Skypiea - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Its Been A Little While Since I Watched Skypiea But It Is By Far Either My Favorite Or One Of My Favorite

Its been a little while since I watched Skypiea but it is by far either my favorite or one of my favorite arcs in all of One Piece. The arc is written so well and the characters are amazing espically Noland's backstory and history with Jaya and the City of Gold.

This moment was Conis is one of her best moments and I've wanted to draw it since then so here you go. I couldn't quite get the stance because we only see the moment from her back but it still looks good anyways.

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4 years ago
Ok So This Is Messier Than Usual But I Don't Care And I Thought It Looked Good Anyways.

Ok so this is messier than usual but I don't care and I thought it looked good anyways.

This is one of like 10 differnt sketches that I started today because I wanted to use some color palettes for fun. I had no ideas so I jump started the process lol This is the only one I finished.

Anyways I chose Zoro for a green palette and then drew him in his Skypiea outfit because I was watching Skypiea today and it is one of my favorite arcs.

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4 years ago
Here's Skypiea Nico Robin From My Favorite Fight She Was In In The Whole Entire Manga/anime!!!!! I Absolutely

Here's Skypiea Nico Robin from my favorite fight she was in in the whole entire manga/anime!!!!! I absolutely love how this piece turned out.

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4 years ago
Okay, Gotta Hand It To Enel. His Power Doesn't Work On Someone For The First Time In His Life, For Reasons

Okay, gotta hand it to Enel. His power doesn't work on someone for the first time in his life, for reasons he can't understand, gets punched for the first time since getting his power, but he somehow still manages to keep his cool enough to use haki

Okay, Gotta Hand It To Enel. His Power Doesn't Work On Someone For The First Time In His Life, For Reasons

Bonus: The fuck is rubber...??

Okay, Gotta Hand It To Enel. His Power Doesn't Work On Someone For The First Time In His Life, For Reasons

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7 months ago

Hello again...Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies) or manga or if you want, from any media that you love? Thanks if you want to answer.....(Hope you don't mind to get an same from the same person)

Hello again!

Of course I don't mind keep the questions coming. :D

As for my top 5-10 anime moments this was honestly a little easy cause if something clicks for me it tends to stick with me for a long time but here are some just off the dome.

One piece: I actually read this is the manga but in the Skypiea arc during the fight with Enel when Luffy rings the bell and Noland's ancestor hears it, confirming that his ancestor wasn't a liar and then you see the giant silhouette of luffy in the sky that was and still is definitely one of my all time favorite one piece moments. I don't like the whole of Skypiea I feel like it went on for a little too long but the emotional arc of that arc is definitely my favorite. Runner ups;

Raising their X arms for Vivi

Burning down the WG flag for robin

Luffy putting his hat on Nami's head

Bellamy seeing Luffy again in Dressrosa and saying he believes now

Obviously when ace gets free in a cloud of fire

saying goodbye to the going merry

On the sea train whenLuffy tells Zoro to cut it and Zoro just smiles like a maniac and cuts it

Luffy stopping Doffy from stepping on Law

That one shot from the anime where gear 5 luffy looks like a demon coming towards lucci

Any time a sword comes down and zoro is right there to block it

I really like the phrase drums of liberation I don't know what to say One piece has been going on for a long time and Oda is very good at drawing moments.

FMAB: Obvious one and a little basic but the moment where greed just before he fades away looks out at the crowd of people and goes "yeah this is enough" jesus christ.

Mob Psycho: This one actually has like 3.

The first is at the end of season 1 when reigen gets mob's powers and tells him he doesn't have to fight that he is a child and it's not his responsibility to make up for the faults of adults and then immediately goes on to just shame the adults of the evil organization because like y'all are kidnapping and torturing kids because of some childhood trauma? grow up and get a real job. Hilarious.

In season three after dimple brainwashes Mob to leave as he goes on fighting the fake mob in the broccoli and that just a beautiful sequence that I dont relaly want to spoil but when Mob gets home and it really just clicks that dimple was his first friend god it was beautiful

And finally obviously I would be remise to not include Reigen running after a ramapaging ???? as the world literally falls away and is destroyed around him.

Weathering with you: If you haven't watched this I genuinely recommend it was made by the same studio and directer that did Your Name. But yeah the scene where they are falling out of the sky holding hands it would be impossible if it did not make this list.

How do I put down the whole of My Neighbor Totoro?

Boy and the Heron: I don't want to spoil the movie but the scene at the end when Mahito has to get out of the tower as it implodes and his last talk with the girl saying I'll see you in the future god this doesn't make sense but watch the movie its a beautiful sequence.

Demon Slayer: Of course the set your heart ablaze scene has to make the list. But the line that really stuck with me is when he told Tanjiro to always keep his head up no matter what people think about his journey to save Nezuko. He hadn't even gotten a chance to properly talk with either of them before shit went down but he saw the good she did he saw how hard they fight and he is the first person to say out loud that I believe you I think what you are doing is good and kind and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God when he sees his mother. Please just kill me.

MHA: Every single sequence between Eri and Mirio especially the first fight scene where He gives Eri his cape and when they are at the concert and you see the darkness be lifted from her shoulders. Its such a shame we didnt get more of them.

Fireforce: God I hate the fanservice in this show and I hate that exceot for Maki everytime a woman gets in a fight she somehow winds up almost naked and posed very sexually submissive and it's so weird cause it feels like sexual violence and I could go on and on about how this show does a disservice to itself and it's female characters but I can't deny that the scene where Shinra bursts through the roof as Tamaki is literally taking a serious beating from the dude she looked up too and yeah beautiful moment. Also its a really fucked up dynamic but its also really interesting and poignant but Kurono being the only one to understand what Takkun needs in the moment to stop his rampage was just like wow. A Place Further than the Universe: The girls finding Shirase's mom's laptop and them watching the emails come in and its proof that her mom was loved I mean come on. The whole show is great. Erased: The entire opening sequence. The twist and the fact that I learned that the actual english translation of the Japanese name is : The place where only I am missing. Which is a banger ass name. I honesly could go on and on things tend to stick with me for whatever reason but yeah I'd recommend watching anything on this list. But thank you for the ask this was fun!

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4 years ago

One Piece Questions #4

* Favorite Arc?

- Skypeia 

One Piece Questions #4
One Piece Questions #4

This arc felt like it was the real true beginning of everything. Everyone on the crew was starting ti finally settle down into their roles and dynamics, things were beginning to get serious just before this arc and after it and the davy back fight, everything from then forth is always world shaking and grandiose. The politics and the real nature of the world we’ve been shown kicks off after this. Skypeia feels like a great beginning to the shift in tone without smothering in world building and politics and government dealings so soon after Alabasta’s piss poor excuse to try and fail to explain the beginnings of the world government workings and such. 

The characters introduced in this arc are so interesting and charming from Conis to Wyper and all in between. There’s tons of amazing fights, moments of true bonds on display between the strawhats, and the general plot, aesthetic, and humor of the arc are all such a treat. I remember though i had always watched the anime as it aired on toonami growing up before getting older and switching to watching the Japanese releases online, this arc was the only one fully on box set at my library and i had sat down for a week re-watching the arc on binge watches, it was amazing.

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7 months ago
I Read The Skypiea Manga And Wow The Panels Of Robinexploring The Lost City Were Stunning. Nothing Is

I read the Skypiea Manga and wow the panels of Robin exploring the lost city were stunning. Nothing is said over the span of multiple pages, just her exploring on her own, digging up things, reading, scribbling notes in her book. It was a fascinating sight, as I didn't read the mange a whole yet.

(I'm still caught up though) ❤️Any Support is appreciated ❤️

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7 years ago

THe GReaT WaRRioR oF SHaNDia, CaLGaRa (WoRK iN PRoGReSS)

Message for the Viewer(s): WHeN i FiRST WaTCHeD THe aNiMe “oNe PieCe” aND THeY’Re oN THe CHaPTeR oF “SKYPiea”. i WaS MeSMeRiZeD BY a CeRTaiN CHaRaCTeR WHo aPPeaReD oN a FLaSHBaCK ePiSoDe(S) 😳. aND THeRe He WaS! “CaLGaRa” a CooL LooKiNG TRiBaL WaRRioR.😋

oN THaT MoMeNT, i PRoMiSeD MYSeLF THaT i’LL TRY To DRaW a FaN aRT oF HiM WHeN i GoT THe CHaNCe…😛 aND HeRe aM “i” DRaWiNG HiM WiTH aLL MY MiGHT 😝


HaVe FuN aLWaYS!?😆

Calgara, ONE PIECE © Eiichiro Oda BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

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7 years ago
THe GReaT WaRRioR OF SHaNDia - CaLGaRa
THe GReaT WaRRioR OF SHaNDia - CaLGaRa
THe GReaT WaRRioR OF SHaNDia - CaLGaRa

THe GReaT WaRRioR oF SHaNDia - CaLGaRa

Message for the Viewer(s): WHeN i FiRST WaTCHeD THe aNiMe “oNe PieCe” aND THeY’Re oN THe CHaPTeR oF “SKYPiea”. i WaS MeSMeRiZeD BY a CeRTaiN CHaRaCTeR WHo aPPeaReD oN a FLaSHBaCK ePiSoDe(S).😃 aND THaT CHaRaCTeR WaS! “CaLGaRa” a CooL LooKiNG TRiBaL WaRRioR.😄

oN THaT MoMeNT, i PRoMiSeD MYSeLF THaT i’LL TRY To DRaW a NiCe FaN aRT oF HiM WHeN i GoT THe CHaNCe… aND HeRe i aM. 😊 DiD MaNaGeD To DRaW a GooD FaN aRT oF HiM 😁

CaLGaRa eVeRYoNe! He MaY LooK DiFFeReNT oN MY DRaWiNG BuT… 😐 He’S STiLL THe CooLeST aNiMe CHaRaCTeR iN “oNe PieCe” THaT i LiKe!! 😙 (aSiDe FRoM “CHoPPeR"😜)

Calgara © ONE PIECE © Eiichiro Oda BaCKGRouND & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

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1 year ago

wyper as promised!! im on skypiea in my rewatch and i FORGOT how fine he is

Wyper As Promised!! Im On Skypiea In My Rewatch And I FORGOT How Fine He Is

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1 year ago

and heres fusion number two!! this one is also being turned into an oc, so he's getting redesigned too. but his name is Bongo and he's a cook. he has the demeanor of one of those scary looking bikers who's actually a sweetheart. he specializes in stir fry and tacos.

And Heres Fusion Number Two!! This One Is Also Being Turned Into An Oc, So He's Getting Redesigned Too.
And Heres Fusion Number Two!! This One Is Also Being Turned Into An Oc, So He's Getting Redesigned Too.

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1 year ago


most esteemed person, this is my favorite art that you've posted, its so intimate and sweet 😭😭 :,))))

Fanart of Wyper & Cricket from One Piece. Wyper is a young man with brown skin & long maroon hair tied back into a braid with an over-shaved widow's peak. He wears a skirt made of dried grass & has removed his arms from the sleeves of his long navy coat so it collects at his waist. His moccassins have metal skates attached to them. He has abstract tattoos on his left arm & the side of his face/head and white wings which are too small to fly, though they are outstretched, his left wing seeming smaller, damaged. He is colliding onto Cricket to kiss him with great force, grabbing his cheek with one and the back of his shirt with the other strongly enough to untuck it from Cricket's trousers. Cricket is a very large and broad man with girthy arms and a chestnut shape emerging from the strawberry blond hair on his head, and his arms are stuck outstretched as if in surprise, but ready to close around Wyper. The scene is warmly toned, washed out by sunlight, against a vaguely beachy backdrop.


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