Stan And Ford - Tumblr Posts

gravity falls fanart that took me like three days lol
Would you look at that?

Daily sea grunkles October challenge just dropped!
The tag of the challenge is #Stan-o-tober
Feel free to join in any form of art; The only rule is to have fun :D
Pines Pines Pines!!!
Day 4 — Value

Some things hold much more value than all the gold in the world.
Stan-o-tober challenge
Day 5 — Thaw

Stan-o-tober challenge
Day 6 — Wonder

Ford wonders what breathtaking sights await for them atop the mountain; Stan wonders how long it is until they're there yet.
Stan-o-tober challenge
Day 7 — Remark

Ford's a little bit of a jerk sometimes.
Stan-o-tober challenge

It’s June 15th. You know what that means.
Happy birthday to our favorite old men AND happy 12th anniversary Gravity Falls‼️🎉
It’s hard to believe GF came out that long ago. Of course it’s different for me because I just watched it 1 or 2 years ago and not when it aired on TV. I’m a little disappointed in myself by that fact
Soo the OG Pines twins are now even older than they were before. If Stan and Ford were 60 or so in the show, then they’d be about 72 now. I decided to draw them younger because look how cute they were ☺️
I don’t mean to brag but I really love the way Ford’s glasses look
You may notice the hearing aid in Stanley’s ear, there’s actually a reason for that! Stan canonically wears hearing aids in the series. It was probably just a joke to make fun of how old he is because they’re only mentioned once and never again. BUT I decided to roll with it!
My older cousin and his twin (RIP Charlie, he died a couple days after he was born) were born prematurely, which isn’t uncommon for twins. So it can be assumed that Stan and Ford were also born early. Since my cousin was born so soon, his hearing didn’t develop properly and he’s been deaf his entire life.
So, I headcanon that Stan was born deaf or hard of hearing. That’s why I draw him with a hearing aid! I don’t know if it’s accurate to his time period, but I still think it looks pretty good.
I think we can all agree that cartoon senior citizens are a gift to this world Uncle Iroh

Shoutout to my comfort characters for helping me through this wild year!
Ramblings under the cut <3
Please don’t tag with any incestuous ships!
Okay, first things first, apologies for how janky the colored line art is; I don’t do it often but I felt this piece needed some spicing up! This was drawn on my poor neglected iPad (known around the house as “The MaxiPad”) using MediBang, once again not something I do often! The reason I chose to use my iPad is cause I’m going to be getting a display tablet within a few days, gettin’ real tired of the hand/eye disconnect with my Wacom >:\ Oh, and I’ve changed my mind: I like Procreate more than iPad MediBang. It’s a close call but I can just manipulate my layers better in Procreate; couldn’t figure out how to do so in MediBang and I’m pretty savvy with complex art programs!
Now, some words on each of these fellas!
Dipper and Mabel: These two darlings remind me of my brother and I who are super close! They’re insanely cute and help me when I need some innocence in my life. I see myself a lot in both of them, but most people like to compare me to Mabel (my mom’s even started doing it). :D Sweater designs aren’t all that original but hey, cliches are cliches for a reason!
Bill Cipher: A total jerk who’s way too much fun to draw. Sometimes we all need a little chaos!
Yung Venuz and Yung Cuz: My go-to unfunny meme duo. These guys are probably more like favorite characters than comfort characters, I think they’re so much fun and they remind me of long game nights of Nuclear Throne with my little bro!
Stan and Ford: I could actually ramble about how much I love these two forever so I should probably leave it at that tbh. Apologies for more uncreative sweater designs OTL
Cosmo and Wanda: King and queen of my childhood! These two give me warm fuzzy feelings every time I see them, they remind me of a simpler time. <3 I think that having a positive romantic relationship to latch onto has helped me in getting through the separation of my parents, as well. They’re just so cute!
Isaac and Azazel: Little crying children are very fun to draw. Okay, that came out wrong, but you get the point. I started playing the Binding of Isaac in 2015 and ever since then it’s been probably my #1 favorite game, period. These two are my favorites to play as and I doodle them a lot! My headcanons are likely more developed than most of my own characters, oops. REPENTANCE HYPE!!
Mario and Luigi: Okay, the actual kings of my childhood. I’ve recently latched on to the Mario series for one reason or another, I think part of it is nostalgia and part of it is the cheerful aesthetics. Super Mario Galaxy was the childhood favorite, and since then I’m proud to say that I’ve 200%’d it! It helps that their designs are super cute, as well; I totally wanna grab lunch with Mario, he seems like the nicest guy ever. Oh, blame @metrognome129 for Luigi’s sweater btw. If you get it, you get it. :)
Happy holidays to you all, I hope you’re having a swell quarantined Christmas! Hopefully next year we’ll get to run around like crazy again. :D I miss my American friends!
Silly Animation Time >:3
i took way too long on this and idek what to feel about it...

2 posts in one week? Must be a miracle.
Anyways i love stangst (you have absolutely no idea how much they mean to me, especially this show)
Please for the love of everything don’t comment on the arm or hand
Im way too tired to even think about it right now and I cannot for the life of me do Anatomy (pls some one spare me a little of their talent 😘)
Anyway! Enjoy pls
Love ya
As always art is by me ————————> @sillyboycam
Okay I might not be over the top delulu with this- but I don't really see much modern AUs though but that might be just me LOL

Also, they're supposedly childhood friends in this AU, hence why they'll have similar chemistry to the grand tour trio. Also we get smart Stanley because FUCK IT IT'S FUNNY- brother has so much EQ give him some IQ it's funny.
I love them and frankly the idea of Stan randomly going: "L bozo + ratio get clowned on" while dabbing is so brainrot I cannot stop laughing when I think of it
The biggest reason why Stan and Ford don't bother looking much different on most days is soley to mess with their professors, Ford barely sleeps so there are instances he's late to class or straight up absent. Why his record is impeccable is thanks to Stan filling in for him during attendance and the professor not really giving a shit to double check HAHAHAHA-
Also yes, Fidds is older than them by a year because he is in fact their senior in this AU! They just share some classes because some general subjects are already thrown around and these three are already irregulars thanks to how advanced they are anyway.
Do I keep shitposting about this AU- LMFAO feed me ideas if yall wanna see more from this slice of insanity

WIP because I'm apparently high- I have no idea what I'm doing can you tell? XD
Either way just have some young Stan Twins in the meantime while I conk out it's 1 in the morning and I'm doodling nonsense HAHAHAHA
I dare anyone to guess what that stuff actually is and what I put them in cuz I don't think ya'll can :D
Also, do I keep the style I'm currently doodling in? Or do I go back to how I used to do it where they looked more similar to the show's style?
Just a thought, if reader ever decided to give the stan twins flowers it would be wild soley because Stan and Ford grew up in a time where guys were supposed to give gals flowers, not the other way around LMFAO
Though, I feel like Stan would be over the moon about it even if he does make a fuss at the beginning about the fact that he should be getting you flowers and not the other way around. But that's got more to do with the fact that he doesn't really recieve genuine gifts all that often, but he does appreciate the gesture. And possibly steals a really big bouquet of your favorite flowers to give to you at a later time in retaliation-
With Ford on the other hand, it depends on when you give him flowers but for the most part he still gets flustered and bashful all the same. If it's for an amiable reason or to celebrate an achievement he thinks it's courtesy and although shy about it- he's grateful for the gift. If he's taken an interest to you, likely crushing on you already and you give him a gardenia- this man would short circuit and die on the spot. Granted it might actually be a really subtle way to say: "I reciprocate your feelings." or "I like you too." but kill the idea of Ford missing that detail when that man practically drowns in details. He definitely gets you a flower bouquet of your own at some point, most likely he makes it himself with Dipper and Mabel's help too.
I currently have two AUs that I don't exactly know what to do with or what to properly call them LMFAO- I'll probably write something on Ao3 for it eventually since there's a ton of BillFord and FiddStan in there but yeah-
1st AU: Timelord Stanford (Dr Who what if)
This case was inspired by an RP I had with someone's Bill Cipher on @gftimelord where the triangle starts to be on the mend with Stanford after their ruined past. This to me makes sense because the Doctor is inherently very lonely despite the savior god complex. In that AU where Ford is functionally immortal and Stan and Fidds both at some point die due to his complacency and arrogance— he searches for a companion that can actually keep up with him.
So when Bill visits him during one of those window hours set by the Theraprism, they talk about the triangle's impending demise with their plans to essentially erase him from existence. It's not an outlandish idea given that any inpatient seen as a lost cause would or could be disposed of when it comes to cosmic entities. It's simply the easier option.
The doctor(Ford) is more impulsive, nonchalant, and egoistic compared to his counterparts because he does have the walk to back his talk(this man has been broken by the nightmares and guilt he carries from the deaths he caused; also time war) problem being he doesn't fear death as much as he fears being alone. He's had a fair share of close calls with the grim reaper, but always like some horrible twist he survives. After all, it is a saying that we covet the most what we don't have.
So yeah, he jailbreaks Bill essentially and whatever power limiter is stuck on the triangle get tied to his sonic screwdriver instead and they simply go around the multiverse doing whatever. Most of the reason why Ford isn't caught yet largely has to do with how scared most entities are of him. The doctor is never armed, but it doesn't mean he won't kill.
2nd AU: Modern Era AU (Set in 2024)
This one is more of a shitpost thanks to the young trio I drew a little while back, I'll draw more of them for this at some point while I also try and figure out a decent human Bill design that I like in my artstyle.
But this AU heavily features these four idiots as Undergrad students fucking about college life as they would. This AU is supposed to feature like a more cultivated genius Stanley based around my own dynamic with my brother since I do like me some happy Stan twins.
It just so happens that Ford is also a very much EQ negative idiot and falls for an upperclassman(one year his senior) in BSSE[Software Engineering] who is a close friend to Fidds. He goes by 'Cipher' as an alias since he's a prodigy for his age and very young ethical hacker.
So yes, that's where Bill comes in. Haven't figured out what I want his full name to be yet shoot me some ideas! Ford is very shy when it comes down to talking with Bill whereas Stan is completely chill.
Both Stan and Bill get along very well in this AU because they're similarly chaotic the same way that Fidds and Ford get along because they're the ones holding the other two back from doing something undeniably stupid for shits and giggles.
All of them share some fundamental subjects together(i.e. Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Research, History, etc.) or take elective courses just so they could chill together. Stan is typically the one who adjusts to the schedule of the other three since he takes BSBA[Business Administration] and is the odd one out when Ford does BSCMB[Cellular Molecular Biology] and Fidds does BSEE[Electrical Engineering].
The FiddleStan in this AU is gonna be c r a z y mostly due to Fidds in this AU is the heir to his family's computer company, so lowkey spoiled nepo baby but also on a very tight leash with his parents. Stan is the kid where 90% of his childhood was parents either forgot him or straight up did not give a flying fuck. So these two kinda work as complements and it's why I decided to pair them together after chatting with a friend about the group dynamics.
So yeah, simpy and adoring Ford and silently aware but shy Bill + rebellious Fidds and supportive Stan. All the more when I actually plan for this AU to have some typical gravity falls shenanigans anyway thanks to a place on earth called the Oregon Vortex.
[I'll likely make fics and comics of these AUs, reply to this post if you want to be tagged for whenever I post something]
Yeah I need to properly name these AUs.
GF prompt: Stan protecting his bro from bullies?

I got your back bro bro
OK but an au where Ford is the kids grandfather, and by some weird ass shenanigans they end up under the care of shermie and all that jazz.
Like, imagine how much worse that would be for Stan.
Like, these kids are the grandchildren of the twin brother he thinks has been doomed to an eternity of being lost in the multiverse, and they are quite literally the reflection of him and Ford.
Dipper is a smart boy with so much thirst for knowledge and to find secrets unknown to others, who looks at the world with an ambition unmatched in any kids his age.
Then there's Mable, a loud and kind, happy girl, an imagination so vast that baffles everyone, shining brightly like the sun as it brightens the world with light and warmth.
This two are gonna be a stab in a heart to Stan whenever he even looks at them.
Now I kinda imagine Ford sleeping with someone in college and having a kid, then his kid ends up being adopted by shermie and raised as his, so his grandchildren don't really know Ford is their grandpa.
But damn, imagine Ford coming back and finding out he's a fucking old ass bitch and a grandfather.
Also, the guilt of having a kid he didn't know about all his life, seeing his grandchildren and just realizing that "Oh shit, I wasted so many years of my life on creating that damn portal, that I forgot what having a family is like"
This has to be another level of heartbreak lol.
Also, Bill kinda liking these kids and wanting to use them as a kind of doll to create his own twisted reality where he and ford never break up.
Bill you fumbled hard pls get over it-
Do you guys ever think how little sleep Stan must've got in the thirty years Ford's been gone?
This man has been getting up, every night, for thirty years trying to fix that damned portal, and then had to wake up early in the morning to keep the business of the mystery shack going, the sleep deprivation is real people.
But from another angle, do you think when he accidentally fell asleep at times, he woke up violently ill and guilty? Thinking to himself 'my brother is out there, who knows facing what and here I am, sleeping while he could be fighting for his life.' ?
It's probably not what happened, but I can't help but think even though his meeting with Ford was bitter, he finally slept at peace that night, knowing that at the very least his brother was here, at home, with his family, with him.
God these old men make me sick.
I've seen quite a few fancomics n stuff where it's mentioned Ford's the older twin, but never Stan.
Is Ford canonically the older twin? Cause I've always thought in my mind Stan's older. I mean obviously it doesn't matter it's like a 15 minute difference, but yeah. Is Ford being the "older" brother canon?