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5 years ago


Went to the city to find peace, a new lease, something to hold on to, not that I'd want to, but under the overcast sky, I release and relax with a quiet sigh, as the tears fall softly on my head, from the clouds full of words unsaid overflowing, running over, spilling, filling the streets with emotion, a moving ocean, an inspiring notion, that this water can cleanse my soul, and drown my stress, bless, my soul with the power, of this pouring rain shower, the universe blowing softly upon my face, misting the droplets of moisture across my cheek, like a lovers caress, acupuncture for the spirit, no need to be afraid, no need to fear it, just hear it, the sound of weight failing from your shoulders to the ground, new world found, the universe delivering unexpected love, trickling down from above and embracing the corners of our deepest thoughts, and carrying them down into the earth, to biodegrade and disperse, goodbyes to ties and lies, hello to flourishing highs, the bloom, newly made room.

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1 year ago

Soul at Peace

Soul At Peace

Gentle gusts softly blowing

Ripple through the grass that's growing

Like waves in the ocean, the wind creates that motion

Through the rolling sea of green, through me till I am serene

The Pillows in the sky, creep so lovingly on by

Behind them is the Atmospheric Ocean, the one without motion, so blue

Nothing in site for miles, no stores with aisles

No asphalt with tracks, no book filled sacks

No chairs infront of tables, no problems, no labels

No dollars no cents, No bills due, no rents

No alarms set for 8, No worry, you won't be late

No territory, No Noise, no social life decoys

You're where you should be, no goals required to see

It's not heaven, it's the peace inside of me

And the Piece inside of me, FREE.

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1 year ago

40 hrs to Zero

Enter and Exit, Everyday, through the door of pause and gray

I feel my conscious slip away, and away, and away, but I'm awake, and it's violent in this wake

Chipping like like a chisel at my desire, making my spirit tire, and suffocating my fire

LIAR. You sold me a dream I couldn't buy, and now I'm renting to stay alive

If that's what you call living, I'm unalive

The illusion, the matrix, the delusion, call it what you want but we are in it, everyone one of us living in a New York minute, nothing slow, no concept of time, just line, after line, after line, after line, repeating the same words no newness to find

This is not a simulation, it IS real, it's time that you face it, it's time that you feel

We're so desperate for a lie, because the truth is to hard to face, understand it's wrong, but we're really in this place

There's no where to flee, you cannot hide, because the change of pace you need starts inside.

If you had 40 hrs to Zero, would you face it, or would you hide?

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1 year ago

gently though the water so clear

like a tear, dripping and dropping down my feet

I move with courage towards the station

Ready to take my seat

I've made it to the concrete concourse

I'm moving towards the source

I've brought all the pieces inside me

The ones that became the key to set me free

Through the journey I find my peace

On the locomotive I find release

Until the next challenge I've found my center

Until I arrive the calmness enters

So blue, white, teal, and turquoise

The whooshing and splashing the only noise

This car tracing and racing through the night

Small glimmers of light in sight

On my way to the next stop

So that I can start from the top

Gently Though The Water So Clear

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1 year ago

after long days

more often than not

i find myself on the shower floor

digging my nails under my skin

my skin that is keeping me together

all while i’m falling apart

on the tiles of my bathroom floor

picking myself apart

begging for there to be something more to me than just this tube of skin and flesh

looking for answers

why am i doing this

what am i looking for

for something of a higher power?

something that helps me understand my human vulnerability

but oh how human of me

to look for poetry inside all of my pain

within and under and around all of this ugly hurt and poison i am full of

to make something beautiful out of something that is not

please tell me i am more than this

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1 year ago
Wrote This A Few Months Back After A Bad Breakup......

Wrote this a few months back after a bad breakup......

The images are not mine, I got them from Pinterest

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2 years ago

I don't wanna wake up to breakfast or coffee in bed.I want to wake up with a smile on my face remembering the previous day and being thankful for the day I'll be spending,alive and healthy,with my favorite person.I don't wanna be gifted with roses or orchids or any other petal beauties.I just want my partner's time spent with me as my gift.I don't wanna be taken out on dates.I'd love to just cuddle with them on our couch,watching a film or slow dance to no music ; just holding onto each other,swaying side to side.I don't want them to defend me from people or problems that I face.One kiss on my forehead and them saying "You're gonna be okay.I'm right here" in their soothing voice will do.

I don't need what my parents have ; I definitely don't.I need someone who is as much of a hopeless romantic as I am so that I can give them the love that they deserve and have dreamt of and much more.They'll be my forever and more.All I want is...a love like the movies.I don't wanna let them down,ever.I wanna be with them through their ups and downs and keep holding them up when they aren't able to do it on their own.I wanna do all the things that I'm capable of,to see them smile.I never want to be the reason of their anguish and tears.I will be devoted to them and us till the end of my line.

I don't know what encouraged me to write this but I'm glad I did.Excuse me for the grammatical mistakes,if there are any.

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