String - Tumblr Posts

I really like the idea of hanging lanterns. You might not be able to see it in the picture, but there’s tripwire string attached to the light sensors. At night they light up and it looks spiffy~!
Fiber arts is just Math in sheep's clothing

Sunday. I finally gave loulla (my ukelele) her fix in the neck. And yes I have an exam tomorrow
![WATCH:Ingenious Hack For Sketching With Two Point Perspective Using An Elastic String[video]](
![WATCH:Ingenious Hack For Sketching With Two Point Perspective Using An Elastic String[video]](
WATCH: Ingenious Hack for Sketching with Two Point Perspective Using an Elastic String [video]
Pièce pour différentes formations, publiée par Louvre Musique. Peut se jouer : *Harpe seule (ou Piano seul) *Un instrument mélodique (Violon, Flûte, Hautbois, Clarinette, Saxophone...) accompagné par une Harpe, ou un Piano (Contrebasse ad libitum), ou par un orchestre à cordes *Orchestre à cordes.
Piece for several possible combinations, published by Louvre Musique. May be performed by : *solo Harp (or solo Piano) *one melodic instrument (Violin, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone...) accompanied by a Harp, or a Piano (Double bass ad libitum), or by a string orchestra *String orchestra.
Concert Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart à Fontainebleau 07-10-2018.
"Qui sedes" extr. du Gloria de Vivaldi.
Katryn Werner, mezzo-soprano.
Orchestre New Symphony dirigé par Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton.
Violons : François Goïc, Christine Roman, François Leroux, Petru Guset, Kazimierz Raczynski, Anna Schott, Luc Balestro, Yolande Aubert
Altos : Alain Mames, Kyoko Yamada
Violoncelles : Ariane Louÿs, Olivier Aulnette
Contrebasse : Martine Vaffier
Orgue : Svetlana Samsonova.
What others notice about you ,that you are unaware of ?
#Dark reading
can be triggering,as we are talking about the subconscious thoughts of others
Your energy and how you come across, energy field is very interesting so i decided to make one with this theme.
General tarot *in depth *reading.
Let me know if it resonates (:
Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners
Smile . Thunder. String.

Pile Smile :1010
3 of pentacles (r),Six of swords , judgement, justice(r),2of swords (r).
>Spirit animal -cheetah
People feel like you are meant to make things happen you could be seen as a good team worker who have resources they notice how others wants to be associated with you this pile has this energy :i may be silent but do not mess: people are cautious about you they feel like they need to keep an eye like you may be silent but you can expose their secrets i feel like you may look a little bit dull or have prominent eyes and long thick hairs ? People also feel like you are highly educated and respected so it will be hard to spread rumors abt you as they may seem stupid after they try to do so because you have people defending you like they do not believe anything about you easily
They feel like you are the type of person who works alone or is kind of aloof from others they dont feel like you want to interact with them and it makes them a little bit curious and sad i feel like people dont know you but they have heard of you like personally you wouldn't open up easily people could see you a little bit sad too like it fucks their mind , people see that you can switch up on them .
I cant help but notice how others see so much possibilities but they are unable to pick one they feel like you have different characters and you only stay with people who are closed of ?patient or introverted like you ? People are kind of insecure around you its like they are not confident enough to approach to make a talk so they project onto you ,you may have mars in ascendant,or jupiter square moon that makes your energy and your achievements hidden from the outside world , people want to be in your good books ?
People also feel like you can humble them , hurt them if they say anything wrong that might dissapoint you its like they want your validation you might be the type of person who's kind of a mystery and you shine when its time to show your abilities like the only intern who can make the deal happen even though you dont have much experience.... but its your skills that you play with ,we didnt get the magician here ,energy is quite leaning towards it. You have that clarity and directions to guide others and one wrong step ;could get you angry ? People feel like maybe you ignore others lmao....You may study or analyse others ? Hmm like you know their business yet they are unaware of yours so it makes them to think you may be involved but keep it hidden from others ;that you know what they talk about,what damagies they did to others?they feel like you can expose them lol others are very quick to draw judgements but its all surface level here .
My take:I remember that anime( classroom assasination) that blue haired guy yeah exactly that character if i associate you with one .
Chanelled song:
Pile Thunder:222
Wheel of fortune , knight of cups (r),the world ,king of cups ,2 of cups
Spirit animal:Kangaroo
People think you are sweet and helpful they think you may get hurt easily or you wear your heart on your sleeves ,its like you cant hide what you feel whether you are annoyed whether you feel joyful .Your energy is very peaceful even though i can see you might have hard time to make a decision ,others see you as "lucky" and "cute" they might be a little envious abt it tho,dont overshare anything about yourself.
People see as clumsy ,you'll be the first to lend your shoulders to someone without expecting anything in return-they feel like you are connected to your inner child ,they also feel like you are a chatter box lol ,you are still learning and growing so theres this energy like people want to protect you and they want to make your day better ,they can see others expect a lot from you, i dont know if you are social worker or not but older people feel very drawn to your energy they feel like you can understand them that you look out for them? and that is magic for me personally .....because its hard to match other generation energy and on top of that they feel like you understand them ,they feel like you know how to enjoy life and have fun,if someone betrays you karma comes and bite their ass *its legit what i heard*people see that you a courageous and fearless
I feel like they think you have a good balance of your emotions and you take accountability about it as well people feel like you are the justice type of a person who could do no wrong neither can afford seeing someone in that state , people feel protected in your presence like you can cut a bitch in half if they mess with you ,they also feel like you are anxious or indecisve at times like you need support oh my goodness pile 2. People naturally love you ,you dont have to work hard for their love its good that you know your worth. You may also teach ?you may be open-minded towards others .you look young? Its giving me young blood vibes here
People see you as someone who works hard , someone with a different sense of fashion and interest they feel like you have a dad humour they feel like you can be happy with yourself and that you dont need others ,you are giving and a hard to read kind of person they dont know what step will you take next yet they trust you they feel kind of annoyed when you keep things to yourself *thats so sweet*
Hmm the darkside of this pile could be obsession if i'm being honest tbh if others wants to keep you to themselves then they may get aggresive ,attached , demand yoir time or over protective in that case just cut em off you have inner strength and you can do it, just cut off weirdos and dont trust others easily wait until they prove themselves.
My take: this was light-hearted and sweet af i was getting simp energy as well ,very appreciative comments like people are protective over you just know it ××
If i had to associate you with a character its tinker bell -looks fragile is street smart .
Song i channelled:
Pile String:5458
Ace of wands (r),Nine of wands ,page of pentacles,the empress,5 of wands
Spirit animal-Leopard
The empress speaks for itself -
Oh the big di*k energy look pile #3 no one's fucking with you lets be honest here people notice you and you know it very well ,others can feel your presence,they might stare at you a lot because everyone wants to be in the trend like they wanna know what others are looking at, its like you keep others on the edge.
I juat see you minding your own business but you can be nasty if others wrong you , people notice how you are not afraid to stand up for yourself and correct back ,fire rules your energy , people can see you are action oriented you aren't afraid to step up your game or even leave others behind who's not doing their job properly,you may be the type of person who calls out "nonsense " you dont care whether its a person in power you just know one thing and thats equality ,i feel like people see you as a leader you might feel like people are dependent on you or others choose you mostly for project & stuff its because they know you'll get it done
People feel like you are devils advocate it might be risky to get closer to you but the risk is worth it TBH i see people in background for this pile your energy is loud and up in the face so thats intimidating others prefer to keep their distance theres a lot of envy pile 3 i dont care what you think but you are known if you are aware or not ,you have a lot of people who wants to get closer to you ,they think you know it from the amount of attention you get even if you are an introvert its just the energy which is overwhelming and excitement kind of .
I was getting ring vibe a little bit sassy ,likes to do things for yourself,go out to restaurants alone uff.... idk why others feel like you can start a fight or jump in one 😭☠️they feel like you have principles which you stick by ;you may be a sports person I'm getting recrds !!! Others see you as someone who expresses what they feel either verbally or with expressions like they know this person is annoyed or chill depending on their mood ,feel like people might sugarcoat when they talk to you because they dont want to upset you ?! Weird...
People feel like you have got it all and you are extremely giving to your lovers? you are a great partner who values individuality,you can put your ego aside and apologise you are a sincere person who's willing to make things right i feel like your love language may be physical touch or gift giving, people feel abundant in your energy like a good buddy who they can confide in , have awkward moments together , Others feel like its better when they get to know you as the illusions of projection shatters ,you are someone who's peaceful within yourself and others wish to be like you ,you might travel a lot ?
My take: oh what an energy i feel energized
You might have chiron in 1st house,leo venus ,sun square pluto , Taurus mars,north.node trine saturn ,cancer moon ?! I dont feel like its a chaotic energy at all ,you might talk or type fast that was random lolz .
If i had to associate you with a character it will be that red guy from cars .
Thanks for reading!! Have a good day .
#read more

Mixed Media March. String.

Oh yeah! I found this sticker of String Emil .... and I felt in Love with his Homepage ...