Stranger Things Ships - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Okay I know I'm in Byler tumblr, but, secretly, I actually want everyone in the love triangles to be single.

Like give me SingEl, Will-i-am By-myself, and One-Wheeler. Give me Independ-nance, Jon his own, and Still Searchington.

I wanna see it. I wanna see the growth. I wanna see the self love. I wanna see the girl-bossery. The Badass-ery. Give it to me.

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2 years ago

The real difference between milkvans and bylers:

Milkvans: "I love mike! (affectionate)"

Bylers: "I hate mike, he's an ignorant piece of shit (affectionate)"

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2 years ago

The duffers are really wrong for making lumax and elmax the healthiest romantic relationships on the show😞😪two power couples but we can't have them both😂😭

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2 years ago

I tried to do more🤣

Lucas Sinclar and Will Byers = Lil Sinners

Mike wheeler and Will Byers= Milk Beer

Robin and Vickie = Vibin'

Chrissy and Eddie = Chridward (chreddie) Cunson

I actually love coming up with fake ship names like...

Nancy Wheeler + Steve Harrington's ship name becomes Nasty HairWheel

Lucas and Max's changes to Mucas Sinfield

Nancy and Robin's = The Rancid Buckler?? Any objections?

Dustin and Suzie's = Sustin Bingerson??

Jonathan and Nancy = Nonathan Weeby?

Mike and Eleven = McLovin' Whopper?!

Joyce and Hopper = Jimoist Bi-hop?!

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2 years ago

The fruity four definitely watched Rocky Horror Picture Show together and Steve was an absolute bisexual mess because of Frank n Furter. It’s cannon cause I said so.

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5 months ago

your top 5 favourite st friendships?

currently canon?

lumax, jancy, duzie, jopper.... well.

not canon?

byler, ronance, rovickie, elumax, elmax

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1 year ago

If thats the case, then they are also sexualizing Mike and El if they want them together!! Like if I be honest, Mike and Will getting together doesn't mean that they will make out (and I don't want them to do that since they are minors) , they are around 16-15 and can be in relationship without making out with each other. Not forgetting to mention that El and Mike did make out with each other in season 3 (where they were around 13-14) so are people gonna forget about it??

I do agree that in kids shows, characters shouldn't be with each other in romantic way (doesn't matter what their sexuality and gender is) but this is not even a kids show bro.

And by saying I'm not justifying that they should make out, I'm around these characters age and I wouldn't feel comfortable if something like that happens. All I'm trying to say is that they can date each other without being sexual

It genuinely confused me when people say we're "sexualizing little boys" when we talk about how we want Byler to be canon. Not only do these people not know the definition of "sexualizing", but they also don't even care to realize that most of the people invested in this ship, including myself, are their age. They say things like "Stop obsessing over a kids relationship, it's weird" when most Bylers are teens. It's incredibly rare to find dedicated Byler fans that are full blown adults. The majority of the people I meet are like, 13-17 years old. Not just that but the fact that these "little boys" are literally 15?? If you wanna get technical, Mike would only turn 15 in about a week from where we left the plot in s4, so take that point if you want but it basically means nothing. Now to the point of the "sexualizing" idea. You can still sexualize something no matter your age, but as far as i'm aware, wanting to see a loving relationship between two people who fit perfectly isn't sexualizing. The only thing I want is for them to realize they like each other, and MAYBE if we're lucky we get a kiss for extra reassurance. It's literally no different to when the other couples kiss, so leave us alone?? Anyway, I just wanted to rant about this VERY common "deflection" in Mileven vs Byler conversations. Have a good Morning, Afternoon, or Night people. Bye!!🌈

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1 year ago

DTIYS by @imactuallyreallycool

Finally got some actual time to draw haha. I'm still trying to find an art style, so I know mines looks crappy (no need to tell me that 😔)

I really hate colouring >:(

DTIYS By @imactuallyreallycool
DTIYS By @imactuallyreallycool

Will : wow this fishes looks so cool, did you see that one Mike!! Soo beautiful 😍

Mike (focused on Will) : Ya. Soo beautiful ❤️

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1 year ago

Please check this out!

Well I see ur last answers on Byler and Mileven post and I would like to add my perspective on both of these ships realistically (because I like to poke my nose into others businesses /jk)

Well honestly speaking I love Byler, but here I'll try to be as unbiased as possible. Realistically speaking, both ships have their own pros and cons. Mileven did looked cute around 1-2 seasons (if we see it from general audience perspective) and while Byler (for me atleast) looked so much cute and healthy in season 2.

But look let's forget the fact that Mike can't say ily to El for a moment. Their ship still won't make sense, because Mike (when he asked El out) was around 11-12 yrs (as much as I remember). He cared and loved El but not romantically. He showed a genuine care for her because he suddenly founded her in woods (plus he thought she might know about Will). At this time I don't think he had crush on her. El was the first girl who had talked to him without being mean, so that is also the reason for him to act more soft towards her. But since it was first time for Mike to talk to a girl, so the other people around him (like - Lucas and Nancy) thought that he liked her. And Lucas was the one who was pushing this idea that Mike might be in love with her, and after sometime Nancy also confronted him about this. And since surrounding does affects you and it was his first time being friends with a girl, he later thought yes that might be the case. And El didn't even knew what a friend was, so how do we expect her to know the meaning of love is? In conclusion I think that both El and Mike likes this idea of being in love and they do love each other but as I said not romantically. They both don't act like themselves around each other and in last season they both lied to eachother. Both of them need to explore themselves and what they like and then should be in a relationship with someone they like.

While for Byler, I do believe it is much better than Mileven but again Mike still needs to find what he really feels and think. And as for Will, he does know that the kind of love that want is "not normal" in the sense of 90s. He do love Mike in a romantic way but he still tried to fix Mike's and El's relationship, because he cares for both of them. I'm not a Mike hater but him in season 3 and 4 just gives me mixed feelings. Mike outted Will and he during the time when he was supposed to find his "girlfriend", he started talking about how Will didn't talked to him the whole day. Which is actually kinda umm, weird? Like bro u are supposed to find ur girlfriend, so don't change the topic lol.

I'm still looking out for Mike's character development in season 5 because he has so much potential and he is more than "El's boyfriend".

I to be honest wouldn't mind if Byler doesn't becomes canon (actually I will but that's not the point here 🥲) but if Mileven becomes endgame then tbh it would be a kind of a fanservice. Like let's take bylers a side, the large number of audience are general audience and other are Milevens. Most of the general audience are homophobic and they go with basics . Not forget to mention that people still say in this date that "wait people ship Mike and Will??" El is a character who needs to be independent, her story doesn't revolve around finding a boyfriend but it's revolve around finding herself and learning the normal world. Mike is just boiled down to being El's boyfriend but he is more than that, so many people find him relatable and it's not a bad writting if something like this happens. If see from Will's perspective, then his story doesn't fully revolve around finding a partner but it still plays a important role in his character (since he thinks that he can't be loved by someone how he wants). I'm such huge fan of Will and I want what he feels is good for him, I just want to see him happy. I still hope that he comes out to Mike and Mike to comfort him, them having a heart to heart while comforting each other.

Mileven as a ship held a big potential in past but it wasn't taken serious as it should've been. Same goes for Byler, it have potential to be a good friends to lover story and duffers are giving us bit of hints but we will only what is gonna happen to them in season 5.

At the end I want all my three babies to have a happy ending which they deserve (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

I'm gonna be honest with u right now, this is one of the best explained views on a byler pov I've seen!! It was really nice and you've got a point!! i love nice byler fans with all my heart i swear❤️❤️

The first thing i want to say is the fact that we all are getting so mad sometimes about these ships probably bc no one wants to be in a situation where we get to know that we believed in some delusions for years 😭😭

I personally see mike with el, I don't know if things are gonna work out for them but i hope so, yet the most important thing for me is a happy ending for my fav character- Mike, and if you're the one who has right, if byler actually's gonna be endgame, as long as mike is actually happy i think I'll be happy too (well i really hope so but i want mileven to be endgame please lord😭😭😭)

But even skipping the part about who does mike actually love in a romantic way, can i ask u something? Can you really see it, how mike and el break up and then immediately mike goes to his best friend and his ex gf brother and they become a couple? I know that you would really like that to happen but the question is do u really see it happen?😭 Because i just can't I'm so sorry i don't know how it is supposed to happen, we actually don't have much time it's the last season 😭

And I have another question like this is kinda personal but I need to know, do u have something like this sometimes, that you're starting to stress- ,,what if my fav ship actually won't be endgame? what if I'm being delusional?" Don't get me wrong I'm asking these questions to myself all the time because i have to be honest with u it's stressing me out that there's so many byler shippers like it have to mean something right?😭😭😭

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1 year ago

I'm the byler shipper thag and I do believe that he will drop eleven for wills bowl cut havin ass

I'm The Byler Shipper Thag And I Do Believe That He Will Drop Eleven For Wills Bowl Cut Havin Ass
Reblog If Youre A Byler Shipper Thag Actually Believe That Byler Is Canon And Actually Believe Mike Will

reblog if you’re a byler shipper thag actually believe that byler is canon and actually believe mike will drop eleven for wills bowl cut havin ass

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1 year ago

Louder for people in the back 🗣️

"mike and will are like brothers uwu" you have never had a brother before. and if you have? you probably need therapy if that's what you think it's like.

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1 year ago

I'm losing my mind rn!!!!!

Where is my bbg Will!?!?!!?!?!??!!!!?? Fhcdgcxdgnincddxbjhsacbbvvhbvff

I'm Losing My Mind Rn!!!!!

Stop gatekeeping him Duffers!!!!!!! (And yes that is my oc)

I'm Losing My Mind Rn!!!!!

(omg they are soo cute 😞❤️)

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1 year ago

Tbh if one of them was girl (let's go with Will being a girl) then Duffers would've written their love triangle differently. Ofc it doesn't make sense in current story which is going on but who knows how Duffers might have handled it if one of them was girl. One thing that sure would've happened is chaos and drama between the characters as you mentioned lol

“Straight Byler” would not even make sense in the context of the current Stranger Things canon. Like, the logistics of Byler’s story only works and makes sense because Will is a boy and not a girl. Do you remember how jealous El got when she saw Mike with Max in the gym in s2? Like, pushed Max off of her skateboard kind of mad? And there was literally nothing going on between Mike and Max? Lol. Now imagine El goes missing for a year but she still watches/spies on Mike and sees that he has grown incredibly close to his girl best friend and protective over his girl best friend, never leaving his girl best friend’s side and always making her his top priority. She would’ve been pissed at Mike when she got back, it would’ve been a whole drama etc. like just another messy teenage love triangle that we’ve seen a million times before. Byler has been able to slowly build up behind the scenes the whole time that Milkvan has been together BECAUSE Will is a boy so nobody has thought anything of it. Like, whether we want to admit it or not, Mike spending all that time with Will in California, flirting with him and doing the whole “cool, cool” thing, he’s been emotionally cheating on El with Will lmao (which I have no issue at all with bc I’m just here for drama). And like if Will were a girl, everyone would catch onto that and we’d probably have Argyle questioning/teasing Mike about it and like same thing with Lucas in season 3. Had Mike forgone the decision to go reconcile with his girlfriend bc he cared more about going to his girl best friend’s house to apologize, then Lucas would’ve been all on his case like, “Are you sure you’re even in love with El?” like there is no straight Byler bc straight Byler makes no fucking sense lmao there’s no way the story could go the way it’s been written currently and Byler be straight. Honestly Mike and Will’s relationship has been romantic asf the entire time and ONLY because they’re both boys have none of the other characters been able to catch on. The sheer determination Mike had to find Will back in s1 and the fact that he stayed by his side, slept next to his bed, watched him like a hawk in s2 was all incredibly romantic, as was him prioritizing his friendship with Will over his relationship with El in s3 and every fucking thing that happened between them in s4. If Will were a girl then all of the characters would be like “🧐🧐🧐” about Byler, but bc Byler are both boys, we’ve been able to watch this beautiful love story build up gradually and slowly without any of the other characters noticing.

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1 year ago

*Eddie showing Steve anything ever*

"Nononono, wait, this is the best part! Shhh- no SHUT UP- this is the best part- waitwaitwait just wait for it....YOU MISSED IT JESUS CHRIST"

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3 years ago

Me and my bsf when we talk about Byler:

Me: Hey you did you know Byler is like a real thing

Her: Yeah...? Most people ship it?

Me: Yeah no but we've seen them kiss and stuff

Her: Wtf? No?!

Me: Uh yeah

Her: No, bruh where are you getting your info from?!

Me: Dude...

Her: What??

Me: Jonathan's a Byers, and Nancy's a Wheeler...

Her: *Hits me with a pillow* You idiot, Byler is Mike and Will?!?!


Her: ...

Me: ...

Her: F*ck you

Me: Hehehehehehe

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