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My LGBTQ+ Headcanons for Darkwing Duck (OG & '17)
Comment your headcanons and thanks for reading!

Original Series
Darkwing: Bisexual
Gosalyn: Non-binary & Pansexual
Launchpad: Bisexual
Morgana: Pansexual
Neptunia: Lesbian
Negaduck: Bisexual
Megavolt: Gay
Quackerjack: Pansexual
Bushroot: Demisexual/romantic
Liquidator: Bisexual
Steelbeak: Gay
'17 Series
Darkwing: Trans man, Gay, Non-binary
Gosalyn: Bisexual
Launchpad: Pansexual
Steelbeak: Gay
*That fresh air makes me gay video really influenced my choices for both Steelbeaks*

‘17 Drake Mallard Headcanons

-Drake realized he was trans when first watching Darkwing Duck.
-Does everything to cover is chest due to his insecurity with the scars from top surgery.
-Is insecure about his voice, specifically on how much higher it is than cis men.
-Is socially awkward when it comes to talking to new people.
-Has a bad relationship with his parents.
-Dated Steelbeak back in high school.
-Wore huge braces and glasses throughout middle and high school.
-Was the main designer for the new Darkwing suit.
-Started his acting career working in commercials and being a stunt double.
-Went back to the therapy after the Starling situation.
Ranking Every Boom Studios DW Comic
I finished reading the Boom Studios comics a few days ago and I liked them. Some parts were kind of underwhelming, but it was still enjoyable. I can’t find the Joe Books series and I’m not sure if I should read them or not.
Anyways, here are my rankings and my short explanations:

6. Campaign Carnage
I liked this series but it was the most underwhelming. When I first heard of Suff-rage and her powers, I was super interested but she was underutilized and kind of bland. What should I expect, she’s a one-off villain.
My favorite part was the Darkwarrior Duck callback and Darkwing’s desperation to bring back Morgana. It’s nice to know that they care for each other that much; the show didn’t do a great job displaying that.

5. Dangerous Currency
The crossover was fun and cute, though the story was a bit shaky in some places like the explanation on how Negaduck is the slime/ink, and the ending was meh. I don’t mind that this arc is considered non-canon because there are small mistakes that irk me like Drake not knowing Fenton when he appeared in an episode, and Fenton’s mom not knowing her son isn’t Gizmoduck when she’s worn the suit in the show before. Those things break the immersion for me.

4. Crisis on Infinite Darkwings
This arc was so close to being number 3, but there’s a big reason why that I’ll explain later.
It was a great reference to the famous DC arc and all the other Darkwings were fun to see, especially Quiverwing Duck- his backstory is heartbreaking. I liked that we got more info on Negaduck like his disdain for not being unique and a possible tragic backstory. It was disappointing not knowing more.
The ending was pretty good with bringing back the Tron-splitter and seeing Negaduck’s evil and slightly evil sides(it was funny). The Darkwarrior Duck cameo was also really great. He’s such an underrated character and needs more attention.
And we got more Morgwing development. I may not love them, but they can be cute.

3. F.O.W.L Disposition Arc
FD almost tied with or lost to CID; however, an aspect really changed my opinion.
Morgana finally being characterized as more than a love interest.
Morgana was my second favorite female character-just below Gosalyn-but I still had issues with her. Like, 1. Her magic talent being inconsistent and 2. Only serving as a love interest. She is so interesting and could be an amazing character. It sucked that the creators didn’t give her the time.
Her strong magic power and willingness to sacrifice herself made her out to be a headstrong and powerful sorceress, which is something I wanted to see.
I also really liked that Darkwing’s weakness is showcased here- his ego- and he actually learns how detrimental it is to his work and the world’s safety. And it actually stuck throughout the rest of the series afterwards.

2. The Duck Knight Returns
I loved this arc! It was such a great start to the comics! 😍
First, it tackled a situation the show barely touched- what if DW had to quit crime fighting long term. “Toy Czar Us” kind of tackled this though it was very short. We see how much not being Darkwing does to Drake, he’s depressed and disconnected. His intense ego diminished.
Another thing I love was actually seeing how much Launchpad mattered to Drake. We see him having flashbacks with his close friend and getting upset when something reminds him of their adventures. Drake sometimes even calls Launchpad just to hear his voice. It makes my big Drakepad heart beat even harder, and it’s nice to know that their friendship is not one-sided.
Also, having Megavolt and Darkwing as co-workers was amazing. Peak comedy!
The only thing that’s keeping me from giving this arc a perfect score is Negaduck finding out DW’s secret identity. Mostly how it was handled afterwards. Negaduck finds out his alter ego, even goes to house, yet after that he doesn’t take advantage of that info seriously.

1. Darkwing Annual- Quackerjack’s story
I love love love this story! 😍😍😍
Quackerjack is one of those villains that interests me since we see his origin story like Megavolt’s and Bushroot’s. We get to see more into his mindset and what drove him crazy, such as the discredit he gets for his toy ideas.
Although I’m a Quackervolt shipper, I really like Claire and she was a good way to introduce the less villainous side, and make you feel bad for Quackerjack.
It’s also nice to see Darkwing actually have sympathy for his enemies. I’ve always seen Darkwing and his enemies being kind of the same; they are people who want to be noticed but do it in different ways.
The ending was also amazing yet heartbreaking. We can see Quackerjack contemplating what he has done as he’s walking to Claire’s door. Then we see a red glow and Claire opening the door to a Quackerjack toy. He’s regrets everything he has done and thinks he’s only good enough as a toy. That is so sad and relatable. We’ve always had times when we’ve doubted our worth. This story gives Quackerjack more layers in an enticing story. This gives it a perfect score. It also benefits being a solo comic rather than a series like the others.
10/10 🥳
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it! If you read the comics, I would like to see your rankings. Also, can someone tell me where I can read the Joe Books version incase I want to read it? 😁💕

A reference sheet for Drake Mallard was necessary for the big plans I have to continuously draw him! Would be wonderful to be able to make some for the rest of the Ducktales cast (alongside with some personal headcanons) but had to start with the fave 💜✨ Main Attire, Darkwing Form, and a Date Outfit!
I realized too late that he already had a different beak style in the show, but wanted to give my own take on it by making it tucked on one side.
Also, bonus outfit under the cut (for otp reasons~)

Happy Holidays from Steelbeak and Drake! 🌿🍒

(tw: blood)

FOWL seems to be aiming for an all-female Team Science full of feral scientists and, honestly? I'm here for it
Also, Gandra helps Heron upgrade her new robotic arm, fight me

I can't wait for Steelbeak to join Heron in FOWL's shame corner for getting their ass kicked by a child

Steelbeak, am I right?

I haven't seen the promo nor I plan to, but here's my terribly inaccurate take on tomorrow's ep

And remember to tag your spoilers!! :)

The FOWL gang goes ghost hunting on Saturday nights. Which would be a great team building experience if they weren't throwing each other in front of the first dangerous entity they find.

FOWL in their way to steal the sword from under McDuck's family's noses when they can all be recognized on the spot be like
@margaretnobbs I'm deeply sorry for being this late but... I was your secret santa for the @ducktalessecretsanta2020 all along!!!

I couldn't choose between Fethsteel and Fendra, so I thought the best way was to do both ^^!!
I like to think Steelbeak and Gandra are best friends and like siblings, so both couples do hang out together a lot.
Fethry and Steelbeak probably thought it was a great idea for Fethry to stand on Steelbeak's shoulders to decorate the tree, while Fenton and Gandra realize that they got each other the exact same gift XD
Hope you liked it :D!!!

Redraw frame steel balls



I cannot explain the reason why I shIp this- these bois are just cute together please forgive m e