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Esa sensación, la de estar solo y querer tener a quien contarle como te fue en el día, tener a alguien con quien hablar cuando llegas a casa, pero la única persona viva en ella eres tú. Esa sensación te destruye.

Camille Rowe for So It Goes magazine Issue #3 Ph. Guy Aroch


Grande Vallée of Chertsey, Québec, Canada.

The Ability to Visually Recognize Individual Humans.

Night ramble for Canadian Red Fox.

With a snowstorm of 60cm; even Canadian Big Crows sometimes need a short rest under a near spruce.


Definitely Jackrabbits are way earlier than birds. But the question is, how many of them?

Another visit from a Red Fox who's probably looking for a little Red Squirrel to chase. We've seen three of these Squirrels around the house, eating sunflower seeds for birds the entire morning.

Nature is waking up at Lac Masson from the Laurentian Mountains, Québec, Canada.

It is a perfect day at Lac Dupuis from the Laurentian Mountains, Québec, Canada.

The Ability to Visually Recognize Individual Humans.