Stim Toys - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Tim designs speedster proof stim toys for Bart

Bart calls them β€œtimmys stimmies”

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4 years ago
[ID: Colorless Drawing In Three Panels On A Light Brown Old Paper Texture.

[ID: Colorless drawing in three panels on a light brown old paper texture.

First panel is a braided chewable necklace from Stimtastic.

Second is a poorly drawn character wearing it around their neck and looking at it with big pupils. Their mouth is a simple upside down V.

Third drawing is the same character biting the string of the chewable instead of the chewable itself. Their face is derpy and their eyes are crossed outwards. End ID]


Why am I like this

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4 years ago
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order
I Already Posted This To Instagram But I Figured It Might Be Good To Post Here! I Have A Second Order

I already posted this to Instagram but I figured it might be good to post here! I have a second order that's hopefully coming in the mail either today or this Monday that has some softer chews along with other toys, so I might do a text post review of those as well. Overall I'm super happy with my first purchase!

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4 years ago
Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

hey y'all!!! my last spur of the moment review did really well and people seemed to enjoy it, so here's a review of my second order I did from Stimtastic! (I got this stuff only a few days after the last order, it's been a while oops)

Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

This is the order! I also got a reversible sequin bag and another of the brushes, which I gave to some friends. Overall I enjoy the things from this order much more than the first (tho I like both) since I had a better idea of what type of stim toys I liked.

Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

The brush is AMAZING. It's so stimmy!! The texture is phenomenal and it also makes a really satisfying noise when you quickly run your hands over it! It's also very fun to flap with; In my next order I definitely want to get a second one so I can flap with both hands at once with it. The only downside is that it gets dirty quite easily, especially with hair. It can be washed pretty easily though, after all it is a brush!! This thing is definitely a 9.5/10, the half point taken off because of dirtyness.

Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

Wacky tracks! You can get these from other places too, but I still included it in my order on a whim. I'm glad I did! It's one of my favorite stim toys I own by far, mostly because of the noise it makes. I also got lucky and got one in my two favorite colors lol. It started a bit stiff and hard to move, but after a few days of playing with it I no longer needed to use so much force. 10/10, I'll probably get another one in the same colors to make it longer.

Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

Silicone straw! I got this because I have a bad habit of chewing up plastic straws, and hey it helps reduce waste! I like that it came with a brush (not in the pic) and a nice little case! The main downside of the straw is it has a chemical taste to it that hasn't gone away with washing. It's pretty noticable when chewing :/. Still, for only a dollar, it's pretty good! 5/10

Hey Y'all!!! My Last Spur Of The Moment Review Did Really Well And People Seemed To Enjoy It, So Here's

Finally, the soft chewelry bundle! I loved how cheap this bundle is; It's only 12 dollars! The tag is my favorite, since it's so soft and flexible I can chew on it without any fatigue and it's nice to suck on. The dulcimer is very nice for molar chewing, though mine has a slight defect on the underside that gives it a bad texture so I don't use it as much as the tag. The tube is very springy and makes a nice sound, though it's hard to chew on without getting spit all over you due to its shape!! Overall these are very nice chewies for soft chewers like me, 8/10 (the tag is a 10/10 though!)

Overall this purchase was very good! I highly recommend Stimtastic, their items are high quality and very well priced!

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4 years ago

The Slightly Unnerving Carrot Review

The Slightly Unnerving Carrot Review

I got this weird carrot stress toy at Menard's a few days ago for like 2 dollars, and honestly, despite it being a tad bit cursed visually, it's quickly become one of my favorite things to stim with.

The Slightly Unnerving Carrot Review
The Slightly Unnerving Carrot Review
The Slightly Unnerving Carrot Review

The outside of the carrot is a smooth silicone texture, though it is a bit sticky. It doesn't leave any residue on your hands, but it does attract dust and pet hair, so you'll need to wash it pretty regularly. Perhaps the baby powder trick that works with mochi squishies would work on it?

The inside is filled with sand, and the whole thing holds whatever shape you put it into. It takes a bit of skill to get it back to its original shape but it isn't too hard to do. It makes a delightful crunchy sound and feeling that I really enjoy! It is also pretty heavy due to being filled with sand, so if you like weighted toys it's pretty decent for that too.

Despite it being pretty cheaply made, I can't deny how much I like this thing. I just really like crunchy stims,,,,,

Overall I give this a 7/10, taking away some points due to the stickyness.

(p.s. Though the silicone is pretty durable, I wouldn't recommend this for aggressive stimming since I don't know how much it can take! You can find this and the banana version of it in a lot of stores, they're pretty easy to find.)

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4 years ago

Simpl Dimpl Review

Simpl Dimpl Review
Simpl Dimpl Review

This is one of my favorite small stim toys! The Simpl Dimpl is comprised of two silicone dimples in a hard white plastic casing. You can poke and push them back and forth similar to bubble wrap. They make a satisfying pop sound as they do.

The Simpl Dimpl is a smaller version of the very similar Dimpl made by the same company (Fat Brain Toys). Since the Dimpl was originally intended for infants, all the materials in it are easy to clean and safe to put in your mouth. I believe this is also true for the Simpl version, though I wouldn't recommend chewing it since I have seen reviews where the plastic casing can separate if put under repeated stress.

I really like this toy! I'm a big fan of auditory stims and the sound this thing makes is very satisfying. I do have to be careful of using it too much with one hand because it can rub the skin on my fingers raw. Since it's hard to pop the bubbles without making sound, I wouldn't recommend it for settings where you need to be silent.

Another downside is the price. These usually cost around 6-7 us dollars, which is pretty expensive for what it is. It can also be a bit difficult to find all the colors, I got mine from a Learning Express near my house.

Overall I give this an 8/10!

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4 years ago

I'm expecting a package full of new stim toys today.... very excited to review them all

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4 years ago

Ive decided to do stimtober! I normally do inktober, but I decided not to this year because it has always caused burnout. So I think a simple photo challenge of things I like will be nice!

Ive Decided To Do Stimtober! I Normally Do Inktober, But I Decided Not To This Year Because It Has Always
Ive Decided To Do Stimtober! I Normally Do Inktober, But I Decided Not To This Year Because It Has Always

Day 1- Squishy Toy. I got this as part of a mystery package from Therapy Shoppe. I don't really like it tbh, I'm not a fan of foam squishies in general, but it's okay to fiddle with for a few seconds at a time.

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4 years ago
Stimtober Day 2- Soft Toy
Stimtober Day 2- Soft Toy

Stimtober Day 2- Soft Toy

I have many stuffed animals from over the years, but this is the only one I bought specifically for sensory purposes! Eggroll is a Warmies Husky, which means you can heat him up in the microwave! I'm not super find of lavender so the smell can be annoying but I love how long the heat lasts and how he's weighted!

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4 years ago

Stimtober Day 3- Slime

Stimtober Day 3- Slime

I don't have many slime things oop... I have some thinking putty though! I'm not a huge fan of thinking putty because it's too thick for my tastes, but I really like this one because of how it looks! You can't tell I'm the picture but it has kind of an iridescent sheen to it

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4 years ago

1, 5, and 6 please and thank you!!

Β 1. What does your sensory haven look like and what does it include?

I know this is a hypothetical question, but there's actually a very real place that I would consider a sensory haven for me! There's this place in St. Louis, Missouri called the City Museum and it is AMAZING. It's called a museum but it's really more of a 15 story tall jungle gym with lots of cool funky exhibits and activities. Some things I remember liking were a mock cave system, a human sized hamster wheel, a scrap metal jungle gym that was about 100 feet off the ground at many points, the world's largest pencil, and a very large wall panel full of doorknobs. I wouldn't recommend it for people who have lots of auditory sensory issues or are sensitive to bright light, but if you love climbing and swinging and just playing around, it is AWESOME. I really want to go back some day.

5. What kinds of music give you the most sensory input?

Pretty much just ... Any music I like lol. Mostly stuff with a super bouncy/dramatic rhythm. I play percussion, so I have a very deep physical reaction to rhythm even putting sensory stuff aside, so if it has a funky rhythm I'll definitely do some body stims along!

6. What is your best impromptu/unconventional stim toy?

I have so many from over the years... some examples are:

Any drumsticks or mallets. No I do not spin them like most percussionists do, I smack myself in the head, neck, and calves with them

Cats!!! They're soft and make cute noises! And the like to be pet so everyone wins!

My school laptop. Singing about the noise they make when you wack them shits is satisfying to me

Jewelry. this is a p common one but boy did I do it a lot as a kid

Plastic straws at restraunts

I used to take apart mechanical pencils and pens over and over as a kid

So there you go!!! Thank u so much for the ask, I really like answering these!!!

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4 years ago

4, 13, 20 for the stim ask!

4. What is your least favorite scent?

The smell of chinese food really bothers me for some reason, I don't know why. There's some common spice in it that messes with me I guess.

13. If you could invent a stim toy, what would it be?

I'd love to figure out how to make a dough out if cornstarch that doesn't get dried out easily and doesn't leave so much residue. Cornstarch dough has an amazing texture but it's too messy to stim with regularly sadly.

20. What would be in your dream sensory space?

Remember those climbing ropes with knots in them a lot of school/private gyms have? I would love to have one of those over a soft surface so I could jump off of it. When I used to do gymnastics we had one that went up three whole stories and you could jump off on the top into a foam out and be completely fine.

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4 years ago

Stimtober Day 4- Chewable

Stimtober Day 4- Chewable

I own a lot of chewables, but one of my favorite is this cactus from stimtastic!

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4 years ago

Stimtober Day 5- Go-To Meltdown Toy

Stimtober Day 5- Go-To Meltdown Toy

So I don't actually have true meltdowns, or at least I haven't since I was very very young, so this isn't exactly true to the prompt but it's similar! I do get very bad anxiety attacks often and sometimes panic attacks due to being overwhelmed and also due to some triggers, and these two toys have proven to be the most helpful during those. I like the stimtastic braid when I'm anxious because I can bite down on it much harder than I normally would, and can also bend it in my hands which requires some strength, which is helpful to curb harmful urges I get. I also surprisingly like this cheap little emoji stress ball, despite it being a crappy foam one. It is surprisingly hard to squish, so it's good when I need to put a lot of force into stimming.

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4 years ago
My @stimtastic Is Flaking It Had A Small Texture Flaw When I First Got It In The Same Place And I Think

My @stimtastic is flaking 😭😭 It had a small texture flaw when I first got it in the same place and I think that's what caused to to start ripping like this. Now whenever I chew it tiny silicone shreds end up in my throat πŸ˜”πŸ˜” I'll have to buy another one at some point; I have the cactus chew as well to get that nice back of the mouth chewing with but I like how subtle the dulcimer is.

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