Sonya Massey - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

The Sonya Massey case actually makes me so sick.

Sean Grayson took a mother away from her children. He took a woman away from her family. A daughter away from her father. All because she did what he asked her to do and she made a joke he didn’t like.

He shot her 3 times in the face and then STILL told her to drop the pot he ASKED her to pick up.

He worked for 6 different police organizations. Im not sure the timestamps for that, but that might say a lot about him.

Sonya had called early in the morning to report somebody walking around suspiciously outside her house. She was not a criminal, she was not the person they were supposed to looking for at all, not that any of that would have justified such a response with no actual escalation to the situation.

May she rest in peace. And may her family get justice for her. I wish the family well during this surely extremely painful and difficult time. ❤️

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7 months ago

The crazy thing about the whole Sonya Massey situation is that, this isn't the first family member the family has lost due to the police.

Back in March 16th, Soyna's four-year-old cousin, Tyrell miller, was shot in the chest by a lieutant Nick Goc. Who had also been harnessing Tyrell's mother many time before the incident.

She called the police for help because as ex of hers forced himself onto her at knife-point. When the police got there they had stood outside the apartment for 10 minutes before going inside and finding Tyrell's mother in a pool of her own blood yelling out for them to save her baby. The saw the man with the knife go into Tyrell's room and come out holding a knife to the 4-year-olds neck. The police had no regard for Tyrell's saftey as they shot through him and at the perpetrator, killing both.

Tyrells mother didn't find out until waking up in the hospital the her baby did not make it. And has been recently discovered his killer was not going to be charged.

All for this same family to lose another loved one to the same force all but five months later all because he felt "threatened". Now let break that stupid shit down as well.

He told to take the pot off the stove, and when she tried to do so and move the pot he made it seem like she was going attack. And when he says the out loud she made a joke about it because he sounded dumb as fuck, saying that she planned to throw the water when all she did was follow through on what he told her. And for it she got wrongfully killed.

The Massey family has been failed time and time again by those who are supped to protect us. Sony Massey and Tyrell Miller should still be alive.

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7 months ago
Illinois woman who called sheriff's office over possible intruder killed by deputies, attorney says
NBC News
Sonya Massey, 36, died after an early-morning encounter with deputies from the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office on July 6, authorities said.
Community activists to join with family of Springfield woman shot by deputies to review footage
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WAND) — Springfield organization Black Lives Matter SPI announced that the family of Sonya Massey, a woman shot by Sangam
Community rallies for Sonya Massey; family meets with Sangamon Co. authorities
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) — Protestors have gathered outside the NAACP building Wednesday afternoon to rally for a woman killed in a deputy-i

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7 months ago
Springfield-area deputy indicted; faces three murder charges in killing of Sonya Massey
The State Journal-Register
A Sangamon County grand jury returned a five-count indictment against a Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy in the July 6 fatal shooting of Son

I did not actually expect this to happen. Now, to get the charge to stick, and to get a conviction. Still waiting on the trial for the two EMTs who killed a guy, too. I'll give you one guess what both murdered people had in common. come on. guess.

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7 months ago

It's so cruel that if a black schizophrenic person wants any kind of help, they probably have to call 911, a centralized line for all emergency services. Even if they don't intend to call the police, there's a chance of them being sent in place of other emergency services. If you ask for them not to be called, you'll rarely be listened to. Then, the advice for dealing with police is to be in complete control of yourself, not be erratic in the slightest way because it gives ground for your death. So if you are someone who is not in control of yourself, who has a disorder that effects your ability to control your speech, body, mind, etc etc, you cannot call for help without risking death or institutionalization

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7 months ago

Sonya Massey's family asked that the video not be shared on social media. You do not "have to watch to know this stuff still happens." Black death is not your education tool. You should not have to see us gunned down in our homes to see our humanity. If you truly care about Sonya Massey's story, donate to her family's gofund me, and don't use her death as your intro to police brutality course.

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if you can stomach it i would recommend watching the body cam footage of the sonya massey killing, i'll try to describe it but it's hardly possible. you can't truly understand the type of extreme, completely volatile aggression that happens with cops if you haven't seen it, and it's captured here very harrowingly.

several officers are in her house, calmly talking with her about her id and vehicle papers for some time. it's routine administrative stuff, no acute danger or stress whatsoever. one of them tells her to take her pot off the stove, remarking that they don't need a fire in the house now, she walks over into the kitchen and complies. he suddenly backs off towards the front door despite already being several feet away. she asks him where he's going, he says "away from your hot, steaming water." she repeats "my hot, steamin' water?" in an amused tone. then adds "i rebuke you in the name of jesus," in a similar joking tone while pouring the water down the sink. the atmosphere is completely calm, you might even say amiable.

she's at this point still separated from the cops by her kitchen aisle and several feet of additional distance. the cop prompts her to repeat what she said, she repeats her joke about rebuking him in the name of jesus [with the scary water she just poured out]. she doesn't even realise there's been a complete 180 in his head. he goes "you better fucking not, i will shoot you in your fucking face," she's stunned by the sudden abusive language for half a second, immediately he draws his gun directly at her head, she gets out a panicked "sorry!" and ducks behind the aisle, he rounds the corner into the kitchen specifically to advance right next to her, immediately fires 3 shots at her head from above at minimal distance. she's dead where she stood, or cowered rather, by the sink in her nightgown.

after a few seconds you hear the click of him turning on his body cam, saying "she came at me with a pot of boiling water." for the recording. he also nonchalantly tells his partner there's no need to get a med kit because it was a headshot. it's one of the most clear cut cases ever and it's fully recorded only because his partner did already have the body cam on throughout.

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7 months ago
Via @blackwomenradicals
Via @blackwomenradicals
Via @blackwomenradicals

Via @blackwomenradicals

CW: Police Violence, Misogynoir, Femicide, Police Shooting, Death. ————————————————————————————-

We are so saddened, heartbroken, and angry about the murder of Sonya Massey. Words cannot even describe our anger—our rage—that Sonya’s life (and so many other lives) have been stolen and taken because of the evil that is white supremacist patriarchal state violence. We are tired of the destruction. Tired of the chaos. Tired of our loved ones — whether biological, chosen, and/or fictive kin — being taken of us. We are tired of having to fight for basic human rights and dignity — but we will continue to fight until we truly get free. We deserve life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserved life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserves to be here. To be here. To be here. We extend our deepest sympathies, condolences, prayers, and solidarities to Sonya Massey’s family, friends, and loved ones. Rest in Peace and Power, Sonya Massey. You deserved more.

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6 months ago

say her name.

First Words Sonya Massey Said At Her Front Door Were Dont Hurt Me

first words Sonya Massey said at her front door were “don’t hurt me”

she was told “why would we hurt you, you called us”

when have those words meant anything when your black and woman in this country

when do those words protect you from not being murdered in your kitchen, in your bedroom, with your babies, or on your lawn

what is “reassurance”, in this place ?

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7 months ago

sonya massey was killed in her own home.

she called the police for help, and they killed her over her pot of water and her trying to banish evil spirits from her home (there was a intruder suspected)

she apologized, and they shot her.

“she had boiling water” that doesnt mean sean grayson should have killed her.

sonya massey.

sonya massey.

sonya massey.

sonya massey.

we black women cant even be okay in our own home, who are we supposed to call now?

police officers are supposed to protect and serve the public. but they only protect themselves.


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if you can stomach it i would recommend watching the body cam footage of the sonya massey killing, i'll try to describe it but it's hardly possible. you can't truly understand the type of extreme, completely volatile aggression that happens with cops if you haven't seen it, and it's captured here very harrowingly.

several officers are in her house, calmly talking with her about her id and vehicle papers for some time. it's routine administrative stuff, no acute danger or stress whatsoever. one of them tells her to take her pot off the stove, remarking that they don't need a fire in the house now, she walks over into the kitchen and complies. he suddenly backs off towards the front door despite already being several feet away. she asks him where he's going, he says "away from your hot, steaming water." she repeats "my hot, steamin' water?" in an amused tone. then adds "i rebuke you in the name of jesus," in a similar joking tone while pouring the water down the sink. the atmosphere is completely calm, you might even say amiable.

she's at this point still separated from the cops by her kitchen aisle and several feet of additional distance. the cop prompts her to repeat what she said, she repeats her joke about rebuking him in the name of jesus [with the scary water she just poured out]. she doesn't even realise there's been a complete 180 in his head. he goes "you better fucking not, i will shoot you in your fucking face," she's stunned by the sudden abusive language for half a second, immediately he draws his gun directly at her head, she gets out a panicked "sorry!" and ducks behind the aisle, he rounds the corner into the kitchen specifically to advance right next to her, immediately fires 3 shots at her head from above at minimal distance. she's dead where she stood, or cowered rather, by the sink in her nightgown.

after a few seconds you hear the click of him turning on his body cam, saying "she came at me with a pot of boiling water." for the recording. he also nonchalantly tells his partner there's no need to get a med kit because it was a headshot. it's one of the most clear cut cases ever and it's fully recorded only because his partner did already have the body cam on throughout.

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7 months ago

Sonya Massey was a paranoid-schizophrenic woman who turned to the police when she was scared and suspected an intruder inside of her home; she was a Black, mentally ill, woman shot dead and executed by a white police officer solely because she said "I rebuke you" over a pot of water. she was DUCKING DOWN behind a counter repeating the words "I'm sorry" as he advanced and, eventually, killed her. Sean Grayson, a white police officer, executed her.

her name was Sonya Massey. she was a human being who deserved to live. say her fucking name. Sonya Massey.

edit: please do not erase or negate the fact that Sonya was schizophrenic. Black schizophrenic people are more likely to die at the hands of the police as well as be brutalised by them, and by negating the fact that she was schizophrenic, you are erasing that this was an execution fuelled by BOTH racism & saneism. please have some respect and continue to say her name, thank you.

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7 months ago

Sonya Massey's family asked that the video not be shared on social media. You do not "have to watch to know this stuff still happens." Black death is not your education tool. You should not have to see us gunned down in our homes to see our humanity. If you truly care about Sonya Massey's story, donate to her family's gofund me, and don't use her death as your intro to police brutality course.

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7 months ago

Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support

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7 months ago

sonya massey's family is still looking for funds to support legal fees + medical&mental healthcare fees

Donate to Justice for Sonya Massey, organized by James Wilburn and Raymond Massey
This is the official GoFundMe established in Sonya Massey’s honor to help pr… James Wilburn and Raymond Massey needs your support for Justic

the fundraiser is vetted & run by her father, mother and brother. theyre still about 100k away from their gofundme goal. please boost and donate.

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7 months ago
Via @blackwomenradicals
Via @blackwomenradicals
Via @blackwomenradicals

Via @blackwomenradicals

CW: Police Violence, Misogynoir, Femicide, Police Shooting, Death. ————————————————————————————-

We are so saddened, heartbroken, and angry about the murder of Sonya Massey. Words cannot even describe our anger—our rage—that Sonya’s life (and so many other lives) have been stolen and taken because of the evil that is white supremacist patriarchal state violence. We are tired of the destruction. Tired of the chaos. Tired of our loved ones — whether biological, chosen, and/or fictive kin — being taken of us. We are tired of having to fight for basic human rights and dignity — but we will continue to fight until we truly get free. We deserve life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserved life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserves to be here. To be here. To be here. We extend our deepest sympathies, condolences, prayers, and solidarities to Sonya Massey’s family, friends, and loved ones. Rest in Peace and Power, Sonya Massey. You deserved more.

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7 months ago

Sonya Massey was a paranoid-schizophrenic woman who turned to the police when she was scared and suspected an intruder inside of her home; she was a Black, mentally ill, woman shot dead and executed by a white police officer solely because she said "I rebuke you" over a pot of water. she was DUCKING DOWN behind a counter repeating the words "I'm sorry" as he advanced and, eventually, killed her. Sean Grayson, a white police officer, executed her.

her name was Sonya Massey. she was a human being who deserved to live. say her fucking name. Sonya Massey.

edit: please do not erase or negate the fact that Sonya was schizophrenic. Black schizophrenic people are more likely to die at the hands of the police as well as be brutalised by them, and by negating the fact that she was schizophrenic, you are erasing that this was an execution fuelled by BOTH racism & saneism. please have some respect and continue to say her name, thank you.

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